Responsibilities & Obligation of Master & All Crew Members

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Essential Instruction


JW Shipping Co., Ltd.


1. Guidance of using Essential Instruction

2. Responsibilities and Obligation of Officers-Ratings
3. Safety Rules
4. On-board complaint handling procedures
5. Muster List by each crew
Guidance of using Essential Instruction

The purpose of this Essential Instruction Book is to get all

crews to be familiarized with the ship and their responsibility in
emergency cases and normal operations as well for the Safety of
yourselves, Ship, Cargoes and Environment during onboard by
observing this instruction.

All crews who came onboard shall be instructed by the person

in charge and/or by the crew who handovers his job to the
successor by using this book.

According to the Code of Maritime Labour Convention(MLC),

all crews shall keep the documents below by himself.

a. Contract of Employment (Original)

b. Pay Slip (Copy)
c. The records of Rest Hour(Copy)
d. Complain Procedure(Included in the file already)

All crews shall keep the above document in this file during
onboard and take out “a~c” of the above document when they
disembark the ship.

All crews shall show this file if PSC Inspectors and/or Class
Auditors ask you to show the above documents.
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Master’s Manual
Rev. No. : 0
Responsibilities & Obligation of Master & All crew members
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4.1.1. The Master shall take the final (overriding) responsibility and authority of all matters concerning
the ship's safe operation and protection of the marine pollution. When necessary, he shall request
support from the Company without hesitation, and he shall also perform the following matters.
.1 Implement the Safety management Policy of the Company.
.2 Motivate crews to observe the Safety management Policy of the Company.
.3 Issue orders or give instructions in a clear and simple manner.
(Develop the shipboard professional Instruction)
.4 Verify that requirements defined in the System Documents are observed.
.5 Review of the JWS-SMS and report about it at regular intervals.
(Management Review Report)
.6 Report the non-conformities of the JWS-SMS and the results from corrective actions.
(Report of Non-conformity)

4.1.2. When the Master decides that the orders or instructions issued by the Company do not conform to
the purposes for the ship's safe operation and the prevention of the marine pollution, he shall take
responsibility for any refusal of the above.


The Master is the Shipboard general manager, who is representative for the Company. He shall
take the authority and responsibility to perform the following duties including the duties defined
in Item 4.1.1.
.1 Takes the authority to give directions and issue orders on board.
.2 Takes the authority to give disciplinary punishment to shipboard personnel.
.3 Takes the authority to handle dangerous objects.
.4 Takes the authority to request the support from the administrative bodies.
.5 Takes the authority of burial at sea.
.6 Has the obligation to carry out inspections before departure or arrival at port.
.7 Has the obligation to accomplish navigation.
.8 Has the obligation to remain on board.
.9 Has the obligation to give directions in person.
.10 Has the obligation to take action when the ship is in danger.
.11 Has the obligation to take action when the ship's in collision with another ship.
.12 Has the obligation to rescue a ship in distress.
.13 Has the obligation to make notification of abnormal weather, etc.
.14 Has the obligation to carry out emergency arrangement and drills.
.15 Has the obligation to ensure the safety of sailing.
.16 Has the obligation to handle oil products.
.17 Has the obligation to retain documents.
.18 Has the obligation to report matters concerning the ship's operation to government offices.
.19 Other duties relevant to the ship's safe operation, the safety of life, and environmental
.20 Accounting, purchase of provisions and shipboard food service set up the reasonable supply
plan considering the route, local condition, ROB and check the quality and the amount when
receiving provision and supervise works.
.21 Implement port formalities clearance for entering or leaving a port.
.22 Execute and verify accounting, as a purser on board.
.23 Master shall stock the certificate of manning level for the ship which approved by the
Administration and keep ship and crew's certificates and licenses, a copy of each crew’s
employment agreement etc. (Refer to JWS-081 Certificate Management List, JWS-081-1 SR
& SE Inspection List, JWS-088 Crew Qualification-License CL)
.24 Shall interview new joining crews and confirm that no fees or other charges for seafarer
recruitment or placement or for providing employment to seafarers are borne directly or
indirectly, in whole or in part, by the seafarer, other than the cost of the seafarer obtaining a
national statutory medical certificate, the national seafarer’s book and a passport or other
similar personal travel documents, not including, however, the cost of visas, which shall be
borne by the ship-owner.(JWS-099-3 Verification of Familiarization)

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Master’s Manual
Rev. No. : 0
Responsibilities & Obligation of Master & All crew members
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4.3.1. The Master shall perform himself the following general duties or he can partially delegate the
duties to the relevant Officer in charge, yet the responsibility shall belong to the
Master. However, for the duties that may have direct influence on the safety of the ship and the
life, the pollution prevention, or ensuring seaworthiness, the Master shall check the duties above
in person, and take proper actions.
.1 Cargo Control : Send Officer under chief officer's supervision.
.2 Maintenance management : Chief Engineer with chief officer's assistance.
.3 Communication, and sending & receiving documents : PIC for radio communication
4.3.2. When the Master is impossible to remain on board due to uncontrollable situations, he shall make
a rational decision, then he can delegate the duties of the Master to his deputy in writing or



5.1.1. The Chief Engineer shall be in charge of the Maintenance and Repair (M&R) Management,
assists the Master, executes and verifies the following duties. Then, he shall report to the Master.
.1 Establish the implementation policy for items of self-maintenance, and supervise the
execution of maintenance.
.2 Identify the assistance maintenance items, request assistance, and supervise the execution of
.3 Supervise the execution of daily operations.
.4 Control the supply of fuel oil, lubricating oil, spare parts, and ship's stores, etc. and carry out
accessory work.
.5 Perform duties as the Oil Pollution Preventive Manager (If necessary).
.6 Control the Planned Maintenance System.
.7 Perform the duties entrusted by the Master

5.1.2. The Chief Engineer shall observe the following matters in order to efficiently drive forward the
Planned Maintenance System.
.1 Make plans for work every month, and make plans for operating or utilizing personnel labor.
.2 Check the operating condition and the time of maintenance for all shipboard machinery and
equipment in advance, and ensure necessary measures for use at the right time.
.3 When he performs the maintenance management, ensure safety at work places and give
directions in person.
.4 Chief Engineer is responsible to control asbestos containing material onboard as per the
Safety Management System in accordance with MSC/Circ.1045.

