DPI - CW1 - 2023-2024 - Description and Assessment Criteria

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Module Name and Code Developing Professional Identity 3ACHE006C

CW weighting 50%

Lecturer(s) setting the task with contact Nodira Isamuxamedova

details and office hours Kholida Begmatova
Phone: 238 74 00/44 ext. 830/828
E-mail: nisamuxamedova@wiut.uz

Submission Deadline
TW 12-13, Semester 1

Results date and type of feedback TBC

Written and Oral

The CW checks the following learning outcomes:

1. Identify personal aptitudes, skills, and their application in shaping professional identity;
4. Structure and present personal ideas both in groups and individually in any format (i.e. via
reflection logs, oral presentations, job interview simulations, etc.).

CW1 - Group presentation

The purpose of the CW is to enable you to identify personal aptitudes, skills, and their application in shaping your professional identity.
You are expected to collect reliable data related to the chosen job/profession. Then structure and present personal ideas both in groups
and individually, in an oral presentation format. Your research, content, and design of Power Pont Slides contribute to a shared mark
(60%). Delivery skills (body language, eye contact, voice projection) and language accuracy contribute to an individual mark (40%). Below
you can find detailed instructions on an oral presentation.
1) Form a group of 2-3 people based on the job interest.
2) Explore careers using different sources that provide career information. Here is an indicative list of resources you could use. You may
also refer to the following sources, but do not limit yourself only to those:
● Occupational Outlook Handbook, available from: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/home.htm
● Careers Portal, available from: https://careersportal.ie/index.php
● CollegeGrad, available from: https://collegegrad.com/
● UzJobs, available from: https://uzjobs.uz/e/index.html
● Headhunter, available from: https://tashkent.hh.uz/
● UK government national careers: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careers
● Canada Explore careers website, available from: https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/trend-analysis/search-occupations
● Career One stop, https://www.careeronestop.org/Toolkit/Careers/Occupations/occupation-
● O Net Online, https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/15-2051.01

3) Choose one job related to the majors offered by the University (e.g., Business analyst, economist, marketing specialist, lawyer,
etc.). Research the following:

● What are the job responsibilities?

● What skills and abilities are needed to perform this job?
● What education and/or training is required to perform the job responsibilities?
● Is the job demanded in the job market currently? What is the level of demand?
● Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?
● How much does this occupation pay? What do the top 10 percent earn? The bottom 10 percent?

4) Find someone with a job in the profession you are interested in, and interview him or her to find out:
● What the person likes and dislikes about the job.
● What advice the person would give to someone interested in a career in this field.
5) Using all this information, prepare a 14–21-minute presentation supported Power Point Slides. Your presentation should outline the
following points:

• Results of your exploration into occupation, job market, and employment trends.
• A summary of qualifications, skills, and abilities, as well as personal qualities and interests an individual needs to fit this occupation
• Possible ways in which students can develop/enhance those skills and aptitudes (e.g., courses (short and long-term volunteer
activities, internships, etc.) with a possible time frame to meet the job requirements.
6) You will deliver an oral presentation in a group of 2-3 students on the assigned date (TW12/13)
7) You will receive feedback after the presentation is delivered.
Assessment Criteria

LO 1 LO 4
Identify personal aptitudes, skills and their application in Structure and present personal ideas both in groups and individually
shaping professional identity - 50% in any format (i.e. via reflection logs, oral presentations, job interview
simulations, etc.). – 50%

80+ • Outstanding identification of skills and • The structure is clear and logical. Exemplary use of clear
competencies against professional standards and introduction, body, and conclusion. Skillful use of signposting
organizational objectives. The explored job fully throughout. The message is always easy to follow.
matches the range of the courses the University • The speaker maintains excellent eye contact with the
offers or the student’s educational background. audience or camera. His/her body language is positive. The
• Large amounts of quality information from a variety speaker demonstrates excellent usage of gestures. The
of sources to make decisions and/or conclusions speaker uses voice projection skillfully. The speaker is
are skillfully delivered. Skillful analysis and assertive and states his/her opinion clearly.
integration of the data from the conducted • The language is fluent and clear for the audience. It is in plain
informational interview with the person from the and correct English. The style is neutral.
chosen field. • Excellent design and execution of PowerPoint slides, which
• Outstanding exploration of the job market and increases the effectiveness of the presentation.
employment trends, as well as available courses. • Use of referencing and in-text citations in an outstanding
Skillful evaluation of developmental needs and manner.
activities required to fulfil them. A time frame for • Within the time limit.
each development is clearly identified.

70- • Excellent identification of skills and competencies • The structure is clear and logical. Excellent use of clear
79 against professional standards and organizational introduction, body, and conclusion. Excellent coherence and
objectives. The explored job fully matches the cohesion of ideas, well supported by relevant examples.
range of the courses the University offers or the Excellent use of signposting throughout. The message is easy
student’s educational background. to follow.
• Large amounts of quality information from a • The speaker maintains excellent eye contact with the
variety of sources to make decisions and/or audience. His/her body language is positive. The speaker
conclusions are delivered. Excellent analysis and demonstrates excellent usage of gestures. The speaker uses
integration of the data from the conducted voice projection skillfully. The speaker states his/her opinion
informational interview with the person from the clearly.
chosen field.
• Excellent exploration of the job market and • The language is fluent and clear for the audience. It is in plain
employment trends, as well as available courses. and correct English. The style is neutral.
Excellent evaluation of developmental needs and • Excellent design and execution of PowerPoint slides which
activities required to fulfil them. A time frame for increases the effectiveness of the presentation.
each development is clearly identified. • Use of referencing and in-text citations in an excellent manner.
• Within the time limit.

