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Iran J Psychiatry 2024; 19: 1: 45-56

Original Article https://doi.org/10.18502/ijps.v19i1.14338

Aging Enjoyment: A Grounded Theory Study

Zahra Sari-ol Qadam1, Marzieh Alivandi Vafa1*, Touraj Hashemi2, Amir Panah Ali3


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the factors contributing to enjoyment in old age.
Method: To this end, this research used a qualitative exploratory research design known as grounded-theory research.
Seventeen elderly participants (aged 65-85 years), comprising 11 men and 6 women, were selected using purposive
sampling. A semi-structured interview was used as the data collection instrument. The method proposed by Corbin and
Strauss was employed to design the interview questions. In this study, data analysis was interpretive using
phenomenological analysis, which was done through open, axial, and selective coding.
Results: The results indicated that the new emergent construct – ageing enjoyment – consisted of five categories and 19
subcategories. These categories include present moment awareness, liberating past, psychosocial safety, ultimate
purpose for being, and self-peace. Subcategories include: Vitality, Family solidarity and intimacy, Occupational
Adequacy, Economic wisdom, Social Acceptability, Healthy society, Talent flourish, productive experiences, Physical
well-being, Willingness to develop, Mindfulness, satisfaction, Moralization, Adaptability, Benevolence, Acceptance,
Desire to live, Meaningfulness, Religiosity.
Conclusion: These categories suggest that present moment awareness, liberating past, as well as having psychosocial
safety help the elderly experience ageing enjoyment. Hence, they are likely to reach self-peace through an ultimate
purpose for being as they deal with challenging life issues. Practical implications of the findings are further discussed.

Key words: Aging; Enjoyment; Psychosocial Support; Awareness; Qualitative Research

1. Department of Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

2. Department of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
3. Department of Counseling, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

*Corresponding Author:
Address: Department of Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran, Postal Code: 5157944533.
Tel: 98-914 8453325, Fax: 98-41 35256817, Email: M.alivand@iaut.ac.ir

Article Information:
Received Date: 2023/05/14, Revised Date: 2023/07/15, Accepted Date: 2023/07/18