5.1.3. The Chief Engineer shall give directions in person in the engine room or bridge control station
during the following circumstances.
.1 Engine Trial
.2 Arrival or Departure at port
.3 When orders are issued, equivalent to the Master's orders directly.
.4 When there is an abnormal occurrence in critical machines such as the main engine, or
auxiliary engine, etc.
.5 When the safety of lives or the safety of the ship may be in danger


The Chief Officer shall be the person in charge of control the hull and deck rigs and arrangements,
for their best operating condition, and he shall assist the Master. He shall execute and verify the
following duties as the head of Deck Dept., and he shall report to the Master.
.1 Perform duties as the person in charge of cargo control the hull and fittings of the hull and

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Master’s Manual
Rev. No. : 0
Responsibilities & Obligation of Master & All crew members
Page : 3 / 5

.2 Perform duties as the Officer on watch at sea or in port.

.3 Maintain proper stress of the hull and ensure the stability.
.4 Control fresh water.
.5 Maintain shipboard order.
.6 Assist the Chief Engineer about matters relevant to maintenance and repair of on deck
auxiliary machines.
.7 Perform shipboard education of safety and crew member's duties.
.8 Control the documents that belong to the Deck Dept.
.9 Control devices, equipment, and fixtures relevant to safety and fire-fighting.
.10 Perform the emergency trial of the steering gear.
.11 Correct and control the emergency station bill.
.12 Control shipboard stationary office machines, and utensils for galley.
.13 Supervise second and third officers duly perform their duties.
.14 Perform duties entrusted by the Master.


The second Officer shall be the person in charge of control of cargo loading, discharging, and
transportation and shall perform the following matters as an Officer under the direction and
supervision of the Master or the Chief Officer.
.1 Perform duties as the Officer on watch at sea or in port.
.2 Establish the Passage Plan and report it to the Master.
.3 Control the navigational equipment.
.4 Control the small correction of charts and periodicals, etc.
.5 Control medicines and medical appliances (Duties of Health supervisor) and Medical care.
.6 Perform duties as PIC for radio communication entrusted by the Master.
.7 Perform duties entrusted by the Master.


The third Officer shall perform the following matters as an Officer under the direction and
supervision of the Master or the Chief Officer.
.1 Perform the duties of the Officer on watch at sea or in port.
.2 Have the bridge ready for entering or leaving a port.
.3 Control signal devices or appliances.
.4 Assist port formalities clearance for entering or leaving a port.
.5 Assist the small correction of periodicals and etc.
.6 Control recreational appliances.
.7 Perform duties entrusted by the Master.
.8 Management of FFE(Fire Fighting Equipment) and LSE(Life Saving Equipment)


The first Engineer shall assist the Chief Engineer, take charge of and perform the following duties
as the manager of Engine Dept. He shall report the performance to the Chief Engineer.
.1 Perform duties of the Engineer on watch at sea or in port.
.2 Execute the plans for operation, maintenance, and repair of the main engine and the relevant
auxiliary machinery.
.3 Control shafting and stern tube.
.4 Control heat exchanger, air compressor, lubricating oil purifiers and fuel purifiers, etc.
(Stripping Air Compressor included.)
.5 Maintain or repair the steering gear, and patrol around it.
.6 Manage the requisition and supply of lubricating oil and of fuel oil.
.7 Maintain, repair and control air conditioners and food refrigerator.
.8 Maintain, repair and control emergency diesel-generator and emergency fire pump, and al
fire-fighting of the ship.
.9 Control the documents that belong to the Engine Dept.
.10 Perform duties entrusted by the Chief Engineer.
The second Engineer shall perform the following duties as an Engineer under the direction and
supervision of the Chief Engineer or the first Engineer.
.1 Perform duties of the Engineer on watch at sea or in port.

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Master’s Manual
Rev. No. : 0
Responsibilities & Obligation of Master & All crew members
Page : 4 / 5

.2 Execute the plans for operation, maintenance, and repair of the auxiliary boilers and the
relevant auxiliary machinery.
.3 Maintain, repair and control of the cranes, conveyors, traveling hoppers, and the relevant
auxiliary machinery.
.4 Control the documents that belong to the Engine Dept.
.5 Perform duties entrusted by the Chief Engineer.


The third Engineer shall perform the following duties as an Engineer under the direction and
supervision of the Chief Engineer or the first Engineer.
.1 Perform duties of the Engineer on watch at sea or in port.
.2 Maintain, repair, control the auxiliary boilers and exhaust-Gas boiler, and the relevant
auxiliary machinery.
.3 Control the oily water separator, incinerator, sewage and garbage treatment devices, and
other pollution prevention equipment (PPE), etc.
.4 Maintain, repair, and control all deck machinery.
.5 Maintain, repair, and control prime movers of life boats.
.6 Perform duties entrusted by the Chief Engineer.


