Pfizer Brand Standards

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Corporate Brand Standards

for Internal & External Communications

Version 2.0
Brand Management
Who to ask:
Niccole Gingras
Brand Manager Enterprise Communications
Corporate Affairs

Kenneth B. Carlson
Creative Director
Global Creative Solutions

For guidance, contact the Corporate Brand Identity Group:

Where to find resources:

Who follows the Corporate Brand:

As the visual representation of all that we are and do, the Company name, Pfizer logo and visual style should be presented throughout the Company internally and externally.
Corporate Brand Standards are applicable to all marketing and communications materials where the Pfizer logo appears, including but not limited to written communications,
marketing collateral, websites, advertising, presentations, events, sponsorships, stationery, interior and exterior building signage, programs, and initiatives. Corporate Procedure
410 governs the Corporate Brand Standards ( }

When to contact:
Please contact the Brand Team at the initial stage of any discussion about creating an identity for an internal group or external-facing campaign.
Engage early and often to help protect the visual representation of the company.
Why a strong brand is important

Our people are one of our most powerful brand assets. Demonstrating commitment to our brand is a responsibility
we all share in our efforts to strengthen Pfizer’s reputation.

Pfizer’s brand identity represents a high standard of excellence, and by owning our brand, we safeguard our purpose,
our science, our products, and our people.

These guidelines were developed to help us work together in building consistent, branded communications that collectively enhance
Pfizer’s reputation in the communities we serve. Using these standards will enable us to create materials that speak to both internal
and external audiences while maintaining one, unified voice.

Together, we can contribute to Pfizer’s reputation as a leader in global health and well-being.

Thank you,

Sally Susman
Executive Vice President
Corporate Affairs
What’s in Our Branding DNA
These are the main elements that paint the company picture. The picture isn’t complete without all the elements interacting together.

The Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Visual Identity—Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Visual Identity—Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Visual Identity—Typography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Visual Identity—Iconography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Signature System—Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Signature System—Tier 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Signature System—Tier 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Signature System—Tier 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Signature System—Special Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Signature System—Special Signatures Don’ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Signature System—Call to Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Signature System—Taglines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Signature System—Endorsements and Sponsorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Putting It Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 4

The Logo
The logo is the primary mark of the Master Brand and is Pfizer’s key visual symbol. The proper usage of the logo communicates a strong
compliance across the company, and it must be safeguarded both internally and externally. The original oval shape was introduced in 1948 and
still remains a prominent part of today’s identity. Please be aware of the proper file format for the intended application, and if unsure, ask the
Corporate Brand Team.
Please note: The letters in the logo are transparent and should reveal the background.

Preferred Gradient Version Reverse Version Alternate Versions

Alternate 1-Color Version

The 2-Color Gradient Version of the logo is the preferred version The Reverse Version (white) logo is used whenever there is a Alternate 1-Color Version is in Pfizer Blue and used when a
as its brightened color signals optimism and warmth. In print background that is too dark to maximize the contrast to the simplified mark is required for premium items, silkscreens, etc.
applications the logo consists of Cyan and PMS Reflex Blue. color logo. It is also used for volume printing as a cost-saving initiative.

Alternate Black Version

Clear-space Minimum Size

0.3125" 0.1875"

The preferred logo can be scaled down The alternate logos can be scaled
to a minimum height of 0.3125”. Always down to a minimum height of Alternate Black Version is used only when printing in color is not
maintain the logo’s aspect ratio when 0.1875”. available or cost prohibitive. It is preferred to replace color logos
Please note clear space may need to be scaling. with this version if printing in B&W to avoid a noncompliant
adjusted when space is limited. grayscale logo.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 5

The Logo—Placement
When placing the logo onto materials the position and background must be considered. The preferred placement is on the lower left or upper
right, and always be mindful of the clear space and distance to the edge of the piece.

In Visual Displays On Backgrounds

In larger display settings the logo is preferred to be on the lower

left. Alternate placements are acceptable based on overall flow of
the communication.

In Banners and Headers

Presentation Title

In banners and headers make sure the logo maintains clear space. Place the logo on backgrounds that provide good contrast and legibility to ensure that it is clearly recognizable.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 6

The Logo—Don’ts
Ensure that our logo is clearly recognizable by using it properly, and do not alter it in any circumstances. Consider the logo version and the
background it is placed on to provide the best legibility. The examples show various uses to avoid.
Please note: Our logo is a distinctive mark and should never be used as a word within a sentence.