Copyright © 2024 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). Noncommercial uses of the work are permitted, provided the original work is properly cited
Sari-ol Qadam, Alivandi Vafa, Hashemi, et al.
ageing, productive ageing, healthy ageing, and
In the last decades, increased life expectancy and gerotranscendence (12).
Given positive psychology and the view that ageing
decreased fertility rates have resulted in aging in global
population (1). This pattern of demographic change will satisfaction is a manipulable phenomenon, it seems that
continue among most countries around the world during as age increases, a new interpretation of a better life can
next decades (2) and the management of this old emerge in the lives of the elderly (13). Results of a
population will be a priority for health and social welfare survey study of 1400 Australian citizens aged 55 to 74
policy makers. Based on a report by the United Nations demonstrated that they recognized many aspects of
Population Division, Iran is the second country with the positive ageing, including having more freedom and
highest percentage point increase in population 60+, time, being able to do what they want, enjoying
from 2015 to 2050. According to this estimation, 31% of experiences, and gaining wisdom and knowledge.17
Iranian population will be 60 years old and over by 2050 Similarly, Seligman believes that although the elderly
(3). faces many inevitable problems, life experiences can
As most societies have experienced an increase in mean serve as a powerful supportive coverage against
ages and proportions of old citizens in the last few hardships and protect the person from undergoing
decades, programs that promote caring for the elderly negative experiences and various diseases (14). On the
are becoming increasingly important. Given the other hand, Seligman and Csikszentmihaly hold that
importance of this issue, professions like focusing on strength, power, and important human
geriatric/geriatric medicine (GM) have emerged (4). In virtues at any age could change the nature of unique
addition to promoting health and managing complex human capabilities and provide a new definition for
medical, cognitive, social, and psychological issues that intellectuals (6).
older people may face, this group of specialists also In addition to a wide array of theories and research
plays a crucial role in promoting social inclusion for studies on ageing, the positive aspects of ageing have
older people (5). The geriatricians believe that ageing is received increasing attention in the last decade. This has
a new period of growth since some psychological led to the advent of new constructs such as positive,
phenomena emerge in this period, which warrants a successful, healthy, active, productive, and transcendent
course of action and comprehensive investigations. In ageing. However, by examining various dimensions of
addition, a literature review suggests a change in these constructs and the related theories – such as self-
approach due to positive psychology. Positive actualization, Erickson’s sense of coherence, happiness
psychology focuses on elderly capacities for maximum and hedonism (15), ageing satisfaction and wisdom– it
efficiency rather than pathology; it aims to authorize becomes obvious that this subject has remained
individuals to develop their capacities and improve their understudied. In fact, few theorists have focused on
well-being (6). Research on age perception and mental potential factors contributing to enjoyment in old age.
patterns has shown that well-being and a positive Informed by positive psychology, the present study’s
attitude towards old age are important supportive factors basic assumption is that enjoyment in old age could
against the inhibiting effects of ageing (7, 8). According comprise a specific combination of elements that exist in
to Hill, through learning new rehabilitative strategies, successful, positive, active, productive, and transcendent
the elderly can modify the degree of their positive ageing. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the
acceptance and adjust their expectations (9). Thus, the elderly’s lived experiences of enjoyment in old age and
term “positive ageing” is used to describe the process of address the above assumption. The potential findings of
1) maintaining a positive attitude, 2) having a good the study could contribute to the general understating of
feeling about oneself, and 3) being healthy and fully the final stage of the human life cycle.
involved in life as one ages.
On the other hand, concepts such as successful ageing Materials and Methods
and active ageing have been developed to explain why This grounded-theory research study followed a
some people in old age are healthy, happy, satisfied, and qualitative exploratory research design. The study
adaptable to different conditions while others are not population included all elderly individuals in the city of
(10, 11). These concepts also identify the mechanisms Tabriz who had experienced pleasant ageing based on
leading to these differences. Successful ageing is one of their lived experiences. The research sample included 17
the new concepts in the study of the elderly concerning educated elderly people (aged 65-82 years; mean age =
their well-being in their transition to young ageing.8 69.64 years), consisting of 11 males and six females
Accordingly, the implementation of successful ageing (Table 1). The sample was homogeneous, and the data
policies not only makes people live longer but also saturation method was used to estimate the sample size.
improves their health and quality of life. In principle, The sampling method was purposeful sampling, as
successful ageing and active ageing are the two main proposed by LeCompte and Preissle (16), in which
constructs in the field of geriatric research and policy ageing enjoyment was the criterion for the selection of
and, to a lesser extent, include concepts such as positive the subjects; data collection was not possible without
lived experiences of ageing enjoyment.

46 Iranian J Psychiatry 19: 1, January 2024 ijps.tums.ac.ir

Ageing Enjoyment

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Elderly Participants to Investigate the Factors Contributing
to Enjoyment in Old Age
Interviewed Age Marital Educational Occupational
Gender Job
Participants (Years) Status Status Status
1 Male 65 Married PhD Employed Civil Engineer
2 Male 70 Married MA Employed Instructor
3 Male 65 Married BA Employed Master sculptor
4 Female 73 Married MA Retired Manager
5 Male 65 Married Diploma Employed Musician
6 Male 65 Married Diploma Employed Musician
7 Male 66 Widowed BA Employed Musician
8 Male 82 Widowed Grade 6 Employed Businessman
9 Male 71 Married PhD Employed professor
10 Male 65 Married PhD Employed professor
11 Male 76 Married BA Retired Engineer
12 Female 65 Married BA Retired Teacher
13 Female 71 Widowed Grade 6 Employed Founder of Charity
14 Male 73 Married MA Retired Military
15 Female 80 Married AA Retired Teacher
16 Female 65 Married BA Employed Employee
17 Female 67 Widowed Diploma Employed Housewife

