The Design Act

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Table of Contents

• Introduction
• Meaning and definition
• The evolution of design protection laws through judicial pronouncements
• Nature of copyright protection in designs
• Key provisions of the Design Act, 2000
• Requirements for design registration
• Who can register?
• Eligibility criteria
• It should be new and original
• It should not be published earlier
• It should not be contrary to morality and order

• Issues and challenges

• The interlocutory injunction under the civil procedure code
• Landmark judgements
• Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd. v. Wyeth Ltd.
• Sree Vishnu Bottles v. The State Of Tamil Nadu
• M/s S K Industries v. Dipak Ghosh
• M/S.Whirlpool Of India Ltd. v. M/S.Videocon Industries Ltd.
• Rajesh Masrani v. Tahiliani Design Pvt. Ltd.

The design which one sees produces a great impression on the eyes of the viewer
and so it is very important to protect the designs from being copied. it is important
to understand what the Design Act exactly is and how one can protect one’s
design under the ambit of this Act.

Meaning and definition

Design is defined under Section2(d) of the Design Act as any feature which
consists of shape, figure, a configuration which is applied to an article and is made
by an industrial process be it mechanical, chemical, manual, separate or combined
which appeal to in the finished article and is judged solely by the eyes and it does
not include any mode of construction or anything unjust a mechanical device and
anything which is a part of a trademark or artistic work.

The evolution of design protection

laws through judicial pronouncements
In India, the need for protection of design was felt in the 18th century and so the
Patterns and Design Protection Act was introduced in 1872. This Act gave the
exclusive right of making, selling of the designs to the inventors for a short
duration of time.
The act was followed by an Inventions and Design Act, 1988 which was replaced
by the British Design and Patent Act, 1907 which formed the basis of Indian
Patents and Design Act, 1911. After this, the Patent and Design rules were formed
in 1933 for the regulation of practise registration and carrying into effect the
provisions of the Act.
When the Design Act, 2000 came into effect the main change was regarding the
exclusion of artistic works as defined in Section 2(d) of the Copyright Act, 1957
from the definition of term design. There were many conflicts regarding giving
protection to the artistic works under the ambit of the Design Act.
This issue was explained by the Delhi High Court in the case of Microfibers Inc.
v. Girdhar Co. & Another that the artistic works which are excluded from
protection under the Design Act are in itself a piece of art, for example, a painting
and the artistic work which are to be used in industry is not excluded from the
ambit of protection provided under Section 2(d) of the Design Act.
In the case of Bharat Glass Tube Ltd. v. Gopal Gas Works, the Court emphasized
the object of the Design Act which is to protect and reward the inventor of the
design for his hard work. The Court further held that the protection is given to
advance the industries.

Nature of copyright protection in

Section 11 of the Design Act mentions about copyright when a design is
registered. Whenever a design is registered the inventor of such design shall have
the copyright over it for the next ten years subject to other provisions of the act.
The copyright over the design can be further increased for five years if before the
expiration of the term of ten years application for the extension of the period of
copyright is made in the prescribed manner to the Controller and the prescribed
fees are paid.

Key provisions of the Design Act, 2000

The key provisions of the Design Act are as follows:
• The scope of the definition of the terms article, design and introduction of
a definition of original has been enlarged.
• India is a member of the Paris Convention of the World Trade Organisation
and all the signatories of the convention are allowed to claim priority
• It also mentions about the delegation of powers of controllers to other
controllers and the statutory duties of the examiners is also provided.
• The secrecy period of two years of design is also revoked.
• Under the Act, the quantum of punishment in case of any infringement of a
registered design has also been enhanced.
• To keep a watch and regulate anti-competitive practices in contractual
licenses provision for the avoidance of certain restrictive conditions are
also there.
• In the new enactment, there are laws which tell about the substitution of
the application before registering a design.
• Registration is to be considered when a new license is to be brought under
the public domain. Anyone can inspect it by getting a certified copy of the
• There are provisions in the new Act for the maintenance of a register on
the computer as Register of Designs.
• The appeal against the orders of the Controller is not to be made to the
Central Government but instead to the High Court.
• The cancellation proceeding to be held in the front of the Controller in
place of the High Court and the additional ground is to be provided in a
cancellation proceeding.

