UB - Ebook - How To Reverse Disease
UB - Ebook - How To Reverse Disease
UB - Ebook - How To Reverse Disease
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DISCLAIMER: The Author and Publisher have strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book. While
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for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or
organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of results. Readers are
cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly. This book is an educational
guide that provides general health information. The materials are “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied.
The book’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the protocols (including
products and services) mentioned in the book should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or
healthcare provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other
advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. While every effort has been made to
ensure accuracy, these contents should not be construed as medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any
other individual, and are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care or treatment.
Introduction . ............................................................................................................................. 1
The Western Diet: Top Disease Promoting Foods . .................................................................... 2
Foods with a high sugar content ........................................................................................ 2
Processed foods ................................................................................................................. 3
Fried and fatty foods .......................................................................................................... 3
How the Quality of Nutrition Has Declined................................................................................ 4
The Importance of Good Nutrition . .......................................................................................... 4
What Does a Healthy Diet Look Like? ................................................................................ 5
The Detox Era: Why It’s So Effective . ................................................................................. 5
Optimizing Your Health With Smoothies and Juicing with Dr. Russell Marz .............................. 7
The Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie to Optimize Health
at a Cellular Level with Dr. Henry Ealy ..................................................................................... 15
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 31
About Jonathan Otto ............................................................................................................... 32
“Every time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” - Heather Morgan
It’s becoming more and more difficult to get adequate nutrition. We’re surrounded by junk food that offers empty
calories and healthy food is not as healthy as it was a few years ago. The world is powered by coffee and quick
dinners. And while it seems that these things make our lives more convenient, they’re actually making us more
tired and sicker.
Good nutrition is important for our health and it gives us a huge energy boost. It’s not normal for people, regardless
of their age, to constantly feel exhausted. This is the result of years of consuming the western diet that’s loaded
with sugars, and unhealthy fats and is totally stripped of its nutritional benefits.
Many of our experts and tons of research have shown that getting the right nutrition has the power to initiate
healing from a cellular level. Our bodies were designed with the tools it needs to heal themselves. But when the
body is unhealthy, it hinders the body’s natural ability to heal. Throughout this eBook, we’ll be sharing exclusive
expert advice on how to reverse disease through diet and detox.
The western diet is all about getting a rush with empty calories but never really addressing our nutritional needs.
The catch is that it’s also extremely addictive, making it hard to say no. Especially in times of stress or sadness. This
is why a lot of unhealthy foods are referred to as “comfort foods”.
When we consume junk food, the reward circuits within our brains activate and release the chemical dopamine.
This is what’s responsible for giving us a good feeling after eating unhealthy foods. But, as quickly as it brings on
the feeling of pleasure, it can also leave us feeling depleted due to empty calories so ultimately, we’ll be craving
another fatty or sugary snack. Many people agree that after a prolonged time without consuming junk food and
boosting their bodies with calories instead, these unhealthy cravings disappear.
From cookies to fizzy drinks, almost all the commercial foods and snacks that you buy contain an unhealthy
amount of sugar. It is much better to reach for fruit if you’re experiencing sugar cravings. It’s also important to
note that many of the products we buy contain hidden sugars, often put on the ingredient list or food label under
a different name.
Commonly overlooked names for sugar include dextrose, fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose,
and even names like agave nectar, barley malt, buttered syrup or cane juice. Again, sugar is much better in
moderation, and limiting your intake can help to stop unhealthy cravings.
Another sneaky food that may find its way into your stomach without
you noticing is processed foods. That’s because they are virtually
everywhere. According to the Mayo Clinic, processed foods are any raw
agricultural commodities that have been washed, cleaned, milled, cut,
chopped, heated, pasteurized, blanched, cooked, canned, frozen, dried,
dehydrated, mixed or packaged.
After reading this you may realize that this could include almost
everything that you eat. It’s important to note though that some of these
processes are important for a healthy diet, such as washing, cleaning, or
cutting fruit and vegetables. It’s when preservatives are added or the
entire nutritional profile changes as a result of the processing that a
food is considered unhealthy.
Examples of unhealthy processed foods include sodas, luncheon meats, sugary cereals, salty chips, certain
packaged snacks, baked goods, some frozen meals, and some crackers and there are many more processed foods
It’s also important to be careful of foods that are heavily processed but are claimed to have added nutrients. A
good example of this is white rice which has had its bran (the fibrous outer layer) and germ (the nutritious core)
removed during processing.
The other downside about processed foods is many contain additives that are considered unhealthy with sodium
being one of the major ones. According to UCSF Health, sodium is found naturally in foods, but a lot of it is added
during processing and preparation. Many foods that do not taste salty may still be high in sodium.
High levels of sodium intake are directly linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
These foods are really hard on the body and lead to all sorts of negative effects like weight gain, bloating, acne,
lowered immunity, poor gut health, heart disease, diabetes, and even poor brain functioning. Again, it’s not
the occasional consumption of junk food that leads to heart disease but rather the frequent consumption. It’s
important to ensure that your intake of nutritious food totally outweighs the occasional consumption of junk food.
Apart from nutrient-devoid foods being readily available, foods
that are considered to be highly nutritious are still a lot less
nutritious than they were 50 years ago. A study published in
the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that on
average, all three minerals evaluated have declined, two of five
vitamins have declined, and protein content has dropped by 6
Many of our experts and researchers looking into this have noted
that this is largely due to soil depletion, which is why growing our
own fruits and vegetables in higher grade soil can help us to regain
some of the lost nutrients.
• Gives the digestive system the enzymes, probiotics, and prebiotics needed to support gut health
• Provides the body with antioxidants to reduce the incidence of free radical damage
• Is high in Omega-3 and other nutrients that protect us against cognitive decline and neurological diseases
Just by getting adequate nutrition on a daily basis our risk profile for disease drops exponentially. In fact, turning
to a highly nutritious diet has shown to have the power to completely reverse disease.
A healthy diet is one that is plant-centered and organic and includes a variety of foods. Contrary to popular belief,
it does not mean needing to starve oneself but rather includes eating for nutritional needs.
• A variety of vegetables
• A variety of fruits
Many of our experts use detoxification as a way to reverse disease, alongside a highly nutritional diet. There are
many things that we need to detox from which include heavy metals, mycotoxins, chemicals, pesticides, inhalants,
and more. All of these things burden our system, lowering our immunity or doing the opposite and causing it to
go into overdrive which leads to autoimmunity.
One of our experts, Dr. Cathleen Gerenger shares insight into the importance of detoxing.
“What we need to do is that we have to address the root cause. What is broken? What’s that broken link? What
can we do to repair it? First thing we need to do is just detoxify the body. A lot of times when you have that tight
junction, it becomes loose like this and you have protein seeping through, not only the protein seeping through,
you have food allergens. And then it creates this autoimmune response where it weakens your immune system so
more parasites, more fungus, things start to invade your gut lining, so it causes an imbalance in your microbiome.
In order for us to really create this whole system and rebalance that gut microbiome, you have to detoxify. Get
rid of those parasites. Get rid of those toxins. And how can you do it? Number one, move your bowels. That’s so
simple. Try to poop every day, or even twice a day.
Slippery elm is one of the great things to move your bowels.
Marshmallow root. That’s another herb that you’re able to take to
really help you move your bowels because once when you move your
bowels, it’s not sitting in your stomach anymore. And I often have
patients that say, “But Dr. Gerenger, I move my bowels every day.
How come I still have these issues?” Going back, remember how long
your small intestine is? It’s about 23 feet long. Your large intestine can
be approximately 25 to 27 feet long. So maybe you’re just dumping
only the lower half of your large intestine and not the upper half. So
that’s why, when you introduce new food in, you’re burping, you’re
belching because it’s been fermented. It’s fermented right in your
gut. And yes, so that’s just disgusting. So I was like you have to make
sure that you put the right nutrients back in there and get that bowel
movement going. So one of the important ingredients that really
helps your body detoxify is rhodiola rosea and also silymarin.
