Resume Sociolingistic by Fortuna&Liza

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Fortuna Laura Maria S & Liza Mazro'ah


‘The Burden of Diversity’: The Sociolinguistic Problems of English in South Africa

This article using qulitative as a metode and south african people as a participant.The paper
explores the historical context of language dynamics in South Africa, emphasizing the impact of
colonialism on the prominence of English and Afrikaans. It delves into the consequences of
apartheid, where linguistic divisions were strategically created along tribal lines, leading to
unequal recognition and resources for indigenous languages. The distinction between English
Home Language and First Additional Language is scrutinized, revealing disparities in educational
opportunities and societal perceptions.

The research introduces two learners, Sbusiso and Slindile, attending different schools based on
economic factors and illustrating the perpetuation of language inequalities. The paper
questions the dichotomy between Home Language and First Additional Language, likening it to
the historical injustices perpetuated by the apartheid system. The study argues for a
reevaluation of the language education system, urging a move towards a decolonized mindset
that values and promotes indigenous languages.

The conclusion emphasizes the importance of addressing linguistic inequalities as an integral

part of broader social and economic equity. It calls for a reconsideration of language policies,
urging political discourse to recognize and elevate indigenous languages, thereby challenging
the persistent dominance of colonial languages in South Africa.

In other words, it is the conclusion of this paper that there is no ground for not promoting
indigenous languages to the level of operation with the European ones. The damage seems to
have been done in the minds of African South Africans and politicians who all lack the will
power to bring the question of linguistic emancipation into the public conscience. Similarly,
there are no grounds for segregating English First Additional language from English Home
language. The only person who suffers is the learner. Therefore, it is the recommendation of
this paper not only to interrogate the lethargy of not promoting indigenous languages but to
further call for the dismantling of different English language offerings in favour of teaching
English equally across the schooling system especially as it is equally used as a medium of
instruction in all schools regardless of whether it is offered as English Home language or First
Additional language.

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