The data collection procedure in this study was a semi- conversations, their content was carefully listened to and
structured interview that was conducted face-to-face by accurately translated from Turkish into Persian.
the researcher. The main point of these interviews was to Considering the type of data in this study being
collect data regarding the lived experiences of the textual/contextual analysis, lived experience as a unit of
participants. The method proposed by Corbin and analysis, and the process of representing
Strauss22 was employed to design the interview descriptive/textual reports, textual/contextual data were
questions. These questions were as follows: analyzed in the form of observations, interviews, and
1) What do you think ageing enjoyment means? oral reports, especially introspection and review. In this
(Description of the subject) study, data analysis was interpretive using
2) In general, what conditions are necessary to create phenomenological analysis, which was done through
the experience of ageing enjoyment? (The context open, axial, and selective coding. At the beginning of the
of the subject) data analysis, the texts were carefully examined and
3) What factors enhance ageing enjoyment in the were segmented based on semantic units to perform
elderly? (Effects) open coding. Each semantic unit then became a concept
4) In your opinion, what factors prevent the experience or code. Therefore, a total of 100 concepts were found
of ageing enjoyment in the elderly? (Effects) after reviewing the interview content for all participants.
5) In your opinion, what are the consequences of having Simultaneously, the process of small unit placement in
this type of enjoyment at old age? (Consequences of large units was continuously started, and concepts that
the subject) had common semantic content were included under one
category. For each category, a title containing the
All interviews were done by a trained psychologist based features of the whole set was selected. The
on a predefined protocol. At the beginning of the categorization process continued along with sampling
interview session, which usually took place at the until each category was saturated. During the
interviewee’s workplace or home, the same questions categorization process, 100 extracted concepts were
were asked of the interviewed participants. These included under 19 subcategories. The researchers tried to
questions included getting acquainted, assuring the determine the role of each category and its relationship
confidentiality of information, obtaining their informed with other categories based on categories’ dimensions
consent about recording the statements, the five and features, as well as the identification of the context,
questions noted above, and a series of supplementary conditions, strategies, and consequences associated with
questions appropriate for the participant’s level of this subject. This procedure was conducted in the form
education and understanding of subjects. Interviews of both an inductive procedure to restructure the
were audio-recorded, and after recording the

Iranian J Psychiatry 19: 1, January 2024 ijps.tums.ac.ir 47

Sari-ol Qadam, Alivandi Vafa, Hashemi, et al.
subcategories and deductive procedures, such as and the commonalities between the categories, the most
frequent text revision and matching the categories with relevant categories were incorporated in the main
the raw data in order to test the validity and confirm the categories such that, ultimately, five major categories
categories. Then, in accordance with the cues in the text were developed (Table 2).

Table 2. Main and Sub-Categories of the Structure of Ageing Enjoyment

The Main Category Subcategories Concepts

Having happy friends

Trying to avoid sadness
Optimism and positivity
Humor and positive energy transfer

Intimate family and marital relationship

Prudent marriage
Authority in parenting
Family solidarity and intimacy Having competent children
Intimacy with children
Family integration
Safe emotional environment
Psychosocial Safety
Job eagerness
Professional responsibility
Pragmatism and diligence
Occupational Adequacy
Application of knowledge and experience
Feeling of self-efficacy

Economic management
Financial security
Economic wisdom
Lack of materialism
Perception of one’s properties

To be respected
Trust and social popularity
Social Acceptability To enjoy socializing
The peace of honesty
Efficient social relationships

Facilitating living conditions

Promoting art and culture
Improving morality
Healthy society
Efficient education system
Appropriate macro-policies
Appropriate social attitudes about ageing

Innate talent
Talent training
Parental and teacher support
Having excellent parents
Liberating past Talent flourish Influential childhood experiences
Modeling of great masters
Social class and date and place of birth
Distinct mode of thinking and character from the

48 Iranian J Psychiatry 19: 1, January 2024 ijps.tums.ac.ir

Ageing Enjoyment

Having a useful life

productive experiences Pleasant memories from youth
Previous positive experiences

Physical and mental health care

Self-control in need satisfaction
Physical Exercise and physical awareness
Healthy diet
No severe weakness or illness
Willingness to develop and progress
Acquisition and knowledge transfer
New learning
Willingness to develop
Extensive interests
The pleasure of expanding the boundaries of
science and art

Living here and now

Present Moment Awareness
Experience tranquility and minimal stress
Tranquility and peak experiences
Having no need of sth and open mindedness
Getting a deeper understanding/
Deepening understanding
to seek and to enjoy the unknown

No regret and no concern
satisfaction Wish fulfillment
Satisfaction with fulfilling one’s life assignment

The pursuit of rights and Justice
Tolerance and Magnanimity

Ability to adapt
Multidimensional life
Ultimate Purpose for Being
Adaptability Maturity

Benevolence Understanding/Regarding the suffering of others
Consolation/Comforting others

Accepting failures
Accepting ageing changes
Rational thinking
Self-peace Acceptance Problem-based coping
Acceptance of death
Endurance and resilience

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Sari-ol Qadam, Alivandi Vafa, Hashemi, et al.

