Calgary Safer Mobility Plan

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Safer Mobility Plan

2019 – 2023

November 27, 2018

…Mobility free of major injuries

and fatalities
City of Calgary strives to continuously Safer Mobility Plan 2019‐2023 continues
improve safety for all users of the the path set by its predecessor and builds
transportation network. In the recent on its momentum. It promotes
years, great strides have been made to continuous coordination among the 5 Es
improve Calgary's traffic safety record by of transportation safety (Engagement,
raising the profile and public awareness of Engineering, Education, Enforcement,
traffic safety, working closely with our Evaluation) and the implementation of the
partners, and identifying innovative and Safe Systems Approach. Based on
cost‐effective improvements. Over 500 evidence‐based approaches and best
collisions resulting in life altering injuries practices, this plan aims to improve road
and deaths continue to occur every year, safety to the outlined targets over the
but this number has seen a downward next five years, bringing us closer towards
trend since 2015. the vision of a transportation network
free of fatalities and major injuries.

ISC: Unrestricted Calgary Safer Mobility Plan 2019‐2023 1

“Make it home…”

Mobility free of
major injuries
and fatalities

Guiding Principles

Local Made‐in‐Calgary safety management process, supported by best

practices and solid research
Safer Systems Approach The tolerance of human body to external physical forces is limited
Acceptance of human error as inevitable and focus on reducing or
eliminating the resulting risk
• We all make mistakes and need to acknowledge the limits of our
Looking beyond existing standards and removing barriers to planning
and designing a sustainable and inherently‐safe mobility for all road
Evidence‐Based Integration of new technologies including artificial intelligence and
predictive analytics for prevention of traffic‐related collisions
Identify opportunities with the highest potential for positive change
Evaluate outcomes to build on our knowledge of local factors and guide
future investment
Partnerships Build strong partnerships with internal and externial stakeholders and
agencies who have a vital role in determining and influencing the safe
Cost Savings Traffic Safety Management is a core service and provides a high return
on investment and significant collision reduction savings
for the citizens of Calgary

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Targets for 2019‐2023
Since 2015,
major injury and
Target #1: Major Injury and Fatality Collision Target
fatality collisions
have been
reduced by 8%,
estimated at
$111 M in
societal savings.

Target #2: Vulnerable Road User Collision Target

ISC: Unrestricted Calgary Safer Mobility Plan 2019‐2023 3

Focus Areas
Based on Calgary‐specific collision
data, our focus areas, based on top
high severity collision types, include:
• Struck object, approximately two
thirds of the struck object collisions
involved pedestrians.
• Rear end, right angle, and left turn
across path collisions.

Traffic Safety Strategy

The traffic safety strategy is centered around building on the momentum achieved in the
Safer Mobility Plan 2013‐2017 and making further meaningful and lasting change to traffic
safety performance of our transportation network.

In line with the City of Calgary’s commitment to excellence in customer service, the engagement
of stakeholders and the public in the safety management process is central to building trust and
achieving an effective dialogue on important issues. These important lines of communication
not only allow for identifying and addressing emerging safety issues on our network, but also
present an opportunity for transparent knowledge sharing and education.

• Take action on citizen feedback • Monitor the traffic safety related

received at Ward Traffic Safety results of Roads Annual Survey
• Responding to public enquiries through

ISC: Unrestricted Calgary Safer Mobility Plan 2019‐2023 4

Strategic changes to the transportation system have been
shown to have a high potential of preventing collisions
and reducing their severity. This will be achieved through
the continuous use of network screening, in‐service road
safety reviews, and road safety audits to identify a range
of safety improvements, with the most cost‐effective and
feasible projects selected for implementation. The
implementation of a Safe System means looking beyond
standards to plan, design, and implement a sustainable
and inherently‐safer transportation system for all users.

• Implementation of • Data collection and

evidence‐based and cost‐ management
effective countermeasures • Network screening to
to reduce collisions for all identify optimal locations
users for specific solutions
• In‐Service Road Safety
• Road Safety Audits

Public education and communication is essential to raising awareness of road safety issues,
informing public attitudes, and promoting safe behaviours, with the ultimate goal of reducing the
frequency and severity of collisions. However, learning is a complex process involving attention,
memory, and emotions, requiring a rich repertoire of approaches to motivate learners to drive
change. As so many of the actions and behaviours on our roadways are a matter of habit, we
must make every effort for the education to result in habit change.

• Continue incorporating educational • Identify blind spots – common errors

components into annual Traffic Safety that road users make and strategies to
Meetings change the related habits
• Communicate results of evaluations to • Create online content to inform on new
share successes, lessons learned, and countermeasures (e.g. Traffic Calming
reconcile perception with fact Curbs) and provide answers to common

ISC: Unrestricted Calgary Safer Mobility Plan 2019‐2023 5

In the recent years, Calgary Police Service and the City of Calgary have strengthened their
relationship through joint delivery of several of successful initiatives including Ward Traffic Safety
Meetings and the activities of the Safer Mobility Operations Team. Ongoing partnership and
cooperation are instrumental in achieving maximum impact campaigns and initiatives to achieve
our traffic safety targets.

• Ongoing support of Calgary Police Service • Coordinate deployment of speed trailers

deployment of high‐visibility targeted with speed enforcement activities
• Continuous coordination and cooperation
in the delivery of community improvements
and initiatives

Evaluation and Innovation

Evaluation is a key component of traffic safety, which enables evidence‐based assessment of the
effectiveness of improvements and strategies. The process not only helps guide future
investment, but also provides a venue for the implementation of new and innovative solutions
and learning. Due to the ongoing commitment to traffic safety and the focus on learning and
innovation, Calgary has built a reputation as a progressive organization on the forefront to the
state‐of‐practice in this field.
• Investigate the reduction of operating • Evaluate safety performance of various
speeds moving towards reduced speed elements of the roadway environment to
limits consistent with the Safer Systems better understand their impact on safety
Approach • Research emerging best practices in
• Evaluate the safety performance of roadway design and operations to identify
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons opportunities for improvement
(RRFBs) and other innovative

For more information please visit

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