Stantec Sustainability Report 2022
Stantec Sustainability Report 2022
Stantec Sustainability Report 2022
Every Action. Every Decision.
Table of Contents
Report Highlights 4 Who We Are 9 Powerful Women Leaders 16 Partnering with the UN Taking Climate Action 29
CEO Message 5 Where We Are 11 Sustainability: Core to Our Strategy 17 to Protect Ecosystems 23 SDG Commitment 30
Board Sustainability Committee Message 6 What We Do 12 Sustainability Governance 19 Materiality Refresh 24 SDG Action 31
About This Report 7 Why We Act 13 Sustainability Performance Accountability 21 Our Value Chain 25 SDG Progress 32
How We Evolve 14 Identified Topics 26
Prioritized Topics 27
Progressing Net Zero 41 The Art of Inclusion 46 Pursuing Dignity for the Departed 56 Appendix A. Data Workbook
Environmental Protection 42 Workforce Management 47 Corporate Governance 57 Appendix B. GRI Content Index
Emissions Management 43 Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity 48 Ethics and Compliance 59 Appendix C. SASB Standards Index
Resource Conservation 44 Health, Safety, and Security 51 Cybersecurity and Privacy 60 Appendix D. TCFD Cross-References
Innovation 52 Project Delivery 61 Appendix E. List of Acronyms
Indigenous Relations 53 Procurement 62 Appendix F. C
autionary Note Regarding
Community Engagement 54 Integrated Management System 63 Forward-Looking Statements
Risk Management 64
Human Rights 65
Report Highlights
CEO Message
When I envision the world I want to live in, I see inclusive communities that Fulfilling Our Commitments Evolving Our Programs
are safe, equitable, and environmentally sound—a world with restored In 2022, we delivered on our promise To continue the evolution of
ecosystems and climate-resilient neighborhoods thriving in a zero-carbon, to achieve operational carbon our sustainability programs, we
circular economy. Achieving and maintaining this vision requires creativity, neutrality, a key step in our phased conducted a materiality refresh
intelligence, innovation, and empathy. Sustainability means planning for process to achieve operational, that expanded our focus on
the long term and acting now. science-based net zero. We met the environmental, social, and governance
terms of our sustainability-linked loan (ESG) concerns to our entire value
Taking Action This year, to accelerate our and are the first company in Canada chain. While we continue to manage
At Stantec, sustainability is a priority, contributions, we established a to direct the interest savings earned our operational impacts, we are also
Gord Johnston considered in every aspect of Climate Solutions Leadership team, into communities to further climate amplifying the ESG connection to our
President and CEO, Stantec Stantec’s operations and directly tied appointed an SDG Impact Leader, action and social equity. project work and supply chain.
to our Strategic Plan. supported our Institute for Water
Technology & Policy, and invested Enriching Communities Our efforts to foster genuine
We follow the principles of the UN in climate-related innovations. This year, we contributed to social acceptance and inclusivity at
Global Compact, directly support the justice around the world by helping Stantec, combined with our
UN Sustainable Development Goals Stantec continues to leverage the investigate the troubled history of achievements in sustainable
(SDGs), and deliver climate solutions. strengths of our strategic growth desecrated Black cemeteries, signed project work and operations, and
initiatives—coastal resilience, Workplace Pride’s Declaration of grounded in our focus on reducing
Our projects help communities ecosystem restoration, smart cities Amsterdam (a public commitment emissions to fight climate change,
around the world adapt to and and urban places, and the energy to foster a safe, inclusive corporate help grow the employee enthusiasm
prepare for extreme weather, drought, transition—as we lay the groundwork culture), and retained our position and optimism that’s so vital to our
and demographic change, while for our next strategic planning cycle. as a recognized top employer and success. It’s a positive feedback loop
providing social value. Our acquisition partner for Indigenous peoples. that unites us, drives us, and helps us
strategy directs us to acquire We also donated more than $5.2 create sustainable communities.
companies that support these goals million to organizations that support
and have the talent to achieve them. sustainability around the globe.
Stantec’s ongoing drive to operate in a sustainable manner and provide Operational Oversight financial success. Metrics include
sustainable solutions for clients is guided by science, purpose, market Stantec’s Directors remain emissions reductions, employee
demands, history, and, most of all, a collective desire to create stronger committed to thoughtful, sensible retention and engagement, health
communities. The members of Stantec’s Board of Directors are highly oversight of the Company’s and safety, innovation, corporate
motivated to support these efforts because we, too, aspire to live in a direction and management. Sound integrity, and quality management.
more sustainable world. governance is one of the pillars
of sustainability, and we take that Measurable, verifiable, and
responsibility seriously. significant progress in these metrics
The Board’s Role Climate Action must be achieved each year, and
The Board is committed to ESG The impacts of climate change The SSC confirms that Stantec’s ESG on behalf of the Board, I’m happy
Don Lowry progress and, through its committee are felt more keenly with each goals are aligned with the Company’s to say that we are satisfied with
Chair, Sustainability structure, has delegated certain passing year, and urgent action to strategic plan. management’s performance in 2022.
and Safety Committee responsibilities for closer oversight limit global warming has become We are also confident that Stantec’s
Stantec Board of Directors
and insight to continually improve the even more imperative. We support Each year, the SSC assesses leadership will continue to enhance
Company’s performance. Although the steps Stantec has taken to Stantec’s sustainability progress the Company’s sustainability
not exclusive, the Sustainability and minimize its operational impact, and sets focus areas for the performance in 2023.
Safety Committee (SSC) is the key such as achieving operational following year to further improve
focus of these activities. carbon neutrality, as well as client- the Company’s performance and Stantec’s Board and the SSC,
focused strategies like the Climate commitment to stakeholders. specifically, are very proud of the
The SSC includes individuals with Solutions Leadership Team, who will ESG progress Stantec continues
relevant subject matter expertise. shepherd the thousands of Stantec As part of its oversight of to make. We plan to continue this
At each Board and SSC meeting, we sustainability experts and innovators sustainability, the Board annually sustainability leadership in the
discuss ESG topics and encourage in our collaborative efforts to fight examines sustainability-linked years to come.
Stantec’s continual sustainability climate change. pay metrics that determine
progress because we believe it’s the Stantec management’s success
primary way to deliver shareholder in driving the Company’s ESG
value over the long term. performance and enable Stantec’s
This Sustainability Report Report Cycle In Accordance Option The report underwent a formal review
highlights Stantec’s contributions Issued annually since 2006 Stantec is reporting in accordance and approval process by subject
to and focus on sustainability for with the GRI Standards. The Data matter experts in each functional
our key stakeholders, including Report Boundaries Workbook (see Appendix A) contains area, the Executive ESG Committee,
employees, clients, investors, Company value chain two to three years of detail to enable and the C-suite. Additionally, the
and the communities where trend comparisons. Board-level Sustainability and Safety
we work and live. Currency References Committee reviewed the report before
Canadian dollars (unless Independent Assurance its release.
Report Content otherwise stated) Our consolidated financial
This document identifies and statements were audited by Additional Information
provides information about Stantec’s Reporting Frameworks PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. For ease of understanding, a list of
environmental, social, and governance • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) acronyms is provided (see Appendix E).
(ESG) topics as first identified in Sustainability Reporting Standards Our greenhouse gas emissions More detail is also available in our
our 2019 materiality assessment (see Appendix B) inventory was independently verified Annual Report; Annual Information
and revisited in our 2022 materiality • Engineering and Construction by Apex Companies. A third-party Form; Management Information
refresh. Throughout this report, Services Standard of the review of this report was also Circular; CDP Disclosure; and on our
“Stantec’s Approach” callouts are Sustainability Accounting conducted by Apex Companies website, Combined,
included to provide easy access to Standards Board (SASB) to confirm it was prepared in these resources provide transparency
associated management approaches, (see Appendix C) accordance with GRI Standards regarding Stantec’s ESG performance.
policies, and statistics (see Appendix A). • Recommendations in the Task and SASB requirements.
The body of this report summarizes Force on Climate-related Financial This report, past reports, and future
2022 accomplishments. Disclosures (TCFD) of the Financial Review updates can be accessed at stantec.
Stability Board (see Appendix D) Stantec’s sustainability disclosures com/sustainability. We welcome your
Reporting Period • UN Global Compact (UN Global and data underwent internal comments and questions about our
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022 Communication on Progress) quality checks and are factual to sustainability efforts. Please direct
Bike Path Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive • UN Women’s Empowerment the best of our knowledge at the them to
Auckland, New Zealand Principles time of reporting.
Who We Are
Where We Are
What We Do
Why We Act
How We Evolve
Stantec Employees
Bristol, United Kingdom
Innovation Growth
Innovation and creativity are essential For us, growth isn’t just about getting See webpage See webpage
elements of our past and future success. bigger. It’s about getting better. Organic
Our innovation strategy combines and acquisition growth go hand in hand
proven ideas with curiosity, creativity, and to strengthen our organization, provide Ecosystem Restoration Energy Transition
technology-forward approaches to find new employees with opportunities to work on Our science and planning help We help clients shift and adapt to a
ways to meet client challenges, increase exciting projects around the world, and communities protect, restore, monitor, low-carbon future through renewable
efficiency, and improve profitability. offer value to our stakeholders. and respond to biodiversity loss, climate energy, distributed power, battery
change, and environmental degradation. storage, new technology, and policies.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering,
and math. STEAM includes art. See webpage See webpage
10,715 619
United States Continental
8,014 590
Canada India
2,456 527
Australia Latin America/
2,361 419
United Kingdom/ Middle East
734 335
New Zealand Asia The numbers included on this page align with
workforce figures disclosed in Appendix A.
We additionally track information on 950
staff resources (such as agency and
independent contractors) who are connected
to our organization but are not employees.
Transit, complete streets, Providing clean, safe water Ecosystem restoration, wetlands Providing high-performance Renewable energy design
$5.7 $4.5 65+ Smart(ER)™ mobility (equitable, through water and wastewater and estuaries, climate change solutions—encompassing and integration (solar, wind,
billion billion years resilient, accessible, automated, treatment and management, risk assessment and scenario architecture, buildings hydropower, waste-to-energy,
connected, electric), smart cities, water resiliency, circular water, analysis, climate change engineering, interior design, and energy storage, hydrogen,
community and urban planning, resource recovery and renewables, adaptation and mitigation, carbon more—that consider carbon, renewable diesel, small modular
Gross revenue Net revenue of profitability
low-impact development, coastal protection and restoration, accounting and management, climate, and health through reactors), transportation and
brownfields, landscape flood protection, groundwater natural resource damage third-party sustainability- infrastructure electrification, grid
architecture (focused on shoreline protection and recharging, dams assessments, cultural impact certified, decarbonized, resilient, modernization and strengthening
protection, reduced water use, and levees, water transport and assessments, socio-ecological climate responsive, eco-centric, (including resiliency in the face
and naturalizing communities), conveyance, water conservation systems resiliency, circular regenerative, and fully integrated of natural disasters), asset
affordable housing, green and reuse, desalination and economy, environmental impact designs at the scales of interiors, optimization (services to lower
infrastructure, and Envision brine management, watershed assessments, health sciences, buildings and communities carbon emissions of existing
certification management, industrial water natural resource valuation, climate operations), carbon capture
solutions, operational technology, change strategy, energy transition and storage, and sustainable
digital tools, and water solutions strategy, ESG advisory, and mining (decarbonization, tailings
that address equity and social justice sustainability reporting management, water conservation)
Climate Solutions SDG Impact Leadership Institute for Water Technology & Policy
Climate Solutions is a strategic investment The Sustainable Development Goals Clean water is essential to the biosphere
Stantec’s value of “we do what is right” calls
that coordinates climate mitigation and evolved the world’s definition of successful and human civilization, and the Stantec
our employees to action. We have the talent
adaptation-related services across our global development and created a framework Institute for Water Technology & Policy
and desire to make a positive difference in the
business. It brings our people together to of accountability. Stantec focuses our explores the real-world impacts of
world, and we acknowledge our responsibility
share knowledge, strengthen expertise, and resources on the seven goals we most climate change on access to clean water.
to do so. Stantec inspires our employees and
accelerate our ability to collectively address directly influence through our project work. By investigating the role of emerging
catalyzes the industry for positive change
increasing climate challenges. Our greatest Through intentional action, we use our technologies in water science and policy
through many focused initiatives.
influence on improving climate outcomes technical expertise and market presence and applying decarbonization and circular
stems from the creative, innovative, and to accelerate progress toward a positive economic principles, we are helping
integrated Climate Solutions we provide to outcome for all communities. transform the water industry’s future.
our clients and communities.