Jonathan Otto: Hyper-nourishing as it’s referred to by a colleague of ours, Dr. Brooke Goldner.
Jonathan Otto: Fasting. Dr. Ealy’s been talking about a 3-day water fast and that having a connection to 11 days
of immune priming, leading up. Or coming after, and then repeating that cycle. 11 days of immune priming, 3-day
water fast. So here’s just a few of the therapies. I’m also looking at redox molecules, redox signaling molecules,
and so that’s an area of discovery. But which of these areas would you like to talk about and to help explain to
people how to use these tools? Because, let’s say if it’s colonics, people won’t know where to go. Let’s say if it’s
coffee enemas, how should they do it? Let’s say if it’s a greens type protocol, what does that look like? And have
you break it down, and why you believe it’s effective for vaccine injury, and if you’ve seen any cases where it’s
been effective and you’ve documented that.
Dr. Russell Marz: Yeah. I mean, so a great example is last night, a friend of mine, dear friend, I’ve known for 42
years, he came down with a sarcoma cancer about 5 years ago, and it’s come back with a vengeance, and it’s
metastasized all over his body. And so he’s going to go down to the... There’s a clinic down in Mesa, Arizona, where
they do a whole constellation of different therapies, intravenous therapies. We watched the movie, I watched it
with him, Max Gerson. So Max Gerson, 50 cancer cures, physician back in the ‘30s in New York City, has amazing
track record, and it’s all about choosing. So, he was inspired because before we watched the movie, I can tell, he
had just gone in for a liver biopsy, he was in terrible pain for 7 to 10 days after the biopsy.
He went back a couple times. They couldn’t tell him what happened. Normally that doesn’t happen when you
get a biopsy, that you’re in pain for 7 to 10 days, but it happened to him. So, him watching the movie, and it was
a unique opportunity because I narrated the movie for him, and so I’d stop it, and I would explain different things
in there, and he got the message. And it’s powerful when you see people with advanced stage cancer and they
get cured. It happens. I’m sure it happens spontaneously sometimes, but most of the time when it happens, it
happens for a reason. It doesn’t just spontaneously happen. And so, to be able to tap into that, into the mindset
that you can heal, because at this point, he doesn’t have that in his mind. I can tell. He’s ready to die.
But after watching the movie, I could tell he was a little bit more inspired. So I think that’s really, really important
to inspire people. He mentioned Dr. Brooke Goldner. I heard her speak about 6 years ago at a conference, and
there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience when she told her story because it was rather dramatic. So I have a
bunch of books in my office, and my favorite thing to prescribe to patients is her books. So Goodbye Lupus, little
paperback, goes into detail about how to juice and how to combine them and what the process is of getting into
Jonathan Otto: Which we can talk about, which should be great, actually. Let’s talk about that. What is that
protocol? Why is that valuable? I’m just going to tell everyone here that my sister-in-law, Erin Castile Lichtenwalter,
we’ve had her on camera. In a 4-week period of time she was able to take the rheumatoid arthritis that she had
since the age of 9 years old, and lupus, which she was the furthest progression of lupus that you can have, she
reversed both of those conditions. Her markers were as if she did not have those conditions. So asymptomatic in
a 4-week period using the diet we’re about to explain.
Jonathan Otto: Exactly. And this is the reason why I believe, because lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are autoimmune
conditions, which is a immune system dysfunction due to toxicity. That’s what I’m saying. That’s my thesis. And
because of that, then when we want to combat a COVID-19 vaccine injury, we have to look at autoimmunity.
Jonathan Otto: And we have to resolve that at the core. Do you agree with the thesis? And how do you do that
particular diet?
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, I mean, Max Gerson, I don’t think that Dr. Goldner uses coffee enemas in her protocol,
but that’s a big thing.
Dr. Russell Marz: Yeah. And that’s kind of what I do for my patients. I have several protocols, and they’re hybrids.
They combine a little bit of other practitioner’s therapies. I mean, intravenous vitamin C is something that you can
add to a simple protocol and that’s great, but the colonics or coffee enemas, I think they’re both valuable, and
they both can be used simultaneously or separately. So we know that the intestinal tract is the largest organ of
immunology, and when that gets affected by many things, we mentioned about glyphosate.
We know glyphosate causes an opening of the tight junctions in the intestinal wall, and that sets the stage for leaky
gut and autoimmune disease because we start absorbing things that we’re not supposed to absorb. And that’s
why the juicing is so valuable because you don’t really need to digest juice. It’s basically simple carbohydrates. You
might need a little enzymes from the small intestine, the maltase and the sucrase, but basically there’s not really
protein to break down.
Jonathan Otto: And with this, you’re saying juice, but it’s some of the protocols we’re talking about, like Dr.
Goldner’s, is actually more smoothies, right? So you’re just using those words interchangeably, but smoothie
would be more technical.
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, I mean, what defines a smoothie from a juice? Usually, I think if it’s something thicker, and
you add stuff in there.
Jonathan Otto: Yeah. Where juice seems to go through a cold press machine or something that then presses, and
so then the fiber is left behind, whereas a smoothie, the whole thing goes in.
Jonathan Otto: But anyway, I’m just saying. Because juicing also, in the sense of pressing the vegetable, is also
good. And Gerson very much focused on that type of juicing versus the smoothies, whereas these other ones are
more fiber rich and certainly more cost effective, at least, for people, because you fill up on that because you’re
not losing any part of the plant.
Dr. Russell Marz: Right, so something to add about that. There’s a juice place right near my clinic, and I went
there, and I met the owner, and he happened to have a Norwalk juicer. And because I wanted to experience him
making a juice with the Norwalk juicer and then also with the Vitamix. And I can tell you that if you’re consuming
a large amount of juice, it’s going to be a lot easier to consume the one in the Norwalk juicer that’s gotten rid
of the fiber. It’s a much denser, easier to swallow, it’s not going to bloat you up like if you do a Vitamix where it’s
whipped up with air and all that like if you do a Vitamix where it’s whipped up with air and all that fiber is in there.
So I think they both have their advantages. But I think to start would be better to do the juice without the fiber,
and then add the fiber in gradually and allow the digestive tract the chance to rest the little bit, because fiber is
going to stimulate peristalsis.
Now, in my protocol, I use magnesium. I give people some magnesium to keep their bowel movements going. So
if they’re having a low-residue juice and they’re not pooping, I think it’s important to keep getting things moving.
That’s the benefit of doing either a colonic or doing coffee enemas. Coffee enema’s definitely going to clear you
out, and allegedly, I did some research on this, do they actually stimulate glutathione transferase? Maybe. It’s
unclear to me, but I think that it definitely has value. And I think that it can be incorporated into a number of
different protocols.
But back to doing the smoothies, I think the goal is to try to get as many different plant flavonoids. There’s a
wonderful book that I tell everyone to get. It’s called Foods to Fight Cancer. In 2017, Gingras and Beliveau from
France did this amazing compilation of foods and all their ingredients, like flax seeds and broccoli sprouts and
green tea, talking about epigallocatechin gallate, like compounds that are in there that are anti-cancer, how the
enzyme myrosinase converts glucosinolate into sulforaphane, which is a really powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-
cancer substance.
So those are the things that I want my patients to get, and I want them to get a diversity of them. And we need
to make sure that they’re not having an allergic reaction because you mentioned about autoimmune disease.
We know there’s a famous allergist back in the ‘70s, Dr. Marshall Mandell. He wrote a dozen books on allergies.
