Green Chemistry - Guillem Martin
Green Chemistry - Guillem Martin
Green Chemistry - Guillem Martin
Guillem Martin
Guillem Martin - 31 of January of 2022
Green Chemistry in a easy way is the design of chemical products that are made
objectally to reduce the production of waste and to eliminate the use of hazardous
substances. Green chemistry is applied on the intire product; in his materials, his
design…, By the 20th century, some of the long-term negative effects of these
advancements could not be ignored. Pollution choked many of the world's waterways and
acid rain deteriorated forest health. There were measurable holes in the earth's ozone.
Some chemicals in common use were suspected of causing or directly linked to human
Now a days, climate change it’s starting to affect us on a relevant way so I think
green chemistry is a good way to try to solve some of the lots of problems that we have on
the world. On this way, green chemistry as I said before, is trying to on a way, solve the
1. Waste Prevention
2. Atom Economy
8. Reduce Derivatives
9. Catalysis
Basically, green chemistry has the philosofy that is better to prevent that reduce when the
waste is done. I really agree with this, it’s smarter to try to nd a way in which we don’t
need to reduce, simply we need to prevent from reduce. That’s more easy than reducing
all the chemical waste. An often-used measure of waste is the E-factor, described by Roger
Sheldon, which relates the weight of waste coproduced to the weight of the desired
product. However, when companies apply green chemistry principles to the design of the
API process, dramatic reductions in waste are often achieved, sometimes as much as ten-
fold. So, it is important to extend the impressive results achieved by the ACS to all parts of
What green chemistry is trying to say with use of renewable feedstocks is that a raw
material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and
economically practical. The elimination of carbon resources as coal, oil and natural gas as
resources. If we do this we are contribuating with the continuous supply for resources in
the future. We are helping ourselfs to be able to use the same recourses years later.
Another gain, prevention is really important, if we are able to prevent from the
release of any potentially hazardous and polluting substances, we will not have to worry
generates waste, so fewer steps are almost always better. So decreasing the number steps
in the synthesis takes time, energy and waste. One factor that increases the steps in a
There are many ways different ways of synthesizing a molecule, and of these
chemical reactions, some are safer than others. This principal specially remind us to
always consider the health and enviormental inpact of the starting materials and reagents
we use to synthesize molecules. Scientists can use predictive tools and notes from
1) Aluminium (Al2O3)
2) Lead
The most important source of lead scrap is the electric battery used in
Now a days, there is no industrial process in which the primary lithium is recycled
exclusively. It is designed to be
4) Bronze
Brass is an alloy of copper with zinc proportions based on the demands of the application.
In the case of industrial brass, the percentage is always less than 20%. It has excellent
energy and environmental behavior, such as copper itself and its other alloys. It also
provides its same basic properties, although it is more economical and has greater
machinability and resistance. To all this, it is necessary to add that the brass is a 100%
focused on high-consumption
m a n a g e r s a n d j u n k y a rd s
excess material of brass machining can be returned to the production cycle, since it does
There are 14 mainly rules to follow on the nomenclature IUPAC system but I’m only
showing 3 of them.
First step in writing chemical name for a structure by IUPAC is to identify the functional
In many cases, coumpounds have more more than 1 functional group. The functional
group is determined by the priority order.
functional group.
As we can see, alcohols are named by changing the ending of the parent alkane name to
-ol. Alcohols are classi ed according to the number of carbon atoms attached to the carbon
atom that is attached to the OH group. This makes nomenclature really dif cult and
IUPAC system.
In my opinion, I think the IUPAC system is like balanced in pros and cons. As I said
before, it’s on a certain way confusing because it changes little things for a complete
different element but as I said that, I can also say that the process of nomenclature is really
detailed and explained in all the websites that you can look at, and that balance the fact
that is confusing.
compounds should be registered, the IUPAC complies, in some way, arbitration functions
in "con icts" that may arise within the scienti c community dedicated to the study of the
language, the chemical language. And if you are able to have the steps to do nomenclature
with the IUPAC system, you can really arrive to understand really good the universal