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GAD Configuration Using GAD Configuration Window v2

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Implementation of Global-Active Device (GAD)

Using Hitachi Command Suite (HCS) Global-Active

Device Configuration Window

Hitachi Data Systems

GSS Americas
HDS GSS Internal Only

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Revision History
Date of this revision: [insert current date]

Version Version Summary of Changes Changes

Number Date marked

Distribution List
Version Version Summary of Changes Changes
Number Date marked
1 09/22/14 Original Version N

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Table of Contents
1. Required Licenses.....................................................................................................4
2. HCS Implementation Steps.......................................................................................5
3. Storage Array Configuration......................................................................................6
4. Tips............................................................................................................................7
5. CCI Implementation Steps.........................................................................................8
6. GAD Implementation Steps using the HCS GAD Configuration Window..................9
7. Create GAD pairs from new volumes......................................................................15
8. To create GAD pairs from existing volumes (Using Command Suite).....................18
9. To create GAD pairs from existing volumes (Using Replication Manager)..............19
10. Host Configuration................................................................................................21
a. MPIO.................................................................................................................21
b. HLDM................................................................................................................21

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1. Required Licenses
- UVM License
- HRpM (if using it)

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2. HCS Implementation Steps
- The release date of CCI that is installed and the release date of HCS that is
installed should be a match. If they are not then there could be issues with
getting features in HCS to work.
- Recommend installing the latest GA version of HCS since major improvements
continue to be added to HCS related to GAD features
- Single HCS Install with or without VMware SRM
o Follow instructions in the “HCS-Installation and Configuration Guide”
section “Hitachi Command Suite Server Installation”
o Discover Primary G1000
o Discover Secondary G1000
o Discover quorum array
o Discover primary CCI host
o Discover secondary CCI host
- Clustered HCS Install
o Follow instructions in the “HCS-Installation and Configuration Guide”
section “Hitachi Command Suite Server Installation in a Cluster
o Discover Primary G1000
o Discover Secondary G1000
o Discover Quorum array
o Discover Primary CCI host
o Discover Secondary CCI host

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3. Storage Array Configuration
- Connect the physical array paths for the following:
o G1000 at GAD Primary site to the G1000 at GAD Secondary site (two or
more paths required)
o G1000 at GAD Secondary site to the G1000 at GAD Primary site (two or
more paths required)
o G1000 at GAD Primary site to Quorum array (two or more paths required)
o G1000 at GAD Secondary site to Quorum array (two or more paths
- Connect the physical host paths for the following:
o Primary GAD Pair Management Server to G1000 at GAD Primary site
(one or more paths required)
o Secondary GAD Pair Management Server to G1000 at GAD Secondary
site (one or more paths required)
o Production Server(s) at GAD Primary site and the G1000 at GAD Primary
site (two or more paths required)
o Optional but recommended: Production Server(s) at GAD Primary site and
the G1000 at GAD Secondary site (two or more paths required)
o Production Server(s) at GAD Secondary site to G1000 at GAD Secondary
site (two or more paths required)
o Optional but recommended: Production Server(s) at GAD Secondary site
to G1000 at GAD Primary site (two or more paths required)

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4. Tips

- Do not use Chrome as a browser for HCS, it does not display the GAD
Configuration Window
- If the intended S-Vol already exists the LDEV will need to be deleted and
recreated and assigned to the virtual storage machine. If the LUN is not
assigned to the virtual storage machine a GAD pair cannot be created.
Additionally the S-Vol needs to have the checkbox next to “Reserve as a
secondary volume for a global-active device pair.” under advanced options
- On the secondary array make sure servers intended to be protected by GAD are
zoned to G1000 ports that are not shared with non-GAD protected ports. The
ports will have to be assigned to either the VSM or to the secondary array, they
cannot be assigned to both.
- Host groups on the secondary storage system should not exist until after the host
group number is added to the VSM.
- Host groups on the secondary storage system do not need to exist before
creating GAD devices.
- When making changes with HCS and HCS-Storage Navigator, keep in mind that
if something does not look correct (such as it looks the same as it did before the
change) check system tasks to see if the DB refreshed after the change. If not
force a manual refresh of the storage system and/or pair management servers.
- Hitachi Device Manager Storage Navigator should not be used to create or
delete GAD pairs (right click on storage array and select Remote Replication).
As with previous versions of Storage Navigator and remote replication it does not
add or remove entries from the horcm files. This will cause issues down the road
because HRpM and the Allocate Volumes and Change to Global-Active Device
Volumes feature in HCS modify the horcm files.
- With HCS 8.1.0, the volume type for the quorum disk can be basic or HDP/HDT
- With HCS 8.1.0, the volume type for the CCI command device disk can be basic
- If the customer has MSCS guests in VMware HDLM cannot be used. Refer to
the HDLM user guide for more details.