5.8.1. General
.1 The ratings shall be divided into the Deck Dept. Ratings, the Engine Dept. Ratings according
to their departments. They shall carry out the duties given by the Master or entrusted
.2 The Deck Dept. ratings shall perform the following duties under the direction
and supervision of the Chief Officer or the Officer on watch.
1) Duties of the ratings on watch according to the Procedure for Watch-keeping at sea or in
port : The Officer on watch
2) Accessory job according to cargo handling : the Chief Officer
3) Maintenance and repair of the deck, the hull, and cargo gear, etc.
: the Chief Officer
4) On the general shipboard duty, the Boatswain commands and controls the deck Dept.
ratings, and performs the duty in accordance with the instructions of Chief Officer.
5) The Cook and the Steward shall perform the following duties under the direction and
supervision of the chief officer.
a. Shipboard food service and its accessory job.
b. Purchase and control of provisions.
c. Duties relevant to sanitation, health, and welfare of crew.
.3 The Engine Dept. ratings shall perform the following duties under the direction and
supervision of the Chief Engineer or the Engineer on watch.
1) Duties of the ratings on watch according to the Procedure for Watch-keeping at sea or in
port. : The Engineer on watch
2) Maintenance and repair of engine, machinery, and equipment, etc.
: the first Engineer
3) On the general shipboard duty, the first Engineer commands and controls the engine Dept.
ratings, and performs the duty in accordance with the instructions of the chief Engineer.
5.8.2. Duties of a Boatswain
.1 Control the supplies for deck Dept. and supervise his subordinates, while observing all orders
and rules.
.2 Set the order of works and their ways, carry out the deck works and supervise them.
.3 Record the contents of works in the work log book every day.
.4 Maintain and repair facilities, tools and materials.
.5 Start/check/maintain machinery for mooring and cargo works.
.6 Perform the duty as ordered by the head of Dept.

JWS-003 (0/2018.10.01) JW SHIPPING CO., LTD.

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Master’s Manual
Rev. No. : 0
Responsibilities & Obligation of Master & All crew members
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5.8.3. Duties of a Chief Cook

.1 Control provisions, cooking and bed-clothes, supervise his subordinates, while observing all
orders and quarantine rules.
.2 Keep up the records related to provisions.
.3 Make rounds around the galley, dining hall and provisions storage, clean and maintain there.
.4 Tidy up tools or appliance and keep them in good sanitation
.5 Set up the reasonable supply plan considering the route, local condition, ROB and costs.
.6 Check the quality and the amount when receiving provisions and supervise works.
.7 Conduct the duty as instructed by the head of Dept.
.8 To make out and post a menu at least once a week in respect of the quantity, nutritional value,
quality and variety.

5.9.5 Duties of an Able Seaman

.1 Maintain and tidy up navigational instruments and steering gear.
.2 Prepare and arrange the bridge for when arrival at / departure of a port.
.3 Prepare and put in an original place a pilot ladder.
.4 Steer a wheel.
.5 Make regular rounds throughout a ship.
.6 Close or open all openings.
.7 Prepare all things for a heavy weather or restore them.
.8 Start and check up the machinery for mooring.
.9 Clean one's own areas designated such as the bridge.
.10 Do duties given by the higher person.

5.9.6 Duties of an Oiler

.1 Monitor the operation of machinery, when being on duty while sailing.
.2 Measure up and record the temperature, pressure and etc, of a main engine and other machinery.
.3 Sound the all tanks in the engine room.
.4 Check warning devices,
.5 Tidy up the areas where the engine Dept. takes care of.
.6 Arrange a main engine, F/O valves, exhaust valves and spare parts.
.7 Collect the oil spilled and dispose of waste water.
.8 Do the duty given by the higher person.
.9 Clean one's own areas designated.
5.9.7 Duties of Ordinary Seaman
.1 Take out/check/take in the mooring gear.
.2 Prepare and arrange cargo works.
.3 Open and close all openings.
.4 Check cargo gears and repair the poor parts.
.5 Maintain/repair the facilities and machinery under a boatswain's command.
.6 Clean one's own areas designated.
.7 Do the duty given by the higher person.
5.9.8 Duty of SSR
.1 participate in shipboard safety committee
.2 Consult with the master and Safety Officer on behalf of the crew on matter affecting occupational
health and safety of crew members.
.3 Request through the safety committee an investigation by the Safety Officer of any such safety
.4 Inspect any of the records required to be kept by the Safety Officer.
.5 Participate in any investigations or inspections carried out by the Safety Officer subject to his
agreement, or after notification to the master, undertake similar investigations or inspections
himself, whether or not. They have been carried out by the safety officer.

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4.1. Basic Safety Rules

4.1.1. Clothing
Always properly wear the regulated uniform as follows when leave to bed room including
accommodations areas.
a. Wear the regulated work uniform and safety shoes.
b. Wear proper protective gear depending on the nature of operations
(Ex.: Ear plugs, safety glasses, gloves, protective suit, mask, helmet, etc.)
c. Do not wear clothing other than regulated uniforms.

4.1.2. Use of Tools

a. Use regulated tools suitable for work place and nature of work.
(Ex.: Anti-explosive tools in space where flammable gas may be present)
b. Tidy up all tools and appliances.
c. Do not use defective/improper tools.

4.1.3. Work Place : Work places shall meet the following requirements.
a. Full ventilation
b. Required lighting
c. Flat work floor, or proper measures otherwise
d. Anti-slip measures

4.1.4. Smoking & use of naked flame

a. Establish and observe smoking rules suitable for the ship.
b. Smoking and use of fire are allowed only in permitted areas.
c. Hot work in areas other than the welding room shall be approved in advance.

4.1.5. Portable lamp & electric appliances

a. Portable lamps and electric equipment which are used in spaces where flammable gas may exist
shall be anti-explosive.
b. Any unapproved electric item, the safety of which is not guaranteed, cannot be used in such spaces
as above.

4.1.6. Radio antenna & Radar

When the ship is mooring in places where flammable gas may exist, the ship shall :
a. Not communicate on radio in middle/high frequency
b. Ground the antenna and post the grounding sign
c. Not operate the RADAR.

