07 Assembly API - EN

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Torques for screw, nuts and caps H2 / lifting devices

page 1

0 Range of application

The above torque ranges are valid for material marked full shaft screws or full shaft bolts and nuts
used for the connection between body and bonnet according to AD-B7 and similar applications.

The torque ranges are valid for lubricated threads with a friction factor or 0,1 and rectangular
facings of the nuts in relation to the bore. With the above torques about 70 – 90 % of the yield
strength of the material are reached.

For higher friction factors (0,12 – 0,15) the higher valves for the torque are required. The maximum
limits must not be exceeded.

Data base: The 70 % valves (low torque valve) for friction factor 0,1 are taken from the
catalogue of „Fa. Gebr. Grohmann, 1991, Wissenswertes über Edelstahlschrauben".

1 Body and bonnet connection

Material Min. – max. Torque [Nm]

equivalent Thread
ASME M10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24
Ck 35/ C 35 Steel 18-22
28 - 36 68 - 87 130 – 166 255 - 288
A4 Class 70 B8M 25-30
45 - 58 108 - 138 204 – 261 202 - 258
5.6 - 19-22 30 - 39 73 - 93 -- --
8.8 - 40-45 65 - 84 155 - 198 -- --
Screws 1.7709 B16 - 31 - 37 98 - 118 190 - 228 280 - 320
Table 1 for screws and nuts DIN 931, 933, 938 and EN 24032

Material- Min. – max. Torque [Nm] *

equivalent Thread
ASME M 12 M 16
Ck 35/ C 35 (1.1181) Steel 25 – 35 40 - 50
5.6 - 25 – 35 40 - 50

Table 2 for screws and nuts for safety valves Type 447/547

*) The above mentioned torques are based on field tests. They allow a tight connection without
destroying the PTFE-material.

continues on page 2
LESER processed: Boy.cw. edition: 18.09.08
GmbH & Co. KG approved: refer to ÄM 152300 replaces edition: 22.10.07
Torques for screw, nuts and caps H2 / lifting devices
page 2

2 Caps and lifting devices

Torque [Nm]** Wrench size

Size Thread
Standard gasket
0 M 24 x 1,5 60 – 75 60 - 75 SW 27
I M 33 x 1,5 80 – 100 60 - 75 SW 46
II M 42 x 1,5 100 – 125 100 - 125 SW 55
III M 60 x 1,5 140 – 175 240 - 270 SW 75
IV M 75 x 1,5 175 – 220 n.a. SW 95
Table 3: Caps and lifting devices (sealing torque)
**) To achieve manually with 200 mm extended wrench.
Sufficient for clean and lubricated threads and not damaged sealing surfaces.
n.a. Gasket not available for this size

3 Test Gag

3.1 Short locking screws

For tightening of the short locking screws (pos. 2, e.g. drawing 190.0309-XX-B01) the torque
ranges of table 4 are recommended.

Cap size Thread size Torque

Size lifting device [Nm]***
0 M12
I M12
28 - 32
II M12
IV M16
72 -76
V M16
Table 4: Test Gag: Recommended starting torque ranges for short screws

***) The used sealing rings out of vulcanised fibre may not be deformed further because they are soft

3.2 Long locking screws

For tightening of the long locking screws (pos. 1, e.g. drawing 190.0309-XX-B01) the torque
ranges of table 5 are recommended.

Cap size Thread size Torque

Size lifting device [Nm]***
0 M12
I M12
II M12
IV M16
V M16
Table 5: Test Gag: Recommended starting torque ranges for long screws

End of LWN
LESER processed: PD.cw. edition: 18.11.08
GmbH & Co. KG approved: refer to ÄM 146201 replaces edition: 15.05.07
Anzugsdrehmoment für O-Ring-Teller und Faltenbalg-Anschlußteil
Torque for O-Ring-Disc and bellows connection Bl. 1

1 Geltungsbereich 1 Range of application

Die in den Tabellen angegebenen Montage- The below mentioned torques MA are
Anzugsmomente MA sollen dazu dienen, daß maximum valves to avoid damages to the
eine Überbeanspruchung (Verdrehung) der threaded connections. In table 2 also
Gewindeverbindung beim Festziehen recommended torques for achieving tightness
verhindert wird. In Tabelle 2 werden are mentioned.
außerdem empfohlene Drehmomente zur
Erzielung von Dichtheit genannt.

