CC Presocratics

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UE : PHI 121


QUESTION : What interest do we have in studying the Pre-Socratics totay?

The Pre-Socratics are Ancient Greek philosophers who existed befotre Socrates. They included the
Milesians, Eleatics and Pythagoras, who focused their philosophical interests on speculations relating
to certain wonders of the universe like it’s origin and nature. The issue at stake here is ; how far can
we assert the fact that the speculative approach of the pre-Socratics are useful to us today ?

Firstly, the Pre-Socratics tried to understand the origin of nature and to determine the physical
principle that explains the univers. The Milesians like Thales pointed out water as the primary
substance and Anaximenes; air. By so doing, the brought forth he concept of humidity, condensation
and rarefraction which are subject to our everyday experimentations.

Also, they initiated a rational approach consisting in developing mathematics as an essential

instrument for the comprehenson of phenomenons. The philosophus Pythagoras for example
identified numbers to be the principe of everything. According to him, everything in the univers can
be formalised in mathematical language ; including air, water and fire as stated by the Milesians.
Nowadays, scientists have effectually developped mathematical formulaes for every single substance.

Lastly, the Pre-Socratics are a great source of inspiration concerning the greatest philosophical
problems like the being, the non-being and the becoming of things. Heraclitus pointed out that
panmobilism (universal mobility) and the universal polemos (war) lie at the basis of every being. He
held that : « being is not and non-being is », since everything is subjected to a perpetual change.
Permanides on the other hand held that : « being is and non-being is not». In support to this affirmation
of his, he held that everything must be equal to itself and be bounded by the principle of identity.
These doctrines later on served as a reviving source for great philosophers including Plato.
However, the Pre-Socratic philosophy though very instrumental can be refuted in many ways :

Firstly, their philosophy was primarily and essentially cosmological. They did not consider the
study of human and social issues to be significant but rather chosed a field of studies tht was too
abstract and metaphysical, and went beyond the understanding of the ordinary man.

Again, their thoughts were highly contradictory. They contradicted each other more than they
agreed with one another. The views of Heraclitus and Permanides for example on the notion of being
and change were widely contradictoty, The first holding on non-being and change and the second
holdng on being and changelessness.

Lastly, the Pre-Socratic philosophy was largely non-documented and fragmentary. They wrote
down very little of their ideas in the form of fragments which are highly incomprehensible. Nowadays,
most of these written fragments have been lost. Hence, the ambiguous nature of the Pre-Socratic

In conclusion, despite the short comings of the Pre-Socratic philosophers, they can be credited
for being the first philosophers that laid a valuable foundation for the advancement of ideas of
subsequent philosophers and scientists.

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