I preceptored when I was in school with him. He was older then. He wrote a book called 5-Day Allergy Relief
System. I think it was great. He used to fast people to diagnose them for their allergies. Then he would have them
bring one food back at a time. Then he would observe any type of reaction that they had. If they reacted to that
food, that food was out. So he created this 5- to 7-day rotary diet.
And that’s something that I think Dr. Goldner doesn’t address that issue about rotating foods. But I think it’s
important for some people that those foods need to be rotated, especially like citrus fruit is up there on the allergy
scale. So, at first I would say, keep citrus out of there. Lower allergy foods, celery, carrots, kale, or- I was just at
an environmental conference, and they’re like, “Well, kale is loaded with arsenic and cadmium.” I’m like, “Oh my
God. Okay. All right. There’s got to be kale that doesn’t have those things in it.” The one I grow from my garden
probably doesn’t have it.
That’s another thing that I try to really instill in my patients that everyone needs to grow some food wherever you
live. If you live in an apartment, you can grow a lemon tree. I have a lemon tree in my bathroom, and it has about
3 or 4 lemons on there. That is the most powerful thing that you can do is to grow the stuff that you’re going to
eat.Obviously you’re not going to be able to necessarily grow everything, but as much as you can.
Jonathan Otto: People can get those indoor growers where they cost maybe $400, $500. You can look them up
on Amazon, and you just grow everything inside, and it has the little lights on it, and you put the nutrients in.
Apparently there is more nutrient dense than what you get from the grocery store.
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, that’s another thing, and the area of interest of mine is, well, why can’t we hyper fertilize
our soil to the extent that the nutrients that are in those plants is going to come from this amazing mix of what
we put in the soil. John Hamaker wrote a book called Survival of Civilization. And in that book, he talks about how
plants need micro elements. So he did some experiments. He lived in Michigan, and he took this silt from a river
bed, and he put it in his garden on one half, no fertilizer, and the other half fertilized it. And the ones that he put
that fine silt, it was like sleeper, the broccoli was as big as a tree. They show pictures of the different vegetables on
the both sides. And so that’s, to me, the essence of medicine, and that’s where we need to be.
Jonathan Otto: What did he do with the fertilizer? How did he do that?
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, there was no fertilizer. So plants are basically carnivores. They eat the cytoplasm of
microorganisms. The microorganisms depend on a certain fineness of rock silt. So if you study a terminal moraine,
a terminal moraine is the edge of a glacier. So it grinds up really fine. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Glacier
Park. Anyway, so if you look at the lakes, they’re like this white blue, because they’re loaded with this very, very
fine silt.
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, all kinds of minerals, trace elements, selenium and chromium. Those trace elements feed
the microbes in the soil and when they grow, then the plants eat those microbes, and then they grow. World War
II, they had the victory gardens. So they got everyone to grow their own foods, and everyone was in on it. And
then after World War II, then that’s when all the bad things started happening. We started monoculturing, and
farms got bigger and bigger and bigger. Then we added all the toxic fertilizers and herbicides and pesticides and
all that thing. We’ve killed our soil. So, there’s no wonder why people are sick. Our soil is devoid of nutrients.
So again, another reason why I’m going to segue into doing intravenous nutrient therapies. That’s something that
people can seek out. There are a number of practitioners that practice this medicine. The analogy I like to give,
and I have a handout that I give to my patients, let’s say you have a garden, and the garden is square, and your
sprinkler goes around in a circle. Well, the corners of the garden aren’t going to really get as much water as that
circle on the inside. But let’s say you take a baby swimming pool, and you fill it with water, and then you fill it with
fertilizer,and the water, and then you dump that onto your garden. It soaks deep down into the soil, and now you
feed all the little root hairs of all the little plants. And you’ve got not only water, but you have nutrients that they
suck up. They’re going to be a lot more healthy, and you’re not going to need herbicides and pesticides as much.
So again, another reason why I’m going to segue into doing intravenous nutrient therapies. That’s something that
people can seek out. There are a number of practitioners that practice this medicine. The analogy I like to give,
and I have a handout that I give to my patients, let’s say you have a garden, and the garden is square, and your
sprinkler goes around in a circle. Well, the corners of the garden aren’t going to really get as much water as that
circle on the inside. But let’s say you take a baby swimming pool, and you fill it with water, and then you fill it with
fertilizer,and the water, and then you dump that onto your garden. It soaks deep down into the soil, and now you
feed all the little root hairs of all the little plants. And you’ve got not only water, but you have nutrients that they
suck up. They’re going to be a lot more healthy, and you’re not going to need herbicides and pesticides as much.
There’s still a whole science of getting ladybugs, they eat the aphids and all that stuff. For me, that’s where
science should be. We should be studying that... Biomimicry. There’s a way to do things that doesn’t harm the
environment and doesn’t create more pathologies. Autoimmune disease, which, as you know, is rapidly on the
rise, exponential, the amount of autoimmune disease that we see.
Jonathan Otto: Yeah. Basically all diseases that we know of all have an autoimmune origin. Even dementia and
Alzheimers are understood to be as autoimmune disease by many scientists that have really proven that case.
And then it was 100, fairly recently. More recently it’s over 200 now, autoimmune diseases, diseases that are
classed as being autoimmune. So just understanding, well, this is just a process, this is a mechanism of action, and
we can discover it, understand it, and then just stop it and use high mineral diets and diets that don’t trigger leaky
gut, which makes sense with the gluten-free diet, if you’re in agreement with that.
Jonathan Otto: Awesome. A lot of people don’t get this, especially the plant based guys don’t understand why it’s
an important thing. Because of the gene mutation. And they say, “Well, it’s not a GMO, but it is a gene mutation.”
So why don’t you acknowledge the fact that the gene has been mutated to such an extent that it yields so much
of this protein called gluten, that it was used to try to feed the world allegedly. Nobel Peace prize won for it. It’s
not a natural structure.
So those that really want to do things God’s way, for example, if they want to go with the original design, they don’t
want mRNA tech in their body, maybe they also don’t want gene alteration. For example, not to be compared with
changing the color of a plant or something like this, because that is not technically classed as genetic splicing or
gene mutation. Whereas the other is.
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, you’re absolutely right. I know Dr. McDougall and they don’t really pay any attention to
allergies and whatnot and gluten. That’s fine.
Dr. Russell Marz: It’s not fine. It’s actually really important to address. And that’s something, as I mentioned,
Dr. Mandell paid intimate attention to. And so when we look at wheat, if you remember, you’re too young, Dr.
Bronowski. They used to make fun on Monte Python. “Dr. Bronowski, he says this.” Anyway, he did a book called
The Ascent of Man, and it’s on video. You can watch it. He talks about the first hybridization of wheat, and that
happened about 8,000 BC. And it was an Einkorn wheat and a wild goatgrass. And both of those seeds, when they
grew, they flew off into the air. When they naturally hybridized, they hybridized in such a way is that the seedling
would fall straight to the ground. And it was the first time that humans were able to collect the seeds. They didn’t
just blow away.
That’s actually the beginning of all war, because now there was something to steal from those other humans,
aside from their men and women and stuff. It was the food. So that was the beginning of agriculture, about 8,000
BC. And it had to do with that first accidental hybridization of that wheat.
So if we go back, and spelt is a more ancient form of wheat. It hasn’t been hybridized nearly as much as the ones
that we see. So that’s something that we need to pay attention to. But then there’s all those other seeds. There’s
quinoa that’s gluten free and amaranth and buckwheat. That’s one of the things that I do in my practice with my
patients. I have recipes that I’ve created. So a bowl of cream of buckwheat has about 30 grams of fiber. Well, that’s
half of what you need for the day. I add pomegranate seeds and wild blueberries. And I put flax seeds in there,
and it’s all on my recipe and stuff.