Sustainability Governance
Powerful Women
Network chooses 100 women senior Indigenous leaders and diversity, and equity, Stantec
annually from across Canada to a regular advocate for “two- officially changed the title of
Sustainability is the
With Our Employees For Our Investors
foundation of Stantec’s
Our operational ESG initiatives introduce Stantec is considered an impact investment
identity. It is part of our
efficiencies that improve the quality of option, and our investors expect ESG
purpose, promise, and
work-life of our employees; reduce the leadership. We disclose sustainability
values; key to our brand;
environmental footprint of our operations; performance against major investor-driven
Stantec envisions a world where embodied in our corporate
provide a foundation for effective decision- frameworks, including SASB and TCFD
culture; and directly
infrastructure has a positive outcome making, risk management, and transparency; (see Appendixes). We consistently rank
connected to our
for everyone, water is protected, corporate strategy.
manage costs; drive innovation; and promote high in sustainability ratings across
a culture of inclusivity, equity, responsibility, multiple independent investor-driven third
natural systems are valued, and stewardship. parties (such as CDP, MSCI, Refinitiv, ISS,
At Stantec, sustainability
biodiversity is respected, economies is built on the premise that
Sustainalytics, and S&P).
are circular, nothing gets wasted, positive economic results
are only possible when
development is responsible, everyone we effectively manage
can access renewable energy, and ESG activities across our
For Our Clients With Our Communities
Our greatest influence on sustainability Our project work provides positive outcomes
society is just. value chain. Here’s how we
comes from the services we provide to clients for the communities where we work, live,
approach sustainability
and communities. Each of our geographies and play. Our employees actively support
with our primary
and business operating units help clients environmental and social causes through
stakeholder groups.
address their challenges by identifying and their volunteer work; our philanthropy
capturing ways to make their projects more includes a purposeful focus on addressing
sustainable. Our project-facing ESG approach climate change and promoting an inclusive
uses the framework of the SDGs, specifically culture; and our innovation investments
the seven goals we can most directly promote sustainable technologies and
influence (see SDG Commitment). policy advancements.
ESG Accolades
The Corporate Sustainability team, The Corporate Sustainability team Stantec Sustainability Governance
led by Carrie Sabin, enables a partners with groups such as our
business culture centered around Climate Solutions Leadership Team
sustainability by partnering with (see Taking Climate Action), ESG
teams around the Company to Advisory Services team, business Board Sustainability and Safety Committee
drive sustainable actions at both operating unit (BOU) sustainability
the operational and project levels. teams, and regional Climate Change
Functional Service teams are and Social Value (CCSV) Forums.
responsible for implementing Combined, these groups advise and Executive ESG Committee
actions within our business that support development and sharing
support Stantec’s operational ESG of sustainability best practices,
commitments (such as reducing collaborate across the operations to
emissions and promoting a culture win and execute sustainability-related Vice President, Corporate Sustainability
of inclusion). Our SDG Impact Leader, project work, and track progress on
Rachel Bannon-Godfrey, works ESG pledges.
closely with client-facing teams to
encourage ESG action throughout
Stantec project work.
Stantec Operations Stantec Projects Stantec Projects
Vice President, ESG Advisory Services
Functional Service Climate Solutions
SDG Impact Leader BOU Sustainability Teams
Teams Leadership Team
CCSV Forums
Emissions Meet science-based emission 47% reduction in Absolute Exceeded our emissions reduction targets by right sizing our real estate
To assess and accelerate our ESG performance, we hold Management reduction targets Scope 1+2 (market-based) and footprint, reducing travel, purchasing renewable energy, and investing in
ourselves accountable through a sustainability pay link Scope 3 (business travel) sustainable aviation fuel (see Emissions Management)
and a sustainability-linked financing strategy. Emissions Meet carbon neutral and Become carbon neutral for our Declared operational carbon neutral for our worldwide operations by
Management net zero pledges 2022 emissions reducing emissions, as noted above, and purchasing an equal amount of
carbon offsets to balance residual emissions (see Progressing Net Zero)
Sustainability Pay Link our 1.5°C science-based target)
Stantec leadership recognizes and improving our Bloomberg
that key performance Gender Equality Index score Employee Low voluntary turnover <12% voluntary turnover rate Did not meet our turnover target with a 13.3% voluntary turnover
indicators (KPIs) help align the (which includes social pillars Retention (see Appendix A. Stantec Data Workbook)
business to achieve strategic around gender equality, pay Employee Improvement in employee >60% employees feel engaged Stantec’s employee engagement surveys are conducted every two
goals. The table contains equity, leadership diversity, Engagement engagement score years, and 2022 was an off year (meaning our previous survey was
ESG-related KPIs connected and an inclusive culture, conducted in 2021 and our next will be conducted in 2023)
to executive compensation among others). Stantec’s SLL Health, Safety, Decrease total recordable <0.50 TRIR Realized a TRIR of 0.29; an improvement from 0.32 in 2021
as disclosed each year in is the first globally to link the Security, and incident rate (TRIR) (see Health, Safety, and Security)
Stantec’s Management financing structure to progress Environment
Information Circular. made relative to the
Health, Safety, Improve leading indicator >1.0 LISI Realized a LISI of 1.87; better than our target, but lower than our
Bloomberg score. Security, and safety index (LISI) 2021 rate of 2.24 (see Health, Safety, and Security)
Sustainability-linked Environment
Financing In 2022, Stantec met the SLL
Stantec issued a sustainability- terms and will be the first Innovation Commercialize initiatives funded >1 IBO Introduced two new startup businesses: CataVAULT and Insight
by the Innovation Office Analytics; grew the GenerationAV business (see Innovation)
linked loan (SLL) that connects company in Canada to direct
our $1.1 billion syndicated the interest savings earned Governance
senior credit facilities to by achieving the targets
Corporate Annual ethics training >95% of employees completing Achieved 98% employee completion of our annual ethics and
our ESG performance. This back into communities to Integrity the training compliance training (see Ethics and Compliance)
includes two KPIs: achieving further climate action and
our emissions reduction social equity (proceeds to be Quality Improve ISO-compliance >90% of audited projects meet Meeting our quality management target as determined by audit
targets (as reflected through distributed in 2023). Management audit results quality criteria results (see Integrated Management System)
Materiality Refresh
Identified Topics
Prioritized Topics
Optus Stadium
Western Australia, Australia
Material ESG topics reflect a The timing was right for Stantec our industry and market influence The results of the materiality refresh
company’s ability to create to engage in purposeful, critical and subject matter expertise for the exercise were approved by Stantec
and preserve, or damage discussions to validate our collective most sustainable outcomes. executive leadership (Executive ESG
and deteriorate, economic, work toward an end goal of positive Committee and C-Suite) and inform
environmental, and social impacts across our value chain. Across the value chain, we spent the focus of this report.
value for themselves, their time understanding Stantec’s
stakeholders, and society at This refresh exercise involved an in- sustainability context as defined by
large. To focus our efforts on depth review of Stantec management GRI—the external influences that
the areas of greatest impact, and primary stakeholder group2 contribute to positive and negative 1
ouble Materiality: In 2021, GRI released an
influence, and responsibility, priorities with the intent of deepening impacts on lives, livelihoods, and updated GRI 3 of the Reporting Standards with
Stantec routinely assesses our the understanding of our impacts, supply chains. We considered drivers compliance required for all reports published
material ESG topics. maximizing our long-term value such as the accelerating climate beginning 2023. The new standards expand the
material topic boundaries to evaluate a firm’s
creation, and informing our 2023 crisis, global pandemics, geopolitical full value chain and introduce the concept of
In 2022, Stantec completed a strategic planning cycle. instability, water stress, digital double materiality—considering how ESG topics
major refresh of our materiality revolution, the great resignation, may impact the organization’s financial success
(outside-in) as well as how the organization creates
assessment to align with the For the first time, we expanded social justice, and rapidly evolving value in the broader world (inside-out).
updated GRI Reporting Standards, our materiality evaluation beyond ESG-related regulatory requirements. 2
rimary Stakeholder Groups: During our previous
which expanded the material our direct operational control—the materiality assessment, the Executive ESG
topic boundaries and introduced focus of our previous materiality As described in the following Committee performed a pairwise evaluation—a
consideration of double materiality.1 assessments. This time, we sections, our process included process of comparing entities in pairs to judge
which of each entity is given greater weight—and
Additionally, since Stantec’s previous identified and reviewed topics across identified Stantec’s primary stakeholder groups,
assessment (completed in 2019), the full value chain to consider • Validating our value chain employees, clients, and investors.
we evolved our Company through impacts from our supply chain • Identifying the material topics
numerous acquisitions, expansion of (upstream) through to customers relevant to our value chain
Arturo Merino Benitez Santiago
our service offerings, and growth International Airport and impacted communities • Prioritizing our material topics
of our geographic footprint. Santiago, Chile (downstream). For both upstream through engagement efforts
and downstream, we look to leverage with stakeholder groups
Because we are still evaluating if and how Stantec DOWNSTREAM CLIENTS / COMMUNITIES R EG U L ATI N G FR A M E WO R KS
should approach the overall topic of advocacy,
regulating frameworks were identified in both the Entities that receive or are Stantec’s approach to Materials, systems, Communities and Share value and Stantec contributions to bring
upstream (advocacy with professional bodies and impacted by the organization’s project solutions resources used to ecosystems impacted industry standards to higher levels
regulators) and downstream (advocacy to promote construct and operate by Stantec projects
products or services. Recipients
industry best practices) nodes of Stantec’s value Stantec projects
chain but were not specifically included in the ESG of the project outcome.
material topics scoring process. Discussions are
underway with associated management approaches
anticipated in future reports.