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5. CCI Implementation Steps
- Follow install instructions in the “Command Control Interface Installation and
Configuration Guide”
- The release date of CCI that is installed and the release date of HCS that is
installed should be a match. If they are not then there could be issues with
getting features in HCS to work.
- Make sure 1-32-03/03 or later version of CCI is installed

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6. GAD Implementation Steps using the HCS GAD
Configuration Window
- Set the port attributes
o Select the Resources Tab
o Expand the primary storage system
o Select Ports/Host Groups
 Select the Ports Tab
 Check the box next to all desired Initiator ports
 Select the Edit Ports button
 Next to Port Attribute Select Initiator
 Click Finish
 Click Apply
 Check the box next to all desired RCU Target ports
 Select the Edit Ports button
 Next to Port Attribute Select RCU Target
 Click Finish
 Click Apply
o Expand the secondary storage system
o Select Ports/Host Groups
 Select the Ports Tab
 Check the box next to all desired Initiator ports
 Select the Edit Ports button
 Next to Port Attribute Select Initiator
 Click Finish
 Click Apply
 Check the box next to all desired RCU Target ports
 Select the Edit Ports button
 Next to Port Attribute Select RCU Target
 Click Finish
 Click Apply
- Change the G1000 ports to external ports for quorum array connectivity
o Expand the primary storage system
o Select Ports/Host Groups
 Select the Ports tab
 Check the box next to all desired External ports
 Select the Edit Ports button
 Next to Port Attribute Select External
 Next to Port Security Select Enable
 Click Finish
 Click Apply
o Expand the secondary storage system
o Select Ports/Host Groups

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 Select the Ports tab
 Check the box next to all desired External ports
 Select the Edit Ports button
 Next to Port Attribute Select External
 Next to Port Security Select Enable
 Click Finish
 Click Apply
- Refresh the quorum, primary, and secondary storage systems in HCS
o Select Administration Tab
o Check the boxes next to all three storage systems
o Click the Refresh Storage Systems button
- Select Actions from Drop Down
- Select “Set up Global-Active Device”
o Click Select Storage Systems button
 Primary drop down select the primary array serial number
 Secondary drop down select the secondary array serial number
 Virtual Storage Machine (Primary) – See Note
 Note: What you select here depends upon the customer
o If you are setting up GAD with all LDEVs in the default
VSM on the primary site you would select “Not
o If you are setting up GAD with LDEVs not in the
default VSM, for example they used NDM to migrate
to the G1000 and they want LDEVs in the NDM VSM
replicated via GAD, you will have to select the
appropriate VSM from the drop down.
 Click OK
o Configure Remote Paths Section – Tip: if a remote path is already setup
on the array see if it is listed in the Configure Remote Paths section by
expanding Show Details at the bottom of the section. It should list both
paths if they are valid paths.
 Click Create Remote Paths button
 Confirm Storage Systems
o Copy Type should default to “global-active device”
o Nothing else should need to be selected or entered
o Click Next
 In Define Remote Path
o Primary -> Secondary section
 Enter a label for the pairs – I normally enter the
 Enter a path group ID (should be 00)
 Select the local port from drop down (Initiator)
 Select the remote port from the drop down
(RCU Target)

