Recent Development in Marketing
Recent Development in Marketing
Recent Development in Marketing
Kotler and Andreasen describe social marketing as "differing from other marketing seeks to
influence social behaviors not to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target audience and
the general society. This method remained used broadly in international health programs.
3. E-Mail Marketing
Email list of potential customers who may be interested in the products or services. Email
marketing is a very effective way to give information about the product. E-mail marketing can
consist of a text message, a combination of words and images such as in a display ad, or
provide access to a video on a web site or public video site such as YouTube. E-mail
Marketing also has the ability to offer link to a specific website so that it can drive traffic and
revenue to that site.
4. Referral Marketing
When an individual is pleased with a web site or social media site will refer it to another
person, who hopefully creates a chain reaction of referrals from one group of individuals to
another. This is called as referral marketing.
6. Blogging
It has been observed that blogging as an ardent marketing too has ready which has growth in
the last some years. Business, companies and even superstar now use blogging system for
huge promotion.
3. Online Advertising: Online advertising has become a major promotional medium. The
main forms of online advertising are display ads and search related ads. Together, display and
search related ads account for the largest portion of firm’s digital marketing budgets.
4. Email Marketing: Email marketing remains an important and growing digital marketing
tool. Around the world, more than 200 million emails are sent out every minute of every day.
Email lets marketers send highly targeted, tightly personalized, relationship-building
5. Online Videos: online marketing is posting digital video content on brand websites such as
YouTube, Face book, Vine, and others. Some videos are made specifically for the web and
other videos are ads that a company makes primarily for TV and other media but posts online
before or after an advertising campaign to extend their reach and impact.
6. Blogs and Other Online Forums: Blogs are online forums where people and companies
post their thoughts and other content, usually related to narrowly defined topics. And the Most
marketers are now tapping into the blogosphere with their own brand-related blogs that reach
customer communities. As a marketing tool, blogs offer some advantages in a way of offering
fresh, original, personal way to enter into consumer online and social media conversations.
Direct marketing consists of direct communications with carefully targeted individual
consumers to in an immediate response. Thus, direct marketers communicate directly with
consumers to obtain an immediate response. Thus, direct marketers communicate directly with
customers, often on a one to one interactive basis.
Increasingly, companies are using direct marketing to reach carefully targeted customers
more efficiently and to build stronger, more personal, one-to-one relationships with them.
Early direct marketers namely catalogue companies, direct mailers, and telemarketers
gathered customer names and sold their goods mainly through the mail and by telephone.
Today, improved database technologies and new media such as computers, moderns, fax
machines, E-mail, the internet, and online services are available. These new technologies have
greatly enlarged direct marketing opportunities.
4. Sales Promotion: Direct marketing activities facilitate effective and measurable sales
6. Relationship with the individual: Public opinion on a direct marketing company primarily
depends on whether the firm. This, will, generates a sense of brand importance and also
invoke customers trust in the brand.
1. Interaction - buyers can interact with sellers by phone or on the seller's website or mobile
app to create exactly the configuration of information, products, or services they want and
then order them on the spot.
2. Cost effective & less time: direct marketing often provides a low-cost, efficient, and
alternative for reaching their markets. Companies can interact with customers by phone or
online learn more about their needs, and personalize products and services to specific
customer tastes.
3. Flexibility-It lets the marketers make ongoing adjustments to prices and programs or to
create immediate, timely, and personal engagement and offers.
1. Consumers do not appreciate privacy intrusion or the sheer mass of communication,
referred to a spam or junk mail, received on a daily basis.
2. It can be frustrating leaving phone messages and sending follow-up emails that are never
get returned.
3. Some direct marketing techniques are associated with having an environmental impact,
mainly direct mail.
4. It can be hard to make your messages stand out when the recipient receives high number of
marketing emails or direct mail.
Services marketing
"Services are any primary or complimentary activity that does not directly produce a physical
product, that is, the non goods part of transaction between buyer and seller." -Service
Industries Journal
"A service is an activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be
tied to a physical product”. -Kotler and Armstrong.
When a customer purchases a product, he can touch, see, smell and use it. But along with it
something which is not seen but just felt, is also purchased by the customer along with it. That
something is services cannot be touched, seen, heard or smelt.
Services are heterogeneous. There can be variations in the services provided. The quality of
service depends upon the service provider. Say, Taj Group of Hotels has good reputation. But
their services could differ from one hotel to another due to different staff and their efficiency
in providing that service. An actor, a singer might have expertise in one thing but they might
not be efficient in any other one.