DO NOT embelish with colors,

DO NOT change the logo’s color. DO NOT change the DO NOT add drop shadows or DO NOT outline the logo. ribbons, or text.
logo’s proportion. other effects to the logo.

DO NOT use in art work.

DO NOT rotate the logo. DO NOT lock up product DO NOT place the logo on a DO NOT remove the Pfizer
identifiers or product descriptions complicated background or wordmark from the oval.
with the logo. a background that reduces
its legibility.

DO NOT fill letterforms­—

DO NOT use the preferred logo DO NOT crop the logo. DO NOT apply color to just the DO NOT use the logo in a holding they should knock through
on a dark background. letterforms inside the logo. box or other shape. to background.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 7

Visual Identity—Colors
The color palette is made up of the Pfizer blue and supportive neutral colors (black, gray, and white). The secondary color palette consists of a
complementary set of bright colors that convey strength and optimism. The use of gradients creates additional colors and should not be used.
The colors represented on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone LLC. and may not match the Pantone system. Consult a Pantone Color Formula
Guide for reference.

Color Pantone C M Y K R G B Hex#

Pfizer Blue Process Blue 100 10 0 10 0 147 207 #0093D0

Black Black 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 #000000

Gray Cool Gray 10 0 0 0 60 97 99 101 #616365

White White 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 #FFFFFF

Cyan Process Cyan 100 0 0 0 0 174 238 #00AEEF

Magenta Process magenta 0 100 0 0 214 0 110 #D6006E

Light Blue 310 C/U 43 0 10 0 117 209 224 #75D1E0

Light Green 376C/375U 50 0 100 0 125 186 0 #7DBA00

Red 1797 C/U 0 100 99 4 204 41 43 #CC292B

Green 355 C/U 94 0 100 0 0 169 79 #00A950

Orange 144 C/U 0 48 100 0 248 151 29 #F8971D

Yellow 109C/108U 0 10 100 0 247 212 23 #F7D417

Purple 269C/268U 78 100 0 33 74 36 94 #4A245E

Light Red 7417 C/U 0 75 75 0 242 102 73 #F26649

Blue Reflex Blue C/U 100 73 0 2 0 37 150 #002596

* Essential Green 388 C/U 32 0 98 0 184 239 48 #B8EF30

* Innovative Navy 288C/ 280U 100 88 27 19 30 55 108 #1E376C

* To be used by PEH or PIH only

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 8

Visual Identity—Color Tints
The application of colors in the communications across Pfizer should help to support the message and be purposefully used. Colors should be used
at 100% for internal group identification as well as for showing inter-group association. When tints are used, the piece should contain a limited
palette of no more than three secondary colors.

Tints for Depth and Information

Button Sample
Using the colors from the Pfizer palette in 25% screen increments [Normal]
allows for a depth of color and can be used to help with charts,
infographics, and navigational graphics.
They should: Button Sample
• Never be used as primary design colors. [Rollover]

• Only be used when 100% of the color is used as well.

• Be used to create watermark effects when appropriate. Button Sample
• Use values based on the original Pantone color.
0 10 20 30 40 50

75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25% 75% 25%
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

Transparent Overlays
Transparent overlays are used to enhance readability over photos, Overlay gradient black to transparent
especially in multimedia. They can also be used on top of colors from
the palette to deepen borders. They should be:
• Black or White to transparent ONLY. Overlay applied

• Used on 1 or 2 borders.
• Used sparingly and be subtle in nature. Cyan (no overlay)

• Bleed to the edge.

Overlay always White gradient overlay on bottom edge. Black gradient overlay on top
goes to edge. edge.
Not like this.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 9

Visual Identity—Color Tint Values for Screen
When using tints of the color palette for print, please use the PMS spot color and adjust to 25% increments.
When using tints for any on-screen applications, please refer to the table below to get the proper RGB values for the tint increment.
The colors represented on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone LLC. and may not match the Pantone system. Consult a Pantone Color Formula
Guide for reference.

