Sewa STD 10 (2023 24)

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x Roll No._____

Project Topic: Indigenous Methods of Water conservation




















Shiksha Niketan
Project-1: ‘Swachcha Vidyalaya Swachcha Bharat’

Project Focus- Cleanliness and Sanitation

Duration- Term/Annual

Key Objectives:
Learner will:
● identify clean and dirty places.
● bring attitudinal change towards cleanliness and sanitation.
● be able to distinguish between benefits of cleanliness and the disadvantages of
uncleanliness, including the health hazards.
● make the community aware of the result of not practising cleanliness.
● know the importance of cleanliness in neighbourhoods, parks, market places, roadsand
● know how to appeal for clean places.
● be aware of unclean and unhealthy surroundings as breeding ground of epidemics and
● be able to highlight cleanliness as an important value in day-to-day life.
● Develop a creative methodology to create awareness in community and test it

SE Component
● To be able to take care of personal hygiene and being organized with belongings.
● To learn to keep household items and personal belongings in proper place (beforeand after
● To be able to live life of cleanliness through word and example.
● To learn the art of proper waste disposal and be able to sensitize other peopleabout it.

“We must get obsessed about the cleanliness of our city."

Role of Mentor/ Teacher:

● Initiate a project in consultation with students
● Act as an initiator and motivate learners to be ever vigilant in maintaining cleanliness at all public
places such as markets, parks, gardens, bus stands, railway stations, movie halls,and malls, etc., as
well as while using public transport, public utilities.
● Focus on the tidiness of Class Room, Library, Assembly Hall and Computer Room.
● Respect National property.
● Generate awareness of health and hygiene amongst the slum dwellers.

Project Process:
• Brainstorming and discussion sessions to be organised for students.
• Identify the area to focus on and prepare a road map to achieve targets.

The following ideas can be further explored (illustrative only):

a) Disposal of human waste properly and safely
b) Creating sensitization amongst community members about personal hygiene
c) Spreading awareness about sanitized and clean toilets and contribution required to
maintain public utilities
d) Proper garbage disposal
e) School Sanitation
f) Personal Hygiene
g) Drinking Water Testing
h) Green and Blue Bins
i) Recycling
j) Water Conservation
k) Water Table
l) Interacting with City Sanitary Workers
m) Spending a day with sanitary workers
n) Visiting a city water works
o) Adopt a Park/ Lake/ Pond

Collect the above data and read prepared report of the class, then segregate the areas where
'Mission Cleanliness' can be accomplished. Reflect and form groups and get the project rolling.

Suggestions: (May be done in groups under the supervision of a Mentor/ Adult/ PeerMentor)
Organize Cleanliness Month:
● For cleanliness drive arrange advertisement competition for students’ in schools.
● Identify surroundings or a locality which need assistance by doing a field survey of the
surrounding community area.
● Create awareness and take up projects to ensure cleanliness of water sources likelakes,
rivers, ponds and other such bodies that are getting polluted due to insensitivity of human
● Segregate groups who can provide solutions to most aspects of cleanliness through
researching articles, TV programmes, and video on YouTube or by speaking to the
authorities and residents.
● Students can prepare Street Plays and present them to community members, usingcreative
medium like-posters, placards for slogan march to generate awareness.
● Project on ‘Cleanliness Drive’ of a nearby public place may be taken up in groups.
● Don't miss to click the photographs of the area before the cleanliness drive andafter that.

Reflective Musings:

● Discussions will be held in class on the activities of the project. The students willthink, talk
and write about what they have learned and observed.
● Questions will be discussed in class about their experiences and response of thecommunity;
O Describe what have you learned and felt about your project? O
How far was the activity beneficial for you?
O What have you learned about yourself and your surroundings from thisproject?
O How do you think we can solve problem of cleanliness and sanitation?
Where did you find maximum dirt and squalor?
O How can we make the project more effective?
● The students will be given a Proforma to fill in (Self-Assessment) so that they canassess
their own learning from the project.
● Share and Celebrate
● An assembly can be arranged to award all participants.
● The students will display the charts and models on school notice-board.
● Certificates can be awarded to students.
● The students can make future plans about continuing the activities/projects bytaking them
to the community.
● The class room can also be decorated with charts and models.
● The students can also keep imparting information regarding cleanliness throughpractical
demonstration to other students.
● The report of the project may be published in the newspapers and the school'smagazine.
Activity Report for Cleanliness/ Sanitation Drive (illustrative only):

S. Identifie Steps taken Awareness Solutions

N d for
o. Locality cleaning up generated recommen

Student to write and update their activity report:

Dat Activity Learning Outcome
e Experience

Students to give details of their learning experience:

Learning Outcomes
Learner will:
● learn that they must keep their surrounding areas and themselves clean.
● raise awareness among other students and their community members aboutpersonal
hygiene and keeping their surrounding environment clean.
● become aware citizens and will be able to spread awareness amongst thepeople around
● go through the process of initiating, planning and implementing a project based on
cleanliness and sanitation.
Key Messages
● Share your knowledge, experience and skills with others.
● Take utmost care of both personal hygiene and environmental hygiene.
● Do not throw garbage or litter at public places.
● Keep your surrounding areas clean in order to make your environment pleasant.
Rubric may be developed in consultation with teachers
Project - 7: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse (most important 3R's) and Now Respect

Project Focus – Conservation, Caring for the Planet, Segregation of garbage

Target Area - It enables children to learn about the original source of material and also which
materials can be recycled.