Services cannot be separated from the service provider. Unlike products which are first
produced then sold and consumed; services are first sold then produced and consumed at the
same time The simultaneous production and consumption of services leads the service
provider to provide services in the simple manner, services to be delivered close to the
customer and the making of image of service provider in the eyes of the customer.
Most of the services cannot be stored for future sale, thus they are generally perishable in
nature. If they are not consumed then they are generally wasted. The service provider can try
to overcome these problems of Perishability by matching the demand and supply of the
services. This could be done by the service provider by not performing essential tasks during
slack periods and performing them efficiently during peak periods.
Generally, there is no transfer of ownership of services. The buyer does not become the owner
of the anything like in case of product purchase, say, by purchasing a car the customer
becomes the owner of it, but in case of services nothing happens like this.
Nature and Characteristics:
• Service intangibility-that services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they
are bought. To reduce uncertainty, buyers look for signals of service quality. They draw
conclusions about quality from the place, people, price, equipment, and communications that
they can see. Therefore, the service provider's task is to make the service tangible in one or
more ways and send the right signals about quality.
• Service inseparability-services cannot be separated from their providers, whether the
providers are people or machines. If a service employee provides the service, then the
employee becomes a part of the service. And customers don't just buy and use a service; they
play an active role in its delivery.
•Service variability - the quality of services depends on who provides them as well as when,
where, and how they are provided. For example, an air travel for the second time from the
same airline will not give the same experience that a person received during the first flight.
•Service perishability-services cannot be stored for later sale or use. Some doctors charge
patients for missed appointments because the service value existed only at that point and
disappeared when the patient did not show up. The perishability of services is not a problem
when demand is steady.
2. Interactive marketing - means that service quality depends heavily on the quality of the
buyer seller interaction during the service encounter. In product marketing, product quality
often depends little on how the product is obtained. But in services marketing, service quality
depends on both the service deliverer and the quality of delivery. Service marketers, therefore,
have to master interactive marketing skills.
3. External Marketing - It is the most common type of marketing and a means through which
companies interacts with their customers. This marketing enables business in promoting their
products and inducing people's to buy them. Different types of external marketing are
advertising. Direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations etc.
•It provides an opportunity to showcase their skills and commitment to quality when it comes
to services. By applying proper service marketing strategies, companies can gain customers
• A happy customer is likely to spread the word about his or her experience to many. Today,
in the era of the Internet and rapid communications, reviews play an important role in
deciding whether or not to buy a product.
• Difficult Valuation: Your service business is harder to value than a manufacturing or retail
company. Those businesses have inventory, equipment and other hard assets that have a value;
you can start a service business with a phone and very little equipment. While this makes for a
simple start-up it can make for difficult valuation. You have to establish a track record of sales
and some reliable sales projections to convince lenders of the value of your company.
• Trust is essential: Some level of trust must be established in the service organization and its
people before customers can engage in services.
The concept of green marketing came into existence for the safety and for making the
environment clean. Green marketing is the holistic marketing concepts in which the
production, marketing, consumption disposal of products and services happen in such a way
that it cause less or no harms to the environment. It is quite broad concept and includes
recycling, reuse, refill, eco friendly, phosphate free etc.
This concept of green marketing is concerned with the ecological environment. Thus, Green
marketing emphasizes on protection of long term welfare of the consumers and society by
providing them pure and pollution less goods and services. Green marketing also affects the
health of people in a positive manner
American Marketing Association defines Green Marketing as "The study of positive and
negative aspects of marketing activities on pollution, energy depletion and non-energy
resource depletion."
Costly Green Certifications: To commercialize your products as "green", depending on your
industry you might have to go through a long and pricey process to obtain the environmental
Change leads to costs: Changing your marketing tactics takes time and the development of a
new strategy, which typically translates into increased costs. While your sustainable efforts
and practices are designed to save money, when a company puts effort into changing their
brand to be more environmentally friendly, those changes can have expensive upfront costs.
Companies may intentionally or unintentionally make false claims regarding the
environmental friendliness of their products, a process known as "green washing.
Rural India has three-fourth of the total population of India generating 30percent of the total
income. This sector is considered as the big storehouse by the marketers as this sector is
considered as the most untapped market. The prosperity and income of the rural India grew
due to green revolution in farming which lead to development of agricultural sector, white
revolution in dairy farming and numerous other developmental activities undertaken by the
government for the development of this sector in various five year plans. Initially, the rural
market was considered as the market for agriculture only but with the developments this
sector is now open and has opportunities for other fast moving consumer goods consumer
durables and services. The development of the rural sector has lead to improvement in the
standard of living and lifestyles of people.