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 Click the Plus symbol to add additional rows
o Secondary -> Primary section
 Enter a label for the pairs – I normally enter the
“<SecondaryArraySN >_<PrimaryArraySN >”
 Enter a path group ID (Should be 00)
 Select the local port from drop down (Initiator)
 Select the remote port from the drop down
(RCU Target)
o Click Next
 Confirm
o Click Yes check box
o Click Confirm
 Click Finish
 Incomplete should change to Complete next to Configure
Remote Paths once the task to create the path completes.
This may take a few minutes to occur. If the task completes
successfully but Complete is not listed Close the Set up
Global-Active Device window and try refreshing both storage
systems in HCS. You can then go back in to the Set up
Global-Active Device to see if the paths show up under
Show Details.
o Configure Quorum Disks Section
 Select the radio button next to Configure Method that is appropriate
for the situation you are setting up:
 Create a new external volume is if a disk that can be used
for the quorum does not existing on the array
 Configure an existing external volume is if a disk has been
created and presented to the G1000’s that will be used for
the quorum disk
 Click button for Select Volume under Configure Quorum Disks
 Select the quorum array from Storage System drop down
 Select create volume
o Enter the size: 13 GB (is minimum)
o Select Volume Type can be HDP or Basic Volume
o Under Advance
 Select Drive Type
 Select Parity Group
 Enter a label
o Click Show Plan
o Click Submit
o Wait for the task to complete
 Click button for Select Volume under Configure Quorum Disks
 Select the quorum array from Storage system drop down (if
not already selected)

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 Select the radio button next to the intended volume – Tip: if
the quorum disk does not appear try refreshing all three
arrays in HCS.
 Click OK
 Click Virtualize Volumes button for Primary Site
 Verify the external paths
 Verify External path priority
 Enter a host group name (should be descriptive that it is a
quorum connection)
 Select the desired parity group
 Select the desired CLPR
 Select Disable for Inflow Control
 Select Disable for Cache mode
 Enter a label to make sure it is easily identified
 Select an Initial LDEV ID (recommend a really high CU
 Click Show Plan
 Click Submit
 In the Setup Global-Active Device Window wait until the task
completes for the virtualize volumes for primary site to complete
before moving on.
 Click Virtualize Volumes button for Secondary Site
 Verify the external paths
 Verify External path priority
 Enter a host group name (should be descriptive that it is a
quorum connection)
 Select the desired parity group
 Select the desired CLPR
 Select Disable for Inflow Control
 Select Disable for Cache mode
 Enter a label to make sure it is easily identified
 Select an Initial LDEV ID (recommend a really high CU
 Click Show Plan
 Click Submit
 In the Setup Global-Active Device Window wait until the task
completes for the virtualize volumes for primary site to complete
before moving on.
 Incomplete should change to Complete next to Configure Quorum
Disks once the task to create the virtual volumes for secondary site
completes. This may take a few minutes to occur. If the task
completes successfully but Complete is not listed Close the Set up
Global-Active Device window and try refreshing both storage
systems in HCS. You can then go back in to the Set up Global-
Active Device to see if Incomplete changed to Complete.

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o Configure Pair Management Servers Section
 Select Allocate under configure pair management server for
primary server (if there is an existing command device this step
may not be needed, to verify if the wizard detected one expand
“Show Details” at the bottom of the Pair Configuration Section
 Enter the size of the command disk (recommend 50 MB)
 Volume type can be HDP/HDT or Basic
 Set command device settings (default is fine)
 Set the volume selection radio button to the desired option
 Command Device Settings
o Set Command Device Security to Disable
o Set User Authentication to Enable
o Set Device Group Definition to Disable
 Click show plan
 Wait for the allocate command device task to complete
 Select Allocate under configure pair management server for
secondary server (if there is an existing command device this step
may not be needed, to verify if the wizard detected one expand
“Show Details” at the bottom of the Configure Pair Management
Servers Section. If both pair management servers do not appear in
the list then follow the steps below for either or both pair
management servers.
 Enter the size of the command disk (recommend 50 MB)
 Set command device settings (default is fine)
 Command Device Settings
o Set Command Device Security to Disable
o Set User Authentication to Enable
o Set Device Group Definition to Disable
 Click show plan
 Wait for the allocate command device task to finish
 You will need to log into each of the pair management servers and
configure the command device. Depending upon the operating
system the steps to set this up will vary. You will need to create an
empty horcm file on both servers, configure it with the command
device, start horcm, and force a login to the array to make sure the
server can communicate to the array.
 To find the command device disk information run the
following command:
raidscan –x findcmddev 0,99
 Sample horcmX.conf file only needs two lines in it for HCS to
recognize the pair management server. It does not need to
be the one that will be used to create GAD pairs since HCS
typically insists on creating its own the first time. Do not use
the same horcm instance numbers on both pair
management servers.