Bemerkung: Remark:
Die Angaben über die Montage- The torque values shall be taken as a
Anzugsdrehmomente sind als annähernde recommendation. Different lubrification,
Richtwerte zu betrachten, da das frequent assembly and disassembly can
Anzugsdrehmoment durch unterschiedliche influence the values substantially.
Oberflächen- und Schmierverhältnisse, aber Page 2 of this LWN is limited for LESER
auch durch mehrmaliges Anziehen und internal use.
Lösen der Verbindung beeinflußt wird.
Deshalb ist auch eine genaue Berechnung
des Anzugsdrehmoments kaum möglich.
Seite 2 dieser LWN ist nur für den LESER
internen Gebrauch bestimmt.

2 O-Ring-Teller Befestigung, Teller aus 1.4404 / o-ring-disc, material 1.4404

M5 M8 M 10 M 12 M 16
Thread size
Max. MA [Nm] 2,1 8,7 17,3 30,5 76,5

Tabelle 1 / table 1

3 Faltenbalg-Anschlußteil aus 1.4404 / bellows connection, material 1.4404

M 24 x 1,5 M 27 x 1,5 M 30 x 1,5 M 36 x 1,5 M 40 x 1,5 M 48 x 1,5 M 60 x 1,5
Thread size
Max. MA [Nm] 232 336 500 828 1220 2015 4000

MA empfohlen
60-75 70-85 75 - 90 90-110 100 - 120 110-135 140-175
MA recommended
Tabelle 2 / table 2

Bild 1 Bild 2

Fortsetzung Bl. 2
LESER bearbeitet: Boy.DS Ausgabe: 10.02.05
GmbH & Co. KG Prüfvermerk: siehe ÄM 5585 Ersatz f. Ausgabe: 07.08.02
Anzugsdrehmoment für O-Ring-Teller und Faltenbalg-Anschlußteil
Torque for O-Ring-Disc and bellows connection Bl. 2

4 Berechnungsformeln (LESER-intern) / Calculation formulas (LESER internal)

Annähernde Berechnungsformel für das Anzugsdrehmoment der Schraubenverbindungen bei O-

Ring-Teller und oberem Faltenbalg-Anschlußteil.

Montage-Anzugsdrehmoment: MA
Die in LWN 322.04 Blatt 1 angegebenen Tabellen beinhalten die Montage-Anzugsdrehmomente,
die nach folgender annähernder Berechnungsformel errechnet sind:

MA = 0,9 x MA 0,9 (1)

MA 0,9 =
da + DB P
0,45 x AS x ○0,2 x d2 x µges. x 1+ + (2)
2 x d2 ╥ x d2

Formel (2) in (1):

da + DB P
0,4 x AS x ○0,2 x d2 x µges. x 1+ +
MA = (3)
2 x d2 ╥ x d2

MA 0,9 : Das maximale Anzugsdrehmoment, bei dem 90% der Streckgrenze ausgenutzt
wird, in Nmm.

AS: Spannungsquerschnitt des Gewindes in mm² (siehe Gewindetabellen).

○0,2: Streckgrenze der Raumtemperatur in N/mm².

d2: Flankendurchmesser des Gewindes in mm.

P: Steigung des Gewindes.

da, DB: Siehe Bilder 1 und 2.

µges.: Gesamtreibungszahl
µges. ≈ 0,14 im Normalfall, trocken.
µges. ≈ 0,1 bei Gewinden mit MOS2 - Paste geschmiert.