Color 100% 75% 50% 25%

Purple 74 36 94 119 91 134 167 145 174 210 200 215

Blue 0 37 150 64 92 176 127 146 202 191 200 229

Pfizer Blue 0 147 207 64 174 219 127 201 231 191 228 243

Cyan 0 174 238 64 194 242 127 214 246 191 235 251

Light Blue 117 209 224 152 221 232 186 232 239 220 243 247

Green 0 169 79 64 191 123 127 212 167 191 233 211

Light Green 125 186 0 158 203 64 190 220 127 222 238 191

Yellow 247 212 23 249 223 81 251 233 139 253 244 197

Orange 248 151 29 250 177 85 251 203 142 253 229 198

Light Red 242 102 73 245 140 119 248 178 164 252 217 209

Red 204 41 43 217 95 96 229 148 149 242 201 202

Magenta 214 0 110 224 64 146 234 127 182 245 191 219

Grey 97 99 101 138 138 138 177 177 177 216 216 216

* Essential Green 184 239 48 202 243 100 219 247 151 237 251 203

* Innovative Navy 30 55 108 86 105 145 142 155 181 199 205 218

* To be used by PEH or PIH only

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 10

Visual Identity—Images
The use of imagery should be bright and optimistic. It should support the business and our Pfizer story by demonstrating:
• Our ability to innovate in the drive to discover cures.
• Our expertise in partnerships that advance medicine and health.
• Our commitment to create a genuine and positive impact on public health.

Subject Matter Style Rights and Usage

• Real life (not staged, posed, or fictional). • Natural lighting (no extensive photo retouching). • Only use images you have permission to use.
• Optimistic and warm (or neutral). • Bright tonal range. • Do NOT distribute images to others.
• Singular concept/subject per image. • Clear/Sharp focus on subject matter. • Know the original source of your images.
• Advancing progress/positive change. • Clean, simple areas of “white space.”
• Scientific 3D modeling or microscopic images. • No silhouettes or drop shadows.

Image Dont’s

DO NOT use effects like drop DO NOT use staged or posed DO NOT use dark, depressing, or DO NOT use colorized or over- DO NOT use silhouetted images. DO NOT distort images.
shadows, bevels, or embosses. subjects. graphic images. saturated images (this includes
any color overlays).

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 11

Visual Identity—Typography
The primary font for the visual identity of Pfizer is FS Albert. It is designed to scale from the smallest application to the largest while maintaining
its warm and humanistic appearance. FS Albert and LM Roman Demi should be used in all print, desktop, web, and mobile applications. The
distinctive “fi” ligature should be enabled on all fonts.

Aa Aa Aa
Primary Font for All Communications Headline and Impact Font Alternate Font


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(@!#$%:;,.?)1234567890 (@!#$%:;,.?)1234567890 (@!#$%:;,.?)1234567890

Thin Thin Italic Regular Oblique Narrow Narrow Italic

Regular Italic Narrow Bold Narrow Bold Italic
Bold Bold Italic Regular Italic
Extra Bold Bold Bold Italic
(Narrow Family also allowed) Black

FS Albert Latin Modern Roman Demi Arial

This is the primary font for messaging across all media. It is designed This is the display font which is used for “calls to action” and other Used only as a substitution font when FS Albert is not available
to be welcoming and highly legible on screen and in print. FS Albert main headlines. It should be used at >36 pt and in Title Case
Pro Narrow family may also be used. Pfizer does not own a company- whenever possible. The font should not be used for any body text of
wide license for FS Albert, and international copyright law forbids larger text blocks. This font replaces Pdot. LM Roman Demi is an Open
us from sharing the font both internally and externally. If you are Source font and can be freely downloaded and shared across the
a colleague or vendor who needs to use FS Albert, a license can be organization. Latin Modern Roman Demi is available for download at
purchased from:

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 12

Visual Identity—Iconography
Iconography within Pfizer should be used sparingly and with purpose. Icons aid in navigation, help to emphasize an idea or concept, and provide
groups within Pfizer a distinguishing graphic element while staying within the Master Brand. They are also used in infographics to visually support
the data. Acceptable icons are in a pictographic style and should be simple, linear drawings with minimal detail. Using a frontal perspective will
help reduce complexity. The corners and end caps should be rounded.