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Where ”<X>” is the drive number (if windows)
 You will also need to log into the horcm instance for HCS to
recognize the pair management server
raidcom –login –I<horcm instance #>
 You will also need to make sure the Device Manager agent
is set with the same user ID as the Windows account you
are logged in as. You can check which account you need to
use by:
o C:\horcm\usr\var
 The name of the file stored there will contain
the <servername_WindowsAccount_arraySN>
o Edit the Service Account
 Right click on the HBsA Service and select
 Go to the Log On tab
 Select this account and make sure the account
name matches the WindowsAccount in the
horcm\usr\var file and enter the appropriate
 Restart the service
 Once both servers have a horcm file configured and it can log into
the array, click refresh under configure pair management server
 Incomplete should change to Complete next to Configure Pair
Management Servers. If all steps above were followed but
Complete is not listed Close the Set up Global-Active Device
window and try refreshing both storage systems in HCS. You can
then go back in to the Set up Global-Active Device to see if
Incomplete changed to Complete.
 May need to restart HDvM Agent
o \Hitachi\HDVM\HBaseAgent\bin\hbsasrv stop
o \Hitachi\HDVM\HBaseAgent\bin\hbsasrv start
 Management Servers to verify the correct servers are listed.
o Configure Virtual Storage Machine Section
 Select edit under Configure Storage Virtual Machine
 The name can be change or left at default
 The Storage System already listed should be the primary storage
 Click the Add Storage Systems button
 The secondary storage system should be listed by default, click the
box next to the secondary storage system
 Click Ok
 Click submit
 Incomplete should change to Complete next to Configure Virtual
Storage Machine. If all steps above were followed but Complete is

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not listed Close the Set up Global-Active Device window and try
refreshing both storage systems in HCS. You can then go back in
to the Set up Global-Active Device to see if Incomplete changed to
o Additional Changes to Virtual Storage Machine (still in Set up Global-
Active Device window)
 Add the Host Group Numbers to the VSM
 Click Edit the virtual machine button
 Select the Host Group Numbers tab
 Click Add Host Group Numbers button
 Click the Specify Host Groups radio button
 Click the Storage System drop down box
 Select the secondary storage system
 You can use the filter to show only ports you intend to use
on the secondary array for host connectivity.
 Check the host group number(s) that the host will be
assigned to (the host group cannot already exist)
 Click Ok
 Add LDEV IDs to the VSM
 Select the LDEV IDs tab
 Select the Add LDEV ID button
 Make sure the Specify the number of LDEV IDs radio button
is selected
 Select the secondary storage system from the drop down
 Considerations for next step --- This is to pre allocate LDEV
ID’s to the VSM. Suggestion is to pre-allocate a specific CU
number and all DEV addresses within that CU to the VSM to
prevent from having to do this step each time a GAD LDEV
is created. The CU DEV should not be in use on the primary
 Enter the number of LDEVs (256 will cover all DEV’s in a
 Select a CU from the drop down (make sure it is not one that
will be used for non-GAD LDEVs and they are not already
assigned on the primary storage system)
 Select the first DEV address from the drop down list (leave
at 0 if planning to assign all 00-FF to GAD for the CU)
 Click OK
 Click Submit
 Wait for task to complete