Ende der LWN

LESER bearbeitet: Bi.MB Ausgabe: 07.08.02
GmbH & Co. KG Prüfvermerk: siehe ÄM 4883 Ersatz f. Ausgabe: 14.01.93
LESER Global Standard LGS_1104
Assembly instructions for type 526 API Page 1/37


Type 526 API

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y
LESER Global Standard LGS_1104
Assembly instructions for type 526 API Page 2/37


1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 2
2 Scope .................................................................................................................. 2
3 References .......................................................................................................... 3
4 Disclaimer............................................................................................................ 3
5 Qualified fitting personnel .................................................................................... 3
6 General Information............................................................................................. 3
7 General illustration .............................................................................................. 4
8 Preparation for valve assembly ........................................................................... 5
8.1 Emboss the punch numbers (if requested in the order)................................ 5
9 Assembly of type 526 .......................................................................................... 5
9.1 Assembly of the nozzle and blow down ring................................................. 5
9.2 Screw the studs into the body. ..................................................................... 7
9.3 Installation of the locking screw and screw plug........................................... 7
9.4 Assembly of disc assembly .......................................................................... 9
9.5 Assembly of spindle/disc assembly ............................................................ 13
9.6 Assembly of the bonnet.............................................................................. 19
9.7 Determination and installation of the lift stopper......................................... 20
9.8 Assembly of the adjusting screw ................................................................ 23

9.9 Adjusting the set pressure.......................................................................... 25
9.10 Testing the seat tightness P12 ................................................................... 26
9.11 Assembly of the cap / lever ........................................................................ 26
9.12 Assembly of the lift indicator....................................................................... 30
9.13 Installation of the test gag (possible for H2 and H4)................................... 32
9.14 Installation of the different O-ring dampers ................................................ 33
9.15 Adjusting the set pressure.......................................................................... 37
9.16 Testing the seal tightness of the back seal P21 ......................................... 37
9.17 Sealing the valve ........................................................................................ 37

1 Purpose
This LESER Global Standard (LGS) describes the assembly procedure for a LESER
safety valve type 526 API.

2 Scope
This document must be applied to the assembly of an API safety valve in agencies
and subsidiaries of LESER GmbH & Co. KG.

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y
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3 References
LWN 322-04
LWN 308-08
LWN 322-03
LWN 324.01

4 Disclaimer
LESER puts in a great deal of effort into making up-to-date and correct
documentation available. Nevertheless, LESER GmbH & Co. KG gives no guarantee
that the recommended actions presented here are entirely correct and error free.
This document is to be used exclusively with the specified type. LESER GmbH & Co.
KG declines any liability or responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the

LESER GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to change the information contained in
this document, which is for the products of LESER GmbH & Co. KG and is intended
for LESER subsidiaries, at any time and without prior announcement.

LESER GmbH & Co. KG is available to the users of this document to provide
additional information.

5 Qualified fitting personnel

The assembly of LESER safety valves may only be performed by trained or qualified
fitters. The qualifications must be obtained through the appropriate training

6 General Information

• Gloves must be worn during the entire assembly.

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y
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7 General illustration


Figure 7-1: Cross-sectional view of API 526

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author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y
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8 Preparation for valve assembly

8.1 Emboss the punch numbers (if requested in the order).
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Emboss the code into the Hammer
edge of the outlet flange Punch numbers
(position of the code as
per the work plan).

Figure 8.1-1

9 Assembly of type 526

9.1 Assembly of the nozzle and blow down ring
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Grease sealing surface Brush

Figure 9.1-1

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Screw nozzle into the

Figure 9.1-2
Tighten nozzle with C- C-spanner with a

spanner (put a small nose
protective slab between
the nozzle and C-

Figure 9.1-3
Screw the blow down ring
completely down to the

Figure 9.1-4

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.2 Screw the studs into the body.
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Screw in the studs with an Impact wrench
impact wrench.

Tip: Place the guide washer

on the opening of the body
so that no studs can fall on
the seat.

Figure 9.2-1

9.3 Installation of the locking screw and screw plug

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Grease the locking screw Brush

and screw plug. Halocarbon
(OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.3-1
Grease a spacer ring for
each of the screws and put
on as a seal.

Figure 9.3-2

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Screw the locking screw into Open-end
the back section of the body spanner
and tighten.

Figure 9.3-3
Screw the screw plug into Open-end and
the side of the body and ring spanner

Figure 9.3-4

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.4 Assembly of disc assembly

9.4.1 Metal seat
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Put disc body and lifting aid Clamping block
together and clamp in place.