60- • Very good identification of skills and competencies • There is a good structure, and signposting is used at a good
69 against professional standards and organizational level. Very good use of clear introduction, body, and
objectives. The explored job matches the range of conclusion. Very good coherence and cohesion of ideas flow
the courses the University offers or the student’s supported by relevant examples. The message is generally
educational background. easy to follow.
• Quality information from some sources to make • The speaker maintains eye contact with the audience. His/her
decisions and/or conclusions is provided. Very body language is mostly positive and confident. The speaker
good analysis and integration of the data from the demonstrates good usage of gestures. The speaker projects
conducted informational interview with the person their voice well.
from the chosen field. • The language is fluent and clear for the audience. It is in plain
• Very good exploration of the job market and and correct English. The style is neutral.
employment trends, as well as available courses. • Very good design and execution of PowerPoint slides which
Very good evaluation of developmental needs and increases the effectiveness of the presentation.
activities required to fulfil them. A time frame for • Use of referencing and in-text citations appropriately.
each development is identified. • Within a time limit

50- • Good identification of skills and competencies • The structure is mostly clear to the audience with some
59 against professional standards and organizational signposting used. Use of introduction, body, and conclusion
objectives. The explored job matches the range of adequately. Average coherence and cohesion of ideas flow in
the courses the University offers or the student’s responses. Some ideas are irrelevant. The message is
educational background. unclear at times.
• Quality information from some sources to make • The speaker maintains reasonable eye contact with the
decisions and/or conclusions is provided. audience. His/her body language is fairly positive. The
Adequate analysis and integration of the data from speaker demonstrates a quite good usage of gestures. The
the conducted informational interview with the speaker projects their voice well. The pace of speech is
person from the chosen field. Good exploration of appropriate.
the job market and employment trends and some
available courses. Developmental needs and
activities required to fulfil them are evaluated • The language is mostly appropriate for the audience with
appropriately. A time frame is not clearly stated occasional inaccuracies. The style is sometimes either too
for each development. formal or informal.
• Good design and execution of PowerPoint slides which
increases the effectiveness of the presentation.
• Use of referencing and in-text citations adequately.
• Within a time limit

40- • Skills and competencies are identified but not fully • The structure is often unclear to the audience, with only
49 matched against professional standards and minimal use of signposting. Introduction, body, and conclusion
organizational objectives. The explored job are somewhat clearly defined. Poor coherence and cohesion
matches the range of the courses the University of ideas flow, mostly irrelevant to the questions raised. The
offers or the student’s educational background. message is, at times, hard to follow.
• Some information from a limited number of • The speaker maintains adequate eye contact with the
sources to make decisions and/or conclusions is audience. His/her body language is neutral. The speaker
provided. Some analysis and integration of the demonstrates adequate usage of gestures. The speaker has
data from the conducted informational interview some problems with voice projection. The speech is too fast or
with the person from the chosen field. too slow.
• Job market and employment trends are explored • The language is mostly appropriate for the audience. Some
to some extent, and some available courses are problems with style. The speaker is reasonably fluent, but
identified. Developmental needs and activities language errors are frequent.
required to fulfil them are not fully evaluated. A • Some problems with the design and execution of PowerPoint
time frame for each development is not identified. slides which distract from the presentation.
• Use of referencing and in-text citations mostly adequate.
• Presentation can be either over or under the time limit

30- • Skills and competencies are poorly identified but • The structure is unclear. Either introduction or conclusion is
39 not matched against professional standards and missing. Mostly irrelevant coherence and cohesion of ideas
organizational objectives. The explored job poorly presented. Very limited use is made of signposting. The
matches the range of the courses the University message is difficult to follow.
offers or the student’s educational background. • The speaker maintains infrequent eye contact with the
• Limited information from one or two sources to audience. His/her body language is fairly negative. The
make decisions and/or conclusions is provided. speaker demonstrates limited or destructive usage of
Limited analysis and integration of the data from gestures. Voice projection is poor. The speech is too fast or
too slow.
the conducted informational interview with the • The language is inappropriate for the audience. The style is
person from the chosen field. either too formal or too informal.
• Job market and employment trends are poorly • Poor design and execution of PowerPoint slides which distract
explored, and a limited number of available from the presentation.
courses are identified. Developmental needs and • Referencing and in-text citations are used incorrectly.
activities required to fulfil them are not evaluated. • Presentation is either over or under the time limit
A time frame for each development is not

Bel • Skills and competencies are not identified and • The structure is very hard to follow. Both introduction and
ow matched against professional standards and conclusion are missing. Irrelevant coherence and cohesion of
30 organizational objectives. The explored job does ideas presented. Signposting is not used. The message is
not match the range of the courses the University almost impossible to follow.
offers or the student’s educational background. • The speaker lacks eye contact. His/her body language is
• No information to make decisions and/or negative. The speaker does not demonstrate any usage of
conclusions is provided. No analysis and gestures. Voice projection is poor. The speech is too fast or
integration of the data from the conducted too slow.
informational interview with the person from the • The language is inappropriate for the audience. The style is
chosen field. too formal or too informal.
• Job market and employment trends are not • Extremely poor design and execution of PowerPoint slides
explored, and no available courses are identified. which distract from the presentation.
Developmental needs and activities required to • No referencing and in-text citations.
fulfil them are not evaluated. No time frame for • Presentation is either over or under the time limit.
each development is provided.

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