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7. Create GAD pairs from new volumes
o It would not be a bad idea to refresh all storage systems and pair
management hosts before continuing.
o In HCS click allocate volumes in the resources tab
o Select the primary host from the drop down
o Make sure under allocation type you check the Global-Active Device radio
button –Tip: There are a number of warnings and information messages
that appear, they can be ignored at this time
o Enter the number of volume(s)
o Enter the size of the volume(s)
o In the Primary Site tab
 Verify the Storage System serial number is the primary array
 Select the volume type (must be HDP or HDT for GAD)
 Select the pool
 Select the volume location
 Expand Advanced Options
 Select the desired Volume Selection Option
 Select the desired Volume Criteria
 Specify the label if desired
 Creating Volume Settings should be changed to manual
o Select the CU that was assigned to the VSM (so the
P-Vol and S-Vol match)
o Select the DEV that was assigned to the VSM (so the
P-Vol and S-Vol match)
 Select the desired CLPR for DP Volume
 Expand LUN Path Options
 Select the correct No. of LUN Paths per Volume
 Verify the LUN Paths are correct in the table
 Expand Host Groups and LUN Settings
 Enter the desired Name for the host group (if it does not
already exist)
 Expand Host Mode Settings
o Set the appropriate Host Mode for the host
o Set the appropriate Host Mode Options for the host
(HMO 78 should not be set for the primary path)
 Specify the desired LU number
 Expand the Pair Management Server Settings
 Select the Pair Management Server for the primary site
 Enter the instance ID
o If you are adding to an existing horcm instance make
sure you specify that horcm instance by selecting the
radio button next to Existing
o Enter the UDP port if creating new horcm instance

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 Expand Pair Settings
 Select the desired quorum disk ID from drop down
 Copy Group
o Enter the desired name if not default
 Pair Name
o Enter the desired name if not default
o In the Secondary Site tab
 Verify the Storage System serial number is the secondary array
 Select the volume type (must be HDP for GAD)
 Select the volume location
 Expand Advanced Options
 Select the desired Volume Selection Option
 Select the desired Volume Criteria
 Specify the label if desired
 Creating Volume Settings should be changed to manual
o Must select the CU that was assigned to the VSM
o Must select the DEV that was assigned to the VSM
 Select the desired CLPR for DP Volume
 Expand LUN Path Options
 Select the correct No. of LUN Paths per Volume
 Verify the LUN Paths are correct in the table
 If not click the Edit LUN Paths button
 Expand Host Groups and LUN Settings
 Enter the desired Name for the host group (if it does not
already exist)
 Expand Host Mode Settings
o Set the appropriate Host Mode for the host
o Set the appropriate Host Mode Options for the host
 HMO 78 should be set if the production server
is not in the same building as the secondary
array. If they are in the same building then
response time should be the same for either
 Specify the desired LU number
 Expand the Pair Management Server Settings
 Select the Pair Management Server for the primary site
 Enter the instance ID
o If you are adding to an existing horcm instance make
sure you specify that horcm instance by selecting the
radio button next to Existing
o Enter the UDP port if creating new horcm instance
o There most likely will be a Warning about the secondary site host mode
option does not match the primary site. This will be the case if you enable
HMO 78 and that is okay.
o Click Show plan

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o Click Submit
o Wait for pairs to reach a paired status before using the secondary volume
 If the task to create the pair fails it could be due to the following
 The storage arrays and pair management servers were not
refreshed in HCS
 The LDEV ID was not allocated to the VSM
 The Ports for the secondary server were not added to the
o If there is a clustered configuration and the LDEV(s) created above need
to be added to another node
 Create a host group for the additional node
 Suggest creating the local host group first (whichever array
is closest to the server or the preferred path)
o If the host group is to the secondary array make sure
the Resource Group Name (ID): is set to the VSM that
was previously setup when creating the host group
 Create the secondary path host group
o If the host group is to the secondary array make sure
the Resource Group Name (ID): is set to the VSM that
was previously setup when creating the host group
o HMO 78 should be set if the production server is not
in the same building as the secondary array. If they
are in the same building then response time should
be the same for either array.