Figure 9.4.1-1
Insert retaining ring and C-spanner with
tighten with C-spanner. a nose

Figure 9.4.1-2

9.4.2 O-ring seal

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Individual parts of the disc
assembly with O-ring seal

Figure 9.4.2-1

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Wet O-ring with water and avoid any
twisting when introducing it.

Figure 9.4.2-2
Insert retainer.

Figure 9.4.2-3

Screw nut onto neck and tighten. Torque wrench

(Set torque as per LWN 322-04). with socket
Clamping block

Figure 9.4.2-4

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Secure the nut by hitting it Centre punch
with a centre punch Hammer

Figure 9.4.2-5

Emboss the marking for the Punch
O-ring material according to numbers
LWN 308-08. Hammer

Figure 9.4.2-6

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author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.4.3 Disc with sealing plate

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Individual parts of the disc assembly with
sealing plate

Figure 9.4.3-1
Put the sealing plate in the disc.

Figure 9.4.3-2
Put the retainer on the sealing plate.

Figure 9.4.3-3
Screw nuts onto studs and tighten (torque Torque wrench
as per LWN 322-04). with socket
Secure the nut by hitting it with a centre attachment
punch Centre punch
Emboss the marking for the sealing plate Hammer
material according to LWN 308-08. Punch

Figure 9.4.3-4

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.5 Assembly of spindle/disc assembly

9.5.1 Assembly of spindle/disc assembly (without bellows)
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Insert the ball into the disc.

Figure 9.5.1-1

Push on spindle and insert small Possibly
balls into the screw opening of the tweezers

Figure 9.5.1-2
Screw in and tighten the clamping Ring spanner

Figure 9.5.1-3

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Put on lift stopper, if requested.
(variable lift stopper; possibly
determine in advance; see Chap.

Figure 9.5.1-4
Push on guide washer. Put half-
washers in the recess of the
spindle and secure with a
retaining clip.

Figure 9.5.1-5
Push the lower spring plate, the
spring and the upper spring plate
onto the spindle.

Figure 9.5.1-6

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.5.2 Assembly of spindle/disc assembly (with stainless steel bellows)

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Stainless steel bellows and
guide washer

Figure 9.5.2-1
Grease the sealing surface Brush
and thread of the bellows. Assembly

Figure 9.5.2-2
Twist the guide washer onto
the bellows.
In some cases, larger
bellows have an inside
thread and are screwed on
the corresponding outside
thread of the guide washer.

Figure 9.5.2-3

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Stainless steel bellows and guide

Figure 9.5.2-4
Sparingly apply one drop to the Glue
thread of the spindle. DELO ML

Figure 9.5.2-5

Quickly screw the spindle
together with the bellows hand

Figure 9.5.2-6
Put the cooling zone onto the

Figure 9.5.2-7

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Put the disc on the spindle. Put
the balls into the opening of the
disc, or alternatively secure the
disc with a pin (depending on the
disc version).

Figure 9.5.2-8
Screw the clamping screw into Ring spanner
the disc hole.

Figure 9.5.2-9
Put half-washer into the recess
and secure with a retaining clip.

Figure 9.5.2-10

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.5.3 Inserting the spindle/disc assembly (with stainless steel bellows)

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Insert the spindle/disc/cooling
zone into the body. In the
process, push the guide washer
down and lift the spindle
somewhat so that the disc does
not touch down.
Carefully put the disc with the
spindle down on the seat.

Figure 9.5.3-1
Put the bottom spring plate, the

spring and the top spring plate
on one after the other.

Figure 9.5.3-2

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

If applicable, grease the Brush
axial needle roller on the top Halocarbon
spring plate. (OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.5.3-3
Put the bearing washer on Brush
the axial needle roller and Halocarbon
grease. (OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.5.3-4

9.6 Assembly of the bonnet

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Put the bonnet on the studs. Torque wrench
Screw nuts onto the studs and
(Set torque as per LWN 322-

Figure 9.6-1

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.7 Determination and installation of the lift stopper
9.7.1 Lift stopper with ring/sleeve Procedure for small valves without bellows (up to approx. DN 65 / 2 1/2").

Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Take the extent to which the stroke has to
be limited from the work order. Insert the
spindle/disc assembly without the spring
and spring plate. Put on the bonnet and
tighten the nuts.
Make the adjusting screw and spindle

Clamp the body on the outlet in the vice. Screwdriver
Lift the disc with a screwdriver through Clamping block

the inlet as far as it will go.

Measure the spindle overlap in an opened Sliding Vernier
state. Deduct the requested stroke from calliper
this measurement and have a lift stopper


disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y
LESER Global Standard LGS_1104
Assembly instructions for type 526 API Page 21/37 Procedure for large valves without bellows (as of approx. DN 80 / 3").

Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Carefully put the disc on the
nozzle and put the sealing
ring in the body.
Take the extent to which the
stroke has to be limited from
the job order.

Put the guide washer on the

Use the depth gauge to
measure the path from the
top edge of the guide washer
to the top edge of the disc.

Deduct the measurement of

the guide washer as well as
the desired stroke from the
order and have the lift
stopper made.


disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.7.2 Lift stopper with set screw (taken from LWN 324.01)
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Take the extent to PTFE tape
which the stroke has to Sliding Vernier
be limited from the job calliper
Use a completely
assembled valve to
measure the distance
from the top edge of the
cap/lever to the end of
the spindle.
Deduct the
measurement of the
guide washer as well as
the desired stroke from
the order and have the
lift stopper made.
Seal the screws with
PTFE tape, screw them
in and tighten. (Set
torque as per LWN 322-



disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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9.8 Assembly of the adjusting screw

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Individual parts of the adjusting

Figure 9.8-1
Put the bushing in the adjusting

Figure 9.8-2
Screw the lock nut on
approximately three-quarters of
the way down the adjusting

Figure 9.8-3

disclosure cat.: II proofread: OR published date: 17.11.10 effect. date: 18.11.2010

author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
resp. depart.: PP date of release: 8.11.10 revision No.: 0
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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Grease adjusting screw Brush

Figure 9.8-4
Screw the adjusting screw
into the bonnet until
resistance from the spring is


Figure 9.8-5

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9.9 Adjusting the set pressure

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Secure the spindle from turning with a pin Pin punch
punch. Open-end

Figure 9.9-1
Slowly pressurise the valve on the test Open-end
bench to find out whether the valve opens spanner
at the set pressure. The set pressure of
the valve has been reached when you
can hear air escaping. Full opening must

be achieved.
If the valve opens outside the stipulated
set pressure tolerance, then the adjusting
screw must be adjusted again.
Turning in a clockwise direction causes
the valve to open at higher pressure.
Turning in a counter-clockwise direction
causes the valve to open at lower
Release the pressure when readjusting
Figure 9.9-2 the adjusting screw. Readjust the
adjusting screw and then pressurise the
valve again.
If the pressure setting has been Open-end
completed, secure the adjusting screw spanner
with a lock nut.
Afterwards, check the set pressure once

Figure 9.9-2

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9.10 Testing the seat tightness P12

This test is performed for every valve after setting the pressure.

The exact execution of the test is described in a separate work instruction AA-EF-

9.11 Assembly of the cap / lever

9.11.1 Assembly of cap H2
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Grease the thread and sealing face of Brush
the cap. Halocarbon
(OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.11.1-1
Screw on the cap and tighten with a Open-end
spanner. spanner
(Set torque as per LWN 322-03).

Figure 9.11.1-2

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9.11.2 Assembly of lever H3

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Put the spindle cap onto the spindle
and secure with a pin and retaining

Figure 9.11.2-1
Put clamping screw into H3 cap at Ring spanner
designated place.

Figure 9.11.2-2
Put the small plastic balls in the hole
of the adjusting screw.

Figure 9.11.2-3
Grease the thread of the lever and Brush
screw it onto the bonnet (lever must Halocarbon
be opposite from outlet). (OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.11.2-4

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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Insert the venting lever into the
spindle cap.

Figure 9.11.2-5
Use a pin and retaining washers to
secure the venting lever.

