Sericulture: Management and Practices of Mulberry Silkworm: March 2022
Sericulture: Management and Practices of Mulberry Silkworm: March 2022
Sericulture: Management and Practices of Mulberry Silkworm: March 2022
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Submitted: 01-03-2022 Accepted: 13-03-2022
ABSTRACT: Silk is called as the queen of all often outlined because the culture of the mulberry
fabric materials over thousands of years. It's become plant. Mulberry plant is a vital plant that may be
associate in Nursing in divisible a part of Indian helpful in some ways. It's wide used as feed for the
culture and tradition. Silk fiber in Asian country is mulberry silkworm, fuel, creating baskets, getting
usually thought-about to be as additional ancient and ready jam and jelly from its fruits. In Asian nation
wont to wear in special occasions and events. There we have a tendency to manufacture every type of
are variety of alternative beliefs and mythological silk. Sericulture has become one among the foremost
thoughts that are thought-about to be connected to necessary bungalow industries in a variety of states
silk fiber, therefore, the silk non inheritable the place like China, Japan, India, Korea, Brazil, Russia,
of queen of fiber. European nation and France. Today, China and
Asian nation square measure the 2 main producers,
I. INTRODUCTION along producing over hour of the planet production.
In India, it's a rural primarily based agro Production of raw silk in Asian nation was twenty
business providing employment to rural population, three,060 MT (matric ton) in 2011-12, of which,
though sericulture is taken into account to be a mulberry raw silk output mass to eighteen,272 MT
subsidiary occupation and technical innovation (79.24%). The remaining four,788 MT (20.76%)
created it doable to get a lot of employment. it's the was tasarsilk. Mulberry sericulture is principally
foremost labor intensive section for the economy practiced in 5 states specifically, Karnataka,
that provides keep to an oversized section of province, state, Tamilnadu and Jammu & Jammu
population. Sericulture or silk farming is that the and Kashmir together account for regarding ninety
rearing of silkworm for production of raw silk. seven of the entire mulberry silk production within
Though there square measure many industrial the country. Asian nation is that the largest client of
species of silkworms, Bombyxmoris, the foremost raw silk within the world.
wide used and intensively studied. Silkworm larvae
square measure fed mulberry leaves and when the Area with mulberry in India
molt, climb a twig placed close to them and spin Mulberry foliage is that the solely food for
their smooth cocoons. This method is achieved by the silkworm (Bombyx mori) and is grownup
the worm through a dense fluid secreted from its beneath varied atmospheric condition starting from
structural glands, ensuing fiber of cocoon. The silk temperate to tropical. Mulberry leaf may be a major
could be a continuous-filament fiber consisting of economic part in sericulture since the standard and
fibroin macromolecule, secreted from 2 secretion amount of leaf created per unit space have an
glands within the head of fauna and a gum known as immediate pertaining to cocoon harvest. In India,
sericin, that cements the 2 filaments along. The most states have preoccupied sericulture as a very
sericin is removed by inserting the cocoons in important agro-based business in numerous places of
predicament, that frees the silk filaments and readies Bharat with wonderful results. In India, there square
them for reeling. This can be referred to as the measure several species of magnoliopsid genus, of
degumming method. The immersion in predicament that Morusalba, M. indica. M. serrata and M.
additionally kills the silkworm pupae. Single laevigata grow wild inthe chain of mountains. many
filaments square measure combined to make thread. different varieties are introduced that square measure
This thread is drawn below tension through many M. multicaulis, M. nigra, M. sinensis and M.
guides and spherical into reels. The threads could philippinensis. Most of the Indian types of mulberry
also be plied along to make yarn. Moriculture are belong to M. indica.
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 35
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
Moisture 65-78 %
Protein 19-25 %
Minerals 10-15 %
Sugars 10-15 %
five x forty five cm and in exhausting shallow soils by 1) leaf selecting, 2) branch cutting / shoot
60x60x60 cm pits area unit to be ready. for every pit, harvest. Leaf harvest in time is extremely essential
five kilogram (one iron pan) of FYM or compost as mature leaf contain low nutrient price & silk
should be applied. worms fed upon them become malady inclined
Planting: harvest.
Saplings of 5 months past with five to 6 Leaf Picking: In India principally leaf selecting is
roots area unit appropriate for planting during the practiced. However, this is often a lot of labor
regular onset of the monsoon. The saplings ought to intensive. Presently this methodology is being
be supported with a continue guarantee straight followed by most of the farmers. In an exceedingly
growth. year 5-6 harvests are potential. Initial leaf harvest
Maintenance: takes place when (10) weeks of bottom pruning.