Every living organism is important in this world, be it an elephant, a banyan tree, a rabbit, an insect,
a mustard plant, or inanimate resources such as water, air or soil. They are members of one or the
other food chain and are dependent on one another. Every food chain starts from a plant source
and man is the last consumer in almost all the food chains. But with increasing population the
resources are depleting. We need to establish a balancebetween human populations and available
resources so that renewable sources find sufficient time to renew themselves and others can be
recycled and reused.

Learning Outcomes:
● learn about the original source of material goods such as glass, aluminium, iron,paper,
plastic, petroleum, coal.
● learn the importance of segregating garbage.
● learn which materials can be recycled. .
● learn to coordinate between plan and action, within the volunteer group as well aswith the
target group.
● find new ways of cooperating with each other.
● learn social skills and ability to solve problems in a group.
● understand the importance of conserving resources.
● explore and internalize the importance of Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.
● learn to use resources judiciously.

Project Process: Prepare:

● Students will make a rough layout and plan the activities to practically implement the
● Conduct a class discussion. Discuss the meaning of recycling. (The teacher may tell a storywith a
message - "There is enough for everyone's need but not for their greed)".
● Students will make a list of things that can be recycled at home or at school.
● Discuss the reasons for recycling. Ask students if they know what the source of theoriginal
material is.
● Many students do not know the actual origin of materials and how material is recycled.
Prepare and use the resource sheets to sequence the steps from original product to
recycling for each material.
● Draw story boards about where materials come from. Display stories.
● Identify locality or target area for the execution of the project.
● Form groups of 10 to 12 students and elect a group leader for each group. The students in
each group should preferably be from the same residential area to makeit practically easy
for them to target their project area.
● Divide larger areas into smaller target areas, and allot them to each groupaccordingly.
● Do a door to door survey to find out things that are needed to be recycled by the people
living in the neighbourhood and collect data to fill in the provided survey sheet.
● Talk to the local area welfare society and arrange a presentation.
● Conduct a survey an environmental hygiene of your school (classroom, corridors,
washroom, public spaces) and suggest solutions.
● Prepare a presentation to :-
O spread awareness about Reuse and Recycling.
O sensitize people about conservation of nature by recycling.
O make residents aware about the benefits of segregating the trash.
O tell them about the various benefits of understanding the origin ofvarious
goods so that recycling becomes easy for them..
● Ask students to prepare two lists by following the steps given below:
O Make a list of all man-made things around them.
O Try to find out where they come from.
O The materials, about which they have a doubt (its origin), will bemarked in
the list.
O The teacher will help them find the origins of these materials.
● Share the list prepared by you with the residents and prepare a consent list of thosewho
would agree to segregate the trash in order to facilitate the garbage disposal.
● Prepare an evaluation sheet after monitoring and taking feedback from the residents tomake a
record of people to know how they have benefitted from the project.

Reflective Musings:
● After the collection of the data from survey, ask students to assemble all thecollected data
at one place.
We have to start caring about our planet. That is why we should recycle. "Whyshould we
recycle? To talk is good, to act is better."
● Guide students to research and prepare two lists- one with the materials that can be
recycled and another one with the materials that cannot be recycled.
● Guide students to prepare a presentation highlighting the following:

O Meaning of Recycling.
O The need for reuse.
O Does it help in easy disposal if the garbage is segregated?
O Why do some materials need to be recycled while others cannot?
O Why does man need to control greed and utilise Mother Earth's resources
O Why do we need to respect the resources provided by nature? O
What should be reduced and why?

● Discussions will be held in class on the activities of the project. The students willthink, talk
and write about what they have learned and observed.
● Questions will be discussed in class about their experiences and response of thecommunity;
O Describe what you have learned and felt about yourproject: O How far was
the activity beneficial for you?
O What have you learned about yourself and your surroundings from thisproject?
O How do you think we can sensitize people about conserving and respecting
O How can we make the project more effective?

● The students will be given a Performa to fill in so that they can assess their ownlearning
from the project.

Share and Celebrate:

● An assembly can be arranged to award the outstanding students.
● The students will display the charts and models on school notice-board.
● Certificates can be awarded to all students.
● The classroom can also be decorated with charts and models.
● The students can also keep imparting information regarding cleanliness through apractical
demonstration to other students.
● The report of the project may be published in the newspapers and the school'smagazine.

Survey Sheet

S Name Residen People who People who did People who

N tial not
started start were
segregating segregating benefitted
Address garbage garbage (Those who
Student Evaluation Sheet to be filled by the Mentor after the completion of each activity:-

Sched Propo Sugges Hours Date of Learnin Skills

uled sed ted g
Activit Date numbe invest completio Outco develo
y r of ed n mes ped
hours of the achieve
activity d

1. The experience was a great learning experience because

2. The next time, i will ensure

3. The community needs that were fulfilled

4. The community needs that were not addressed include

5. The things that i would do differently next time include

6. I think we can be better equipped for future involvement in the community by

Overall Assessment
Rubric may be developed in consultation with teacher

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