4.1.7. Flames from Funnel

a. Perform the SOOT BLOW before entering a port so that flames will not rise from the funnel in the
b. If flames or smoke rise from the funnel, the Engine duty officer shall be informed immediately for
necessary actions against it.

4.1.8. Establishment of Restricted Areas

a. Set the danger areas in the ship as restricted areas and control the entrance to such areas by
unauthorized personnel.
b. The restricted areas may be established to fit the condition of the ship but shall include the
1) Radio Room

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2) Engine Room
3) Bridge
c. Put up a sign "OFF LIMITS" at the entrance of restricted areas in English.
d. Entrance to restricted areas by unauthorized personnel shall be approved by the master and guided
by ship's personnel.

4.1.9. Safety Measures for Visitor

a. Posting the precaution
The Precaution shall be posted with clearly, simply and big at near the door and familiarize
themselves with the following matters for the visitors on board while the ship stays in a port.
1) Restriction of smoking (precaution to a fire)
2) Areas with restricted entrance
3) How to response to emergency situations
b. Whenever possible, the deck duty personnel shall draw the attention of the visitors for boarding, if
any, the Shipboard accommodation appliances and “Restricted areas”.
c. Safety of the family of shipboard personnel shall be taken care of by the relevant shipboard
1) The relevant crew shall inform his family of the items .1 - 1), 2), & 3).
2) Visitation by children or old persons should be avoided whenever possible, and shall be
limited to the protection by the relevant shipboard personnel/guardian.

4.1.10. Safety Measures for Persons get aboard

The master shall provide crew family/Persons get aboard with the following and necessary educate:
a. Shipboard safety rules
b. Personal life saving equipment and location of life boats
c. Where to go in case of an emergency and how to cope with it
d. Prohibition from entering restricted areas

4.1.11. Fully Aware of New Joined Shipboard Personnel

a. Receipt of personal life saving equipment
b. Personal emergency location by the emergency station bill
c. Locations of extinguishers around the cabin, how to use them, and emergency exit
d. Communication with bridge, E/R, and cargo control room; Shipboard announcement and location
of emergency bell.

4.1.12. Precautions and Remarks for Special Cargo Carriers

a. Safety requirements by the terminal and port authorities shall be observed with priority.
b. Shipboard Special fittings shall be maintained to fit the purpose.

4.1.13. Drinking & Recreation

a. Drinking and recreation is allowed only to the extent that it does not affect the normal performance
of duties and shipboard operations. The time for it is to be determined by the master within the
limit of normal practice.
b. Drinking and recreation shall not bother others who are at rest or sleep.
c. Recreation shall be limited to the release of boredom and to promote friendship.
d. Drinking and recreation shall be done in smoking areas only and shall be banned in personal cabins
in all circumstances.

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4.2. Rules of Hot Work and Welding

4.2.1. General Rules of Hot Work

Hot work or welding in other than the welding shop in the engine room shall be approved in advance
by the master on the basis of prior inspection in accordance with “Permit for Hot Work/Welding".
a. Check if there is an inflow of flammable gas or oil around the vicinity of the work.
b. Furnish the proper type of fire extinguishers at the work place.
c. Confirm that no flame remains after welding
d. Do not perform any hot work if flammable gas exists or if the inflow of flammable gas is a
e. Even with the work permit, the welding on deck shall be stopped if the weather condition
changes except for unavoidable circumstances.
f. A watchman shall be posted at the hot work or welding in other than the welding shop in the
engine room.

4.2.2. Safety Rules for Oxygen Welding

a. Welding of pressurized containers, valves and high-pressure pipes shall be done by a qualified
b. Pressurized containers shall not be dropped or handled roughly.
c. Do not use a hammer to open the valve.
d. Pressurized containers shall be covered with a cap to protect its valve when it is being carried or

4.2.3. Safety Rules for Electric Welding

a. The welding machine shall be equipped with Go/Return line, and the Return line shall be in
contact with the object to be welded by clamping.
b. The cable shall be inspected before use and the length shall be at a minimum to prevent a voltage
c. The holder of welding rod shall always remain insulated.

4.2.4. Safety Rules for Welding

a. Wear a protective outfit to protect the skin and eyes from heated steel pieces, sparks, ultraviolet
rays, and radiant heat.
b. Keep the clothes free of grease, flammable materials or water.
c. Keep proper lighting, continuous ventilation to prevent an oxygen deficiency or to clear toxic gas,
and prepare proper protective gear.
d. Keep dry the safety boots, gloves, work clothes and underwear.
e. Be careful to keep other persons away from sparks or hazardous radiant heat.
f. When the welding is carried out in a narrow space, place an insulator such as a mat or a plywood
between the welder and the structure.
g. In hot and humid conditions (sweat or damp clothes), put off the welding until it becomes dry.
h. When changing welding rods, the welding holder shall be completely insulated.
i. Never carry out welding while a part of the body is in the water. Pay special attention to wet
j. When stopping the welding, be sure to remove the welding rod from the holder.
k. A hot welding rod shall be kept in a proper container.
l. Welding rods shall be stored in their right container in a dry condition.

4.3. Rules of Entering Enclosed Spaces

(Refer to Resolution A.1050(27))

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4.3.1. Definition and type of Enclosed Spaces

a. Space where there is a risk that a human may be suffocated due to lack of oxygen or
toxic/flammable gas may remain;
b. limited openings for entry and exit;
c. inadequate ventilation; and
d. is not designed for continuous worker occupancy,
e. and includes, but is not limited to, cargo spaces, double bottoms, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, cargo
pump-rooms, cargo compressor rooms, cofferdams, chain lockers, void spaces, duct keels,
inter-barrier spaces, boilers, engine crankcases, engine scavenge air receivers, sewage tanks,
and adjacent connected spaces. This list is not exhaustive and a list should be produced on a
ship-by-ship basis to identify enclosed spaces.