Not feeling old and burnout
Desire to live Ability to enjoy
Be active

Strong connection with nature

Meaningfulness The desire for immortality
Making sense out of suffering
To understand the power of suffering

Belief in superior power

Contentment/being thrifty
To act according to GOD
Strong relationship with GOD

The strategy of referring to the interviewees after categories to three experts and each of the 17
exploring the categories was followed to validate the interviewees to check the consistency of the findings.
data. Based on the model proposed by Corbin and Conformability was examined by comparing the findings
Strauss,22 the main extracted categories of the subject by with the information obtained from the interviews.
itself (main idea), context (activating conditions), Dependability was checked by having other seniors
contributing factors (facilitators and obstacles), causes review the results and having the researchers re-analyze
(major developing factors), strategies (procedures the data. Concerning transferability, the different
dealing with a problem or a situation), and consequences occupations and groups included in the sampling and
(outcome of interaction in a given situation) were research process were provided with a thorough
introduced (Figure 1). The credibility of the findings was explanation.
ensured by simultaneously returning the concepts and

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of Ageing Enjoyment

50 Iranian J Psychiatry 19: 1, January 2024 ijps.tums.ac.ir

Ageing Enjoyment

Ethical considerations: Willingness to develop has to do with a desire for

This research was conducted in Islamic Azad University, superiority, evolution, and excellence, extensive interests
Tabriz Branch, with the ethics ID in various fields of science, art, society, culture, and
IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1399.060 in 02/09/2020 approved spirituality, a tendency to learn new things, to acquire
by the ethics committee. new knowledge and skills until the last years of life, and
transference of knowledge.
Results “I even ask one of my students who
In this study, five main categories were extracted as regularly attends courses and
follows: present moment awareness, liberating past, workshops around the world about
psychosocial safety, ultimate purpose for being, and self- new science, technology and
peace (Table 2). These categories, subcategories, and knowledge related to my field.” (m,
examples from the interview context are described 56 years old).
below. “I am very interested in many arts,
including painting, music, visual arts,
Present Moment Awareness literature and poetry. I study a lot in
Present moment awareness means living in the present; these fields.” (m, 56 years old)
it has to do with understanding, experiencing the present
moment, and being in a state of tranquility due to the Liberating Past
satisfaction of one’s performance with no special Liberating past signifies living a happy life as a result of
concerns that leads to calmness. Additionally, present appropriate fulfilment of needs and successful talent
moment awareness is related to changing and developing actualization, having appropriate education and support
one’s prior opinions, refusing to be a self-centered and of parents, gaining useful experiences and making
narrow-minded person, gaining new insights, improving efforts to maintain physical and mental health from a
self-awareness, increasing one’s knowledge, and young age. The results of all the above-mentioned
acquiring a broader understanding of various issues. Its factors could be wonderfully observed, especially in the
subcategories are mindfulness, satisfaction, and a desire last years of life. Its subcategories are as follows:
to upgrade. productive experiences, talent flourishing, and physical
Mindfulness has to do with being fully present, Productive Experiences
strengthening one’s character, meeting the highest-level Productive experiences have to do with a happy and
needs, being here and now, searching inside oneself, healthy transition from childhood, play, curiosity, and
creating peak experiences, being open-minded, experience in a safe and positive family environment,
considering new ideas, and gaining insights into appropriate fulfilment of needs as one grows, and the
different aspects of life. maximization of happy and joyful memories.
“I eat with certain tranquility and I “My life does not lead to nonsense
enjoy it because I do it while and I have benefited from the efforts
engaging all my five senses and that I have made in my life.” (f, 80
reviewing my previous experiences.” years old)
(m, 56 years old) “I believe I have done and decided to
“Everyday activities like walking do everything I could or to decide,
with my granddaughter may seem and normal life conditions helped me
unimportant, but they give me lots of to achieve desired goals.” (f, 65 years
motivation.” (m, 56 years old) old)
Satisfaction Talent Flourishing
Satisfaction is about the pleasant feeling due to doing Talent flourishing is associated with the actualization of
what is proposed that every human being should do in innate potential as a result of coordination of parenting
his/her lifespan (i.e., not having regrets or concerns styles, as well as attention and support of parents and
rather having a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment of teachers and their coordination with individual talents
wishes). from childhood. It also relates to the appropriateness of
“I’ve done whatever I could do and the individual’s life context with his/her talents,
neglected no more.” (f, 80 years old) recognition of individual differences, and having special
“I am not dissatisfied with my family family abilities and privileges.
and residence life, wealth and “When I was a university student, I
financial savings, and I have no chose professors who could yield me
concerns even about the period after higher productivity than I had
my death.” (m, 76 years old) before.” (m, 70 years old)
“I believe that desired goals are not
Willingness to Develop achieved only with the parents’
efforts, training, and obligation.

