4to de Secundaria - 1ra Evaluación

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Albert Einstein School

English 4th Grade Secondary

Name ________________________________________________________________________ Grade_______________ Date ______________Score

Unit 6 | Grammar - Verb patterns (verb gerund)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect.
1. He adores eat candy.

2. I enjoy going to the movies.

3. Billy Jean can't stand to listen to the radio.

4. I can't help singing in the shower.

5. I really miss reading on the train.

Unit 6 | Grammar - Verb gerund / verb infinitive (1)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1. Jerry asked ___________________ the photo. (see)

2. I dislike ___________________ to people I don't know. (speak)

3. Kelly Jane expects ___________________ well on her exam. (do)

4. I decided ___________________ the police. (call)

5. I keep ___________________ that song! (sing)

Unit 6 | Grammar - Verb gerund / verb infinitive (3)
Match the parts of the sentence.
1. Don't forget to a. to stop talking.

2. She adores b. cleaning the house — it's boring!

3. I decided c. watching movies at home.

4. I dislike d. tell Sam about the party.

5. I hope to get e. to the party before Sam.

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – Leisure time activities (2)

Read the sentences. Select True if the words are correct or False if incorrect .
1. I love bowling.
2. He went camping last summer.
3. Shall we go to club tonight?
4. Let's dive into the sea.
5. Yesterday I went ran with some friends.

Unit 6 | Vocabulary – Verbs of movement

Match the words.
1. climb a. into a swimming pool

1 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018

Albert Einstein School
English 4th Grade Secondary
2. dive b. a plane

3. run c. a marathon

4. fly d. off a building

5. jump e. a mountain

Unit 6 | Vocabulary - Leisure time activities (1)

Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first letter is given in parentheses.
1. This year we're going (h)___________________ in the mountains. Carl loves walking!

2. Ellen likes to (w)___________________ out in the gym before school.

3. Every Friday night, Mike goes (c)___________________ in town. He loves dancing.

4. In the summer, I go (f)___________________ in a boat with my father.

5. On weekends I usually (h)___________________ out with friends

Unit 6 | Vocabulary - Prepositions of movement

Match the parts of the sentences.
1. I went around a. door before it closed.

2. I went up the b. hill very quickly.

3. I went c. past the town hall.

4. I got out d. the lake three times.

5. I got through the e. of my car.

2 English ID Level 2  Richmond, 2018

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