4.3.1 Adjacent connected space means a normally unventilated space which is not used for cargo but which
may share the same atmospheric characteristics with the enclosed space such as, but not limited to, a
cargo space access way.
4.3.2 Competent person means a person with sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical experience to
make an informed assessment of the likelihood of a dangerous atmosphere being present or
subsequently arising in the space.
 Chief Engineer and/or Chief Officer shall be Competent person.
4.3.3 Responsible person means a person authorized to permit entry into an enclosed space and having
sufficient knowledge of the procedures to be established and complied with on board, in order to
ensure that the space is safe for entry.
 Master shall be Responsible person.
4.3.4 Attendant means a person who is suitably trained within the safety management system, maintains a
watch over those entering the enclosed space, maintains communications with those inside the space
and initiates the emergency procedures in the event of an incident occurring.

4.3.5 Internal auditors of the company should verify that the established procedures are complied with in
practice and are consistent with the safety procedure here.

4.3.6 Assessment of Risk

a. Company should ensure that a risk assessment is conducted to identify all enclosed spaces on board
the ship. This risk assessment should be periodically revisited to ensure its continued validity.
b. In order to ensure safety, a competent person should always make a preliminary assessment of any
potential hazards in the space to be entered, considering previous cargo carried, ventilation of the
space, coating of the space and other relevant factors.
c. The competent person's preliminary assessment should determine the potential for the presence of an
oxygen-deficient, oxygen-enriched, flammable or toxic atmosphere.
d. The competent person should bear in mind that the ventilation procedures for an adjacent connected
space may be different from the procedures for the ventilation of the enclosed space itself.
e. The procedures to be followed for testing the atmosphere in the space and for entry should be
decided on the basis of the preliminary assessment. These will depend on whether the preliminary
assessment shows that:
 there is minimal risk to the health or life of personnel entering the space; or
 there is no immediate risk to health or life but a risk could arise during the course of work in the
space; or
 a risk to health or life is identified.
f. Where the preliminary assessment indicates minimal risk to health or life or potential for a risk to
arise during the course of work in the space, the precautions described in sections 4.3.8 ~ 11 should
be followed, as appropriate.

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g. Where the preliminary assessment identifies a risk to life or health, if entry is to be made, the
additional precautions specified in section 4.3.13 should also be followed.
h. Throughout the assessment process, there should be an assumption that the space to be entered is
considered to be hazardous until positively proved to be safe for entry.

4.3.7 Authorization of Entry

a. No person should open or enter an enclosed space unless authorized by the master and unless the
appropriate safety procedures in this book have been followed.
b. This procedure including the checklist (JWS-078 Enclosed Space Entry-Working Permit) shall be
strictly observed. The Enclosed Space Entry Permit should be issued by the master and completed
by the C/E and/or C/O prior to entry.

4.3.8 General Precautions

a. Entry doors or hatches leading to enclosed spaces should at all times be secured against entry, when
entry is not required.
b. A door or hatch cover which is opened to provide natural ventilation of an enclosed space may,
wrongly, be taken to be an indication of a safe atmosphere and therefore, an attendant may be
stationed at the entrance or the use of a mechanical barrier, such as a rope or chain positioned across
the opening with an attached warning sign, could prevent such accidental entry.
c. The master should determine that it is safe to enter an enclosed space by ensuring that:
 potential hazards have been identified in the assessment and as far as possible isolated or made
 the space has been thoroughly ventilated by natural or mechanical means to remove any toxic or
flammable gases and to ensure an adequate level of oxygen throughout the space;
 the atmosphere of the space has been tested as appropriate with properly calibrated instruments
to ascertain acceptable levels of oxygen and acceptable levels of flammable or toxic vapours;
 the space has been secured for entry and properly illuminated;
 a suitable system of communication between all parties for use during entry has been agreed and
 an attendant has been instructed to remain at the entrance to the space whilst it is occupied if it’s
 rescue and/or resuscitation equipment has been positioned ready for use at the entrance to the
space and rescue arrangements have been agreed if it’s required;
 personnel are properly clothed and equipped for the entry and subsequent tasks; and
 a permit has been issued, authorizing entry.

The master should determine whether an attendant and the positioning of rescue equipment at the
entrance to the space are necessary.
d. Only trained personnel should be assigned the duties of entering, functioning as attendants or
functioning as members of rescue teams. Ships' crews with rescue and first aid duties should be
drilled periodically in rescue and first aid procedures. Training should include as a minimum:
 identification of the hazards likely to be faced during entry into enclosed spaces;
 recognition of the signs of adverse health effects caused by exposure to hazards during entry;
 knowledge of personal protective equipment required for entry.
e. All equipment used in connection with entry should be in good working condition and inspected
prior to use.

4.3.9 Testing the Atmosphere

a. Appropriate testing of the atmosphere of a space should be carried out with properly calibrated

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equipment by C/E and/or C/O. The manufacturers' instructions should be strictly followed. Testing
of the space should be carried out before any person enters the space and at regular intervals
thereafter until all work is completed. Where appropriate, the testing of the space should be carried
out at as many different levels as is necessary to obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere in
the space. In some cases, it may be difficult to test the atmosphere throughout the enclosed space
without entering the space (e.g. the bottom landing of a stairway) and this should be considered
when assessing the risk to personnel entering the space. The use of flexible hoses or fixed sampling
lines, which reach remote areas within the enclosed space, may allow for safe testing without having
to enter the space.
b. For entry purposes, steady readings of all of the following should be obtained:
 21% oxygen by volume by oxygen content meter;
Note: National requirements may determine the safe atmosphere range.
 not more than 1% of lower flammable limit (LFL) on a suitably sensitive combustible gas
indicator, where the preliminary assessment has determined that there is potential for flammable
gases or vapours; and
 not more than 50% of the occupational exposure limit (OEL)* of any toxic vapours and gases.
 If these conditions cannot be met, additional ventilation should be applied to the space and re-
testing should be conducted after a suitable interval.
c. Any gas testing should be carried out with ventilation to the enclosed space stopped, and after
conditions have stabilized, in order to obtain accurate readings.
d. Where the preliminary assessment has determined that there is potential for the presence of toxic
gases and vapours, appropriate testing should be carried out, using fixed or portable gas or vapour
detection equipment. The readings obtained by this equipment should be below the occupational
exposure limits for the toxic gases or vapours given in accepted national or international standards,
in accordance with paragraph “b”. It should be noted that testing for flammability or oxygen content
does not provide a suitable means of measuring for toxicity, nor vice versa.
e. Oxygen-deficient areas may exist in the internal structure of the space, cargo, cargo residues and tank
coatings that workers shall enter only after safety is ensured only. This is particularly the case for
spaces where the path of the supply and outlet ventilation is obstructed by structural members or