SDG Commitment
SDG Action
SDG Progress
The UN Sustainable Development We use the SDGs to guide us Stantec recognizes that achieving
Goals (SDGs) are a road map towards project outcomes that have any of the SDGs is not possible
toward meeting the most a positive impact on communities Stantec’s without achieving SDG 13 Climate
urgent challenges facing (both social and ecological). Core SDGs Action, so we use this as the core
communities across the world— of our SDG approach. Stantec’s
from alleviating poverty and In expanding our analysis to SDG Impact Leader works closely
inequality, to providing access include the entire value chain, our with the Climate Solutions Leaders
to clean water and energy, to ESG materiality refresh exercise and Climate Science Director on
protecting ecosystems on land highlighted strong alignment initiatives that strengthen both our
and below water. between the SDGs and the topics market opportunities and practitioner Sustainability at Stantec.
considered material to our project literacy across a broad range of Every Action.
Stantec recognizes the critical role approach, delivery, and outcomes climate mitigation and adaptation Every Decision.
businesses play in achieving the (see Materiality). Therefore, our SDG solutions.
resilient, equitable world described Impact Action Plan focuses on the
by the goals. As consultants in the clients and communities node of At Stantec, we recognized early
built and natural environments, our value chain—supporting and on that the SDGs describe the At Stantec, we believe
supporting the SDGs is a Stantec empowering our practitioners to path toward a sustainable future, that sustainability is the
business imperative and describes understand how they can apply their one that is not linear nor smooth responsibility of every
what we mean when we say design skillsets towards the SDGs in our but increasingly urgent for all employee and not just a small
with community in mind. project work. companies to pursue. Our journey corporate group within our
is well underway, and our pace is large company. With a focus
Purposeful action is critical. For While Stantec activities indirectly accelerating each year. on every action and decision,
Stantec, the defined metrics and touch many of the 17 SDGs, to everyone at Stantec has an
global applicability of the SDGs be most successful in advancing opportunity to achieve more
provide focus and accountability progress we focus on 7 core SDGs sustainable outcomes.
across the full spectrum of expertise where we have the most direct
within our global operating units. influence and significant impact.
Our vision is that every Stantec • Continued to support developing • Established climate-related risk • Launched a virtual toolkit of
employee understands the countries in their efforts to SDG Percentage of Gross Revenue task forces for climate-related SDG-related technical
impact of their work on the SDGs achieve resilient and equitable risk management within two resources—a compilation of
and is driven to accelerate growth through the work of our nodes of our value chain: clients internal and external resources to
our collective progress toward International Development teams and communities and Stantec help practitioners apply the SDGs
sustainable development. operations as a lens on their project work—
• Furthered industry support of the in conjunction with an internal
In 2022, Stantec SDG mission by becoming an • Hosted a three-part Climate awareness campaign to help
• Identified that 60% of our revenue actor partner in the UN Decade Solutions webinar series on Stantec practitioners understand
(approximately $3.4 billion) is on Ecosystem Restoration climate change and business how every single person can apply
connected to furthering one or and joining the Coalition for impacts for our clients and their skillsets towards the SDGs
more of our core SDGs Reimagined Mobility—the first practitioners
architectural and engineering firm • Hosted a Stantec employee
• Established a coordinated global to do so in both programs • Launched a digital Organizational climate challenge through
climate business growth strategy, Network Analysis tool that maps Stantec’s Serious Games group
with dedicated client teams across • Attended the UN’s COP27 climate Stantec’s sustainability-related with participation from more than
our geographies that span our change conference and hosted an subject matter experts and 450 employees from 17 countries
businesses and service offerings, intensive two-week synchronous 2019 2020 2021 2022 knowledge sharing networks
reflecting the multi-faceted nature program focused on helping across the Company to increase
of the climate crisis clients and Stantec practitioners our agility in creating multi-
understand the magnitude and The SDG numbers provided are unaudited and based on mapping the discipline, multi-geography
• Participated in two cohorts of influence of climate change on the coding available in Stantec’s current systems against the 169 targets of collaborative teams for highly
the 17 SDGs as published in the UN Global Compact Guide to Business
the UN Global Compact SDG built environment Reporting on the SDGs. As there is not an exact match to Stantec
sustainable project solutions
Ambition Accelerator Programs coding systems and not all geographies are yet included in our central
(Canada; International) financial tracking systems, we employed a conservative approach to
minimize the risk of overstatements.
Digital Solutions
• Sewer Overflow Insights, WaterWATCH
Digital Solutions
• AirLogic, AirWATCH
Environmental Protection
Emissions Management
Resource Conservation
P H A S E 1: PHASE 2:
Reducing Emissions Carbon Neutrality
The science is clear: to avoid the
most catastrophic effects of climate Emissions reductions in line with our approved 1.5°C While continuing to reduce operational emissions,
change, it is essential to reduce science-based targets. Includes a significant use of balance the impact of residual emissions through
greenhouse gas emissions and keep renewable energy and sustainable aviation fuel. the purchase of high-value carbon offsets.
P H A S E 3: P H A S E 4:
As part of our continued leadership
Net Zero Transition Science-based Net Zero
in industry-leading sustainability
practices, Stantec is committed Shifting from purchase of third-party carbon Reducing emissions to near zero and balancing
to achieving operational net zero. offsets to performance of Stantec-driven projects residual emissions through permanent removal
Besides the scientific and moral that provide additionality. and carbon storage credits.
reasons to minimize our climate
change contributions, this pledge
reflects our values, inspires our In 2022, beyond reducing our To maximize the benefits, our carbon neutrality actions
For our 2022 employees, and encourages emissions through conservation Stantec invests in high-value cover all reported scope 3
others to act. efforts, we also made a and third-party certified nature- emissions categories.
emissions, significant commitment to based and technological
Stantec is proud to We will achieve this goal through renewable energy use and emissions reduction solutions in
measured, purposeful, and science- began the purchase of the broader marketplace with a
declare ourselves based actions. sustainable aviation fuel. focus on projects that support
operationally Indigenous communities.
The purchase of carbon offsets is an
investment beyond our value chain. Carbon
To balance the remaining
carbon neutral. offsets do not reduce reported emissions.
emissions (that have not been While Stantec’s near-term
yet reduced or converted to scope 3 science-based target
renewable energy), Stantec encompasses only the
purchased carbon offsets. business travel category,
Stantec works hard to minimize • Assigned a corporate-level the Cardno acquisition—producing Stantec’s Approach
the environmental footprint of environmental director to proactively seed mixes and deep-rooted
our operations, improve the manage Stantec’s environmental native plants critical to shoreline As a professional services
environmental performance of risks on our projects and in our stabilization and erosion control firm, Stantec’s operational
the projects we support, and offices and continued globalization environmental footprint relates
encourage the circular economy. of our ISO 14001-certified • Won the UK Biodiversity Challenge primarily to office energy
environmental management system for designing one of the first consumption, business travel,
and office supply use. We
In 2022, Stantec (with local regulatory linkages for biodiversity net gain positive
manage, monitor, and improve
• Was named an official actor partner over 30 countries) wastewater treatment plants
our environmental performance
of the UN Decade on Ecosystem with a formal globalized ISO
Restoration and accepted to the • Attended an invitation-only, • Was recognized for environmental 14001-certified environmental
US Network for Engineering with pre-COP27 CEO Summit at leadership through the UK Water management system, which
Nature—the first architectural and Buckingham Palace to accelerate Industry Awards and by the forms part of our integrated
engineering consultant accepted to climate action—hosted by King New Zealand Commonwealth management system. For our
both organizations Charles III for CEOs of companies Association of Planners by clients, across all business
considered sustainability leaders winning the Wastewater Innovation operating units, we provide
• Formalized a global Climate Project of the Year, Natural Capital environmental conservation,
Solutions Leadership Team to • Influenced industry peers Initiative of the Year, and the mitigation, restoration, and
adaptation services. We design
comprehensively address climate- and players through thought Planning for Conservation of the
renewable energy systems as
related risks and opportunities in leadership on the challenges and Built and Natural Environment and
well as energy efficient, resilient
our project work opportunities of nature-based Cultural Heritage award buildings and infrastructure.
solutions and how to develop a
• Formalized a global SDG Impact wastewater circular economy • Invested in our planet with Earth See Management Approach
Leadership role to enhance Company Day community engagement See Environmental Policy
Albany Desalination Plant
systems and improve environmental • Promoted resilient native activities facilitated by 37 of our Flora Vegetation
and social performance in our landscapes through our native Developing Professionals Group Western Australia, Australia
project outcomes plant nursery—new to Stantec from chapters across 10 countries
Stantec is focused on • Met our operational carbon • Purchased sustainable aviation • Participated in the SE2050 Stantec’s Approach
operational carbon reduction neutrality commitment by reducing fuel (SAF) to reduce our business Challenge—reducing embodied
and has measured, analyzed, emissions in line with our SBT, travel emissions2 carbon through less impactful Stantec follows the GHG Protocol
managed, and reduced our purchasing renewable energy, structural materials and annually calculates, validates,
carbon footprint since 2010. We and balancing residual emissions • Incorporated five acquisitions and reports our operational
externally verify our emissions, through the purchase of high-value into Stantec’s operational carbon • Committed to apply PAS 2080 emissions. We have approved
have near-term emission carbon offsets (see Progressing footprint (two from 2022 and principals—reducing embodied near-term SBTs and are reducing
emissions through activities such
reduction targets approved Net Zero) three from year-end 2021) as carbon in infrastructure project
as office consolidation, renewable
by the Science Based Targets well as new activity data sources designs—across our UK projects,
energy use, SAF purchases, and
initiative, and are committed • Was recognized as a CDP Climate (owned drill rigs, use of a private starting with the Water business line3 travel reductions. Stantec will
to achieve operational net Leader through our A- score—for jet by executives, office waste, become net zero through a four-
zero. For our clients, we provide the fifth year in a row—reflecting and the native plant nursery) phase approach that includes
greenhouse gas reporting and climate leadership while continuing to reduce our 1) reducing emissions,
verification services, advise on reported emissions 1
Stantec’s Approved SBTs: Stantec commits to 2) becoming carbon neutral,
net zero strategies, and regularly • Consumed renewable energy reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions 47% by 3) transitioning toward net zero,
2030 from a 2019 base year and absolute scope 3
incorporate energy efficiency equivalent to 92% of our • Increased our equity investment in and 4) further reducing emissions
emissions from business travel by 47% within the
measures into our designs. operational electricity use through BlueSky Resources to further the same timeframe. to a science-based net zero.
installed solar, green tariffs, and development and use of remote For our clients, subject matter
Aviation Fuel: By purchasing SAF, expertise across our business
In 2022, Stantec certified wind and solar energy sensing to produce near real-time an emissions avoidance and reduction strategy, helps us minimize the emissions
• Exceeded our interim science- attribute certificates emission and air pollutant data we leverage a market mechanism to effectively
“replace” traditional jet fuel with lower carbon
of the projects we design.
based target (SBT) emissions tracking (see Innovation)
intensity fuel.
reduction projections—a key • Progressed self-generation of See Management Approach
performance indicator of our renewable energy in the offices we • Progressed our involvement 3
PAS 2080: A British Standards Institution See Emissions Data
sustainability linked loan1 lease; for example, we are in the with the AIA 2030 Commitment— standard for carbon management (reduction) in
infrastructure that cuts costs, improves efficiency,
process of switching to solar power by 2030, design of new buildings and helps address climate change issues.