Rural India is considered as untapped market for the Fast-Moving Consumer Durables and
other consumer durable products and services. Due to this, even multinational companies have
started exploring this sector. The rural marketing is two way process consisting of flow of
goods from both sides i.e., from urban sector to rural sector like flow of consumer durables
and fast moving consumer goods; and from rural sector to urban sector i.e., flow of
agricultural produce such as wheat, rice, sugar, cotton, vegetables, fruits and many more
things. Thus, rural marketing concept consists of flow of goods from urban sector to rural
sector and vice-versa.
Meaning of rural marketing: Rural marketing is a marketing system that involves the
development, planning, pricing, and distribution of goods and services so that people in rural
areas can access basic products at fair prices.
Rural marketing is a process of developing, pricing, promoting, and distributing rural specific
goods and services leading to desired exchange with rural customers to satisfy their needs and
wants, and also to achieve organizational objective.
2. Occupation: Most of the population of the rural areas is engaged in the agricultural
activities and other related activities. Income generation of the rural population is dependent
on agriculture which depends upon the monsoon pattern. There are negligible people who are
engaged in the service sector. Mostly people work related to the agriculture.
3. Income Level: About seventy-five percent of the rural population is dependent on the
agriculture and related activities.
4. Land use Pattern: The agricultural land is used for two types of the crops, namely, cash
crops and commercial crops. Mainly people are engaged in the cash crops, about 30 percent of
the land is used for the commercial crops. This is done due to the substantive farming culture.
Most of the crop produce is used for the self consumption. The disposable income of those
farmers is more who are engaged in the commercial cropping.
5. Rural Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the rural India has also developed due to
numerous schemes and programs of the government like roads, transportation, public
distribution system and many more. Almost all the rural areas are connected by the
Doordarshan and All India Radio. Also mostly villages are connected by the roads.
6. Literacy Level: The literacy level of rural India is improving Communication in rural
markets is not a big problem as almost all the villages have the televisions which proves
helpful for the marketer to advertise its products.
7. Expenditure Pattern: The expenditure pattern of rural population is more towards the non-
food items:
8. Development Programs: Due to implementation of five year plans, various developmental
programs have been started by the government of India like IRDP-Integrated Rural
Development Programs, HADP- Hill Area Development Programme, HYVP- High Yielding
Varieties Programmes and many more.
• Seeds: Central and State seed Corporations were doing seed production, seed multiplication
and seed marketing. But now private sector has also entered in the seed marketing. The major
seed marketers are Cargil, Pioneer Seeds, ITC, American Hybrid Seeds etc.
• Feeds: For Aqua, cattle and poultry feeds MNC's and Domestic corporations are active in
rural India. Lever and Godrej are the major leading players in this market. With the growth of
aqua and poultry farming the seeds have also grown.
• Agro-Chemicals: Agro-chemicals are the chemicals used for the control of pests, plant
diseases, rodents, viruses, etc., and insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, rodenticides Tractors:
Around two lakhs tractors are sold every year due to improvement in the farming techniques
and modernization of the farming sectors. Major tractor suppliers are HMT, Escorts, Massey
Fergusson, etc.
• Irrigation Equipments: Pump sets, motors, pipes and sprinklers are the major irrigation
equipments used in the agriculture. These are mainly marketed by the private producers. Pump
sets are used by all the farmers but the sprinklers are used by the commercial crop farmers.
• Other Machinery and Inputs: Other marketed agricultural equipments are the ploughs,
seed drills, winnowers, harvesters, threshers, sickle, spades, etc. Moreover, electricity, diesel
and lubricants are also marketed in the rural areas.
"Consumerism is a movement desired to improve the rights and powers of consumers in
relation to the sellers of products and services. It is protest movement of consumers against
what they or their advocates see as unfair, discriminatory and arbitrary treatment.
Consumerism is as old as business but has taken a new dimensions and thrusts in recent years.
Consumerism does not mean that caveat emptor let the buyer beware- is replaced by caveat
vendor- let the seller beware. It does mean, however, that protecting the consumer is
politically acceptable and that the government will survey consumer demands for better
treatment and respond to them with new guidelines for and regulations over business."