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Sari-ol Qadam, Alivandi Vafa, Hashemi, et al.
Certainly, the child’s own talent and one’s goals, converting knowledge into work and
acquisition should be observed and practical skills, flourishing talents due to continuous
must be taken into consideration.”(m, working, and being successful in one’s profession.
65 years old) “I am able to assert that over the
course of 50 years, the pleasure and
Physical Well-Being satisfaction that I derived from my
Physical wellness encompasses caring for physical and job has not been matched by any
mental health from a young age through exercise, other sources.” (m, 70 years old)
adhering to a healthy diet, avoiding neglect or excess in “I believe that I am able to do whatever I want.”
meeting needs, acquiring and maintaining positive (f, 71 years old)
habits, as well as appropriately treating illnesses and Economic Wisdom
raising health awareness. Economic wisdom pertains to being prudent about
“By observing the slightest symptom financial issues, valuing independence from materialism,
of an illness, I immediately having balance in wealth accumulation, having financial
considered the relevant therapy in independence, being free from debts, and possessing the
order to prevent the exacerbation of ability to manage one’s money throughout life’s ups and
the illness.” (f, 73 years old) downs and life challenges.
“I have always tried to eat fresh “I have always tried to live with one-
fruits, vegetables and proteins; I have third of my income and save two-
no freezer; I avoid preservatives and thirds, and thus never was I
do not eat ready-made meals and fast dependent on anyone.” (f, 67 years
food.” (f, 65 years old) old)
Psychosocial Safety “Materialism hasn’t been considered
Psychological safety has to do with being assured of my main concern. Hence, I haven’t
one’s psychological comfort in individual, familial, and been involved with materialistic
social contexts. One part of psychosocial safety depends issues.” (m, 65 years old)
on one’s own efforts, including maintaining vitality, Family Solidarity and Intimacy
fostering family cohesion, establishing stability in This aspect relates to the experience of having loving
occupational fields of interest, attaining financial and intimate interpersonal relationships, an emotionally
independence, and gaining social prestige. The other part secure environment, safe attachments, appropriate
has to do with a kind of endowment, such as the boundaries, receiving parents’ encouragement and love,
opportunity to live in healthy social conditions. The observing sincere relationships between parents,
subcategories of psychological safety are vitality, experiencing marriage satisfaction, experiencing family
occupational adequacy, economic wisdom, family relationships based on trust, honesty, and respect, having
solidarity and intimacy, social acceptability, and a competent and successful children, existing sincere
healthy society. relationships between parents and children, and looking
Vitality for pleasure in the family.
This subcategory has to do with trying to maintain one’s “I had parents who were
sense of vitality and vivacity, being lively and joyful, tenderhearted and compassionate.
keeping oneself away from sadness, joking, spending Their love was from the bottom of
time with happy and positive friends, and being lenient the heart and sincere. Seemingly,
and positive. they had endless love.” (m, 65 years
“I am powerful to impede the old)
interference of negative thoughts and “The existence of my life partner
negative obsessions as well as their neutralizes the meaning of sadness,
repetition.” (m, 65 years old) and thus far, there has been no record
“If we try to be happy, it leads to of separation between us.” (f, 80
happiness as well. Having years old)
empathetic and happy friends leads Social Acceptability
to the prevention of grief.” (f, 73 Social acceptability relates to popularity, good
years old) reputation, social prestige, respect due to courteous
Occupational Adequacy behavior, the pleasure of socializing in order to achieve
Occupational adequacy is related to assuming job motivation, vitality, and gaining experience from others.
responsibility, continuing a chosen career, showing It also pertains to the ability to use an effective
perseverance and sustainability despite difficulties and communicative competence with others, children, and
obstacles, acquiring skills, relying on one’s abilities, people with various social statuses, being trustworthy
demonstrating dedication and seriousness in line with due to honesty, sincerity, and punctuality, as well as