generation on the office rooftop of and major renovations will be
our new Pune, India, office carbon neutral
Stantec consistently conserves e-books, providing employees • In the United States, upcycled seed Stantec’s Approach
resources in our operations and with a paperless way to stay up to and plug production waste at our
project work to produce direct date with scientific developments, native plant nursery along with a As a professional services firm
environmental benefits, increase monitor emerging trends, and program that collects leaf waste operating almost entirely out of
efficiencies, and reduce costs. identify subject experts (see from the surrounding township to multi-tenant, leased office space,
Integrated Management System) produce useable compost, thus Stantec’s operational resource
In 2022, Stantec minimizing herbicide usage and use is nominal. Even so, we aim
to minimize our environmental
• Entered the second year of our • Established a sustainable mining reducing irrigation needs
footprint by conserving energy,
office consolidation program— approach for our clients to
reducing our consumption,
a primary emissions reduction transform emissions, tailings, • In the United Kingdom, entered recycling, and composting.
initiative (see Procurement) and water management risks a new copier contract to reduce We mitigate vehicle emissions
into opportunities the number of devices and print through our Fleet Management
• Minimized waste during volumes and introduced a series team and deploy hybrid and
office moves and redesigns • Progressed our commitment of employee benefits aimed electric vehicles where possible
(see Procurement) to the AIA Materials Pledge— at reducing emissions from within our fleet. Remote working
using products that support employee commuting options for our employees
• Resumed hosting of a hybrid human, climate, ecosystem, conserve energy and fuel needs.
in-person and virtual Innovation and social health • In Latin America, implemented We apply the same philosophy to
our project work through a focus
Summit—held virtually during a paper reduction program that
on waste reduction and the
the COVID-19 pandemic—as • In Canada, introduced a new print decreased the consumption of
circular economy.
an eco-event, accomplishing services program to match that printer paper by more than 88%
approximately 80% waste diversion of our United States operations, (Chile), promoted a sustainable See Management Approach
(see Innovation) helping us continue efforts to mobility program (Argentina), and See Energy, Water, and Waste Data
reduce the need for printing and encouraged the responsible use
• Provided access to more than secure the use of post-consumer of energy, water, and recycling in Stantec Native Plant Nursery
24,600 technical and scientific recycled paper the office, on project sites, and at Indiana, United States
journals, as well as 37,000 home (Peru)
Workforce Management
Indigenous Relations
Community Engagement
Stantec Employees
Alberta, Canada
The Art of
Our people are at the heart of • Revamped and launched programs • In North America, built on the • In Taiwan, Stantec’s Approach
our business and the reason to enhance our internship and success of our Supervisor encouraged
we are a top-tier design, graduates programs Development Network by employee health and Stantec actively works to attract
architecture, engineering, offering practical action-oriented self-care through employees with a wide range
planning, digital technology, • Supported employees with learning sessions focused on office-based of talents, perspectives, and
project management, and Stantec BetterTogether Fund compensation, productivity, career competitions that experiences. Our recruitment
scientific consulting services grants—a program that helps development, learning, recognition resulted in financial practices, employee benefits,
training and development programs,
firm. We continuously strive to Stantec employees facing financial and rewards, and talent brand support for the
and empowerment opportunities
build an inspiring, inclusive work hardship from a natural disaster or • Supported mental health by Waiting Children’s
provide our people with the
environment and recruit, develop, unforeseen personal challenge • In North America, implemented launching a Mental Health Council foundation and resources needed
and retain top talent. a candidate relationship Champions program (India), to be successful and effective
• Introduced Insights Discovery— management system and hosting a Vitality bingo challenge • In the United individuals, both in their professional
In 2022, Stantec a psychometric tool to help celebrated our talent acquisition (United States), and expanding our Arab Emirates, and personal lives. Stantec
• Continued to embed our employees become self-aware of successes through the Candidate mental health first aiders network received Ministry of evaluates our talent management
Global Career Framework1 their work style preferences and Experience Award—received for the and Well-being Champions Human Resources success through employee
and raised awareness through help them diagnose and adapt to fourth consecutive year—and the program (United Kingdom) & Emiratisation surveys, external benchmarking,
education sessions and targeted the preferences of others Campus Forward Award recognition for and tracking statistics such as
conversations around career • In the United Kingdom, recognized being a national employee turnover.
growth and personal development • In North America, continued • In the United States, introduced for our mental health programs talent partner See Management Approach
our pay gap analysis based on a new paid family leave benefit through a Mind Workplace Well-
See Equal Employment
• Maintained an industry- gender and minority status—finding above that required by law— being Award
Opportunity Policy
leading percentage of female a 3% and 1% compa-ratio base pay allowing 12 weeks to bond with
employees—36% gap, respectively, a 1% improvement a new child(ren), care for health • In the Netherlands, Belgium, 1
Stantec’s Global Career See Harassment, Bullying, and
of our gender pay gap since 2021 conditions of a family member, and the Middle East, completed Framework: Introduced in 2021 Discrimination Policy
as our foundation for globally
• Advanced women in leadership with minority status remaining or address needs when a family system integration into Stantec’s consistent career streams, job See Workforce Statistics
with vice president promotions static—and prepared to expand the member deploys central human resources levels, and job competencies.
being 43% female analysis to other geographies information systems
Stantec creates opportunities • Was named to the Bloomberg Gender strategies for socioeconomic • Continued partnerships and Stantec’s Approach
by inviting, embracing, and Equality Index for the fourth year in a analysis, effective community recruitment activities with
celebrating differences. row—a key performance indicator of engagement, equity in the built minority-focused STEM Diversity is our end goal, and
Inclusion, diversity, and equity our sustainability linked loan—with a environment, and how to best organizations, including the building an inclusive culture
foster a healthy range of 19% improvement in our score since support communities historically National Organization of Minority is how we get there. Stantec
views, facilitates innovation, first making the index in 2020 subjected to environmental Architects, National Society of programs create opportunities,
improves results, and nurtures justice discriminatory practices Black Engineers, National Society connect our communities, address
unconscious bias, champion
a sense of belonging. Whether • Was recognized for supporting (see Why We Act) of Hispanic Engineers, ACE Mentor
organizational change, and
in the office, in the industry, LGBTQ+ inclusion through Program, Society for Hispanic
hold people and project teams
on a project team, or as a high scores in the Workplace • Promoted the concept of universal Professional Engineers, Society accountable for meeting
client representative within a Pride Global Benchmark report design in our project work— of Women Engineers, American Company expectations. Our
community, all of us—together— (Ambassador level) and by signing designing environments so they Indian Science and Engineering formal Inclusion, Diversity, and
shape a culture of mutual the Declaration of Amsterdam can be accessed and used by as Society, Society of Asian Scientists Equity Program was developed
support and acceptance. many people as possible and Engineers, Out for Undergrad, based on leadership buy-in,
• Joined the Coalition for Reimagined and the Alaska Native Program, employee input, and industry
In 2022, Stantec Mobility—the only member from • Supported 44 students around among others best practices. The program is
• Renamed our top human resources the architectural and engineering the world with $200,000 in led by a dedicated team who
position to chief people and industry—to advance equitable, Equity and Diversity Scholarships • Partnered with organizations directly report to our chief people
and inclusion officer.
inclusion officer, held by Asifa Samji, sustainable global transportation, (see Community Engagement) to promote acceptance in our
highlighting our commitment to with our chief operating officer of Company and industry, including See Management Approach
inclusion, diversity, and equity at the North America, Stu Lerner, named • Expanded our employee resource Neurodiversity in Business,
See Diversity Policy
highest levels of our Company the newest commissioner groups to 68 chapters across 10 Stonewall, Lexxic, Business
affinities, including Women, Pride, Disability Forum, Catalyst, Rainbow See Workforce Statistics
• Continued our commitment to and • Promoted equity in our project work Asians, Latinos, Black, Indigenous, Tick, Employers’ Initiative on
participation in the UN Women’s through Stantec’s SocioEco-Equity Individuals with Disabilities, Military Domestic Abuse, and the Building
Empowerment Principles Network (SEEN), where subject and Veteran, among others Equality|LGBTQ+ Construction
matter experts share innovative Working Group, among others
Workplace Pride
• Recognized by Viqtory with a inclusion, diversity, and equity • In Australia and New Zealand, • In the Netherlands, collaborated
gold ranking for being a Military efforts in engineering through the promoted our gender affirmation with Colourful Jobs to promote
Friendly Employer and supported Canadian Consulting Engineers policy and associated leave to our vacancies to a more diverse Workplace Pride is an Amsterdam non-profit
veterans through sponsorships Award of Excellence; and received support staff who are medically audience focused on improving LGBTQ+ inclusion
and awards with the US Army the Community Outreach and affirming their gender with in the workplace with a Global Benchmark
Women’s Foundation Scholarship In-House Initiative Awards from paid time off work to best • In Italy, collaborated with Report that measures employer practices.
and Hall of Fame induction, US Consulting Engineers Alberta recover from surgery architectural and engineering
Society of American Military companies led by female In Stantec’s 2022 report, we earned Workplace
Engineers Career Transition • In the United Kingdom, hosted • In Latin America, challenged managers—such as our Italian Pride’s Ambassador level with a score of 76%,
Workshop, and UK Defense Social Value week for a second gender norms through programs operation, run by Emanuela up from 61% in 2021. This places us higher than
Employer Recognition Scheme year, where practitioners like “Empoderada” (Empowered) Sturniolo—to create Womeng average in all areas measured by Workplace
collaborate to enhance and in Argentina; “Basta Ya” (Enough), (Women in Engineering), aimed Pride: policy and communication, employee
• Launched a series of inclusion, quantify the ways Stantec Women’s Leadership Mentoring, at promoting and supporting network, workplace awareness, support and
diversity, and equity career improves quality of life for people and Women in Mining in Peru; women within the sector benefits, inclusion and engagement, expertise
performance goals to help and communities and a Women’s Forum led by across the country and monitoring, business and supplier
individuals more purposely our Chile Country Manager, management, and societal impact.
contribute to Stantec’s strategy • In New Zealand and Australia, Rosario Urrutia
rolled out Disability Confidence Also in 2022, Stantec became the 39th
• In North America, completed Training sessions through our • In the Middle East, arranged international organization to sign Workplace
inclusion, diversity, and equity partnership with the Australian an International Women in Pride’s Declaration of Amsterdam, a
assessments of our benefits Network on Disability Engineering Day event inviting document committing signatories to create
providers participants from 36 regional a safe and inclusive corporate culture.
• In New Zealand, was accredited by universities, featuring a joint panel For taking this step, we were recognized
• In Canada, was listed on The Globe Rainbow Tick as a workplace that of our regional female leaders as an industry leader by Environmental
and Mail’s Women Lead Here understands and welcomes sexual and female leaders from our Business International.
benchmark on executive gender and gender diversity client organizations
diversity; received recognition for
At Stantec, we care about • Completed a worldwide roll-out of and environmental health and safety Stantec’s Approach
our people and those around Pro-Sapien—a paperless, one-stop LGBTQ+ professionals and their
us—at work, home, and in solution for streamlined tracking allies in the American Industrial Our Health, Safety, and Security
our communities. We use and more proactive response to Hygiene Foundation Policy, and our ISO 45001-certified
our SaferTogether™ culture health and safety issues—to help occupational health and safety
to support knowledge, us with reporting, escalating, and • In the United Kingdom, was management system, part of
communication, relationships, managing incidents, near misses, awarded the Order of Distinction our integrated management
system, supports the Company’s
and a 24/7 safety mindset in and leading indicator activities from the internationally renowned
expectation that everyone has
all we do. In addition to well- Royal Society for the Prevention
a role to play in their own safety
formulated plans and processes, • Completed the North America of Accidents for the 19th and the safety of others. We apply
we recognize that situational roll out of Supervising for Safety consecutive year such principles while providing
awareness—the discipline Together (touting 90% coverage)— safe workplaces, managing our
of being present and aware facilitated sessions so that • In New Zealand, recognized with operations, planning and executing
of our surroundings—is our supervisors are best able to a Health and Safety Innovation projects, traveling, sharing best
best defense against injuries drive safety conversations at a Award by Water New Zealand practices and lessons learned,
and incidents. local level—and began expansion and focusing on continuous
enterprise-wide improvement.