Preferred Circle Version Examples Icon Don’ts

DO NOT use gradients to colorize DO NOT use 3D effects like

the icons. They should always be solid bevels or drop shadows.
Alternative Free Standing Version Examples

DO NOT fill the icons with color. DO NOT use overly complex or
Only use up to 3 colors. detailed icons.

Reversed Circle Version Examples

DO NOT replace logo with icons for any Tier signatures.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 13

Visual Identity—Iconography: Building an Icon
Below are guidelines for designers using Adobe Illustrator as the vector-based design software. They demonstrate the unique features of the icon
style and how to build it. These guidelines for developing the icons will ensure a consistent look across the organization.

Steps to Build an Icon

1. Create a 1” diameter circle to contain the icon.
2. Stroke weight should be at least 2 pt.
3. Caps and corners should be rounded.
4. Closed path corners should have at least .02” corner radius.
5. Create artwork using conceptual style.
6. Outline any stroke to create closed paths.
7. Apply <3 colors using Pfizer palette at 100% value.
8. Create alternate versions:
• Remove circle for a free-standing icon.
• Use a 25% tint value to entire icon for wash version.
• Fill circle with color and reverse icon to white.

The corner radius should be rounded and
should mimic the corners of FS Albert font.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 14

Signature System—Architecture
The Signature System is designed to provide a consistent way to display the names of the different groups within Pfizer and to show the
relationship to the larger organization. Pfizer has only one logo, and groups within Pfizer should use the signature system for internal and external

Master Brand

Tier 1—Business Units

Essential Health or Innovative Health Level ESSENTIAL HEALTH INNOVATIVE HEALTH

Tier 2—Business Groups

Consumer Healthcare Oncology
Oncology, Medical, or Consumer Healthcare Level

Tier 3—Divisions/Departments/Enabling Functions HUMAN RESOURCES

Drug Safety or Human Resources Level

Vaccines 40% of X
Special Signatures [2 Style Options] ONE
Global Health Fellows Sponsored by
Programs, Events, Applications, or Initiatives Pfizer

Sponsored by
Endorsements & Sponsorships
Acquisitions, Partnerships, or Corporate Alignment

Sponsored by40% of X
Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 X Vaccines 25% of X

Communications 25% of X
Signature System—Tier 1
Tier 1 applies to the Business Units. This is the highest level within the organization and has the strongest affiliation to the Master Brand. The
text is in the heaviest weight and all caps to represent the scale and significance of the business unit. The text should be in Pfizer blue whenever
possible to show the connection to the logo.

Tier 1 Signature Samples Colors


The signatures should follow the same rules on color as the Pfizer logo.

Minimum Size

Proper Spacing 0.3125" 0.1875"

Subtitles are used to show the organizational relationships and/or hierarchy within the group. Gradient Version 1-Color Version
Font for subtitle is FS Albert Italic in Gray



Subtitles Alternate Internal Use Only PIH

Subtitles are used to show the organizational relationships and/or hierarchy within the group.
Font for subtitle is FS Albert Italic in Gray


25% of X
Research & Development 25% of X

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 16

Signature System—Tier 2
Tier 2 applies to the Business Groups. This is the level within the organization that falls directly below the business units and is tied directly to Pfizer
business and science. The text is in bold and italic representing the strong forward movement of the organization. The text should be in Pfizer blue
whenever possible to show the connection to the logo.

Tier 2 Signature Samples Colors

Consumer Healthcare Oncology

The signatures should follow the same rules on color as the Pfizer logo.

Minimum Size

Proper Spacing 0.3125" 0.1875"

Gradient Version 1-Color Version

X Vaccines 40% of X

FS Albert Bold Italic—Title Case

Subtitles are used to show the organizational relationships and/or hierarchy within the group.
Font for subtitle is FS Albert Italic in Gray

X Vaccines 40% of X
25% of X
Communications 25% of X

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 17

Signature System—Tier 3
Tier 3 applies to all organizational lines below the Business Groups. This level contains all the Enabling Functions, Divisions, and Departments. The
text is in a lighter face to signify the supporting nature of these groups within the organization.