52 Iranian J Psychiatry 19: 1, January 2024 ijps.tums.ac.ir

Ageing Enjoyment

being sensitive in social relationships and keeping away “Never give in difficulties, rather one
from hooligans. should change his/her attitudes.” (f,
“Being dignified by others is 73 years old)
regarded as pride and success for “As we get older, we become better
me.” (m, 73 years old) listeners. Thus, our attitudes about
“Mutual respect inside the family issues get moderated, and they lead
leads to great satisfaction. Although to the emancipation of some
I’m not considered a wealthy person, pleasures at old age.' (m, 65 years
I am really trusted by businessmen old)
due to sensitivity in paying back my Moralization
debts.” (m, 82 years old) Moralization pertains to adherence to moral principles as
Healthy Society well as familial, occupational, social, and humanistic
Healthy society pertains to experiences of and obligations; it also relates to law observance, fairness,
opportunities for living in a society with acceptable and conscientiousness, justice and fighting against
living norms, a society that has economic, social, and oppression, as well as avoiding hypocrisy and deception.
cultural distinctive features. It also includes appropriate “I dare to defend and protect the
policy-making and macro-planning in all areas, rights and principles I believe in,
especially in order to support ageing people’s rights and even if it leads to severance or
improve their welfare and quality of life, and the rejection. Hence, most people ask
maximum usage of their capabilities, as well as the me for help, judgment and
existence of accurate public attitudes, beliefs, dispute resolution, since I do not
expectations, and perceptions about the potentialities and support oppression and tyranny.”
capabilities of old age. In addition, this aspect relates to (f, 71 years old)
understanding the importance and recognizing the “I have never lied, even to my
precise position of the country’s education system in youngest child.” (m, 82 years old)
terms of developing the personalities, talents, and Benevolence
capabilities of young generations. Benevolence is associated with support for humanity,
“Nowadays, the preparation of the altruism, beneficence, and empathy; it’s about behaving
cheapest living place and vehicle has nicely toward human beings, having magnanimity,
become a dream for young people.” forgiveness, lenience, and humility, as well as avoiding
(f, 65 years old) resentment and jealousy.
“The observation of immoralities in “I have always understood and
the society, ignoring poor people, helped others; I was extremely
and hypocrisy annoy me.” (f, 71 annoyed with their sufferings and
years old) I have informed others about
“In a restricted society, due to not deprived, poor, and oppressed
considering art, music, and lack of people.” (m, 65 years old)
opportunities for some other issues, “When I come across people who
development is blocked.” (m, 65 are seeking food in the city waste
years old) bins, I become extremely upset
Ultimate Purpose for Being and regretful.” (m, 65 years old)
Ultimate purpose for being is associated with the ability Self-peace
to solve the most complicated problems in life and make Self-peace is related to satisfaction and contentment with
the least behavioral mistakes owing to one’s flexibility, one’s performance throughout life. It encompasses self-
foresight, and adherence to moral values. It also relates acceptance, the absence of inner conflict, readiness for
to having personal rules and principles, considering dealing with forthcoming challenges, relaxation and
other peoples’ rights, having compassion, and making tranquility, connecting oneself with the real world,
constant efforts to develop well-behaved personality giving affirmative responses to life, and not having
traits. Its subcategories include adaptability, feelings of emptiness and disappointment. Its
moralization, and benevolence. subcategories are acceptance, the desire to live,
Adaptability meaningfulness, and religiosity.
Adaptability signifies the ability to find the right solution Acceptance
to predicaments, the ability to reform one’s approach, Acceptance is a characteristic tied to the ability to be
and flexibility in unexpected life circumstances. It also realistic when dealing with problems, acceptance of
has to do with dealing with problems in an innovative limitations and failures. It has to do with accepting
way instead of withdrawing and having lenience, physical ageing, mood and cognitive changes, and the
tolerance, maturity, and avoidance of dichotomy in life. reality of death. Additionally, acceptance is related to