In 2022, Stantec See Management Approach
• Realized a TRIR1 of 0.29 • Logged more than 24,000 1
TRIR – A lagging indicator that tracks the
number of recordable incidents that a company See Health, Safety, and
(a reduction from 0.32 in 2021 domestic and 4,000 international
experiences during a year, normalized to 100 Security Policy
and better than our goal of 0.5) trips (including trips to areas rated full-time employees. A low TRIR score is desirable.
as having high or extreme travel See Workplace Violence Policy
• Realized a LISI2 of 1.87 (better risks) without a security incident
– A Stantec-defined index composed of leading
indicators that measures proactive and preventive See Health and Safety Data
than our goal of 1.0 but lower than activities. Performing leading indicators activities is
our previous rate of 2.24 as we • In the United States, formed the intended to positively impact the safety culture of Bridge Inspection Safety Meeting
introduce this Stantec tracking first LGBTQ+ Special Interest Group, the organization, by promoting a proactive approach British Columbia, Canada
to health and safety. A high LISI score is desirable.
approach to recent acquisitions) PR(IH)DE, representing occupational
Innovation engages our team • Increased our equity investment Stantec’s Approach
members, improves our position in BlueSky Resources to further
as thought leaders, and is the development and use of To promote innovation, facilitate
essential to Stantec’s past and remote sensing for near collaboration, and advance
future success. Our innovation real-time emission and air environmental and social thought
strategy combines proven ideas pollutant data tracking (see leadership, Stantec invests millions
with curiosity, creativity, and Emissions Management) of dollars annually to fund grants
and research pursuing industry-
technology-forward approaches
leading ideas. Our Innovation
to find new ways to meet client • Invested in digital advancements
Office drives Company innovation
challenges, increase efficiency, to support design automation— and works to promote creativity
and improve profitability. such as parametric design within our business operating
of pump stations, stream units and geographic locations.
In 2022, Stantec restoration, embodied carbon, The Innovation Office nurtures
• Hosted a hybrid in-person and solar pile optimization, and ideas through five phases—
virtual Innovation Summit—a • Launched two new startup • Introduced new digital products pedestrian safety ramp designs— ideation, capture, development,
Ted talk-style event highlighting businesses: CataVAULT, to help to simplify carbon accounting of across our Environmental, commercialization, and
Stantec’s cutting-edge innovations the insurance industry price capital assets, address climate Buildings, Transportation, and graduation—to develop leading-
focused on climate solutions, catastrophic risk (risks that are driven hazards (such as flood and Water businesses edge solutions for our clients
and communities. Any Stantec
smart cities, and the digital often the result of climate change) debris flow), and provide real-time
employee can submit an idea for
economy—attended by 80 and Insight Analytics, bringing emissions monitoring • Collected innovative employee
consideration. Approved ideas are
in-person participants and more real-time operational analytics ideas to find new ways to meet assigned collaborative coaches
than 2,000 online employee and solutions to the water industry client and community challenges, for enhanced success and to
client participants (see Resource supporting 43 new projects that encourage additional innovation.
Conservation) evolve our service offerings across
See Management Approach
all our business operating units
Stantec acknowledges our • Celebrated Matariki – Māori New • Helped project teams better • In the United States, named a • In Australia, Stantec’s Approach
responsibility to build and Year and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori/ connect with Indigenous Top 50 STEM Workplace for partnered with
maintain respectful relationships Māori Language Week (New communities by sponsoring guest Indigenous professionals by the Engineering Stantec strives to foster positive
with Indigenous businesses and Zealand), National Reconciliation speakers like Dr. Anton Treuer, American Indian Science and Aid Australia and productive relationships with
communities. We accomplish Week and NAIDOC (Australia), author of How to Connect with Engineering Society (AISES) to encourage Indigenous communities and
this by recognizing, supporting, National Day for Truth & Tribes, Tribal People, and Projects Indigenous high businesses. Stantec’s approach to
and valuing the diversity and Reconciliation Day (Canada), and in Architecture and Engineering • In the United States, received the school students to Indigenous Relations consists of
four pillars that integrate Stantec’s
distinctiveness of the Indigenous Native American Heritage Month 2022 AISES Corporate Partner pursue engineering
core values: employer of choice,
cultures of our employees; the (United States) • Celebrated Indigenous Service Award, and participated careers
awareness, engagement, creating
Indigenous partners, clients, and communities through our project in their Leadership Summit as a opportunities. At a global level,
businesses we work with; and • Furthered Indigenous business work like including murals created top-tier Malachite Sponsor Stantec sponsors an Indigenous
the Indigenous communities our relationships to promote prosperity by Rain Pierre, of the Katzie First Connections employee resource
projects impact. within Indigenous communities Nation, as part of our Metro • In New Zealand, our Pou Ārahi group. Our formal programs are
by progressing certification with Vancouver Northwest Langley Māori cultural leader, Eruera focused on Canada, the United
In 2022, Stantec the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Pump Station design Lee-Morgan, gave a keynote States, Australia, and New
• Doubled our Indigenous Business Business’ Progressive Aboriginal speech at the Association of Zealand, with informal touchpoints
Partnership gross revenue to $29 Relations program and partnering • In Canada, for Stantec employees, Consulting and Engineering from a global perspective.
million, providing direct investments, with both the Australian Supply drafted a Reconcili-Action Plan, conference on applying Indigenous Relations teams
provide cultural advice, enable
employment, and training Nation and Kinaway to increase led Reconciliation Circles, and Mātauranga Māori to our
collaboration, and bridge the gap
opportunities to support economic engagement of Aboriginal and introduced Indigenous Cultural engineering design
between industry, government,
growth in Indigenous communities Torres Strait Islander businesses Awareness training and Indigenous communities.
(see Procurement) • In New Zealand, partnered in an
• Worked with Indigenous • In Canada, partnered with Everfi to Infrastructure and Construction See Management Approach
communities to secure grants that bring STEM programming to remote Employer Consortium to provide See Indigenous Relations Practice
support social justice, such as our and Indigenous-based schools more meaningful industry
work with the Confederated Tribes employment opportunities to
of the Grand Ronde Community Māori and Pasifika people
Stantec’s commitment to people • Disbursed approximately • Continued partnerships with Stantec’s Approach
extends to the communities $500,000 in scholarships to Oxfam in support of global
where we work and live. We support education of future disaster relief and introduced a Annually, Stantec donates up to 1%
are passionate about creating leaders with nearly half directed partnership with World Central of our pre-tax profits to charitable
strong, vibrant communities and to our Equity and Diversity Kitchen to support food security and non-profit organizations.
look for strategic partnerships Scholarship (44 student for those impacted by disasters Our community engagement
and volunteer opportunities that scholarships and 7 internships) efforts connect to four funding
priorities: education, environment,
leverage and empower entire • Provided subject matter expertise
health and wellness, and the
communities while recognizing • Held our ninth annual Company- through pro-bono work with
arts. Our employee volunteerism
that each has unique needs and sponsored volunteer event, Engineers Without Borders, the Boys is showcased via Company-
opportunities. In our project work, Stantec in the Community Week, and Girls Club, University of British sponsored and employee-led
we actively consult with and listen with almost 4,000 employees Columbia, and Habitat for Humanity volunteer events. Company
to those who have traditionally donating their time, energy, partnerships focus on promoting
lacked a voice in infrastructure and support to more than 300 • Donated more than $45,000 environmental protection, inclusion,
development. organizations around the world through our Dollars for Doers and social justice. To support
program in support of employees our clients, Stantec employs and
In 2022, Stantec • Established partnerships who volunteered 25+ hours in partners with a diverse network
• Donated more than $5.2 million with two Historically Black Colleges their communities or raised money of communication experts, social
scientists, and inclusion specialists
to organizations around the globe and Universities, Howard University for charities
to develop and implement targeted
and supported more than 3,500 and Tennessee State, providing
and tailored communication,
partner organizations scholarships and programming • Continued our holiday giving outreach, and advocacy strategies.
support of $100,000, in lieu of
• Furthered our commitment to • Continued engagements sending printed cards, to provide See Management Approach
invest a total of $60 million to with Black, Indigenous, vital support in our communities See Community Engagement Policy
Stantec Employees at
community organizations by 2030, Asian, Women, LGBTQ+, Stantec in the Community Week
See Funding Priorities
with our current donation total at and Latin-led organizations (see Taipei, Taiwan
$36 million since 2007 Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity)
Corporate Governance
Project Delivery
Risk Management
Human Rights
Stantec Board
Stantec’s leadership is
comprised of accomplished
industry leaders and
experts in sustainability,
engineering, science,
planning, architecture,
acquisitions, assurance,
risk management, security,
Douglas Martin Shelley Patricia Robert Gord Don Marie-Lucie Celina
and foreign affairs. Ammerman à Porta Brown Galloway Gomes Johnston Lowry Morin Wang Doka
Board Chair Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director
Our Board and C-Suite are 44%
and 43% female with 11% and
29% being women of color,
respectively. Both the Board and Stantec C-Suite
C-Suite have multi-lingual and
multi-cultural representation.
Stantec provides robust In 2022, Stantec • Continued to enhance our Stantec’s Approach
IT security processes and • Realized 94% employee completion global ISO/IEC 27001-certified
practices, next-generation of our annual, mandatory Information Security Management Stantec protects our systems and
security systems, and cybersecurity and privacy training System, in alignment with changes the people who entrust us with
cybersecurity awareness to confirm that our people to the ISO/IEC 27001 international personal information in various
training for employees. Further, understand their responsibilities standards ways. Stantec’s next-generation
we respect and protect the in managing risks to protect our security systems include platform-
integrated IT fraud detection
privacy of employees, clients, business and clients1 • Continued to monitor new and
systems and a comprehensive
investors, subcontractors, and changing privacy laws around the
security incident response
others, and have controls in • Updated our group data transfer world to meet the obligations and process. Our privacy program
place that reduce the potential agreements with the new requirements of the countries we limits the collection and use of
that personal and sensitive European Commission-approved work in, including Bill 64 in Quebec, data to only what is needed to
data in our possession or “Standard Contractual Clauses,” Canada, and new privacy laws in operate our business. Mandatory
within our control is handled ensuring our intra-group transfers certain states of the United States cybersecurity training is required
inappropriately. of personal data comply with annually (including for the Board),
European Union General Data • Advanced prevention of phishing to help employees identify and
Stantec’s programs comply with Protection Regulation rules attacks and improved our ability thwart cybersecurity and privacy
applicable laws, including the to respond to a ransomware risks. Stantec tracks incidents and
has a robust incident response
General Data Protection Regulation • Improved our security posture attack if it occurred
program in place should the
(European Union), Defense Federal against prevalent vectors of
necessity to invoke it arise.