4.3.10 Precautions During Entry

a. The atmosphere should be tested frequently whilst the space is occupied and persons should be
instructed to leave the space should there be a deterioration in the conditions.
b. Persons entering enclosed spaces should be provided with calibrated and tested multi-gas detectors
that monitor the levels of oxygen, carbon monoxide and other gases as appropriate.
c. Ventilation should continue during the period that the space is occupied and during temporary breaks.
Before re-entry after a break, the atmosphere should be re-tested. In the event of failure of the
ventilation system, any persons in the space should leave immediately.
d. Particular care should be exhibited when working on pipelines and valves within the space. If
conditions change during the work, increased frequency of testing of the atmosphere should be
performed. Changing conditions that may occur include increasing ambient temperatures, the use of
oxygen-fuel torches, mobile plant, work activities in the enclosed space that could evolve vapours,
work breaks, or if the ship is ballasted or trimmed during the work.
e. In the event of an emergency, under no circumstances should the attending crew member enter the
space before help has arrived and the situation has been evaluated to ensure the safety of those
entering the space to undertake rescue operations. Only properly trained and equipped personnel
should perform rescue operations in enclosed spaces.

4.3.11 Additional Precautions for Entry into a Space Where the Atmosphere is Known or Suspected to be

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a. Spaces that have not been tested should be considered unsafe for persons to enter. If the atmosphere
in an enclosed space is suspected or known to be unsafe, the space should only be entered when no
practical alternative exists. Entry should only be made for further testing, essential operation, safety
of life or safety of a ship. The number of persons entering the space should be the minimum
compatible with the work to be performed.
b. Suitable breathing apparatus, e.g. of the air-line or self-contained type, should always be worn, and
only personnel trained in its use should be allowed to enter the space. Air-purifying respirators
should not be used as they do not provide a supply of clean air from a source independent of the
atmosphere within the space.
c. Persons entering enclosed spaces should be provided with calibrated and tested multi-gas detectors
that monitor the levels of oxygen, carbon monoxide and other gases as appropriate.
d. Rescue harnesses should be worn and, unless impractical, lifelines should be used.
e. Appropriate protective clothing should be worn, particularly where there is any risk of toxic
substances or chemicals coming into contact with the skin or eyes of those entering the space.
f. The advice in paragraph “4.3.11.e” concerning emergency rescue operations is particularly relevant
in this context.

4.3.12 Hazards Related to Specific Types of Ships or Cargo

a. Dangerous goods in packaged form
 The atmosphere of any space containing dangerous goods may put at risk the health or life of any
person entering it. Dangers may include flammable, toxic or corrosive gases or vapours that
displace oxygen, residues on packages and spilled material.
 The same hazards may be present in spaces adjacent to the cargo spaces. Information on the
hazards of specific substances is contained in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods
(IMDG) Code, the Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods (EMS) and
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)*. If there is evidence or suspicion that leakage of dangerous
substances has occurred, the precautions specified in section “4.3.12” should be followed.
a. Personnel required to deal with spillages or to remove defective or damaged packages should be
appropriately trained and wear suitable breathing apparatus and appropriate protective clothing.
b. Solid bulk
On ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, dangerous atmospheres may develop in cargo spaces and
adjacent spaces. The dangers may include flammability, toxicity, oxygen depletion or self-heating,
as identified in the shipper's declaration. For additional information, reference should be made to the
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code.
c. Oxygen-depleting cargoes and materials
A prominent risk with such cargoes is oxygen depletion due to the inherent form of the cargo, for
example, self-heating, oxidation of metals and ores or decomposition of vegetable oils, fish oils,
animal fats, grain and other organic materials or their residues. The materials listed below are known
to be capable of causing oxygen depletion. However, the list is not exhaustive. Oxygen depletion may
also be caused by other materials of vegetable or animal origin, by flammable or spontaneously
combustible materials and by materials with a high metal content, including, but not limited to:
 grain, grain products and residues from grain processing (such as bran, crushed grain, crushed
malt or meal), hops, malt husks and spent malt;
 oilseeds as well as products and residues from oilseeds (such as seed expellers, seed cake, oil
cake and meal);
 copra;
 wood in such forms as packaged timber, round wood, logs, pulpwood, props (pit props and other
prop wood), woodchips, wood shavings, wood pellets and sawdust;
 jute, hemp, flax, sisal, kapok, cotton and other vegetable fibres (such as esparto grass/Spanish
grass, hay, straw, bhusa), empty bags, cotton waste, animal fibres, animal and vegetable fabric,
wool waste and rags;

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 fish, fishmeal and fish scrap;

 guano;
 sulphidic ores and ore concentrates;
 charcoal, coal, lignite and coal products;
 direct reduced iron (DRI);
 dry ice;
 metal wastes and chips, iron swarf, steel and other turnings, borings, drillings, shavings, filings
and cuttings; and
 scrap metal.