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Sari-ol Qadam, Alivandi Vafa, Hashemi, et al.
applying problem-based instead of emotion-based “My main reason for being happy,
approaches in crises, adopting rational approaches and joyful, and active could be
the absence of self-deception and denial. Acceptance attributed to my deep connection
also includes stability, patience, endurance, and with nature.” (m, 65 years old)
resilience and, consequently, taking responsibility for Religiosity
one’s problems. Additionally, it encompasses the Religiosity is associated with caring for religious issues,
implementation of all potentialities and available having a close relationship with God, being hopeful
solutions as well as sustaining one’s motivation and about His help, support, and power, as well as finding
mood. assurance in his endless support and consequently
“In my opinion, it’s an erroneous having no feeling of helplessness. Additionally,
idea to dye hair when it turns gray, religiosity is related to understanding the value of one’s
since it is a kind of self-deception.” properties, refraining from being ambitious and thrifty,
(m, 65 years old) being thankful for God’s blessings, carrying out actions
“Failures and frustrations are in order to achieve His satisfaction.
considered as just part of life, even “In spite of a physical problem that
death; but I must go on.” (f, 73 I have had in recent years, it is
years old) regarded as God’s will.” (f, 80
Desire to Live years old)
This aspect has to do with the desire and willingness to “There is no feeling of loneliness
live exuberantly, to experience life as a unique and and helplessness in dealing with
enjoyable phenomenon, to enjoy and consider different problems due to my close
life experiences, to get involved with new experiences relationship with God. I’m strongly
even at an old age, and to have an inner desire and assured that God is the greatest
interest in activities. It also relates to experiencing no power and support.” (f, 67 years
depression, feeling young despite old age, vitality, no old)
feeling of tiresome, desire to be active, never giving in,
being optimistic about the future, and being determined Discussion
that difficulties are temporary. The present study aimed to investigate ageing
“Ageing and physical appearance enjoyment. The results suggested five main categories:
changes are only noticeable when present moment awareness, liberating past, psychosocial
looking in the mirror; otherwise, safety, ultimate purpose for being, and self-peace.
never do I feel ageing.” (m, 65 Present moment awareness, as the main subject, means
years old) living in the present moment and relaxing due to general
“There is no benefit in retirement satisfaction and, consequently, modifying previous
for me; retirement is meaningless attitudes, improving awareness, and gaining new
for me when I am able to work; I insights. Havighurst, who is one of the first researchers
have resisted retirement so far.” (f, of successful ageing, concluded that inner satisfaction
65 years old) can be considered a useful indicator or criterion in the
Meaningfulness description and measurement of successful ageing (17).
Meaningfulness relates to alleviating suffering due to the Regarding transcendent ageing, Tornstam also
emancipation of its meaning and understanding its emphasized the possibility of individuals’ potentiality,
concealed power. It involves believing in the certain which is somehow related to the subcategory of the
consequences of one’s endeavors, embracing kindness, desire for development (18). Furthermore, by adding the
being connected with the real world and philosophy of “lifelong learning” subscale, active ageing refers to the
life, looking for the purpose of life, and understanding opportunity to acquire and update knowledge and skills
the principals of life. Meaningfulness also pertains to in order to be highly connected and assured about one’s
having a deep interest in nature, having a desire for privacy.
immortality through the creation of everlasting works, Liberating past, regarded as a cause, means having spent
and nurturing children, learners, and outstanding one’s previous days of life positively as a result of the
followers. appropriate fulfilment of one’s needs, talent flourishing,
“Why am I sitting here at the having appropriate parental support and parenting style,
moment? Why am I waiting for my having useful experiences, and trying to improve
learners? Because I want to be physical and mental health from an early age. According
immortal. I want to create to the World Health Organization (19), considering the
everlasting works in the world. My life span approach, healthy ageing involves recognizing
aim is the solidify my works, since the impact of early life experiences on ageing among
an instructor never dies.” (m, 70 populations.
years old)

