Template For Personal Transformation and SEE Model
Template For Personal Transformation and SEE Model
Template For Personal Transformation and SEE Model
Using the Strengths, Evokes, and Elates (SEE) model, define your personal aspirations by taking note of your characteristics within the transformation context.
Ask yourself:
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Developing Your Personal Transformation Plan ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION
To help you get started or revise your personal SEE Model, we recommend that you use one or several of the following tools for self-exploration:
Enneagrams Myers-Briggs
Through its extensive questionnaire, Enneagrams helps you discover your Through a series of questions, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator helps you
own personality type. Which one of the nine basic personality types applies discover your own personality type. Are you extrovert or introvert? Are you
to you? What is your emotional core and how is your specific personality sensing or intuitive? Are you thinking or feeling? Are you judging or
complemented with other traits? Enneagrams provide you with perceiving? Knowing your type will help you take a unique approach to the
constellations of personality traits, all by which will help you understand world, to information, to decisions, and to other people.
Links: myersbriggs.org, mbtionline.com
Links: enneagraminstitute.com
DiSC CliftonStrengths
The DiSC personality assessment tool helps people gain insight into their The CliftonStrengths help you discover your talent DNA through a series of
preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others, and questions. It explains the unique ways you accomplish your goals by building
receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and relationships, thinking strategically, executing plans and influencing others.
performance. Are you Dominant, Influential, Steady or Conscientious? What strengths poses the greatest opportunities for you? What can you
Links: everythingdisc.com, discprofile.com
Links: gallup.com/cliftonstrengths
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