Cit - Master - TT - Draft 2 - Sept - 2023
Cit - Master - TT - Draft 2 - Sept - 2023
Cit - Master - TT - Draft 2 - Sept - 2023
DAY GROUP 7:00 - 8:00 - 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 1:00 - 2:00 - 3:00 3:00 - 4:00 4:00 - 5:00 5:00 - 6:00 6:00 - 7:00 7.00-8.00
8:00 9:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00
BCT_Y1_ BCT 2104 -GA (Yvette) :B- BCT 2102: (Nancy) EG-32
S1 07
BCT_Y2_ BCT 2207 BIT 2110 (Mulievi)-EG-29
S1 (Okuku) Korea 1
BCTY3S BCT 2304 (Ndegwa) Online BCT 2307(Dr. Osero ) EG-
1 28
BCTY4S BCT 2403(Okuku): A-03 BCT 2401 (Kiiru) Prefab 3- BCT 2405 (Ndithi) LAB B-07
1 02
MONDA BIT_Y1_ BIT 2223(Kiamati) EG-32 BIT 2103: (Nancy) EG-32 BIT 2104 GA (Yvette) :A-05
Y S1
BIT_Y2_ ICS 2208 (Dr. Osero)
S1 A-04
BIT_Y3_ SMA 2102(Miano): EG-29
BIT_Y4_ BIT 2305 (Iraya ): EG-30 ICS 2305 (Dr. Kenei) A-03
BSE_Y1_ CSE 2112 (Oyuuh) CCS 2113 (Iraya) : FCC 2114 (Otieno) EG-30
S1 Online EG-29/Online
BSE_Y2_ CCS 2127 (Ndegwa) CCS 2211 CCS 2213 (Dr. Osero)
S1 Online (Muturi) A-04 EG-28
BSE_Y3_ CCS 2313 (Ndithi) EG-30 CSE 2314 (Oyuuh ) A-03
BSE_Y4_ CSE 2400 (Kariuki) LabA05 CSE 2400 (Kariuki) Lab A06 CSE 2415 (Njiru) A-04
BCS_Y1_ CCS 2112 (Oyuuh) CCS 2113 (Iraya) EG-29/ SPH 2173 (Ingosi) PHY LAB
S1 Online Online
BCS_Y2_ CCS 2127 (Ndegwa) CCS 2213 (Dr. Osero) A-05 CCS 2211 (Muturi) LAB B06
S1 Online
BCS_Y3_ CCS 2316 (Kiiru) EG-28 CCS 2313 (Ndithi) EG-30 CCS 2314 (Oyuuh ) A-03
BCS_Y4_ CCS 2400 (Kariuki) LabA05 CCS 2400 (Kariuki) LabA06 CCS2417 (Adunya) Prefab 3-02
BCT_Y1_ BCT 210GB: (Yvette) Lab B- BIT 2102 (Kokonya) EG-29
S1 07
BCT_Y2_ BCT 2207 (Okuku) Korea 1 BIT 2119 (Kinuthia) EG-32 BCT 2204 (Manoti) Lab B07
BCTY3S BCT 2306, (Manoti).B-06 BCT 2302 (Muniu) EG-28
BCTY4S BIT 2312 (Kinuthia) A-04
TUESD BIT_Y1_ HBC 2107(Omondi): EG-32 BIT 2104-GB (Yvette) Lab BIT 2223(Kiamati): EG-32
AY S1 B-07
BIT_Y2_ BIT 2118 (Njiru) EG-28 ICS 2302 (Muniu) EG-29 ICS 2206(Mutemi) A-03
BIT_Y3_ BIT 2313(Kiiru) :A04
BIT_Y4_ BIT 2303( ) BIT 2119 (Kinuthia) EG-30
S1 Korea 2
BSE_Y1_ CSE 2112 (Oyuuh) LAB E02 CSE 2112(Gachui) LAB A06 SPH2172 (Ingosi) Physics LAB
BSE_Y2_ CCS 2215 (Gakinya) A-03 CCS 2217(K.Otieno) EG-28 CCS 2216 (Ateng’e) EG 29
BSE_Y3_ CSE 2314 (Oyuuh) LAB E02 CSE 2312(Gachui) A-04
BSE_Y4_ CCS 2411 (Dr.Odeo) EG-29 CCS2417 (Adunya) Korea 1 CSE 2415 (Njiru) LAB B-06
BCS_Y1_ SPH 2127 (Ingosi) EG-30 SMA 2104 (Bii) EG-30 CCS 2112 (Oyuuh) LAB E02
BCS_Y2_ CCS 2215 (Gakinya) A-03 CCS 2216 (Ateng’e) EG 29
BCS_Y3_ CCS 2312(Gachui) LAB A06 CCS 2314 (Oyuuh) LAB E02 CCS2313 (Ndithi)LAB :B-07
BCS_Y4_ CCS 2411 (Dr.Odeo) : EG-29 CCS 2416 (Okuku) Prefab-3- CCS2417 [LAB] : Adunya: Korea
S1 02 1
SMA 2104: Mathematics for Science (Mr. Dennis Musau) UCU 2203: Development Studies (Dr. Mukabi) BIT 2207: Internet Application programming (Mr. ICS 2305: Systems Programming (Dr. Kenei)
BIT 2102: Computer Systems and Organization (Mr. Mogire) ICS 2211: Numerical Linear Algebra (Dr. Virginia Kitetu) Njiru) BIT 2303: Project (2 unit)- ( ).