4.3.13 Fumigation
When a ship is fumigated, the detailed recommendations contained in the Recommendations on the
safe use of pesticides in ships, the above procedure should be followed. Spaces adjacent to fumigated
spaces should be treated as if fumigated.

4.3.14 Emergency training and drills

a. Crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall participate in an enclosed
space entry and rescue drill to be held on board the ship at least once every two months."

b. Each enclosed space entry and rescue drill shall include:

 checking and use of personal protective equipment required for entry;
 checking and use of communication equipment and procedures;
 checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces;
 checking and use of rescue equipment and procedures; and
 instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques.

4.4 Safety Rules For Special Operations

4.4.1 Safety Rules For Work In A High Place

a. If the height of the work place is more than 2 meters, the responsible officer shall check the safety in
accordance with the “Safety checklist of High Place Working (JWS-080)” before starting the work.
b. The workers shall wear safety belts and, if possible, shall install stage, working steps and a safety
net before attending the work.

4.4.2 Safety Rules For Electric Works

a. Precautions for Repairs
 Shut off the power in the presence of the person in charge and post a sign “No Connection
During Work”.
 Wear insulating gloves, safety shoes and dry uniform.
 When working on an electric panel, place an insulating rubber plate on the floor and wear
b. Precautions for Handling
 Ground electric tools before using.
 Check for abrasion, damage, poor connection and leakage of electric equipment before using.
 Use the fuses of the correct capacity.
 Do not use electric equipment in humid areas or in bad weather.
 Do not use or repair electric equipment in wet clothes.

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4.4.3 Safety Rules For Handling Asbestos/Fiber Glass

Asbestos and fiber glass causes pneumoconiosis, lung cancer and skin cancer and shall be handled
with great care.
a. Wear clothes that minimize exposure of the body.
 Wear protective outfit/rain coat and tie the sleeves and ankles.
 Wear rubber gloves, goggles and masks.
b. Method of Operation
Since demolition works would usually cause a lot of dust to scatter in the air, care shall be taken for
the following
 Forbid access by personnel who do not wear protective outfits.
 Spray water to prevent dust from flying in the air.
 Seal collected asbestos/fiber glass in plastic bags and transfer it ashore.
 Do not use compressed air.
c. Measures after Operation
 Wash the protective outfit such as raincoat, rubber gloves, etc.
 Dispose of disposable material such as masks, which are polluted by asbestos/fiber glass.
 Take a shower and laundry the work clothes immediately.

4.5 Tool Box Meeting

a. To achieve Safety of Lives onboard, all workers shall conduct TBM before starting works as below;
b. PIC (C/M or C/O and/or C/E) shall host the meeting and conduct and or review risk assessment as per

4.5.1 Work orientation

Line up, roll call, saluting, asking after health condition, work responsibilities etc.

4.5.2 Identification of potential hazard (Risk Assessment)

a. The PIC shall copy the “Risk Assessment Sheet” in PR-19 which is due to work.
b. Review the RA and identify potential hazards through discussions among the participants, taking
account of ship's characteristic and working circumstances
c. If any revision of RA is required, PIC shall report to the Captain who shall review and report to
Company for review.
d. If RA is not available, PIC shall draw Risk Identification Report (JWS-152) and report to the captain
who shall review and report to Company for review.

4.5.3 Taking Counter Measures

a. Establish counter measures to eliminate serious ones of above hazards.
b. Check appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) using PPE Checklist (JWS-154) and wear
PPE to protect from the identified hazards.

4.5.4 Record Keeping

a. After reviewing RA and taking Counter Measures, all workers shall acknowledge the Risk
Assessment sheet and PIC shall keep it Risk Assessment File.
b. PIC shall keep the Risk Assessment Log (JWS-153)

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9.1. Objective(DMLC Reg. 5.1.5)

This procedure is to be established to handle the seafarer’s complaints which alleging breaches of the
requirements of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 fairly, efficiently and expeditiously.

9.2. The Counselor(s) of complaints

9.2.1. Any seafarers on-board

9.2.2. The company, under any circumstance, shall not take the seafarer alleging complaints at a
disadvantage or treat unfairly

9.3. The Counselor(s) of complaints

9.3.1. Shipboard
- Rank 2/O Name _____________________
- Rank Name _____________________

9.3.2. Shore : D.P.A.

9.4 Roles of the counselors of the complaints on board

The counselors for complaint shall provide seafarers with impartial advice on their complaint and assist
them to use the on board/on shore complaint procedure properly while keeping the complaint on a
confidential basis

9.5 Counseling Method for complaints

The counseling should be conducted by personal interview, telephone interview, written interview, E-
mail interview etc. and interview with representative or by representative.

9.6 Location of Counseling Room

9.6.1 Specific location under the control of Seafarer's Family Counseling Room and the office of Seamen's
Labor Union.

9.6.2 Specific location of ship (comfortable and private area)

9.7 The contact point for the seafarer's complaints

The contact point for the D.P of the Company is as follow.
- Phone: +82-51-231-6886, 24 Hour Tel: See “Emergency Contact Point” as provided separated.
- Fax: +82-51-231-6800
- E-mail:

9.8 Cases of filing complaints

The seafarer shall allege the complaints relating to all matters that are alleged to constitute a breach of
the requirement of Maritime Labour Convention,2006 including the seafarers' right. The cases of filing
complaints are as follows.

(1)Breach of standards of hours of work or rest

(2)Breach of minimum safe manning level as set out by competent authority
(3)Breach of standards on crew accommodation
(4)Breach of standards on food and catering
(5)Inappropriate management on health, safety and accident prevention
(6)Inappropriate medical care on board
(7)Delayed payment of wages
(8)Breach of ship owner’s duty arising from Seafarer's employment agreement
(9)Matters of well-being
(10) Discords between superiors/inferiors and colleagues within worship, and matters of sexual
(11) Other matters of complaint onboard

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9.9 Counseling Procedure for complaints

9.9.1 Before taking counseling, the committee member to be interviewed should be contacted, and the time
of interview should be decided.
9.9.2 The treatment and results of it should be informed to the worker directly within period defined at “The
on-board complaint handling procedures for the ship” after the counseling.