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8. To create GAD pairs from existing volumes (Using
Command Suite)
- Open HCS
o Navigate to the primary array>Allocated Volumes
o Select the desired volume and then click “Change To Global-active Device
o On the tab for the primary site, select the command device server and
specify an HORCM device, existing or new.
o On the secondary site tab, select the host
o Change the number of paths to two (or more)
o Verify that the paths are correct
o Select Automatic for S-Vol selection.
o Change the HORCM instance to the desired setting
o Verify the correct Quorum Device is selected.
o Select Show Plan and continue.
- Allocate LDEV(s) to host(s)
o Create host group(s) for servers (if not already done)
 Suggest creating the local host group first (whichever array is
closest to the server or the preferred path)
 If the host group is to the secondary array make sure the
Resource Group Name (ID): is set to the VSM that was
previously setup when creating the host group
 Create the secondary path host group
 If the host group is to the secondary array make sure the
Resource Group Name (ID): is set to the VSM that was
previously setup when creating the host group
 HMO 78 should be set if the production server is not in the
same building as the secondary array. If they are in the
same building then response time should be the same for
either array.
o Add storage to host groups just like you normally would in HCS

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9. To create GAD pairs from existing volumes (Using
Replication Manager)
- The S-Vol must be created with the following conditions:
o Must be assigned to the primary Virtual Storage Machine
o Must be the same size as the primary volume
o Make sure during the S-Vol creation the check box “Reserve as a
secondary volume for a global-active device pair.” Under advanced
options was checked. If not HRpM will not find it as a valid volume.
- It would not be a bad idea to refresh all hosts and storage arrays in Command
- It is also suggested to make sure the horcm instances are running on the pair
management servers and that they are logged in to the local array(s)
- Open HCS
o Select Actions from the menu bar
o Select Manage Replication
o In Replication Manager
 Select Resources
 Select Storage Systems
 Select the primary array
 Select Open
 Select the Unpaired tab
 Check the box next to the volume(s) that will be the P-Vol
 Click the Pair Management Button
 Click the Add Group Button
o Enter the Pair Group Name
o Select GAD as the Copy Type from the drop down
o Select the OK button
 Make sure the volumes you checked are in the Pair List /
Pairs window
 In the Candidate List window the defaults should not need to
be changed
 Click the Apply button
 In the Results tab
o Select the intended S-Vol from the list
o Click Add
 Click the Next button
 If the intent is to use a new Copy Group click the Create
Group button. If the intent is to use an existing, skip the sub
tasks listed below
o Enter the group name
o Select the Server Name from the drop down in the
Primary Server Pair Management Server section

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o Select an existing horcm file or a new horcm file
under Instance
o Enter a UDP port if a new horcm file was selected
o Select the Server Name from the drop down in the
Secondary Server Pair Management Server section
o Select an existing horcm file or a new horcm file
under Instance
o Enter a UDP port if a new horcm file was selected
o The remaining options could be left at default unless
Path Group ID needs to be changed due to multiple
replication paths
o Click the Add button
o Click the OK button
 Make sure the correct copy group is selected by either
selecting it from the drop down menu or if a new one was
created it will appear next to Copy Group
 Click the Apply button
 Click the Next button
 Click the Next button
 Check the box next to Yes.
 Click the Confirm button
 Click Finish
 Monitor the task by expanding Tasks in Explorer and clicking
Tasks. Tip: Remember the task list does not automatically
 Once the task completes successfully verify the hosts(s) see
the appropriate number of paths to the LDEV using the
multipathing software.

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10. Host Configuration
o HMO 78 cannot be set on the alternate path(s) as this is not supported yet
o Install MPIO following the instructions from the OS manual
o Follow instructions from OS manuals to configure MPIO with multipathing
 For Windows 2008 R2 all that should be needed is to go into the
control panel for MPIO, click the discover multipaths, select the
device hardware ID in others, and select add. If the disk is already
configured for MPIO the additional paths from the secondary array
will automatically be added
 Use the following commands to verify the paths
 List the disks: mpclaim –s –d
 Get path detail on a specific disk: mpclaim –s –d <disk
o You should see four or more paths (2 paths to LDEV
on primary storage system and 2 paths to LDEV on
secondary storage system)

o Install HDLM
 Follow installation instructions for the appropriate operating system
in the HDLM User Guide
o If the non-preferred path is set for any of the host groups
 All paths may show online initially (non-preferred paths should be
 If that is the case run the following command:
o dlnkmgr refresh –gad
o For VMware the command must be run from the Remote Management
 Run “dlnkmgr view -path -item dn lu cp phys –stname” to display
path information

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