Once one month, all the buds except the
highest 5 to 6 ought to be removed carefully while Types of silkworm rearing in India
not damaging the bark. Weeds round the plant ought Silk worm rearing is started with
to be removed and regular pot watering given. Once production of egg that's additionally called the
3 months of plantings second weeding ought to be grainage then followed by the Chawki rearing and
done and 25g of suphate/plant ought to be applied in late age rearing. Silk that's created in Republic of
an exceedingly trench and will be coated with soil. A India is principally of four varieties as follows-
second dose of plant food (25 g urea/plant) ought to a) Mulberry:
be applied before halt of the monsoon. Plants should Bombyx mori is reared on the mulberry,
be shielded from grazing. considering the economical conditions, such as
:rainfall and therefore the nature of soil, completely
Mulberry cultivation and practices different systems of plantations for raising mulberry
Mulberry is cultivated in an exceedingly ar practiced in Republic of India. The silkworm
big selection of soil. Favorable soils for mulberry Bombyx mori are reared throughout the year. the
growth are sandy dirt, dirt and clayey dirt. The whole lifetime of this silkworm is fifty days, out of
mulberry is even full-grown on slopes of those egg stage is ten days, larval stage is 25-30 days
mountainous areas, that don't seem to be vulnerable and therefore the insect stage is ten days. At the top
to water work. Just in case of slightly sloppy lands, of the larval length, the silkworm emits silk from its
correct drain should be provided. In irrigated land mouth and constructs a cocoon on a system. the
the suggested organic manure like oxen dung typical annual yield of cocoons in Republic of India
compost @20 tones per hector or @ ten tones per is as low as one hundred fifty kilo below rain fed
square measure in rain fed conditions should be conditions, and below irrigated conditions it's
applied and mixed with soil by plowing 2-3 times. regarding four hundred kilo.
b) Eri silk worm:
Inter Cultivation: This silk created by Philosamiaricini is
To eliminate the weeds and to loosen the named eri silk worm. it's principally fully grown in
soil permanently aeration, around mulberry plant, state ineastern components of Republic of India. The
lightweight hoeing ought to be done 2 months when food plants of this silkworm is castor (Ricinus
plantation. communis) the choice food plants are Heteropanax
Pruning: fragans, Manihotutilissima, Earica papaya, flowering
Pruning of mulberry trees ought to be done tree sp., Plumeriaacutifolia. This silkworm is multi
when one year of plantation. By pruning the voltine and is reared inside. The worms molt
mulberry branches, leaf yield is raised and fourfold throughout its larval amount of 30-32 days.
production of leaf is synchronic with silkworm It's typically hardy and not liable to malady.
rearing schedules throughout the seasons. Care c) Tasar:
ought to be taken throughout pruning; bark mustn't For the extraction of tasar silk 3 species of
get in the altogether off since cut wounds don't heal, Anthereaare used in republic of India. They are
that leads infections and diseases. Anthereamylitta, A. perniyi and A. royeli. This
silkworm is reared on trees of Terminaliatomentosa,
Leaf Harvesting: Terminaliaarjuna. Tasar silkworms ar reared wild in
In conjunction with leaf production, leaf nature. They are usually inexperienced in color.
utilization is additionally necessary. Leaf harvest d) Muga:
depends upon sort of rearing apply. Leaf harvested
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 37
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 38
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 39
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
Rearing shed: that contain sugar, less quantity of fiber, starch but,
Rearing shed should be made with high wetness and super molecule that area unit
East/West direction, ideally with the thatched appropriate for chawki worms. Harvested leaf ought
roofing, mud walls or any roofing should not to be transported in wet bagging luggage or baskets
replicate heat on the biological body growth of created of bamboo. Such leaf ought to be preserved
silkworm. Keeping smart range of windows, correct in an exceedingly separate area or in an exceedingly
ventilation, light, mistreatment country tiles for corner of rearing area or in specially designed leaf
roofing can serve the aim of maintaining needed preservation chamber created of wood with decent
atmospheric conditions within the rearing house range of ventilators. Leaf requirement:
with reduced price. Silkworm attains nearly 10,000 times of weight
Leaf quality: ranging from hatching to spinning stage, therefore,
Leaf quality plays a crucial role within the feeding quality leaf plays a crucial role within the
production of quality cocoons. The young age development of silkworm
worms area unit fed with tender, succulent leaves
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 40
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
Stage of
silkworm No.of trays required for 100 DFL‟s Space required
(Diameter of tray 3 ½‟) (Bi and Multi x Bi hybrids)
arthropod thrice i.e when molt, before next molt and Feeding:
once within the middle. Throughout fourth and fifth It is estimated that 50% of the total weight will be
stage once in an exceedingly day just in case of increased in the 5th instar itself. The feeding
shelf rearing. schedule is: -
S.No. 1st feeding 2nd feeding 3rd feeding 4th feeding 5th feeding
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 42
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/7781-07023546 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 43
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 35-46 ISSN: 2456-4494
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