Figure 9.11.2-6
Make sure that the lever has
enough play to vent.

Figure 9.11.2-7
Tighten the clamping screw on the Ring spanner

Figure 9.11.2-8

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9.11.3 Assembly of lever H4

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Put the spindle cap onto the spindle and
secure with a pin and retaining clip.

Figure 9.11.3-1
Align the lever with sealing rings so that
the lever arm is parallel to the outlet.

Figure 9.11.3-2
Grease the lever and sealing rings. Put Open-end
them on and tighten with an open-end spanner
spanner (torque as per LWN 322-03). Torque wrench

Figure 9.11.3-3

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9.12 Assembly of the lift indicator

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Individual parts of the lift

Figure 9.12-1
Put the cap into position as Open-end
described in 13.3 and secure. spanner

Figure 9.12-2
Put the eccentric hole of the
holder into such a position that
the collar of the spindle cap
would seal on top with the edge
of the lift indicator (see

Figure 9.12-3

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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Secure the position with a lock

Figure 9.12-4
Screw the lift indicator into the
collar of the spindle cap as far
as it will go. Then unscrew it
one complete turn.
Secure the position of the lift
indicator by tightening the first
nut hand tight.
Then lock with a second nut.

Figure 9.12-5

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9.13 Installation of the test gag (possible for H2 and H4)

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Grease the sealing surface of the short Brush
bolt. Halocarbon
(OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.13-1
Put on the sealing ring and grease it as Brush
well. Halocarbon
(OI-56 S / 60H)

Figure 9.13-2
Screw the test gag into the cap or lever
and tighten (torque as per LWN 322-

Figure 9.13-3

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9.14 Installation of the different O-ring dampers

9.14.1 O-ring damper H2
Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Individual parts of the O-ring damper H2

Figure 9.14.1-1
Put the support sleeve onto the
adjusting screw.

Figure 9.14.1-2
Put O-ring onto the spindle over the
support sleeve.
The O-ring must not sit on the cross hole
or a thread, if one is present.

Figure 9.14.1-3

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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Put the counter ring onto the O-ring or support

Figure 9.14.1-4
Put retaining spring onto the counter ring.

Figure 9.14.1-5
Grease the cap on the thread. Screw it onto the Open-end
bonnet and tighten (torque as per LWN 322- spanner

Figure 9.14.1-6

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9.14.2 O-ring damper H4

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
Individual parts of the O-ring damper

Figure 9.14.2-1
Fasten the O-ring damper on the
spindle with a steel pin and retaining

Then assemble the H4 lever cover as
described in 12.43.

Figure 9.14.2-2

Figure 9.14.2-3

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Illustration Description Aids / Tools

Put the first O-ring - counter ring - second
O-ring - support sleeve - spring - cap onto
the lever one after the other.

Figure 9.14.2-4

Figure 9.14.2-5
Grease, screw on and tighten the thread Halocarbon
and sealing lip of the cap (torque as per (OI-56 S / 60H)
LWN 322-03). Open-end

Figure 9.14.2-6

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9.15 Adjusting the set pressure
Pressurise the valve as per the workplace description.

Check whether the valve opens at the set pressure. The set pressure of the valve
has been reached when the pressure display remains constant when the line
pressure increases. It must fully open.

The valve must open within the tolerance range 3 times in succession.

Document the set pressure.

9.16 Testing the seal tightness of the back seal P21 (seal tightness to the outside)
This test is performed for every gas-tight valve after its assembly.

9.17 Sealing the valve

Illustration Description Aids / Tools
If structurally possible (sealing Sealing pliers
hole/lug on cap/lever and bonnet Wire twisting

exist), then seal the valve. Otherwise pliers
sealing lugs must be welded on. Sealing block
Closely connect the sealing hole or Wire
lug from the cap/lever and bonnet in
a clockwise direction, and connect
the locking screw and sealing lug
with sealing wire and seal the ends
of the wire with a lead seal.
If classification approvals (TÜV etc.)
are required, then seal afterwards.