Requirements for design registration

To protect the hard work of the inventor of the design it is very essential to get it
registered. For the proper registration of the design, there are certain requirements
which should be met.

Who can register?

Any person can register for a certain design which is original and new, who
claims to be the proprietor of that design and it does not fall under Section 4 of the
Design Act. Any person mentioned above includes in its ambit an individual, any
firm, any partnership firm, company or an agent on behalf of the proprietor can
also register.

Eligibility criteria
For a design to be registered there are certain qualifications which should be met.
They are:

It should be new and original

New and original in this context means that the article is produced for the first
time and it was unknown until then. In the case of Gammeter v. Controller of
Patents and Designs, the Calcutta High Court held that the design for which the
novelty is being claimed should be placed side-by-side with the other design and
then decided.

It should not be published earlier

The design should not be published earlier for which the registration is being
claimed. It should not be publicly accessible which means that it has not been
made available to the public by registration or some other way.

It should not be contrary to morality and order-

The design must not be contrary to morality and order or prohibited by the
Government of India or any institution. The design which is capable of disrupting
the public order and peace is not considered capable of registration as mentioned
under Section 5 of the Act.

The interlocutory injunction under
the civil procedure code
A person can seek an interlocutory injunction under CPC Order 39 Rules 1 and 2.
The principle is the same for both patents and designs when it comes to granting
of an interlocutory injunction. The person has to make out a prima facie case and
show that the balance of convenience rests in his favour.
The claim for interlocutory damages will not easily succeed if there is an adequate
remedy available. In the case of Niki Tasha P. Ltd. v. Faridabad Gas Gadgets P.
Ltd.,[AIR 1985 DELHI] the delhi high Court held that they cannot be granted
interlocutory injunction unless there is a probability of them succeeding after the
trial. Interlocutory Injunction won’t be granted if there are chances of attacking
the validity of the registration. An interlocutory injunction can also be denied if
the defendant gives an undertaking to check on whether he is a person of
substance and he is ready to give relief to the plaintiff which he requires under the
In the case of Bansal Plastic Industries v. Neeraj Toys Industries, the delhi high
Court held that granting someone temporary injunction is to be decided by the
Court according to its discretion by following reason and sound principles.

Landmark judgements
Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd. v. Wyeth Ltd.dehli
high court 15.03.2023
Facts– In this case the issue was regarding the registration of S-shaped spatulas.
The defendant in this case i.e. Wyeth Ltd. claimed that the appellant’s design was
not original as it has already been registered in a foreign country before its
registration in India. And also there was the suppression of facts regarding the
prior registration in a foreign country.
Judgment- The Court held that if it can be shown that the design was disclosed
anywhere in India or a foreign country by means mentioned under Section 4(b)
then the registration is India would be considered to be cancelled and it can be
sought as a defence against alleged infringement under Section 22(3).

Sree Vishnu Bottles v. The State Of Tamil Nadu

[madras high court 9.2.2012]
Facts- This case deals with the rights of re-sellers. The petitioners have a business
of buying empty beer bottles and paper from Tamil Nadu and transporting it to
Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. They have been doing this business smoothly for
30 yrs without any interruption in crossing borders until recently when they were
stopped. And the reason for the disruption is that some bottles were registered as
designs under the Designs Act. They were held liable for piracy of registered
designs under sec 22 of the Design Act. They said that no one can be stopped
from transporting empty bottles in such fashion when even there is no injunction
from the Court.
Judgment- The madras High Court held that the relief they sought was vague and
no blanket order can be passed by the Court.
M/s S K Industries v. Dipak Ghosh[delhi high court
Facts- In this case the Plaintiff claimed that there was a certain cup in which jelly
was being packed and marketed and the defendant cannot use the design.
Judgment- In this case, the Court held that the cup which the plaintiff used has no
novelty and was just any regular cup with no originality in its shape or dimension.
The cup is the same as manufactured by most of the manufacturers for storing

Hello Mineral Water vs Thermoking

Californiya Pure[1999 Delhi high Court]
Dispute was concerning a water dispenser which was designed in a cylindrical
shap.dehli hc held that mere form and shape is not sufficient for the purpose of
novelty.the ultimate test is to consider the design with an instructed eye to locate
the diffence between the design previously published and the registered design.

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