Sometimes I even make it for my patients. I’ll have it made, and I’ll send them home with it and say, “Okay, add
some soy milk or some almond milk to this and heat it up. Make sure you stir really well. You’re going to really
enjoy this.” And they’re like, “Wow, that was really good. Mine doesn’t come out like that.” Well, that’s where the
mastery of how to cook, make it creamy and stuff.
But I think that’s the most powerful thing that we can do is train people to eat well and cook well. I was just giving
you the analogy of dumping the little kiddie pool into the garden. Well, that analogy has to do with intravenous
vitamin cocktails, where you’re giving someone really high dose of vitamin C, really high dose of selenium, zinc,
potassium, and there’s an unlimited number of nutrients that you could add. Quercetin and curcumin all can be
added to the IV. So a skilled IV clinician is like a skilled chef. They could make all these amazing dishes, and they
can make them specific for an individual. Some person might need a lot more vitamin C than another person. I’ve
treated cases of pneumonia. I’ve treated cancer cases. Surprises me sometimes how well they respond. It’s like,
“Wow. That’s pretty good.” “Oh yeah. I know about that.”
Jonathan Otto: That’s awesome. With the IV therapies?
Dr. Russell Marz: Well, skin, you have an organism that is damaged for whatever reason. Autoimmune disease,
they’ve got vaccine injury. They’ve got years of not eating well and doing bad things. And now you flood their body
with these concentrated nutrients. And the body wakes up. It’s like, oh, that’s pretty good.
I treated a case of COVID. A woman got it naturally. She was pretty sick for about 7 or 8 days. We did one IV, just
one IV on her. I can’t remember if I did ozone on her. I think it was vitamin C. She responded beautifully. She
was like, “Wow. I’m like 90% feeling better.” I’m like, “Let’s do one more.” I did one more 3 or 4 days later. She
was basically healed. She was like, “ Wow, it’s pretty good.” Just imagine if we did that to all of our people. Such
a simple therapy. It’s not anything that’s spectacularly fancy and whatnot. You don’t need special proteins, et
cetera. Just nutrients. Anyway.
Jonathan Otto: So that’s how I understand that. Is that how you understand it? Have you had patients do that and
get results?
Dr. Russell Marz: Yeah, like I mentioned before, there’s a lot of overlap between different places like Hippocrates
Institute, and then there’s the Gerson Therapy and then Brooke Goldner. So try to pick and choose some of the
things. I think that’s great, any chance to get- Flaxseeds is a really, really important thing, and Dr. Gerson uses
flaxseeds and flax oil. He’s a big fan of flax oil. I love the flaxseeds for sure. But I think sprouts is a really important
thing. I don’t think Dr. Goldner uses a lot of sprouts. So I think sprouts is a really important thing because they’re
super concentrated in nutrients.
Although, I was at this conference, and I was sad to hear that not all broccoli sprouts have glucosinolate in them.
That’s the ingredient that gets changed into sulforaphane. So you need to measure the amount of glucosinolate
in your seeds before they’re sprouted in order to determine if there’s going to be the main ingredients that you
want. But again, that’s what we should be paying attention to, those kinds of details, like making sure that the
foods that we’re growing have those nutrients, like lycopene in watermelon or lycopene in tomato. What is the
concentration of those phytonutrients in those foods, and how do we grow those foods best to get maximum
amount of those things?
I haven’t corroborated this, but carrots from 70 years ago had much higher levels of carotenoids in them than they
do today. I know just from getting carrots from different sources. When I do my fast, I have this soup broth that
I make. It’s the soup broth that Otto Buchinger created at his fasting clinic, and it has potatoes and it has carrots
and kale and the greens of carrots. I add some other things like shiitake mushrooms for immunity and stuff, but
I noticed while I’m preparing it’s like, “Wow, this carrot is so much sweeter than this particular batch over here.
Okay, these have to be much better for you.”
It’s the same like tomatoes. I never eat tomatoes going out just because they’re horrible, or at the store. They
just don’t taste like the tomatoes that you grow at home. The ones at home are sweet. They’re a fruit. That’s why
they call tomato a fruit, because it’s really sweet. And that sweetness is a reflection of other nutrients, including
lycopene. So you can use your taste buds as a rule of thumb, whether that food is up to par.
Jonathan Otto: Hey guys, what’s up? This is Jonathan Otto and I’m with Dr. Henry Ealy. We are in Oregon right
now, and we have a kitchen, which is great because this is kind of where the work gets done.
Jonathan Otto: It’s where the battle is fought, it’s either won or lost when it comes to what we put in our bodies
on a daily basis, and starting the day right can be one of the biggest critical factors. Getting the right nutrition in,
doing it in a way that is simple, easy, straightforward, cost-effective, something that you can incorporate as a habit.
Jonathan Otto: Now that’s where something can become a habit because we will do things that taste good. That’s
like kinda human behavior, so we owe it to ourselves to learn how to do things that are healthy and delicious.
A lot of what we’re going to be doing here really essentially has some raw elements. Certainly, the peanuts or the
berries are raw, and that kind of thing. The shake maybe not, but yeah, again, a lot of it has that natural enzymes
that come from the plants.
Dr. Henry Ealy: For sure, yeah. Especially with the frozen blueberries, tons of natural enzymes. The nice thing
about buying things that are frozen is that they’re often picked and then frozen almost right away. So you get
some of that locked in. Now that depends on the company. There’s always some funny stuff that goes on behind
the scenes, depending upon the company. But I think what’s really important, and what I wanted to share with
your audience, was this is what I do.
And it’s like, I can’t tell anybody what to do, but I can show you what I do and why this helps me get through a
full 16, 20-hour some days, day. And it’s not the only thing I eat, but it really is a great way to make sure you’ve
given your cells all the nutrients they need right in the morning. I call this my morning cup of qi. All right? So we’re
gonna get some energy in and everything.
The first thing I wanna share with everybody is number one, absolute importance on attention to detail for
organics. Yep, we know there’s issues everywhere, even in the organic industry, right? We know that. But you do
yourself a disservice when you put foods that you know are likely sprayed with pesticides into your body. So buy
organic. These are organic, frozen blueberries. You can choose any berries or any fruits that you want to form your
base. Some of my students love doing avocados and they’ve kinda started getting me into doing a lot of organic
avocados and getting those good fats in.
But what we wanna do is make sure that we have a good base. So we have, right in here right now, blueberries.
Frozen, organic blueberries. We’re going to put some Biodynamic Apple Juice in here, this is from Lakewood. Love
this company, they’ve been doing such a great job for so many years. So we add some of that in there, and that’s
probably enough right there in terms of juice. This is a smoothie that’ll probably feed about two people. We’re
gonna put something together for that.
You can also use whatever juice you want. This pineapple juice is fantastic. Pineapples, very high in manganese.
Manganese, very essential for the production of superoxide dismutase. That’s an antioxidant that’s specific for the
mitochondria. So everything that you’re gonna see me doing here is about with my mitochondria in mind, with
what can I do to help them produce energy at the cell level throughout the whole day, right?
So we have the blueberries in there. Blueberries, tons of quercetin. Quercetin’s gonna be fantastic as a mass cell
stabilizer. It’s gonna be fantastic to speed up nerve conduction and recollection. It gonna be fantastic for pushing
zinc into cells. So, that’s the thing that’s so exciting about nutrients, is that they do so many wonderful things, and
when you start putting them together, they can synergize.
So blueberries, we’re getting all that quercetin, we’re getting a bunch of polyphenols as well, we’re getting some
anthocyanins, and we’re getting it without any pesticides. That’s with the organic, right, why we need it. We’d
use the organic, pure Biodynamic in this case, which is that organic 2.0, it’s that next level, right? It’s like regen
agriculture. This is what Rudolf Steiner was talking about, was biodynamics.