Figure 9.17-1

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Paint touch-up and painting repaired valves Page 1/4


1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope .................................................................................................................. 1
3 Disclaimer............................................................................................................ 1
4 Qualified fitting personnel .................................................................................... 1
5 General Information............................................................................................. 2
6 Paint touch-up and painting repaired valves........................................................ 2

1 Purpose
This LESER Global Standard (LGS) provides instructions on painting LESER safety
valves. The required work steps and materials are described.

2 Scope
This document must be applied when painting safety valves in agencies and
subsidiaries of LESER GmbH & Co. KG.

3 Disclaimer
LESER puts in a great deal of effort into making up-to-date and correct
documentation available. Nevertheless, LESER GmbH & Co. KG gives no guarantee
that the recommended actions presented here are entirely correct and error free.
This document is to be applied exclusively to the specified type. LESER GmbH & Co.
KG declines any liability or responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the

LESER GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to change the information contained in
this document, which is for the products of LESER GmbH & Co. KG and is intended
for LESER subsidiaries, at any time and without prior announcement.

LESER GmbH & Co. KG is available to the users of this document to provide
additional information.

4 Qualified fitting personnel

The assembly of LESER safety valves may only be performed by trained or qualified
fitters. The qualifications must be obtained through the appropriate training

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author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
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5 General Information

• Wear safety glasses

• Wear respirator/dust mask

6 Paint touch-up and painting repaired valves

For valves that have to be repainted, the facing and the welded-on
component/customer ID plates must be masked off correctly. Any additional plates
will only be attached after painting, if welding is not required. Open bonnets must be
sealed with protective caps. The same applies to any existing threaded holes.
Outside threads must be protected with a suitable protective cap / existing painting
socket or with masking tape.

Figure 6-1: Protective cap for open bonnet Figure 6-2: Flange sticker

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Figure 6-3: Component plate sticker Figure 6-4: Protective cap

Figure 6-5: Component plate sticker Figure 6-6: Protective cap

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Figure 6-7: Masking tape Figure 6-8: Protective cap

Figure 6-9

The layer thickness of the coat of paint should be ~ 40µm for one coat of paint.

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Component Plates Page 1/10


1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope .................................................................................................................. 1
3 Disclaimer............................................................................................................ 1
4 Qualified fitting personnel .................................................................................... 2
5 General Information............................................................................................. 2
6 Attaching component/customer identification plates............................................ 2
6.1 Standard plate .............................................................................................. 3
6.2 World plate (NGA) ........................................................................................ 4
6.3 Fastening to bonnets with welding spots...................................................... 8

1 Purpose
This LESER Global Standard (LGS) provides instructions on attaching the name
plates of LESER safety valves. The required work steps and materials are described.

2 Scope

This LGS must be applied when attaching the name plates of safety valves in
agencies and subsidiaries of LESER GmbH & Co. KG.

3 Disclaimer
LESER puts in a great deal of effort into making up-to-date and correct
documentation available. Nevertheless, LESER GmbH & Co. KG gives no guarantee
that the recommended actions presented here are entirely correct and error free.
This document is to be applied exclusively to the specified type. LESER GmbH & Co.
KG declines any liability or responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the

LESER GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to change the information contained in
this document, which is for the products of LESER GmbH & Co. KG and is intended
for LESER subsidiaries, at any time and without prior announcement.

LESER GmbH & Co. KG is available to the users of this document to provide
additional information.

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author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
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4 Qualified fitting personnel
The name plates of LESER safety valves must attached exclusively by trained or
qualified fitters. The relevant qualifications must be obtained through appropriate
training measures.

5 General Information

• Gloves must be worn for all fitting work (except for stainless steel
and painted valves).
• Wear safety glasses.

6 Attaching component/customer identification plates

If grooved pins with round heads are not required, the plate is to be welded to the
designated place with the spot welding device.

The world plate (NGA) is fastened to the bonnet. In exceptional cases, it may also be
fastened with grooved pins with round heads, in which case it may also be fastened
to the body.

The standard plate is welded to the flat surface designated for that purpose.