Acquisition Regulation Supplement cybersecurity attacks—through
(United States), and Cyber Essentials advanced behavioral analysis See Management Approach
Plus (United Kingdom). We comply tools and machine learning—to 1
Mandatory Training: At the time of training, 6% See Privacy Policy
with local practices and align our proactively detect and block of employees were unable to take the required
training due to leave, field deployments, logistics,
infrastructure accordingly. potentially malicious activities and system activity. Stantec Employee
Wellington, New Zealand
As a large global company, we achieve a 30%, or approximately • Partnered with Air Canada to • In the United Kingdom, entered Stantec’s Approach
recognize that our purchasing 1.3 million square feet (120,774 purchase sustainable aviation fuel a new copier contract to reduce
decisions can influence positive square meter), reduction of our (see Emissions Management) the number of devices by 35% to Stantec selects vendors,
change. While centralization total office portfolio from our reduce paper usage (see Resource subcontractors, subconsultants,
and standardization of 2019 baseline (see Resource • Continued formal programs to Conservation) and partners who practice
Stantec’s global supply chain Conservation) promote a diverse supply chain sustainable behaviors. We
management programs continue • In Australia and New Zealand, influence our supply chain with
our Partner Code of Business
to evolve, we leverage supply • Minimized waste during office • Furthered supply chain inclusion implemented objectives and are
Conduct, which details our values,
chain decisions to encourage consolidations and redesigns of Indigenous businesses through creating a framework to embed
standards, and expectations.
sustainable business practices, by using resource conservation industry partnership programs procurement practices across our Stantec suppliers are managed by
promote small and diverse programs such as those offered by in Canada and Australia (see operations to grow spend with a corporate Procurement and Real
businesses, and support local Green Standards (to redistribute, Indigenous Relations) socially responsible vendors Estate team and include providers
businesses around the world. recycle, and donate unneeded (for both direct and indirect spend) of building leases, vehicle fleets,
office furniture), Shaw’s (carpet • Partnered with key suppliers to and educate our workforce on the IT equipment, and office supplies.
In 2022, Stantec recycling), and EcoWorx (carpet promote climate action, including benefits of social procurement Subcontractors, subconsultants,
• Centralized our indirect procurement tile that uses 40% less energy playing a role in the Autodesk (personally and professionally) and specialty partners are
teams and purchased Oracle’s in production and transport) documentary, Drivers of Change managed by geographically
procurement management tool to (see Resource Conservation) • In Chile, renewed our Category A dispersed subcontractor
management teams.
improve consistency in application • In North America, progressed print Qualification within the Supplier
of our procurement processes, • Rolled out Egencia as our services programs that reduce the Company Qualification System See Management Approach
which will enable additional travel management system— need for printing and ensure the of the Antofagasta Industrial
See Partner Code of
sustainability improvements complete with green features and use of post-consumer recycled Association, the highest available Business Conduct
automatically generated emissions paper (see Resource Conservation) category
• Entered the second year of our reports—and initiated a third-party
office consolidation program—a sustainability audit of our travel • In the United States, ranked as
primary emissions reduction management approach to identify a Military Friendly Supplier (see
initiative—and are on target to improvement opportunities Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity)
Responsibility for risk Stantec executive management is when approaching our designs. Our Stantec’s Approach
management and compliance is directly accountable to the Board for project work in disaster response
shared across the organization— all activities that have the potential and resiliency also contributes first- Stantec systematically identifies,
from Stantec’s Board of Directors for significant risk exposure as well hand experience and knowledge manages, monitors, and reviews
to senior executives and frontline as risk management practices. They when it comes to climate change significant and emerging risks at
employees. Stantec systematically are supported by numerous teams— risk management. an enterprise and project level.
identifies, manages, and monitors Legal; Health, Safety, Security, Our Enterprise Risk Management
program is based on the ISO
risks through a comprehensive and Environment; Information In 2022, specific to climate-
31000:2018 Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management Technology; Finance; Corporate related risks and opportunities, we
Standard, and consists of a
program that aligns with Sustainability; and others—that established a task force to evaluate formal, continual process to
international standards and provide risk management and how to best address such risks in our guide the identification, analysis,
supports policies, practices, and compliance functions across project work and are in the process evaluation, response, monitoring,
systems to address our principal the organization and work with of establishing a similar task force to and reporting of risks across the
risks, which are described in detail management to design and monitor address climate-related risks in our Company to minimize losses and
in Stantec’s Annual Report. appropriate risk mitigation. operations. maximize opportunities. Climate
risks are identified and managed
The Board of Directors provides Our risk management processes See our Annual Report and CDP at an operational and project level.
strategic direction to and guidance directly address climate change, and Disclosure for more information Significant environmental impacts
are incorporated into Stantec’s
on Stantec’s risk management we evaluate climate-related risks for about our risk factors and response.
ISO 14001-certified environmental
program and has delegated potential short-, mid-, and long-term
management system.
responsibility for oversight of the impacts. Stantec tracks regulations
program to the Audit and Risk that might affect our operations See Management Approach
Committee. Stantec’s Sustainability or clients, keeps tabs on new
and Safety Committee and technologies to improve our project
Corporate Governance and delivery, and has a Climate Solutions Barton Park
Compensation Committee also have Leadership Team that assists in Oxford, United Kingdom
roles in risk management. addressing future climate impacts
As a design, architecture, becoming an issue in the future. to negatively impact human rights Stantec’s Approach
engineering, planning, Our Human Rights Policy outlines the exists, during our project risk review
digital technology, project principles, policies, and procedures we put protection conditions in Stantec policies and practices
management, and scientific we follow to conduct business in place or choose not to work on the protect the rights of our
consulting services firm, accordance with high ethical, moral associated project. If employees see employees, individuals supporting
Stantec provides strategy and and legal standards for all. The a potential violation while working our supply chain, and the
design services for projects principles in this policy are embedded with clients, they are encouraged to communities where we work.
Stantec is an equal opportunity
that are constructed by others. into how we conduct our local call the Integrity Hotline (managed by
employer and respects the rights
We determined our potential operations and reflected in these a third party).
of our employees to freedom
negative impact on human rights policies, among others: of association. We support
to be nominal since virtually all Stantec takes reasonable and the principles in the Universal
our operations are in developed • Code of Business Conduct practicable steps to identify breaches Declaration of Human Rights, the
countries with existing laws in • Diversity Policy to our Human Rights Policy and acts International Labour Organization’s
place to protect human rights. • Equal Employment Opportunity accordingly to constantly improve Declaration on Fundamental
Policy for the communities in which we Principles and Rights at Work, the
While Stantec determined our • Harassment, Bullying and work. We are committed to promptly UN Guiding Principles on Business
human rights risk to be low, we Discrimination Policy investigating any reports and and Human Rights, and the UN
identified this as a managed topic in • Human Trafficking and Modern address any violations of this policy. Global Compact.
our materiality analysis because we Slavery Policy See Management Approach
believe in the need to consciously • Partner Code of Business Conduct
See Human Rights Policy
work to protect and advocate for • Privacy Policy
the rights of others. We believe it is • Sustainability Policy See Human Trafficking and
important to explicitly identify human • Workplace Violence Policy Modern Slavery Policy
rights as a part of our policies,
procedures, and ethics training Stantec’s commitment to protecting Alpine Hut
to help us keep the topic top-of- human rights impacts also applies Mount Cook / Aoraki, New Zealand
mind and reduce the likelihood of it to our project work. If the potential
• Environmental
• Workforce
• Health and Safety
• Data Compilation: Numbers were compiled with information from Stantec’s eco-footprint database, Human Resources Information System (HRIS), and health and safety incident tracking system.
• Multiple Years of Data: To make it easier to spot trends, whenever possible, we provided multiple years of data.
• Employment Category: Stantec’s Global Career Framework was released in 2021 and standardized career families, job levels, and competencies to allow for career growth consistency across all geographies and operating units.
For the Workforce data, questions referencing employment categories are presented for the two years that the new framework has been in place.
• Geographical Locations: For the Workforce data, questions referencing geographical locations are as follows:
o Regions (representing 100% of global employees)
United States
Europe—United Kingdom, European Union (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic), and Türkiye
Asia Pacific—Australia, New Zealand, and Asia (China, Taiwan, Philippines)
Remaining geographies—India, Latin America and the Caribbean (Argentina, Barbados, Chile, Peru), the Middle East (Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), and Ethiopia
o Countries of significant operations (representing 91% of global employees)
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
• Additional Information: To make it easier to cross-reference other Stantec disclosures, we provided references to the narrative of this Sustainability Report (SR), Appendix B. GRI Content Index (GRI), and Stantec’s
CDP Climate Change Questionnaire (CDP).
Reduction of GHG Emissions for Stantec’s SBTs 2022 2021 2020 SR: Emissions Management
Reduction percentages of absolute GHG emissions relevant to % % % GRI: 305-5
Stantec’s near-term SBTs, measured against a 2019 baseline. Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) 63 59 19
Scope 3 (business travel only) 29 58 56
Note: Stantec’s scope 1 and 2 emission reduction percentages exceed that of our projected SBT due to our significant investment in the use of
renewable energy. As of 2022, with minor exceptions, Stantec has maximized our renewable energy use potential. To gain future year emissions
reductions, we will continue to implement our office consolidation program (in support of our Flexible Workplace Strategy), improve management
systems to reduce business travel, investigate the implications of broader green natural gas use, and expand our use of sustainable aviation fuel.
Diversity of Employees
Percentage of employees by employment
category, broken down by region and Total Canada United States Europe Asia Pacific Remaining Geographies
gender. Presenting data for the two years 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
that the Global Career Framework (the Employment Category F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M% F% M%
employment categories) has been in place. Total Company 36 64 35 65 37 63 37 63 38 62 35 65 37 63 34 66 32 68 32 68 26 74 26 74
Executives 18 82 15 85 13 87 13 87 21 79 17 83 29 71 25 75 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100
Senior Managers 20 80 18 82 28 72 23 77 20 80 17 83 14 86 15 85 10 90 6 94 18 82 22 78
Mid-Level Managers 25 75 23 77 26 74 24 76 27 73 24 76 27 73 25 75 18 82 19 81 13 87 14 86
Professionals 39 61 38 62 39 61 39 61 42 58 40 60 42 58 41 59 37 63 36 64 21 79 22 78
Entry-Level 48 52 50 50 50 50 52 48 53 47 55 45 44 56 44 56 44 56 46 54 37 63 38 62
Note: Stantec’s employment categorization underwent significant changes in 2021 stemming from the rollout of a Global Career Framework. Data shown for 2022 and 2021 accords with the new employment categorization.
Note: Percentages are compiled from Stantec’s HRIS as of year-end 2022 for head count that includes full-time and part-time employees.
Note: Percentages exclude individuals whose data is not managed in Stantec’s human resources systems. This includes new acquisitions, whose data is not yet integrated into Stantec systems, and contracted labor (agency and independent
contractors), whose employment details are not managed by Stantec.
