English - Grade 6 - Olympiad

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I.Listen to the text and answer the questions:

6. What does the boy ask Julia to do? To…

1.What is the matter with Julia?
She’s … . A) stay in bed
B) get library books
A) abroad C) do nothing
B) at school D) look at some websites
C) in despair
D) ill 7. Is it necessary to take out any library books?
A) Yes, it is
2. What did Julia ask Ralph about? B) Yes, it’s a must
A) Weather C) No, it’s not
B) Homework D) As they wish
C) Friends
D) His life 8. When is Sports Day?
On … .
3. What project do they have to prepare?
A … project. A) Monday
B) Tuesday
A) Maths C) Wednesday
B) Geography D) Thursday
C) History
D) Literature 9. When is Ralph going to see Julia?
At … .
4.How many pages does the teacher want to see in the project?
A) More than 15 A) a quarter to 4
B) Less than 2 B) a quarter past 4
C) Less than 5 C) half past 5
D) Between 5 and 10 D) any time

5. What is Ralph going to take with him? 10. When is Ralph supposed to be at home finally?
A) Sweets A) At a quarter to 4
B) Flowers B) At a quarter past 4
C) Library books C) At half past 5
D) His notes D) At any time


II.Read the text and answer the questions.

My sports hero is a swimmer called Colin Marr. At five years old he was already good at football and tennis. He didn’t learn to swim
until he was six, but by the age of seven, he was the school champion. A professional coach saw Colin swim- ming and wanted him to
train for the national team. Colin worked hard. He got up at five o’clock in the morning to train in the swimming pool. Colin is now
eighteen and he is the best swimmer in the coun- try. He hopes to study Sports Science at university. He says he’s lucky because he
travels all over the world, but he finds it hard to swim in international competitions. Colin is a wonderful athlete, but he’s my hero
because he talks to children, helping them to see how important sport is. I’m sure, when he stops competing, he’ll be a great coach.

1.What kind of sport does Colin do? 6.Where did he usually exercise?
A) Wrestling In the … .
B) Skiing A) court
C) Skating B) swimming pool
D) Swimming C) skating rink
D) stadium
2.When did Colin learn to swim? When he was … . 7. What subject does Colin want to study at university?
A) 5 A) Physics
B) 6 B) Chemistry
C) 7 C) Literature
D) 18 D) Sports Science
3.When did he become the champion of his school? 8.Why does he think he is lucky?
He … .
At the age of … . A) travels a lot
A) 5 B) studies at the university
B) 21 C) has a family
C) 7 D) wants to be a coach
D) 18
9.What does he find difficult to do?
4.Who invited him to the national team? To … .
A) Mother A) study
B) Father B) train
C) His friend C) travel
D) A coach D) take part in international competitions

5.Why did Colin wake up early? 10The author supposes that Colin will become … .
To … . A) a judge
A) play tennis B) a goalkeeper
B) train C) a teacher
C) dream D) a coach
D) read


III. Find the wrong plural forms

1. A) calves B) oxes C) zebras D) mice

2. A) wolves B) tables C) knifs D) puppies
3. A) pens B) goose C) leaves D) places
4. A) cats B) dogs C) tigersD) monkeyes
5. A) deer B) feet C) babys D) books
6. A) boxes B) pencils C) sheeps D) doctors
7. A) foxs B) toes C) boys D) cars
8. A) toyes B) trees C) flowers D) women
9. A) men B) mouses C) houses D) chairs
10. A) girls B) bears C) childrens D) children
IV.Choose the correct answers
1. It is the symbol of England.
A) Rose B) Tulip C) Shamrock D) Daffodil
2. Robin Hood hunted these animals in Sherwood Forest.
A) Deer B) BearsC) Lions D) Squirrels
3. This plant saved the Scots from invasion.
A) Fir tree B) Thistle C) Shamrock D) Mistletoe
4. People can’t imagine the Tower of London with- out these birds.
A) Eagles B) Ravens C) Sparrows D) Swans
5. This is the traditional food at Christmas in Great Britain.
A) DuckB) Goose C) Chicken D) Turkey
6. This vegetable is used to make a jack-o’-lantern.
A) Melon B) Pumpkin C) Cucumber D) Eggplant
7. This bird is one of the symbols of St Valentine’s Day.
A) DoveB) Raven C) Sparrow D) Eagle
8. The symbols of that war in England were red and white … .
A) roses B) lilies C) tulipsD) orchids
9. This Queen is called “The Grandmother of Europe.”
A) MaryB) Victoria
C) Elizabeth I D) Elizabeth II
10. This mythical animal is depicted in the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.
A) Phoenix B) Minotaur C) Centaur D) Unicorn

V. Describe the picture ( 60 words). Use a plan.

-who the people are;
-where they are;
-what the weather is like;.
-what they are wearing;
-what are they doing;
-how often they do it.













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