SolF Charging System For Electric Vehicles
SolF Charging System For Electric Vehicles
SolF Charging System For Electric Vehicles
Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech.
Website: Renewable energy is a kind of energy that is obtained through different resources such as sunlight,
Received: 18-05-2020 wind energy, tides, geothermal etc. It provides clean energy that comes from natural sources which can
Revised: 11-06-2020 be replenished continuously. The utilization of more amount of renewable energy will lower the prices
Accepted: 13-07-2020 of and demand for fossil fuels. Solar photovoltaic energy is predominantly used for many applications
like heating, cooking and power generation. Recent inventions helped in developing vehicles that are
Key Words: driven by solar energy. In this paper, the design and development of a solar charging system for electric
Green energy vehicles using a charge controller is discussed. Implementation of the proposed system will reduce the
Renewable energy electricity cost and charging and discharging losses. Also, the proposed solar charging system will be
Solar photovoltaic one of the initiatives taken to achieve Green campus. This paper will demonstrate the system design
Solar vehicle and performance analysis of a solar-charged electrical vehicle system.
section explains
SYSTEM the requirements of the vehicle which will be charged by solar
For successful implementation of the project, the following Fig.
Graphical representation ofthe
representation of theelectric
energy. The Graphical representation of electric vehicle is shown in Fig. 2.
Design calculations: Power (Watts) = Weight of vehicle (kg) g(m/s^2) max. speed (m/
Vol. 20, No. 2, 2021 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology
gradient (%)
Parameter Rating
No. of batteries 4
Rating of the batteries 12V, 150AH
Charging voltage 48V
Area on top (in ft) 5”3(L) × 3”2(B)
Seating capacity 4+1
Motor specifications 48V, 300W, BLDC motor
Charge Controller
The charge controller is used to receive and regulate the
input voltage from PV power source and stores the energy
by charging the battery bank. The charge controller circuit
diagram connecting with other components such as solar
panels and battery is shown in Fig. 3.
The complete assembly of the solar-powered vehicle
Fig 4: Assembly of solar powered vehicle system.
system is shown in Fig. 4.
Table 3: Comparison of the proposed solar and existing electrical charging pilot project. As a measure to reduce the carbon footprint
system. to achieve energy sustainability, this project will be further
Parameters Proposed Solar Existing Electrical enhanced. In addition to this solar charging system, an effort
charging system charging system will be made to operate all battery-operated vehicles avail-
Maximum speed 20 Km per Hour 20 Km per Hour able on the campus to utilize solar energy by establishing
Initial cost (Rs) 15000 10000 more charging stations. This initiative will encourage energy
Distance covered after 42-45 Km 40 Km sustainability on campus and inspire the various stakeholders
100% charging such as students, faculty and staff to use public transportation
Charging time (Hours) 8 7 to 8 and electric vehicles that are charged by solar energy.
Operating cost (Rs) Nil 7.5 per unit
System operation 25 5
guarantee (Years) The authors are grateful to their management for allowing
them to do this research and thankful to the anonymous ref-
erees for their valuable suggestions to enhance the features
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