Types 437, 438, 439 - outlet body

No fastening with grooved
pins with round heads
Types 459, 462, - bonnet

Flanged valves - on the right side as seen from the outlet side. Exception: Types
457 / 458 / 526 - on the back side using the set screw

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6.1 Standard plate

Figure 6.2.1-1

The standard plate comes in two versions.

For valves that are designed according to ASME (feature N68/N70), the version is
created with the UV and NB symbols.

For valves that are designed according to TÜV, the UV and NB symbols are not


Attachment locations for standard component plates

Figure 6.2.1-2: Type 459 Figure 6.2.1-3: Type 462

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Figure 6.2.1-4: Type 437 Figure 6.2.1-5: Type 462

Figure 6.2.1-6: Standard plate on a Figure 6.2.1-7: Types 457 / 458 / 526
flanged valve

6.2 World plate (NGA)

Figure 6.2.1-1

The world plate (NGA) comes in two versions.

For valves that are designed according to ASME (feature N68/N70), the version is
created with the UV and NB symbols.

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For valves that are designed according to TÜV, the UV and NB symbols are not
lasered on.

6.2.1 Pre-curving of the NGA

For bonnets with a curved cross-section, the plate must be pre-curved with a radius.
To do this, place the labelled plates in the apparatus with the lettering facing down.

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools

Pre-curving the plate Apparatus

Figure 6.2.1-1
Pre-curving the plate for open bonnets Apparatus

Figure 6.2.1-2

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools

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Adjustment of plate for closed bonnets

(V20 - V32)

Figure 6.2.1-3

When opening bonnets V20-V25, the plate is bent in the longitudinal direction. To do
this, put the labelled plates into the apparatus with the lettering facing down (figure

6.2.2 Corrosion protection

All valves that are painted must have corrosion protection under the world sign. To
do this, apply the standard primer coat (BURCHARTH'S BLUE - 60M.0120.0001) to
the respective place with a sponge.

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools

Figure 6.2.2-1

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools

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Figure 6.2.2-2
The points where the world
plate will be welded must be
free of paint.

Figure 6.2.2-3

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6.3 Fastening to bonnets with welding spots
6.3.1 Quadratic cross-section
Illustrations Description Aids / Tools
For API valves, the world plate is
fastened to the bonnet of the valve
with welding spots. For versions of
closed bonnets with a quadratic
cross-section, the world plate is
attached vertically to the front side of
the valve approx. 5 mm above the
bevelled edge.

Figure 6.3.1-1

6.3.2 High Performance valves
For the High Performance series, the world plate is always attached to the bonnet.
However, the location where the plate is attached is different for individual bonnet

a) Closed bonnets (V20 - V32)

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools
The world plate is attached to the
bonnet (V20 - V32).

For closed bonnets, the world

plate is displaced 90° with
respect to the eyelet for the
sealing wire so that the plate is
located on the opposite side of
the outlet for a completely
assembled valve.

Figure 6.3.2-1

b) Open bonnets (V20 - V25)

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools
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The world plate is attached
to open bonnets V20 - V25.
It is attached above the cast
LESER lettering and should
be flush with the letter "L".

The plate must be mounted

so that it can be read from
the right (as shown in the
Figure 6.3.2-2

c) Open bonnet (V32)

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools
For open bonnets V32, the world
plate is displaced 90° with respect
to the eyelet in front of the sealing
wire so that the plate is displaced
by 90° with respect to the outlet for
a completely assembled valve.

The top edge of the plate should be
flush with the bevel of the bonnet.

Figure 6.3.2-3

d) Open bonnet (V40)

Position of the bonnet:

The raised identifier of the product form manufacturer (foundry) is mounted in the
direction of the outlet flange.

Position of the world plate

The world plate is positioned on the free back side on the bottom edge of the bonnet.

6.3.3 Fastening with grooved pins with round heads

Illustrations Description Aids / Tools

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The plate is also curved for this
When grooved pins with round
heads are used for fastening,
the world plate must be fastened
at the back or at the side of the
body for the API valve.

Figure 6.3.3-1

Figure 6.3.3-2

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author: Niehus released by: KUW replaces: initial status: valid
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doc. type: LGS change rep. No.: 00651A retention period: 10y

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