SR: Workforce
Age: Under 30 Age: 30-50 Age: Over 50 Management and
Percentage of employees by employment
category and age. Presenting data for the 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 Corporate Governance
two years that the Global Career Framework Employment Category % % % % % % GRI: 405-1
(the employment categories) has been in
place. Total 21 18 53 55 26 27
Executives 0 0 21 23 79 77
Senior Management 0 0 36 35 64 65
Mid-Level Managers 1 0 57 57 42 43
Professionals 17 17 64 65 19 18
Entry Level 58 53 31 35 11 12
United States
Available only for the United States, Share of Workforce Share of Management
percentage of employees by self-identified 2022 2021 2022 2021
minority status broken down by race/ethnicity Race/Ethnicity % % % %
and share of management (employment Asian/Pacific Islander 7.6 8.0 6.0 6.0
categories mid-level managers and above).
Black 2.5 2.4 1.5 1.5
Additionally, 6.4% of our staff in the United
States have self-identified as individuals with Latino 7.8 8.1 5.5 5.6
disabilities. Indigenous 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Two or More 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.4
White 65.0 74.4 74.9 80.9
Choose not to Answer 15.2 5.3 10.5 4.4
Note: Stantec’s employment categorization underwent significant changes in 2021 stemming from the rollout of a Global Career Framework.
Data shown for 2022 and 2021 is according to the new employment categorization.
Note: Self-identified minority is a statistic only collected in Canada and the United States. The percentages shown above are only for the US operation.
Note: Percentages exclude individuals whose data is not managed in Stantec’s human resources systems. This includes new acquisitions, whose data
is not yet integrated into Stantec systems, and contracted labor (agency and independent contractors), whose employment details are not managed by Stantec.
2-1 Organizational details Stantec Inc. is a public company headquartered in Edmonton, Canada that trades on the TSX and the NYSE. A list of Stantec countries of operation is included in the narrative of SR: Who We Are and Where We Are
this report under the section About Stantec and can also be found on Stantec’s website. AIF: Pages 4 to 14 Locations
2-2 Entities included in the organization’s Information on Stantec’s Corporate structure is included in our AIF. Stantec’s Sustainability Report (including material topics identified across our value chain) cover all legal AIF: Pages 4 to 8
sustainability reporting entities and services. Unless otherwise stated, this report includes acquisitions completed prior to December 2022.
2-3 Reporting period, frequency, and contact Stantec publishes an annual Sustainability Report based on the calendar year. This is in alignment with the annual financial report (Annual Report). Stantec’s 2022 Sustainability SR: About This Report
point Report (covering January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022) was reported on April 18, 2023. Stantec’s Annual Report (covering the same reporting period) was published on AR: Page M-1
February 23, 2023. Please direct questions to
2-4 Restatements of information GRI 305-5: Stantec is restating the 2019 to 2021 percentage reduction for scope 1 and 2 market-based emissions from 65% to 59% to correct a typographical error in the
published report. Because emissions were uncharacteristically low in 2021 due to shutdowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, this has no material impact on progress against
our science-based target.
GRI 403-9: Stantec is restating near miss (close calls) figures for 2021 from 403 to 592 because additional reports from 2021 were received after the 2021 Sustainability Report
publication date. This has no material impact on reported health and safety key performance indicators.
2-5 External assurance Stantec seeks external assurance on elements of this Sustainability Report. SR: About This Report
Our greenhouse gas emissions inventory was independently verified by Apex Companies in accordance with ISO 14064-3 Second Edition 2019-04 Greenhouse Gases–Part 3: About > Corporate
Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements. Stantec enterprise-wide, global emissions were verified to the limited level of Sustainability > Verification Documents
assurance with an additional UK operation-only verification to a reasonable level of assurance.
Apex Companies also conducted a third-party review of this report to determine whether it was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GRI Sustainability Reporting
Standards and SASB Engineering & Construction Reporting Requirements.
Apex is an independent company, and no member of their team has a business relationship with Stantec, its directors, or managers beyond that required of these assignments.
2-7 Employees Numbers are presented in Appendix A. Stantec Data Workbook. SR: Where We Are
Appendix A: Workforce > Employee
Numbers and Demographics
2-8 Workers who are not employees While the majority of Stantec’s work is performed by our employees, Stantec also accesses the services of approximately 950 contracted labor (agency and independent SR: Where We Are
contractors) resources. Basic information is collected on these individuals and maintained in our HRIS but, because they are not Stantec employees and not guaranteed hours,
additional employment details are not collected. These workers provide a variety of services throughout the year based on our project workload and needs. Activities are both
technical and administrative as well as office- and field-based.
2-9 Governance structure and composition Stantec’s highest governance body is our Board of Directors. Board committees include the Sustainability and Safety Committee, the Corporate Governance and Compensation SR: Sustainability Governance and
Committee, and the Audit and Risk Committee. The committee responsible for decision-making on and overseeing the management of Stantec’s impacts on the economy, Corporate Governance
environment, and people is the Sustainability and Safety Committee. The composition of Stantec’s Board is covered in our annual MIC. MIC: Pages 34 to 44
AIF: Pages 12, 18, and 19 About > Corporate
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest Canadian legislation and Stantec’s leadership Diversity Policy guide the nomination and selection of our Board. MIC: Pages 13, 15 to 23, 30 to 33,
governance body About > Corporate
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in Stantec’s vice president of Corporate Sustainability and our Executive ESG Committee identify and manage ESG impacts and provide information to the Board. Through various SR: Sustainability Governance
overseeing the management of impacts means, the Board also receives direct input from stakeholder groups. Stakeholder consultation on ESG topics is delegated to the vice president of Corporate Sustainability, who AR: Page M-31
is a member of the Executive ESG Committee; works closely with our SDG Impact Leader, corporate functions, and business operating units; and reports to the chief project and
practice officer. Results and impacts (potential and actual) are informally shared with the Board Sustainability and Safety Committee by the chief project and practice officer (who MIC: Pages 31, 32, and 42 to 45
is also an Executive ESG Committee member) on an as-needed basis and formally shared on a quarterly basis. CDP: Question C1
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing Stantec’s Board delegates responsibility for managing ESG impacts to the Executive ESG Committee, which is coordinated by the vice president of Corporate Sustainability and SR: Sustainability Governance
impacts includes membership of more than half of Stantec’s C-Suite members (chief financial officer [chair], chief operations officer-Global; chief project and practice officer; chief people CDP: Question C1
and inclusion officer). Additional Committee members include the executive vice president of Environmental Services (new member); vice president of strategy (outgoing
member); vice presidents of risk management, practice services, and treasury; and regional leader of Continental Europe operations. Day-to-day sustainability responsibility sits
with the Corporate Sustainability team, led by the vice president of Corporate Sustainability. The Executive ESG Committee and the Corporate Sustainability team informally
interact with the Board on a regular basis and formally report to the Board on a quarterly basis.
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in This report is written by the Corporate Sustainability team. The Board Sustainability and Safety Committee, C-Suite, and Executive ESG Committee have reviewed and approved SR: About This Report and
sustainability reporting the information included in this Sustainability Report. Sustainability Governance
2-15 Conflicts of interest Identifying and managing conflicts of interest is covered during directors’ orientation and continuing education. We also implement guidelines on director overboarding. MIC: Pages 34, 40, 41, and 43
If conflicts of interest are identified, they are disclosed in Stantec’s MIC. AIF: Page 22
2-16 Communication of critical concerns No critical ESG concerns were reported to the Board in 2022. If there was a critical ESG concern, it would be immediately communicated by the Corporate Sustainability team to
the Executive ESG Committee and then elevated to the Board Sustainability and Safety Committee. Concerns would also be formally documented in quarterly reporting.
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest Stantec’s Executive ESG Committee informs the Board Sustainability and Safety Committee about environmental and social topics. As reported in Stantec’s MIC, members of SR: Sustainability Governance and
governance body both committees have extensive ESG industry expertise. Of the full Board, 100% have governance experience and 88% are highly experienced in environmental and social Corporate Governance
topics with 11% having general experience. (Note: Percentages do not include Angeline Chen, who has not yet been voted onto the board at the time of this report release. MIC: Page 33
Ms. Chen is deemed highly experienced in environmental, social, and governance topics). The vice president of Corporate Sustainability is regularly invited to participate in
Board Sustainability and Safety Committee meetings to provide ESG insights to the group.
2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest The Executive ESG Committee provides direct input and analysis of Stantec’s ESG performance to the Board Sustainability and Safety Committee, including our performance
governance body compared to our peers and to previous years. There is no formal, independent evaluation of either governance body as it relates to their ESG performance.
2-20 Process to determine remuneration Remuneration is covered in Stantec’s MIC. MIC: Pages 50 to 69
2-22 Statement on sustainable development Stantec is committed to sustainable development, utilizes the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework to guide our strategy, and has a dedicated SDG impact SR: CEO Message and Board
strategy leader overseeing implementation of this strategy. Statements on the relevance and importance of ESG to Stantec’s future are included in the introduction letters from the chief Sustainability and Safety Committee
executive officer and the Board Sustainability and Safety Committee chair. As well, there is a section of this report dedicated to describing our commitment to and actions that Chair, SDGs
support the SDGs. AR: Pages 3, 9, M-3, M-14, and M-33
2-23 Policy commitments As a consulting firm recognized for building sustainable communities, Stantec has a brand position founded on protecting the environment and society. We are active SR: Policies are linked to throughout
participants in the UN Global Compact and expressly support the SDGs, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and the Women’s Empowerment Principles. Stantec has the relevant sections of this report
several policies committing us to responsible business conduct including our Sustainability Policy, Environmental Policy, Code of Business Conduct, Diversity Policy, Health About > Corporate
Safety, and Security Policy, Community Engagement Policy, Human Rights Policy, and a variety of workforce policies. All policies are approved by the C-Suite with some Governance > Policies
policies additionally approved by the Board (of the aforementioned policies, the Environmental Policy, Code of Business Conduct, Diversity Policy, Health Safety, and
Security Policy are Board approved). All policies are available to employees via Stantec’s internal website and externally pertinent policies are available to business partners
and other parties via
2-24 Embedding policy commitments Stantec extends the aforementioned policy commitments across different levels of the organization through regular communications and through a formal integrated
management system comprised of relevant ISO-certified management systems. We regularly conduct internal and external audits to evaluate business understanding and
performance. During our strategic planning process, as a part of our periodic materiality assessment refresh exercises, and following our enterprise risk management system, we
evaluate and actively work to mitigate potential environmental or social degradation resulting from our operations and project work. Commitments are then communicated to
relevant parties in the Suppliers and Partners node of our value chain via our Partner Code of Business Conduct.
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts Stantec asks our value chain members to speak up if they become aware of unlawful actions or unethical behaviors that violate Stantec policies or values. Issues can be SR: Ethics and Compliance
reported to our Risk Management team via Concerns of any nature can be confidentially and anonymously reported by employees or third parties using MA: Ethics and Compliance
our Company’s Integrity Hotline via or a variety of toll-free numbers (managed by an independent hosting company).
Each Integrity Hotline report is assigned to a Corporate Integrity, Human Resources, Financial or Legal representative, as appropriate, for investigation. If a report about a
violation of our policies has been substantiated, we take appropriate disciplinary action, corrective action, or both. The vice president of Corporate Integrity follows up to confirm
that reports have been properly addressed.
Integrity Hotline reports are aggregated every quarter and reported to our board of directors. Serious complaints are reported immediately to the chair of the board-level Audit
and Risk Committee.