9.9.3 The results of counseling should be recorded in “Report of on-board complaint” form and kept for 1
If completed complaint, the solution for complaint should be recorded in the form and shall be
provided copy of the form to seafarer.
The matters of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law should be kept for 3 years.

9.9.4 Other detail procedures will follow DMLC PART II as attached and “The on-board complaint
handling procedures” as posted onboard.

9.10 On board complaint filing procedures

9.10.1 In case that a complaint is addressed directly to ship

(1) Crews have the right to be accompanied or represented during the procedure for the processing of
complaints, as well as to be protected against the possibility of harassment of seafarers for filing
complaints. The term “harassment” covers any adverse action taken by any person with respect to a
seafarer for lodging a complaint which is not manifestly abusive or maliciously made.
(2) In case that a complaint is addressed directly to ship, the complaint should in principle be addressed
to the head of the department of the seafarer concerned.
(3) A seafarer wishing to lodge a complaint can always receive help from the person in charge of
handling complaints on board.
(4) The head should review the complaints and consider and attempt to resolve the complaint lodged by
the seafarer matter within 5 days.
(5) In case that resolution is provided, the complaint and the decisions should be recorded and a copy
provided to the seafarer concerned.
(6) If the head cannot resolve the complaint, send it to the master.
(7) The master should review the complaints and consider and make every effort to resolve the matter
within 5 days.
(8) In case that resolution is provided, the complaint and the decisions should be recorded and a copy
provided to the seafarer concerned.
(9) If the master cannot resolve the complaint, sent it to the Company.
(10) The company shall give every effort to resolve the complaints fairly within 8 days.
(11) In case that resolution is provided, the complaint and the decisions should be recorded and a copy
provided to the seafarer concerned.
(12) If within the period of eight (8) days, the complaint on board has not been resolved, then the period
shall be extended for twenty-two (22) more additional days, with the sole purpose to find a favorable
solution, which shall be recorded on the registries of the ship and be available to the competent
(13) If necessary, the company can send the seafarer's complaint to competent authority and shall provide
the seafarers with the fact.
(14) Despite the above procedure, if the seafarer wishes to do so, he/she has a right to file his/her
complaints directly with the master or the company.

9.10.2 In case that a complaint is addressed to the competent authority

In case that the seafarer wishes to do so, he/she can file complaint directly to the competent authority
without using the onboard complaint procedure. In which case the seafarer can receive help from the
person in charge of handling complaints on board.
(Panama Flag: e-mail address: and/or
(Singapore Flag: e-mail address:

9.11 Distribution of the procedure

Master shall give all seafarers the copy of the “On-board complaint handling procedures” in working

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language “English”.

9.12 The contact point for the seafarer's complaints

 The contact point for the competent authority of flag State is as follow.
A. Panama (General Directorate of Seafarers)
 Tel. +507 501 4241 International Technical Office of Segumar
 Tel. +507 501 5059 Department of Maritime Labour Affairs

The contact point for the competent authority of flag State is as follow.
Seafarers may directly file their complaints by sending the Complaints Handling Form to
Point of Contact: Department of Maritime Labour Affairs.
- Tel. +507 501 5059
- E-mail:

B. Singapore (Seafarers Management Department (SMD))

 Tel. +65 6 375 6224 / +65 6272 7777
 Add. 460 Alexandra Road #21-00, PSA Building Singapore 119963

 The contact information for the competent authority of the seafarer’s country of residence regarding
the seafarer's complaints is as follow.

A. Republic of Korea
 Department: Labor Supervisor of Busan Regional Maritime Affair,
 Phone: +82 51 609 6351 - Fax: +82 51 609 6219

B. Philippine
 Department: Philippine Overseas Employment Authority (POEA)
 POEA Hotlines: +63 722 11 44 / +63 722 11 55
 E-mail: - Official Website:

C. Indonesia
 Directorate of Marine Safety, Directorate General of Sea Communication Ministry of
 Pic. Capt. Weku Karuntu (Deputy Director) Mob.No.: +62 811902820
 Tel. +62 21 3505662, 3505006 ext. 4012, Fax: +62 3520978

D. Republic of the Union of Myanmar

 Department: Department of Marine Administration
 Tel No.: +95 1 202125 / 556041
 E-mail:,

 The contact point for the D.P.A. of the Company

 Phone : +82 51 231 6886

 Fax : +82 51 231 6800
 E-mail :

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9.13 Flowchart for on board complaint handling procedures

On-board complaint handling procedures can be shown in Figure 1.

[Figure 1]
On-board Complaint

Would you lodge No Report to the

it in the ship? Authority


Show the complaint to the

head of the Department

Does the head Transmit to the
solve it? Master

Yes Handling
Yes No according to the
Record the complaint Does master Transmit to the shore complaint
and the decision, deliver solve it? Company procedure
a copy to a complainant

Yes No
Does company
solve it?

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Vessel’s Name IMO Number Navigation Patent

Crewmember’s Name __________________________________

Nationality: _____________________________

Number of Document or Identification or Panamanian License _______________

Starting date of work on board: __________________________________________

Monthly Salary: __________________ Position on board: _______________

E-mail: _____________________________________

The On Board Complaints Handling Procedure was Used Up Yes ____ No___

Why was not the On Board Complaints Handling Procedure Used Up:


Please describe your complaint based on the dispositions of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC,


This form shall be sent to the emails:

 The information provided is confidential. Please attach a copy of your employment contract.

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