BIT 2103: Introduction to Computer Applicatio ns(Ms. Chemutai) BIT 2116: Network Design and Management (Mr. Manoti) BIT 2208: Principles of Marketing (Ms. Muturi) ICS 2307: Simulation and Modeling (Mr. Adunya)
BIT 2104: Introduction to Programming and Algorithms ICS 2203: Introduction to the Internet (Mr. Kinyua ) ICS 2404: Advanced Database Management Systems BIT 2305: Human Computer Interface (Mr. Iraya)
(Ms. Otukana) ICS 2302: Software Engineering(Ms. Muniu) (Mr. Liech) ICS 2403: Distributed Systems (Mr. Talo)
7)BIT 2223: Installation and Customization (Kiamati ) SMA 2103: Probability and Statistics I (Mr. Kagai) BIT 2210: Business Information Strategy(Mr. Walubengo )
BCS_Y1_S1 (100) BCS_Y2_S1 (60) BCS_Y3_S1 (48) BCS_Y4_S1 (55)
CCS 2111 Fundamentals of Computing Applications (Mr. Mutemi) CCS 2211 Object Oriented Programming I ( Mr. Muturi) CCS 2311 Automata and Languages ( Mr. Iraya) CCS 2411 Computer and Network Security (Dr. Odeo)
CCS 2112 Introduction to Programming (Mr. Oyuuh) CCS 2212 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (Mr. Gachui) CCS 2312 Systems Programming (Mr. Gachui) CCS 2315 Distributed Systems (Mr. Talo)
CCS 2113 Computer Systems Organization (Mr. Iraya) CCS 2213 Operating Systems II (Dr. Osero) CCS 2315 Distributed Systems (Mr Talo.) CCS 2413 Human Computer Interface (Mr. Gachui)
FCC 2114 Introduction to Microeconomics (Mr. Otieno) CCS 2214 Data Structure and Algorithms (Mr. Kariuki) CCS 2314 Web Design and Programming II (Mr. CCS 2414 Information Systems Security & Audit (Mr. Walubengo)
CCS 2115 Discrete Structure (Mr. Oganga) CCS 2215 Digital Electronics (Mr. Gakinya) Oyuuh) CCS 2415 Data Communication Principles (Mr. Walubengo)
SPH2172 Physics (Mr. Ingosi) CCS 2216 Integral Calculus (Ms. Ateng’e ) CCS 2313 Computer Graphics(Mr. Ndithi) CCS 2416 Multimedia Systems (Mr. Okuku)
BCT Y1S1 (135) BCT_Y2_S1 (90) BCT Y3S1 (40) BCT Y4S1
1) BIT 2102: Computer Hardware and Organization (Kokonya) BIT 2110: Operating Systems II (Mr. Mulievi)
SMA 2102: Calculus II (Ms. Ateng’e) BIT 2312 : Client Server Systems ansd Computing (Mr.
2)BIT 2205: Principles of Computer Networks (Mr. Kinuthia) BIT 211: Computer Aided Design(CAD) (Mr. Mokola) Kinuthia)
BIT 2203: Advanced Programming (Dr. Kenei)
3)BCT 2101: Introduction to Computers and Operating Systems (Ms. BCT 2401:Operations Research (Mr. Kiiru)
BIT 2119: Management Information Systems ( Mr. Kinuthia)
BCT 2304: Database Management Systems (Mr. Ndegwa)
Magangi) BCT 2403: Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) (Mr. B. Okuku
BIT 2204: Network Systems and Administration (Mr.
BCT 2305: Data Communications (Mr. Gakinya)
4)BCT 2102: Software Applications (Ms. Chemutai ) BCT 2404 Decision Support Systems (DSS) ()
BCT 2306: Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology (Mr. BCT 2405 : Computer Graphical Systems (Mr. Ndithi)
5) BIT 2104: Introduction to Programming (Ms. Otukana) BCT 2112: Electronics (Mr. Kitavii) BCT 2406 : Project Research and Definition ()
6) UCU 2102: HIV AIDS (e-Learning) BCT 2206: Digital Electronics (Mr. Gakinya)
BCT 2307: Parallel and Distributed systems (Dr. Osero )
7) BCT 2106 Interernet Technologies (Mr. Liech )
CCS 3111 : Operating System Design and Implementation (Dr. Odeo) CCS 3200: Computer Science Thesis (Dr. Odeo/ Dr. Ngari) Last edited: 10/09/2023
CCS 3112: Machine Learning (Dr. Wakoli ) DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (DS) OPTION (3- UNITS)
H.Ndithi: Time-table co-ordinator
ccs 3113: Theory of Computational Science (Dr. Kituku ) CCS 3211 Distributed and Parallel systems (Dr. Kenei)
CIT 3114: Project Management (Dr. Wakoli ) CCS 3212 Distributed Database Systems ()
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