With apples, this is that really good apple juice where you have a bunch of nutrients at the bottom. It’s not that
clear stuff, because apple juice shouldn’t be clear. So if you’re buying clear and it says organic, it’s just basically
filtered sugar water. Get the real stuff where there’s some nutrients. Make sure with your juices, if you’re buying
them bottled, you want to have to shake them up. Right? That’s a good rule of thumb right there.
You can use other things, like we talked about with the pineapple juice, with a little bit of manganese in here.
This is one of my favorite things for helping to take care of it. You can see that right there. I have to shake it up
to actually get all those nutrients have a heavier weight, so they settle at the bottom. It’s not just fiber or some,
“What’s at the bottom?” It’s actually nutrients. Shake that stuff up and make sure you get in there. You’re paying
top dollar, you might as well.
Jonathan Otto: And if people can get the whole pineapple, they could just chop it off their garden.
Jonathan Otto: Which would be the one step above, still. Right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right. Exactly. Always. Things that come fresh off of what you’ve grown or you’ve gone to a
farmer’s market and you want to make your own juice? Always the best. Always the best, especially when you
know the farmer or especially if that farmer’s you. That’s always number one. These are for people that are like
me, I don’t have a farm. So I got to kind of do some stuff here.
Jonathan Otto: But you seem to think, then, that if you went to the grocery store and you got to choose between
the organic pineapple or the organic juice, you would choose the juice? Or would you still...
Dr. Henry Ealy: For nutrition, I would probably use the actual pineapple. But now you get into a place where you
start making the good the enemy of the perfect. You know what I mean?
Dr. Henry Ealy: You know? So it’s like if you’re already at that place where it’s like, “Look, I’m just trying to get...”
Don’t worry about it. You grow into it. My first supplement I ever tried, Jonathan, over 20 years ago, was this Sun
Chlorella A. The first thing I ever tried. It’s still in my diet to this day. I can feel it when I’m not taking it.
This is chlorella, it’s the highest source of chlorophyll, plus it’s got Omega-3 fatty acids in it, plus it’s got a beautiful
amino acid profile, beautiful mineral profile and everything. It’s just- You could actually survive on this and water.
It would be a terrible existence, but you could survive on this and water if that’s all you had available. Okay? That’s
a complete food.
And then you get the added benefit of the chlorophyll, which is gonna help you make the red blood cells, and the
red blood cells are gonna bind oxygen and oxygen is gonna carry it to the mitochondria. Mitochondria are gonna
start producing more energy. See? What we’re always trying to do is get more oxygen into the tissues. That’s why
wearing a mask is the worst thing you could do for somebody’s health. Because you’re suppressing the ability to
bring oxygen in for the production of energy.
Dr. Henry Ealy: So at any rate, when we’re looking at this, it’s like now we have a base. We have our organic frozen
blueberries. Could be any other berry, but I love this one, because it’s got a huge nutrient profile without so much
sugar. Because I do put other sugar in, obviously, with the juice and everything.
I like mine a little creamier. Usually I like oat milk. We didn’t have any for this taping, but you could use whatever
milk, whether plant-based milk and hopefully organic plant-based milk, you really like. And I just put a little dab in
there, a little dab so I get a little creaminess in there, you know?
This is really good. One of my favorite things about the smoothie idea is you can get a ton of nutrients into this and
it can be a complete food. It tastes great, and this is how you get it into kids, right? Kids aren’t gonna be swallowing
a bunch of pills and capsules and stuff like that, right? So you get things, you could open up a capsule and put it in
there. Kid’s not gonna know. Right?
It’s like hiding broccoli in mashed potatoes for kids, right? It’s just like, “Yeah, just chop that up.” “What are all
these green spots?” “Oh those green spots? Nah, it’s nothing.” Right? And then all of a sudden they’ve eaten a
whole thing of broccoli with their mashed potatoes. Big deal, right? You know how it is as a parent, you got to
make some bargain. You gotta do a little bargain.
Now, I’m gonna put in a little bit extra quercetin with some Vitamin C right here, and the quercetin I’m putting,
the reason I’m doing that is so we can really push that zinc into the cell, because that’s going to be antiviral and
activate antiviral enzymes, but also stabilize those mast cells. So many people that are feeling really bad, especially
if they’re hurt by the shots, are having pro-inflammatory reactions that just aren’t shutting off.
This, quercetin in high doses, helps to stabilize mast cells, so histamine release goes down and then inflammation
goes down with it. Especially with this, quercetin plus Omega-3 fatty acids. Not so much the 6, the 6 will actually
promote something else. But the Omega-3s are going to be really essential for lowering the inflammatory cascade.
So we put this in there, and careful with quercetin, because you get some on your clothes, you’re going to be
yellow for a while. We have that in there, and then we go, “Okay, well what else could I put in there? Oh, I know.
This looks pretty good.” Let’s go ahead and add in some vegan protein powder with branched chain amino acids
and therapeutic amounts of some of these amino acids. Especially the amino acids, essential for healing up leaky
gut. Bam. Now we’ve taken care of that. Right?
Jonathan Otto: Wow. And it’s interesting, that’s pea protein, and pea protein, the amino acid profile is actually
very similar to whey protein. Which is awesome, because whey protein still has the downside, often, of the fact
that it’s dairy, some people, it’s not gonna be the best thing for them.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Yeah, I can’t do it, exactly for that reason.
Dr. Henry Ealy: I would love to do whey protein, but it just is pro-inflammatory for me because I have a delayed
food allergy to it.
Jonathan Otto: There you go.
Dr. Henry Ealy: I can’t do it. So, the Vega Sport is good. Sunwarrior, fantastic. I think you find the one that tastes
right for you, because while this one isn’t organic, they’re moving in that direction with their product line, and
you kind of have to make some choices. “Do I trust these people? Do I trust that they’re putting out a quality
product?” Right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: And again, don’t make the good the enemy of the perfect. Right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: It’s just a waste of energy for all of us. So, really good amino acid profile here. What I really like are
the branched-chain amino acids in there. And I really like that you get a therapeutic amount of the amino acids
that are essential for healing up leaky gut. So now my gut integrity is going to be strong every time I’m putting this
kind of smoothie together. Love it.
Jonathan Otto: Do you remember the amino acids that are good for healing leaky gut?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Well, leaky gut, my goodness. I knew you were gonna ask me that. No no, It’s glutamic acid or
glutamine. Alright? L-glutamine is our traditional one, but the thing with L-glutamine is you really got to get into
the 3000 milligrams kind of dosage to get that in for a therapeutic range. All right?
You’ll see people saying, “Well, I’m taking L-glutamine,” and you go, “Okay, you’re taking L-glutamine.” The next
question has to be, “How much are you taking?” Because you’ll see people saying, “I’m taking L-glutamine,” and
they’re taking like 250 milligrams. Well, that’s not enough of that to do what you’re intending it to do. So what we
have to do is make sure it’s here.
What I love about this formulation, and I haven’t confirmed it with Sunwarrior yet, but I would assume they’re
similar profiles, is that with one scoop, in addition to all the other amino acids I’m getting, all these amino acids
that are precursors for neurotransmission and cognitive thinking and wound repair and muscular health and all
this other stuff, I’m getting L-glutamine in the amount. It’s right below 3500. I’m getting amino acids, L-glutamine,
so I can heal up any issues in my digestive tract to keep these junctions, Jonathan, between cells really tight.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Yeah. What you have is you have one cell here, one cell here in your digestive tract, and they’re
gonna kind of do this. Right? They’re gonna kinda merge together right here. And what’s holding them together,
they’re little protein staples, they’re called desmosomes and hemidesmosomes. And that’s what keeps them from
pulling apart. Right?