Consumer protection
Consumer protection refers to a number of activities that are designed to protect consumers
from a wide range of practices that can infringe upon the rights that consumers are believed to
possess in the market place. These activities stem from a broad and aggressive movement
usually called consumerism at is supported by consumers themselves, particularly consumer
advocates, by many business ganizations, and by the government to see that these rights of
consumers are respected.
Consumerism has been defined as a social movement seeking to augment the rights and
powers of buyers in relation sellers
As defined by Philip Kotler, "Consumerism is an organised movement of citizens and
government protects the rights and enhances the power of buyers in relation to the sellers”.
• Business uses society's resources: Business organizations use resources which belong. The
society. They thus have the responsibility to supply such products and render such services
which are in the interest of public and would not impair public confidence in them.
•Social Responsibility: A business has social responsibilities towards various interest groups
Business organizations make money by selling goods and providing service to consumers.
Thus consumers form an important group among the many stakeholders of business and like
other stakeholders; their interest has to be well taken care of
•Moral Justification: It is the moral duty of any business to take care of consumers' interest
and avoid any form of their exploitation. Thus a business must avoid unscrupulous
exploitative and unfair trade practices like defective and unsafe products, adulteration, false
and misleading advertising, hoarding and black-marketing etc. .
1. Routine purchases: There are routine purchases people make that require little decision
making. These purchases are made with "Programmed behavior" on the part of the consumer.
This is because for this type of purchase, buyer puts forth very little effort in searching for the
product and making a decision about which product to buy. In addition, typical routine
purchases are low cost items that do not require high involvement on the part of the buyer.
2. Purchases with little amount of decision making: Some products are purchased by the
consumers on a regular basis but only occasionally. The consumer may be familiar with the
product category but will conduct research to find out information about an unfamiliar brand.
The consumer will also spend some time investigating an unfamiliar brand.
3. Purchases with high amount of decision making: Purchases that the consumers make
involve a high amount of research and decision making. These products are generally
unfamiliar and expensive and they may be bought infrequently as well. The buyer experiences
a high degree of risk when buying these products either economically, psychologically or
performance wise.
4. Impulse Buying: The same consumer who spends hours trying to decide which computer
to purchase will often buy other types of items without giving a second thought. This impulse
purchase requires no conscious prior planning and decisions are made on the spot. To find out
which items can be impulse buys, looking at the items within reach at any checkout counter at
a super market or department store. These items typically include candy bars, magazines. gum
and the like.
2. Majority of the Indian consumers are not aware about the various rights, due to low level of
literacy and other limited information. This persuades the marketers and traders to develop
differently attitudes towards their consumers.
3. Many of the public services are provided by the public sector undertakings run by the
government to serve the public interest. And the performance level of these public sector
companies is very unsatisfactory and consumers often have to pay for the very poor service
rendered by them.
4. The absence of adequate information and familiarity with some new product features, many
consumers become easy victims and buy the sub-standardized products, or inferior or
defective products at the rate of the standard product.
5. The legal procedure of India is time consuming and tiresome process which acts as a barrier
to consumers seeking redressed for their grievances through the judicial system. Consumerism
process is still in infancy and hence not well organized and developed to that level at which it
is present in the developed countries.
6. The consumer protection laws are not being effectively implemented and enforced to
achieve the objective of protecting the interest of consumers at large.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO stands for "search engine optimization." It is the
method of getting traffic from the "free", "organic" or "natural" search results on search
engines. This method is the process of increasing your presence through unpaid efforts. The
ads that appear on the Search Engine Results Page (SERPS) that are unpaid are known a
organic results. Organic search is a term that describes search results that are naturally
generated through a search engine and aren't influenced by organizations or search providers.
Pay-Per-Click or PPC is a model of advertising that allows businesses to pay only when a
person online clicks their ad. Search engines like Google and Bing make pay per click
advertising available on an auction basis where the highest bidder typically earns the most
prominent placement. Advertisers do not pay to show ads for keywords, but they do pay when
a person clicks on them; the amount you pay is called Cost-Per-Click (CPC).
Paid search gives you a much higher level of control when it comes to the searcher's ability to
find your website on the SERPs. With PPC, advertisers tell Google for which search terms
they want their ads to show, Google then displays their ads and charges them when someone
clicks on their ad and directs the person to their website - pay per click.
Mobile Marketing is a next generation trend of marketing products and services. Today, the
strategy of mobile marketing is being practiced by most of the traders and businessmen across
the globe through which they communicate or engage with their potential audiences/customers
in an interactive and relevant manner. The companies create short, but interactive messages
(to promote their business) specifically to deliver on mobile devices.
