Umis Student Data Collection Format
Umis Student Data Collection Format
Umis Student Data Collection Format
Contact Information
15 Mobile Number *
16 Email Id *
17 Permanent Address:
18 Country *
19 State / Union Territory
20 Location Type
21 District
22 Taluk
23 Village
24 Block *
25 Village Panchayat
26 Postal Address *
27 Communication Address:
28 Country *
29 State / Union Territory *
30 Location Type *
31 District *
32 Taluk *
33 Village *
34 Block *
35 Village Panchayat *
36 Postal Address *
Family Information
37 Father's Name
38 Father's Occupation / Sector
39 Mother's Name
40 Mother's Occupation / Sector
41 Guardian's / Spouse's Name
42 Is Orphan Category *
43 Annual Family Income (in Rs) *
44 Parent / spouse / Guardian Mobile Number*
Bank Account Details
45 Account Number *
46 IFSC Code *
47 Bank Name *
48 Bank Branch *
49 City *
Current Academic Information
50 Academic Year of Joining *
51 Stream Type *
52 Course Type *
53 Course *
54 Branch / Specialization *
55 Medium of Instruction *
56 Mode of Study *
57 Date of Admission *
58 Type of Admission *
59 Counselling / Admission Number
60 Registration / Roll Number*
61 Has the student joined as lateral entry ?*
62 Hosteller *