Tier 3 Signature Samples Colors


The signatures should follow the same rules on color as the Pfizer logo.

Minimum Size

Proper Spacing 0.3125" 0.1875"

Gradient Version 1-Color Version




Subtitles are used to show the organizational relationships and/or hierarchy within the group.
Font for subtitle is FS Albert Regular in Pfizer blue.


25% of X
Discover Talent 25% of X

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 18

Signature System—Special Signatures
Pfizer Program, Initiative, Application, and Event signatures celebrate and promote work that Pfizer is doing around the globe. These entities have
a special relationship with the Pfizer brand and may require a unique signature. When selecting an appropriate name for your Program, Initiative,
Application, or Event, do not use “Pf” in the name. Any group that is eligible for a Tier 1, 2, or 3 signature should not use a special signature.

Option 1—Endorsement Style Option 2—Name Mark Style

The endorsement style is the preferred style for externally facing special signatures. It has a strong The name mark style is preferred for internal facing special signatures since it does not include the
association with the Master Brand and always includes the type of association spelled out in the Pfizer logo.
endorsement line (i.e.- Program, Initiative). The logo used in endorsement lines should be the 1-color
blue as preferred and white when rest of signature is also white.
Elements of the Signature
X A Program 40% of X
Naming—The name can include Pfizer in this style, but the Pfizer name MUST always be in FS Albert
Bold and Pfizer blue, and have the distinct “fi” ligature. The rest of the name should be in FS Albert font
and can be in any face.
Positioning—The Pfizer name mark should be at least 3/4 the size of the other text. It can be locked
up anywhere within the signature to include being run vertical on a 90 degree counter-clockwise
Elements of the Signature rotation.
Naming—The name should NOT include Pfizer in this style. It should be in FS Albert font and can be Colors— The Pfizer name mark should only be in Pfizer blue or white. The overall signature colors
in any face. should be limited to 3 colors for the text and illustration. Do not use tints.
Positioning—The endorsement line should always be under the name and illustration. It should be Illustration— The illustration should be in the icon style, but does not need to be contained in a circle.
either left or right flush with the name text.
Minimum Size— The signature should not be used below a size that has the Pfizer name smaller
Colors— Colors should be limited to 3 colors for the text and illustration. Do not use tints. than FS Albert font 6 pt [ Pfizer ].
Illustration— The illustration should be in the icon style, but does not need to be contained
in a circle.
Minimum Size— Follow the guidelines for logo minimum. Examples
(these examples are for illustrative purposes and not necessarily current)

(these examples are for illustrative purposes and not necessarily current)


A Initiative A Solution Global Asian Alliance

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 19

Signature System—Special Signatures Don’ts
Pfizer Program, Initiative, Application, and Event signatures are used both internally and externally so they act as an extension of the Master
Brand. Creating logos or improperly designed signatures dillute the Master Brand and send a negative message.

Pfizer Pfizer
B.I.G. DATA Patient Savings Award
A Program
A Program

DO NOT use abbreviation when DO NOT use the Pfizer name mark in DO NOT use colors outside of the Pfizer DO NOT use fonts other than FS Albert
building the signature unless the black or any other color except Pfizer color palette and do not use tints or for Program, Initiative and Event
abbreviation is also spelled out. blue, or white if the entire signature is transparencies. names. DO NOT stylize the text by
Widely accepted abbreviations like reversed. altering the letterforms.
R&D are acceptable as long as the
common term is what the abbreviation
stands for.

life TM

Science Week

DO NOT “lock up” any unapproved DO NOT fill the Pfizer oval with other DO NOT place any Illustration over DO NOT use the FS Albert font without
artwork or visual elements with the graphic elements. Multiple versions of the text. This clutters up the signature the distinct “fi” ligature enabled.
Pfizer logo. Adhere to the clear space the Pfizer logo will dilute the strength and does not transpose to a one-color This is typically found in the smart
guidelines for the Pfizer logo when of our brand identity. signature. punctuation part of a design program.
creating a “lock up”.

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 20

Signature System—Call to Action
A call to action serves as a tagline option for any group under the Master Brand. Because there are only two approved taglines, all
other taglines should be converted to a call to action. A call to action should be a short concise engagement that directs or impacts
the focus of the group.
It can be a main focus of a campaign with prominent placement.
Never lock up a call to action with the logo or a signature and never use the word Pfizer in a call to action.