But if we’re missing L-glutamine, what happens is those staples start to erode and degrade over time, and what
happens is you start to create these little gaps. And those little gaps are what creates leaky gut. So things that
shouldn’t get into the bloodstream without going through the cell can now get directly in. And because it’s not in
the size that it needs to be to be digested, the immune system has to attack it.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right? And then that’s a pro-inflammatory response. You’ve just spent all this wonderful money
on organic foods, you just went through all this stuff to get everything right, and then you didn’t address the main
issue. The main issue being what you’re eating, which should be healthy for you, is actually problematic because
your intestinal health isn’t where it’s supposed to be.
We can talk all day about intestinal health and gap junctions, leaky gut syndrome and microbiome, and all that.
What we’re doing here is saying, “I’m gonna give myself something every morning.” Or let’s say 5 mornings out of
the week, right? “I’m going to give myself something frequently that’s addressing the potential of that happening
in my body.” I know I’m not allergic to peas. I know I’m not allergic to blueberries. I know I’m not allergic to apples.
How? Because I got tested, my blood, for delayed food allergies to know that my immune system digs those things.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Personally. It’s a way to personalize so you don’t have to guess. So many people are terrified of the
foods that they eat. They’re just absolutely afraid of anything they eat, because they don’t know what’s making
them feel bad and what’s not. So then, what we get into is, “Oh my God, everything gluten is bad.” No, I do great
on gluten, but somebody else doesn’t.
I do terrible on yeast. You give me some yeast and I might as well be one of the Fantastic Four characters, the
Johnny Flame On or whatever that guy is. Because everything goes into inflammation for me. See, now other
people do great with yeast.
See, this is where we have to move from is, you can have a starting point with nutrition where you go, “Okay,
everybody needs this,” because we know your cells need this. Like, everybody needs B-complex to produce energy
at the mitochondrial level. We know this. Right?
But now what we have to- once we’ve established that foundation is start getting into personalization. And
personalization is, “Let’s test your blood. Let’s not guess when we can know. Let’s not read a book and think that
that applies a hundred percent to everybody. Let’s actually get your blood, give it to a lab that knows what they’re
doing, and then know exactly what you should eat and what you shouldn’t.”
Because health has to be that balance between, “Okay, those things make me feel bad.” Those are probably going
to be indulgences for you. Maybe once a month, something like that. Nothing big. But these other things, here’s
all your staples. These are the things that are gonna help you produce energy. Right?
Jonathan Otto: Yeah. And what I’d just say quickly to those that are curious on this question of gluten. So, gluten
is a naturally occurring protein in many different grains, which in itself is not a bad thing. Which is interesting. But
it is interesting that what happened in the ‘60s with the Nobel Peace Prize that was won to genetically engineer
this protein so that it would yield so much of the gluten. And then, they dwarfed the plant, they took it from a
head-high plant down to a knee-high plant. It now yielded 8 times as much as it did previously. And then it was
engineered to produce much more of this protein, which was gluten, to feed the world, because of the protein
was the part that they were engineering.
Because of this, that’s why I personally avoid wheat, even though I’m not necessarily someone that completely
avoids all gluten, whether it’s Einkorn or spelt or something else. But I think that when we look at the gene
alteration, and we look at these gene-altering “vaccine”, supposed vaccines, you see, “Wow, why is it that they’re
trying to genetically alter the corn and the wheat and the soy?”
And so for me, I opt out of those, but I also think it’s important for people not to be afraid of something, and the
more healing that goes on in the gut, the more that when you’re exposed to it, it doesn’t actually affect you very
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right. It’s a brilliant point you’re making right there. When you have good digestive health, good
gut integrity, strong microbiome, and you have the nutrients your cells need to produce energy, what happens is
your room for error goes from here to here. And now you can have an indulgences, and you’re gonna feel it, but
it’s not gonna be something that wipes you out.
When you’re here because you’re deficient in nutrients and you’re eating foods that your body’s reacting to and
you don’t even know which foods those are, your room for error’s here. And now when you eat something, it’s
gonna take you over the edge every single time. And when that happens, what it does is it creates a situation
where now we’re traumatized by our perception of food, by our relationship with food.
And food is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated. That’s why I agree with you, we should be looking for the heirloom
varieties of all these, right? The things that haven’t been modified. Because then, especially when they’re grown
in nutrient-rich soil, rich with mycorrhizae, what you start getting is what the food is supposed to taste like.
You see, taste in food is correlated to nutrient density in that food. The better something tastes, the more nutrients
are in it. So, if you eat a conventional blueberry, for example, and then you eat with all the pesticides, it’s gonna
be a little bitter, because it’s nutrient deficient, plus the pesticides are bitter.
And then you take a organic one and it’s like, “Oh, that tastes better.” And then you go and you get one that’s
regenerative agriculture or biodynamic, you’re like, “Oh, what’s that?” And then you get one that’s biodynamic
that was also raised in like volcanic ash as the nutrient base for the soil and everything. You’re like, “Whoa!”
And then you get this thing where you’re like, “That’s what it’s supposed - I’ve been - “ And you realize how much
you’re paying for garbage. When all we had to do was just follow the plan all along, just keep cycling and healing
the soil, and the soil will produce infinitely. You know what I mean? It’s this crazy thing. So, I agree with you on
that. So thank you for bringing it up.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Alright. So now, what I like to do is I really like to focus on neurotransmission. I do a lot of cognitive
work all day long. I got to think and be sharp and talk. Right? I got to have energy, but I gotta be sharp in my
That’s where the protein powder comes in, because all those amino acids become neurotransmitter precursors,
excuse me, they are neurotransmitter precursors. They become neurotransmitters. But when we look at this, this
is lecithin powder. Now this is from organic soy. Now, has it been modified? No. Right? We have to make sure
about that.
So, I won’t get lecithin… ‘cause you can also get it from sunflower, you can also get it from egg yolk. But I won’t get
it unless it’s an organic source for the reasons you mentioned. So this is a company I’ve been using for decades.
Premier Research Labs, Dr. Robert Marshall, before he passed away. Brilliant pioneer in the world of nutrition.
Dr. Henry Ealy: So, we put a little bit of the lecithin powder in here. Lecithin powder is gonna have ethanolamine in it,
it’s going to have acetyl- phosphatidyl- I shouldn’t say acetyl- phosphatidylcholine. And what phosphatidylcholine
becomes is acetylcholine in the body. And what acetylcholine is, is the most predominant neurotransmitter in the
body. Period. All right?
I’ve used this on children who are mild to moderate on the autistic spectrum, and what we find is that within a
month or 2, just on lecithin alone and some fixing of their diet, getting their diet alone, getting the monosodium
glutamate out and some of excitatory neurotransmitter stuff out, getting their digestion a little healthier, we get
them off the spectrum. Now they’re no longer autistic. Right? And the kids that are severe, we can get them into
a moderate state. You know, you can move people back into a state of health.
Dr. Henry Ealy: So we’ve seen that. So, that’s lecithin powder. Right? I mean, how cool is that? Right?
Jonathan Otto: Wow. And often people - ‘Cause the word sounds a little bit like lectin. It’s lecithin.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Lectin is gonna create sticky blood and it’s gonna be really bad. Right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right. But lecithin is gonna have the final neurotransmitter precursors so that you can make sure
your nervous system is working at its peak capacity, particularly in conjunction with quercetin. These two go- See,
and that’s the beautiful thing about nutrition. You start seeing where they connect and synergize. Right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: So these two work together. If I add in - This is an Omega 3-6-9 formula that I found that, it’s all
right. It’s Barlean’s, it’s pretty nice. I couldn’t find something that wasn’t available. It was out of stock, of course,
shortages. Made with just the Omega-3. Because I just wanted Omega-3, but I said, “You know what? I like oils.