54 Iranian J Psychiatry 19: 1, January 2024 ijps.tums.ac.ir

Ageing Enjoyment

Psychosocial safety, regarded as a contributing factor considered parts of the dimensional conceptual
and context, means to be assured due to psychological framework for positive ageing (25).
comfort in individual, familial, and social contexts. Part The elderly seems to be able to experience ageing
of it depends on one’s own efforts, and the other part has enjoyment, the main aspects of which include present
to do with a kind of endowment. Research indicated that moment awareness, respecting life’s moments owing to
contributing factors in positive ageing could be regarded an improved understanding of the true value of life, self-
as active socio-economic status, self-reliance, good awareness, self-discovery, satisfaction, and social
physical and psychological performance, social support, adjustment. The main cause of this phenomenon is the
a safe living environment, and adequate facilities (18). factor liberating past. However, without psychosocial
These factors are highly associated with subcategories of safety, it could not be possible. In other words, living in
vitality, occupational adequacy, economic wisdom, a healthy family and social context, having an
family solidarity and intimacy, social acceptability, and appropriate occupational and economic status, as well as
a healthy society. social popularity, help an individual to flourish their
Regarding healthy ageing, global cooperation to improve talents, achieve productive experiences, and maintain
health has been emphasized in addition to factors physical well-being.
associated with health and social care that have a The next important issue is the role of strategies in
significant effect on health and well-being (19). The dealing with specific situations and the individual’s
present study emphasized the role of society through the interactions with the environment. The results
modification of public attitudes, macro policy, and the demonstrated that, when dealing with specific situations,
education system as a healthy society subcategory. elderly individuals manifest ethics, altruism, and
The ultimate purpose for being, as a strategy, means the adaptation, which are referred to as the ultimate purpose
ability to solve the most complicated problems of life for being. The result of these strategies, interactions, and
and make the least behavioral mistakes due to having responses leads to self-peace (i.e., the acceptance of
flexibility, foresight, and adherence to moral values to one’s decisions, failures, and mistakes; spirituality and
respect other peoples’ rights. According to Flood’s meaningfulness; connection with the real world; and the
(2005) proposed model, one of the indicators of desire to live). Self-peace is the result of our main
successful ageing is the ability to cope with physical and phenomenon (subject). It means deep relaxation and
functional changes (20). Furthermore, regarding tranquility, non-existence of inner conflict, hopefulness,
successful ageing, Baltes (22) emphasizes individuals’ and an affirmative response to life. Ageing enjoyment is
adaptation and responsibility for the reduction of social, the result of the association and dynamism of all these
psychological, and physical characteristics. They believe categories.
that through achieving a balance between personal
growth and loss in late life, the elderly adapt to old age. Conclusion
In addition, Baltes and Freund observed moral norms as The present study suggests that the elderly can
one of the four features of wisdom (22). experience the joy of old age through cultivating present
Self-peace, regarded as the result and outcome, means awareness, experiencing a liberating past, basking in the
satisfaction and contentment with one’s performance enjoyment of psycho-social security, being able to face
throughout life, the absence of inner conflict, readiness the problems of life, and reaching peace with oneself
for dealing with forthcoming challenges, connecting through wise reflection. The main phenomenon in this
oneself with the real world, and not having feelings of study is consciousness. Consciousness is an element of
emptiness and disappointment. the joy of old age and is placed in the center of the
According to Erickson, the ultimate development of structure. Psycho-social security, including vitality,
ageing is achieving ego-integrity, which is the result of family solidarity and intimacy, professional sufficiency,
one’s contemplation on his/her life. In the eighth and economic reason, social acceptability, healthy society,
final stage of development across the lifespan, an elderly appears in the role of context and conditions involved in
person should be able to review and evaluate their life the joy of aging and has a direct impact on the state of
and accept it so that they can accept the approaching consciousness. On the other hand, liberating past with
death (23). the sub-categories of talent flourishing, fruitful
Floud’s theory on successful ageing also suggests that experiences, and physical well-being, serves as the cause
older adults with chronic diseases or functional and creator of the phenomenon; it creates the
limitations could experience satisfaction through their phenomenon directly and without intermediaries. In the
ability to cope and adapt, as well as through a strategy and behavior of elderly people in facing life
continuous search for meaning in life (20). In addition, situations and responding to problems, wise purposeful
according to the model proposed by Ryff and Keyes (24) thinking embodies moralism, adaptability, and
on positive ageing, positive self-evaluation and one’s benevolence. The final result of the interactions and
past life, as well as the belief that life is meaningful, are consequences of these factors results in psycho-social
two prominent features of an adult’s psychological well- security, liberating past, pursuing wise thinking as a
being. Moreover, spirituality and transcendence are goal, cultivating present awareness, and achieving peace

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