Placement Elements of the Call to Action

DO NOT lock up a call to action with a signature. The minimum distance Call to
between the signature and call to action should be the height of the Pfizer logo. ACTION
Text—The text should NOT include Pfizer. It should be considered a
tagline with direction.
Fonts—The endorsement line should always be under the name and
illustration. It should be either left or right flush with the name text.
Slide Title Text A Call to Action
Can be a Sentence. Positioning—The call to action should maximize the distance to the
signature and never be locked up with the signature.
Colors— Colors should be limited to 3 colors for the text and
Join us November 28 for a illustration. Tint values can be used as long as full value is also used.

Panel on Aging Illustration— The illustration should be in the icon style and can
interact with the text, but shouldn’t touch any text.

Pfizer Confidential

Tier 2 Signature

DO NOT lock up a call to action with a signature. The minimum distance
between the signature and call to action should be height of the Pfizer logo.

Call to
ACTION Call to Action
Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 21
Signature System—Tagline
The Pfizer logo-tagline is a concise statement of our company’s purpose. It communicates our key reason for being in a clear, direct,
and engaging manner. The Pfizer Corporate logo is the only logo permissible within the Pfizer brand. No other logos may be developed.
The Pfizer logo may be locked up with an organizational group name to form a signature (see Signature System in the Standards). A
tagline may not be used with a signature, and only the corporate-sanctioned tagline may be used with the Pfizer logo. Instead of a
tagline, a “call to action” may be used prominently, providing it is not locked up with the signature.

Taglines Colors

The text and logo color should follow the same rules as the logo.

Minimum Size

0.3125" 0.1875"
Alternate Stacked Version
Gradient Version 1-Color Version



X 20% of X X

20% of X

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 22

Signature System—Endorsements and Sponsorships
Third-party use of the Pfizer logo is something our company generally declines, absent of a strong business need.
Pfizer gives a few reasons for this—the first is that procurement is generally averse to giving endorsements for services, especially for newer
vendors/suppliers. Secondly, from a trademark perspective it is difficult to enforce—Pfizer only grants permission for a set amount of time and
relies on the vendor/supplier to remove the logo proactively at the end of that time or when the business relationship ends.
Finally, from a brand perspective, Pfizer needs toby
Sponsored be mindful about giving endorsements freely because the public will associate the quality of one
company with that of Pfizer fairly quickly.
For any questions about the Pfizer logo or to request use of the logo, please email

Sponsored by
Sponsorship Business Endorsements
Sponsorships are used when a third party requests the Pfizer logo in conjunction with an event, Pfizer Master Brand endorsements are a rare and unique usage of the Pfizer Brand to show a
program, or philanthropic endeavor. It is preferred to have the words “Sponsored by” to fully disclose the relationship between Pfizer Inc. and a separate business entity. The endorsement line allows for the
relationship, but a stand-alone logo may be used when more appropriate to the overall design. separate entity to maintain their branding while being tied to Pfizer. At no time should the brand
Sponsored by elements of another entity (to include products) be mixed with the Master Brand.

Sponsored by
Stacked Version In-Line Version

Sponsored by Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Sponsored by
Sample Endorsement Lines

Sponsored by
Sponsored by Sponsored by A Study A Partnership

Sponsored by
Sponsored by

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 23

Sponsored by
Putting It Together
The primary focus of the Corporate look and feel is to convey a thoughtful and uplifting tone that supports our scientific innovations, public
health, and partnerships.

It begins with

Breakthrough cancer treatments often begin with a spark of insight,
but patients are the true inspiration for what we do. We’re focused on
translating potential into promise for those who need it most. It takes an average of 1,600 scientists 12 years to bring one Pfizer medicine to life.
That’s a lot of collective brainpower dedicated to finding medicines that improve lives.
Scientists and patients are one part of a medicine’s journey.
Focused on what truly matters. Get the full story at


Partner Line
Global Forum

Partner Lines
working together

Science Day
to turn discoveries
into medicines

Pfizer Corporate Brand Standards — Version 2.0 24

Copyright ©2018 Pfizer. All rights reserved.

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