My body craves oils.” So now what do we do? Squirt a little bit in there, right? Now we got some oil in there. Okay.
Dr. Henry Ealy: I would’ve… If I could have sourced a straight up 3, I would’ve just got 3. Because really, if we
can just get Omega-3 fatty acids, we get ‘em. ‘Cause you get - You’re gonna get plenty of Omega-6 fatty acids,
especially if you’re eating any meat. And you’re gonna get plenty of Omega-9s if you’re taking in something like
olive oil. Right? So Omega-3 is -
Dr. Henry Ealy: Yeah, totally. The 6s are the easiest of all the Omegas to get.
Jonathan Otto: And it’s the dominance in Omega-6s versus the minority of Omega-3s that causes the inflammation,
so a lot of people understand, when you starve the Omega-6s- And so, hence why straight up 3 would be the ideal.
But again, not making good the enemy of great.
Dr. Henry Ealy: You do what you can with what you got, right? But you understand why these things are doing -
So like If we look at the eicosanoid pathways, Omega-6s are gonna be pro-inflammatory. They can go down the
cascade and become pro-inflammatory. But there is one little shunt of that can come and be anti-inflammatory
as well. So it’s not all total. But ultimately what they can do is become arachidonic acid. And arachidonic acid is
pro-inflammatory, especially when cells are damaged.
So, a lot of times, what we see in our society is that people are - I’ve seen some papers that say we’re about 12:1,
20:1, Omega-6 to Omega-3. It’s a terrible ratio. We should be at least 1:1, Omega-3s to Omega-6s.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right? At least 1:1. Probably in this day and age, probably 2 or 3:1, Omega-3s to Omega-6s.
Jonathan Otto: Wow. The only way to do that is to push the grain intake down.
Dr. Henry Ealy: If you push the grain intake down and you lower the meat consumption, especially cow meat, and
you eliminate all feedlot meat, yes, your Omega-6 consumption is gonna go down, but here’s the other rub. You’ve
also got to lower your consumption of avocados. ‘Cause avocados are a fantastic source of Omega-6 fatty acids.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Okay? So if you like avocados - And that’s what I’m saying. You’re gonna drive yourself crazy trying
to find this elusive, perfect diet. It doesn’t exist. So, stop wasting your time with that, and just get into, “Okay, I
want my food to be organic, I wanna put a lot of nutrients in, and I’m gonna let those nutrients do their thing in
ways that we still don’t understand.” All right? So you just have faith, really, with what’s going on.
Jonathan Otto: Absolutely. It’s surprising to see, the more healthy whole food, raw food that we’re putting into
our bodies, the more all these numbers balance themselves out.
Dr. Henry Ealy: If you just give the body the nutrients it needs. I say this to my students all the time, the body
doesn’t need much, it doesn’t ask for much, but what it needs, it needs. If you just give it the nutrients, it figures
it out, and then what it does with that revelation is that it balances itself.
The body is always seeking homeostasis. It cannot get there without nutrients. That’s the key driving factor. And the
most important nutrients of all? Mitochondrial nutrients, because they’re going to be so essential for producing
energy to drive all these enzyme pathways in the cell and to get the cell doing what it’s supposed to do.
And this is the biggest error I see all across the board. “Take your Vitamin D, take your Vitamin C, take your Vitamin
A.” And you’re just like, “Okay, when are you gonna talk about mitochondria? When are you gonna talk about what
the mitochondria need to produce energy? Because Vitamin D, as great as it is, and it’s awesome, doesn’t help
mitochondria produce energy directly.” Vitamin C, same thing. Fantastic. Does not help mitochondria produce
So this is often the missing ingredient for most people, is they aren’t giving their body the nutrients that the
mitochondria need, but they’re giving them all these other nutrients. And then they can’t figure out why things
aren’t working. They aren’t working because you are not driving the energy production pathways. If you would
drive the energy production pathways, then you get to take less Vitamin C, less Vitamin D, less of all these nutrients,
and your body has a greater effect. That’s the key part of it. You could actually use -
I do this with herbalists all the time. Because they’re like - They’ll talk to me about their patients, and they’ll be
like, “Well, I had to increase the dosing on a herb. I had to increase this. I had to add another herb in.” And I’m
like, “Okay. How are you dealing with mitochondrial energy production?” They said, “What is that?” I said, “Okay,
great.” It’s the body’s ability to produce energy at the cell level.
So now that’s what mitochondria do. When you attend to them, guess what it does for the herbalist? Now you
don’t have to use as much of the herb to get the desired effect, because the energy is the rate-limiting step for
all healing. Right? The number one root cause of all disease, and you can look at this in any pathology book, the
number one commonality in terms of symptom presentation is fatigue. That makes fatigue the Rosetta Stone. It
makes energy production the absolute focal point for all healing.
Dr. Henry Ealy: All right? And when you’ve addressed that, now the Vitamin C becomes more effective. Now a
thuja occidentalis becomes more effective. Now a milk thistle becomes more effective. Now a turmeric becomes
more effective. You can actually see what this can do, because your body has the energy to utilize the medicinal
compounds within this. Without that energy, the body cannot utilize the medicinal compounds in here, so now
you naturally have to use more of it to try to get the desired effect, right?
If you want to conserve herbs and you wanna conserve nutrients and you wanna save patients money, focus on
the mitochondria. They’re the ones that are gonna decide whether a person’s going to heal or not anyway. And
guess where we get our mitochondria from.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Moms. All the mitochondria in your body came from your mother. Right? And so what we’re
seeing with all of these heavy metals going into the body through shots, through the water, through the teeth, all
the crap that’s going in, guess what they all do? The proton pump inhibitors, the statin drugs. Guess what they all
do? The masks. Guess what they all do?
Dr. Henry Ealy: They suppress mitochondrial energy production. In a big way. And guess what suppresses it more
than anything else now?
Jonathan Otto: What?
Dr. Henry Ealy: These experimental gene modification shots. The pathways are very, very clear. All right? So if you
want to heal, and really heal, you’ve got to tend to your mitochondria. You do that, and everything starts falling
in place for you.
I’ve seen it happen for 2 decades working with patients. It’s the number one thing I start with, is getting those
mitochondria taken care of. There isn’t a patient of mine that I don’t know what foods are good for them for
delayed food allergies. There isn’t a patient of mine that I don’t have on a multivitamin on some level, so that I can
make sure B-complex is getting into their body at a therapeutic amount. There’s the secret to my success.
Dr. Henry Ealy: All right? So we’ll put a little bit. I like a little peanut butter. You like peanut butter?
Jonathan Otto: It’s a very delicious tasting food. I love peanut butter.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Now, let’s talk about this. What’s the bad thing? What are we worried about?
Jonathan Otto: Okay.
Now you don’t have to worry about it. Don’t be afraid of your food. Don’t guess when you can know. That’s
where you need to get a delayed food allergy panel done. Don’t guess, but don’t ever fear your food because all
you’re doing when you fear your food, especially if it’s unknown, is you’re activating the sympathetic fight or flight
nervous system. And now you just put yourself in flight or fight mode. “I don’t know if this is gonna help me. I
don’t know.”
Now all these wonderful nutrients, all this money you just spent, now you put a big question mark on this and your
nervous system starts freaking out a little bit. And now you can’t digest this at the optimal level that you should
be able to digest this. Makes sense, right?
Jonathan Otto: Wow. Yeah, your mind is telling you, “This isn’t-”
Jonathan Otto: “We’re not going to heal ourselves. We’re not destined for success with this.”
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right. You’ve set yourself up to fail because you’re scared. Right? I keep encouraging everybody.