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations As determined by Stantec’s Risk Management team, there are no material fines or sanctions to report for noncompliance with laws or regulations in environmental, social, and AR: Page M-31
economic areas (including accounting and tax fraud, corruption, bribery, competition, the provision of products and services, environmental compliance, and labor issues) during AIF: Page 22
the reporting period (January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022). We determine whether information is deemed material based on whether we believe that a reasonable
investor’s decision to buy, sell, or hold securities in our Company would likely be influenced or changed if the information was omitted, obscured, or misstated.
2-28 Membership associations Stantec participates in hundreds of industry associations, membership associations, and national and international advocacy organizations.
Below are examples of some of the more significant memberships:
Aboriginal Environmental Leadership Circle Engineers Without Borders Social and Labor Convergence
American Institute of Architects Greenhouse Gas Protocol Task Force on Climate-related Financial
American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air- GRI Reporting Standards Disclosures
Conditioning Engineers Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, Envision UN Global Compact
American Water Works Association Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment UN Guiding Principles on Business and
Australian Water Association International Hydropower Association Human Rights
Board of Certified Safety Professionals International Organization for Standardization UN Women’s Empowerment Principles
British Standards Institution 9001, 14001, 20000, 27001, 45001 WasteMINZ
Building Owners and Managers Association International Water Association Water Design-Build Council
Canadian Green Building Council US Green Building Council Water New Zealand
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business National Association for Environmental Management Water Research Foundation
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Natural Capital Coalition Water UK
Catalyst (advancing women in the workplace) Sustainability Accounting Standards Board International WELL Building Institute
CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) Sustainable Apparel Coalition
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental
Management Engineers Australia
Specific to stakeholder input on Stantec’s sustainability program, our Executive ESG Committee identified the highest priority stakeholder groups by conducting a pairwise
evaluation—a process of comparing entities in pairs to judge which of each entity is given greater weight. The stakeholder groups rated highest in the pairwise evaluation and
given the most weight in shaping our sustainability programs include employees, clients, and investors. Regular ESG engagement with these primary stakeholder groups to
gauge opinions, concerns, opportunities, and priorities is accomplished through direct conversations (virtual and in-person), surveys, and focus groups.
From a client and project perspective, meaningful engagement with stakeholders is formalized through our Project Management Ecosystem and ISO 9001-certified quality
management system (part of our integrated management system). Stantec employs and partners with a diverse network of communication experts, social scientists, and
inclusion specialists to develop and implement targeted and tailored communication, outreach, and advocacy strategies. We approach stakeholder engagement in an integrated
manner to ensure that communication and policy strategies are closely coordinated with and support the technical elements of the project at hand.
3-2 List of material topics Stantec’s new list of prioritized material topics is included on the following two pages along with a reference to the associated GRI categories. Since our 2021 reporting, the list SR: Materiality
of operations material topics (the focus of our previous materiality assessments) has remained largely the same with some changes to the priority groupings. As 2022 is the first
year of assessment related to Stantec’s upstream (Suppliers and Partners) and downstream (Clients and Communities), all material topics for those value chain nodes are new.
3-3 Management of material topics Management approaches have been written to provide an overview of how Stantec manages the identified topics. These are noted in the “Additional Information” column of the SR: Materiality
associated GRI sections with the “MA:” reference. Management approaches are also available within the narrative of this report in the “Stantec Approach” call out box of each About > Corporate
report section. A full list of management approaches is available at These management approaches provide information on associated policies, Sustainability > Management
commitments, goals, and targets. Approaches
In the subsequent sections of this GRI Content Index, each GRI topic references the associated value chain node (Suppliers and Partners, Operations, Clients and
Communities) and associated priority grouping (Priority, Managed, Monitored).
Note: Because Stantec’s 2022 materiality refresh was completed near the end of the year, efforts to expand our management approaches to address the needs of the new value
chain nodes (Suppliers and Partners, Clients and Communities) are still a work in progress.
Social Stantec supplier programs that promote small and Stantec programs to build an inspiring, inclusive, safe Stantec’s ability to impact client decisions that maximize the positive
diverse businesses and prioritize businesses that workplace and culture at Stantec and positively support the and minimize the negative impact on social groups directly or indirectly
support their employees, local communities, and communities where we live and work affiliated with Stantec’s project work
human rights
Community Engagement Covered as part of inclusion, diversity, and equity Managed: Stantec’s philanthropic and economic impact on local Managed: Encouragement of community engagement by or on behalf of our
(GRI 413) communities (donations, volunteering, significant employer in client projects and proactive assessments to minimize social/climate justice
local communities) impacts
Health, Safety, and Security Covered as part of procurement Priority: Health, safety, and security of Stantec employees and Priority: Health, safety, and security in the use of our designed products
(GRI 403, 410, 416) project teams in the office and in the field
Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Managed: Supplier diversity programs, includes a focus Priority: Diversity, equal opportunity, and non-discrimination Priority: Inclusion, diversity, and equity in Stantec project management
(GRI 405, 406) on women, minority-owned (including Indigenous), and practices for Stantec employees practices such as promoting diverse project teams and proactively assessing
small businesses projects for potential community impacts
Governance Stantec supplier management approaches that Stantec programs to ethically manage our business Stantec’s ability to promote project-level responsible behavior with our
promote responsible behavior clients
Cybersecurity and Privacy Covered as part of procurement Priority: Cybersecurity and privacy of Stantec employee data Priority: Cybersecurity and privacy protection of client information
(GRI 418) plus Stantec ISO-certified integrated management system
Ethics and Compliance Covered as part of procurement Priority: Ethical business behavior including anti-corruption, anti- Priority: Proactively working with clients to address ethics on our projects,
(GRI 205, 206, 415) competitive behaviors, political contributions speaking up when we see potential issues
Human Rights Covered as part of procurement Managed: Protecting the human rights of our employees and Managed: Watching out for and speaking up if there are potential human
(GRI 408, 409) operational touch, includes security practices rights violations by our clients or individuals connected to our project work
Procurement Managed: ESG assessments for Stantec vendors, Managed: Stantec systems and tools to enable sustainable Not applicable
(GRI 204, 308, 414) subcontractors, and subconsultants supply chain practices (as covered under the upstream value
chain node)
Risk Management - Climate Not applicable Managed: Operational risk to Stantec caused by climate Priority: Management of climate-related risks to project solutions, including
change, includes employee safety and business continuity in proactively identifying, advocating for, and addressing climate change
the face of extreme weather impacts in our project work
Risk Management - Overall Not applicable Managed: Enterprise risks to Stantec caused by operations and Not applicable
project management (excludes climate-related risks)
Financial Health (GRI 201, 207) Not applicable Priority: Stantec’s financial health Not applicable
306-1 Waste generation and significant waste- For our leased office space, Stantec does not have significant waste-related impacts, though we do take measures to minimize our office waste production.
related impacts For our clients, we provide waste-related consulting services for whole life cycle impacts of materials, circular economy opportunities and design-for-disassembly. During
construction of the projects we have designed, Stantec is not directly responsible for construction waste management, long-term operational waste management or end-of-life
materials waste management in the systems, buildings, or infrastructure.
306-2 Management of significant waste-related For our leased office space, Stantec does not have significant waste-related impacts, though we do have recycling programs and composting programs in place wherever
impacts available in the local municipality.
For our clients, we provide consulting services for circular economy opportunities and end-of-life waste management such as take-back programs. However, we are not directly
responsible for long-term operational waste management over the life cycle of the systems, buildings, or infrastructure we design.
306-3 Waste generated Numbers are presented in Appendix A. Stantec Data Workbook.
For our offices, we have extrapolated office waste using a per person industry estimation figure. Native plant nursery waste to disposal is tracked through activity data.
Additionally, there is some organic nursery waste composted onsite, but composting volumes are not tracked.
For the reasons noted in 306-1, 306-2, and 306-4, we do not track waste related to the projects we design.
Code Description Stantec Direct Answers, Reasons for Omission (if applicable) Additional Information
Environmental Impacts of Project Development
IF-EN160a.1 Number of incidents of non-compliance with Stantec had no incidents of non-compliance with environmental permits, standards, and regulations.
environmental permits, standards, and regulations
IF-EN-160a.2 Discussion of processes to assess and manage Stantec’s process to manage, monitor, and improve our operational environmental performance is a component of our formal ISO 14001-certified environmental MA: Environmental Protection,
environmental risks associated with project design, management system (part of our integrated management system), which captures due diligence (impact assessments and stakeholder engagement) and steps to ensure Integrated Management System,
siting, and construction compliance (permitting checklists, internal audit and reporting, external audit, and record keeping). and Project Management
As a leading global provider of design, architecture, engineering, scientific planning, digital technology, and project management consulting services, Stantec collaborates
with clients to improve the environmental performance of the projects we support. Our process for assessing and managing environmental risks related to project work is
driven by Stantec project managers, who work under a single global project management framework that encourages them to identify environmental risks and look for
opportunities to minimize environmental impact and maximize environmental performance (such as energy efficiency, nature-based solutions, and biodiversity
enhancements). While many project managers have backgrounds in environmental management, project teams have access to Stantec environmental and social subject
matter expertise available throughout our different business operating units.
Structural Integrity and Safety
IF-EN-250a.1 Amount of defect- and safety-related rework costs Stantec’s claims process starts at the project management level and requires project managers to report any claims via internal notice to regional management. These
regional leaders work with legal to determine whether the matter is an incident that requires a deeper investigation. All steps in the process follow Stantec’s signing authority
matrix. Stantec does not separately capture costs for defect- or safety-related rework.
IF-EN-250a.2 Total amount of monetary losses resulting from Legal proceedings, lawsuits, or claims pending are a normal part of professional services industries. Stantec seeks to deal with client concerns and claims promptly and AR: Pages F-24 to F-25 and F-37
legal proceedings associated with defect- and fairly through our Risk Management Group. As a public company, Stantec has substantial assets and maintains a high professional liability insurance limit. Our claims
safety-related incidents history has resulted in relatively low insurance premiums when compared with firms of similar size and character.
Stantec’s approach to judgements, estimates, and assumptions are outlined in note 5e of our 2022 Annual Report, Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Provisions for these normal course events are outlined in note 17. Due to uncertainties in the nature of the Company’s legal claims (such as the range of possible outcomes
and the progress of the litigation), provisions for self-insured liabilities and claims involve estimates. The ultimate cost to resolve incident claims do not materially exceed the
insurance coverage or provisions accrued and, therefore, do not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated statements of income and financial position.
Workforce Health and Safety
IF-EN-320a.1 (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) and (2) (1) Stantec’s TRIR for direct employees was 0.29. Appendix A: Health and Safety
fatality rate for (a) direct employees and (b) (2) (a) Stantec had no direct employee fatalities. (b) OSHA requires that a company report injuries and hours for those staff where we have day-to-day care. Thus, all Appendix B: GRI 403-9
contract employees health and safety statistics exclude contracted labor and subcontractors.
Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks C2. Risk and Opportunities SR: Risk Management
Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate-related risks C2. Risk and Opportunities SR: Risk Management
Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the C2. Risk and Opportunities SR: Risk Management
overall risk management AR: Pages M-33 to M-34
Metrics and Targets
Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its C2. Risk and Opportunities SR: Risk Management
strategy and risk management process
Disclose scope 1, scope 2, and, if appropriate, scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks C6. Emissions Data SR: Emissions Management
Appendix A: Emissions and Energy > GHG Emissions
Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks, opportunities, and performance C4. Targets and Performance SR: Emissions Management
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