SMS Campaign
• Mobile Website Campaign
• Mobile Apps Campaign
• Mobile Advertising Campaign
• Mobile Social Media Marketing Campaign,
•Mobile Email-Marketing Campaign
•M-Commerce Campaign
A market analysis studies the attractiveness and the dynamics of a special market within a
special industry. It is part of the industry analysis and thus in turn of the global environmental
analysis. Through all of these analyses, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(SWOT) of a company can be identified.
shapes and sizes throughout the Internet, and people are talking among themselves. It's the job
of social media marketers to leverage these communities properly in order to effectively
communicate with the community participants about relevant product and service offerings.
Social media marketing also involves listening to the communities and establishing
relationships with them as a representative of your company. In essence, social media
marketing is about listening to the community and responding in kind, but for many social
media marketers, it also refers to reviewing content or finding a particularly useful piece of
content and promoting it within the vast social sphere of the Internet.
Social media marketing is a newer component of search engine marketing, but it is really in a
class of its own. It does not relate only to searching; it relates to a broad class of word-of-
mouth marketing that has taken the Internet by its horns. Fortunately, the phenomenon is only
growing at this point. In the end, social media marketing can achieve one or many of the goals
listed in the following sections
4. Driving Conversions
Given a compelling marketing strategy and creative demonstration, social media marketing
can lead people to purchase the desired product or service. On the contrary, a poor marketing
demonstration will likely cause the consumer to distance himself from the advertised product.
5. Triggering Conversations
If you're getting links out of your social media strategy, it's because people are talking about
you. It's important to note that social media users are seeking out the voices of their peers-
they're not listening to you as a corporate entity anymore.
Promoting a business by sending emails and newsletters is what we call email marketing.
Today's marketers need to do more with less. They need to connect with their audience in a
highly personalized way, while staying on budget.
Marketers who are good at email marketing can connect with their customers in a highly
targeted way. They will be successful in delivering ROI and revenue back to the business. No
marketing category has the longevity of email marketing. While some marketing trends come
and go, email remains the most powerful channel available to the modern marketer.
Live streaming is term that is used to describe the process of broadcasting real time or live
video footage to an audience over the Internet. In principle, live streaming is a data
transferring technique where it is processed so that it flows as a continuous stream in real
On the other hand, distribution center accepts the streaming output into its final format. If the
live streaming event is intended to be received by only one user, one might not necessarily
need distribution channel. The viewer or the listener are the ones who watch or listen live
stream content through a streaming platform that is embedded in web or a mobile app. This is
where the Internet connection kicks in.
Face book Live is live video streaming service that allows users to broadcast content straight
from their mobile device into Face book news feed. At the beginning, Face book live was only
for mobile devices but nowadays it also supports desktop computers. Starting a live stream in
Face book is pretty simple. One just has to download the Face book App, open it and go to
live with just one tap. Moreover, one of the biggest advantages of Face book Live is that Face
book has user base in the billions. The possible audience that company could reach by using
Face book Live streams is enormous.
YouTube provides a noteworthy alternative to other streaming services and online meeting
tools such as webinars. It combines the possibility of direct broadcasting and interaction. It
also allows users to edit saved live broadcasts later YouTube Live has many benefits.
First and foremost, most of the users have a Google account, the service is free and all
streamed videos are automatically saved in the user's YouTube channel. Furthermore, the
service has important web conferencing features, so that the service could be used in small-
scale network meetings.
Network marketing is a business concept that grows a company by relying on a network of
distributors. To create money usually entails the use of three fundamental types of systematic
strategies: lead generation, hiring, and building and management. Network marketing is
divided into three categories: single-tier, two-tier, and multi-level.
Network marketing is a business concept that relies on independent agents selling to other
people, generally from their homes. You may need to develop a network of business partners
or salespeople to help you generate leads and close sales if you start a network marketing firm.
2. Entrepreneurs that are self-employed (IBO): The participants are referred to as IBOs
since they act as if they are running their own company.
5. Upline: All distributors in the hierarchy above a member's personal sponsor. All the way up
to the Head of Sales is the upline. On sales made by downline partners, all distributors in the
upline get a commission.
6. Plan: It Makes a list of all the many methods salespeople may earn money. The plan also
demonstrates how pay varies based on sales volume and the number of partners recruited. For
their staff, reputable organizations make the strategy as open as feasible.