Never live a nanosecond of your life in fear.
Dr. Henry Ealy: It’s okay to get hurt. Some things don’t feel good. Right? That’s all right.
Jonathan Otto: With the peanut butter, someone could use almond butter, they could use walnut butter, hazelnut
butter, you know, you could choose.
Jonathan Otto: Exactly. You could skip it. It’s a taste thing. And for me, I did a food sensitivity test, right now I am
sensitive to almonds, and it’s probably because I’ve eaten almond butter a lot and almonds. So I’d be better off,
myself, to switch it out with the peanut butter. But in the future, I’d probably switch it back.
Jonathan Otto: Sure.
Dr. Henry Ealy: See, what’s crazy about the immune system is it changes every 7 years. So, maybe something you
ate 7 years ago was totally fine. Almonds. But then it’s now 7 years later, your immune system has changed and
saying, “We don’t like those anymore.” And then maybe 7 years from then it goes, “You know what? We can eat
those again.”
Dr. Henry Ealy: All right? That’s a question that we have speculated on and nobody’s definitively solved that. You
know, why does that happen? Why is the sky blue? Why is grass green? At a certain point, you just say, “Look,
that’s what it is. And that’s where I am.”
For me, yeast. 10, 20 years ago when I first got tested, if I would think about yeast, I’d have an inflammatory response,
a psychosomatic inflammatory response in the body. Now if I have a little yeast, I can feel the inflammation. But I
can still have it as an indulgence if I want to.
Right? It’s like, “I know what I’m getting with this. I’m not afraid of it. But I’m also sometimes out on traveling,”
and sometimes you’re out with family or somebody makes something. They make something, you’re like, “Oh, I
was thinking about you, and I made all of this, and I slaved over this,” and you’re like, “What are you gonna do?
Turn that down?”
Dr. Henry Ealy: It’s like, “No, I’m gonna eat that. And I’m gonna bless it, and then I’m gonna take some digestive
enzymes and some hydrochloric acid with it too.”
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right. Give yourself to break this stuff down. So last thing we’ll put in here is a little bit of some
minerals. These are some Premier pH minerals to just kinda help balance out.
Jonathan Otto: And here I am thinking you’re putting vanilla essence in.
Jonathan Otto: Which I’m sure you would probably put in if we had it and you wanted to make that flavor, right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: If I did, I’ll put herbs in it. This the great thing-
Jonathan Otto: But this is ionic minerals, okay? Which would be - I mean, you’re talking about a lot of different
trace minerals. Magnesium, fluoride, sodium, potassium sulfate, sulfur, lithium.
Dr. Henry Ealy: And that’s not the end of it. That’s just what they put on that little label right there. If you go to
their page there’s even more in there.
Jonathan Otto: I’m sure. Because naturally carrying in the trace minerals.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Okay. What did we do? Organic, organic, organic, right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Yeah, we already had plenty of juice in there, so I didn’t need any in there, but we can put a little
- Nah, we’ll leave it out.
Jonathan Otto: Now, this is now gonna be a flavor question. Do you want to put the pineapple and the apple
together, or?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Yeah, tastes pretty good to me. I’ve done it plenty. It’s fine.
Jonathan Otto: Well, I’ll let you decide what you think is gonna be
the best tasting smoothie. If it’s gonna be more, it’s gonna taste a
little better with the pineapple.
Dr. Henry Ealy: How about this? We’ll not do it for taste. We’ll do it
for a medical reason. How about that?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Now we have a reason to do it. What’s the medical
reason? We’re getting some of the mineral manganese in here
to help create the antioxidant superoxide dismutase to help
mitochondria be protected from damage. That’s what superoxide
dismutase does, at least the manganese form of it.
Dr. Henry Ealy: You know, there’ll be a little bit. These are fresh press, so there’ll be a little bit in here, but I
wouldn’t say anything that I would write home about.
Jonathan Otto: You would take this supplement for that, right?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Yeah, maybe a little bit. But this is so broken down, you shouldn’t need it. But if you’re having
smoothie, it’s all masticated and broken down, and that smoothie is now irritating you to the point where you’re
getting inflamed like there’s a histamine response, that’s not a digestive issue. That’s a delayed food allergy issue.
There’s something in your smoothie that your immune system doesn’t like.
Dr. Henry Ealy: That’s how simple it is. Alright, so. Recap.
Frozen, organic blueberries. Then we’ve added some
Biodynamic Apple Juice. Then we added in a protein
powder, a vegan protein powder. We added in quercetin
to get some more mast cell stabilization, lower the
inflammatory response. We added in some Omega-3 fatty
acids. This blend had 6 and 9, but we said, “Hey, focus on
Jonathan Otto: Look, I’ll definitely try it. I’m not that
sensitive. It does show up on my panel, but it’s not going
to wipe me out or anything.
Dr. Henry Ealy: Right. And so, we’ll just have it, yeah. And there’s only a little bit in there, and that matters. And
then what I have over here, let me see, is this it? Yeah. And then I have a whole bunch of capsules in there that I
take with this. One of them is a multivitamin.
So now I’m getting my mitochondria taken care of in here. I’m getting my mitochondria taken care of in here. And
now what I’ve done is I’ve set up my day to have a lot more error, and support all of my energy production needs
and my cognitive function needs. So I can get through a whole day where I have to be on the ball, answering
questions and managing businesses and you know, working with patients and working with students. All that stuff,
that demand, and do it with a smile.
Many people feel helpless when they find out they have a chronic disease or they believe that the exhaustion
they’re experiencing on a daily basis is something they just have to learn to live with. Many people respond by
buying supplements to boost themselves and improve their health. But no one ever helps them to address their
needs at a cellular level, so that their bodies are actually able to absorb the nutrients and supplements they’re
When we only address the superficial symptoms, we never really make progress. Our experts emphasize the
importance of addressing disease and fatigue at the root level. One of the highly effective ways to do this is
through nutritional smoothies. By following the advice that our experts have shared in this eBook, and by adopting
healthy lifestyle habits like those practiced by people living in the Blue Zones, it is entirely possible to reverse your
disease or chronic fatigue at a cellular level. And by incorporating this into your lifestyle, you’ll be on your way to
a lifetime of great health and happiness.
1. https://www.rmit.edu.au/news/all-news/2016/sep/five-ways-junk-food-changes-your-brain
2. https://www.news24.com/health24/diet-and-nutrition/nutrition-basics/how-much-sugar-is-it-safe-to-eat-
3. https://www.virtahealth.com/blog/names-for-sugar
4. https://experiencelife.lifetime.life/article/61-names-for-sugar/
5. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/processed-foods-what-you-
6. https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20200221/hidden-dangers-of-ultraprocessed-foods
7. https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7918184/is-white-rice-healthy-heres-what-a-dietitian-has-to-say/
8. https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/guidelines-for-a-low-sodium-diet
9. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/salt-and-sodium/
10. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/greasy-food#7.-May-impair-brain-function
11. https://www.cornucopia.org/2007/06/more-evidence-that-food-nutrient-quality-is-declining/
12. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss/
13. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322268#memory
14. https://www.healio.com/news/primary-care/20180420/how-to-use-food-as-medicine-to-prevent-reverse-
15. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/full-body-detox#are-they-necessary
about jonathan otto
Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, natural
health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and
In response to this life-saving knowledge, Jonathan created Well of Life, a line of doctor-
formulated, 100% natural supplements specially designed to detox and fortify the body.
Jonathan’s greatest reward has been hearing the testimonials from people whose lives
have literally been saved with the protocols he developed.
His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news,
and radio broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International
Volunteer of the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian
contributions, which he continues to support.
Jonathan and his wife, Lori, welcomed their first son, Asher, in January 2019 and their
second son, Arthur, in May 2021.