Factors Associated With Spontaneous Mesialization of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars After Second Molar Protraction

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Original Article

Factors associated with spontaneous mesialization of impacted mandibular

third molars after second molar protraction
Un-Bong Baika; Jin Hye Kangb; Ui-Lyong Leec; Nikhilesh R. Vaidd; Yoon-Ji Kime; Dong-Yul Leef

Objectives: To investigate factors associated with spontaneous mesialization of impacted third
molars after second molar protraction to close the space caused by a missing mandibular first molar
(L-6) or retained deciduous mandibular second molars with a missing succedaneous premolar (L-
Materials and Methods: Panoramic radiographs of patients treated with mandibular second molar
protraction to close the space due to missing L-6 or L-E (14 males, 36 females, mean age ¼ 18.6 6
4.4 years) were analyzed before treatment (T1) and after second molar protraction (T2). Factors
associated with the amount of third molar mesialization were investigated using regression
Results: Mandibular second molars were protracted by 5.1 6 2.1 mm and 5.8 6 2.7 mm,
measured at the crown and root furcation, respectively. After second molar protraction, third molars
showed spontaneous mesialization by 4.3 6 1.6 mm and 3.8 6 2.6 mm, measured at the crown
and root furcation, respectively. Nolla’s stage of the third molar at T1 (B ¼ 0.20, P ¼ .026) and
second molar protraction time (B ¼ 0.04, P ¼ .042) were significantly associated with the amount of
third molar mesialization.
Conclusions: Greater third molar mesialization was observed when Nolla’s stage of the third molar
was higher before treatment and when the second molar protraction time was longer. (Angle
Orthod. 0000;00:000–000.)
KEY WORDS: Molar protraction; Impacted third molar; Missing posterior teeth

INTRODUCTION ed due to caries.1,2 Additionally, the highest rate of

congenital absence has been observed for mandibular
The prevalence of missing mandibular molars and
premolars,3 often with prolonged retention of the
premolars is high because they are frequently extract-
deciduous second molar. Orthodontic closure of the
space due to missing posterior teeth, such as
The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Ó 0000 by the EH Angle Education and Research Foundation,
mandibular first molars (L-6) or retained deciduous
Inc. mandibular second molars with missing succedaneous
Private Practice, Seoul, Korea. premolars (L-E), is possible. In cases of anterior
Private Practice, Hwasung, Korea. crowding or protrusion, incisors can be aligned and
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Chung-Ang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
retracted to close the space due to missing posterior
Assistant Dean and Professor, European University Dental teeth.4,5 In contrast, in patients with no anterior
College, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. crowding or protrusion, the space can be closed
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Korea through molar protraction, which can be challenging
University Anam Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Korea University
for clinicians. Using temporary anchorage devices
School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea (TADs), the molars could be more easily protracted.6–11
Corresponding author: Yoon-Ji Kim, Department of Orthodon- This treatment option might be ideal in the presence of
tics, Korea University Anam Hospital, 73 Goryeodae-ro, Seong- an impacted third molar in the same quadrant as the
buk-gu, Seoul 02841, Korea
(e-mail: yn0331@gmail.com)
missing tooth as it can erupt in the posterior line of
occlusion using the increased available posterior
Accepted: September 2019. Submitted: May 2019.
Published Online: November 26, 2019 space after molar protraction. After the spontaneous
Ó 0000 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, eruption of the third molar, it could be protracted and
Inc. aligned to replace the missing molar.12

DOI: 10.2319/050919-322.1 1 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 00, 0000


Figure 1. A case with complete spontaneous mesialization of the Figure 2. A case with limited mesialization of the mandibular third
mandibular third molar after second molar protraction. (A) Before molar after second molar protraction. (A) Before treatment. (B) During
treatment. (B) During protraction. (C) After protraction. (D) After protraction. (C) After protraction. (D) After treatment.

follows: (1) missing L-6 or L-E, (2) impacted mandib-

Spontaneous movement of impacted third molars ular third molars at the pretreatment time point (T1), (3)
after molar protraction has been previously document- space caused by missing L-6 or L-E that had been
ed. Baik et al.7 reported vertical spontaneous eruption closed by second molar protraction using TADs, and
of impacted third molars in patients with second molar (4) second molar roots parallel with the adjacent teeth
protraction, which was affected by the initial vertical at the time of space closure. Exclusion criteria were as
location of the impacted third molars and the available follows: (1) fully or partially erupted third molar at the
space due to protraction of the second molar. start of treatment, (2) malformation of the impacted
Regarding the angular changes, Richardson and third molar, and (3) orthodontic brackets bonded to the
Richardson13 reported that, in cases of second molar third molar during second molar protraction. For each
extraction, angular changes in third molars vary greatly patient, panoramic radiographs were obtained at T1
during eruption. However, in patients whose second and at the end of second molar protraction (T2). A total
molars were protracted to replace the missing posterior of 50 patients (14 males, 36 females, mean age ¼ 18.6
teeth, Baik et al.14 reported that third molars had an 6 4.4 years at T1) met the inclusion and exclusion
increased tendency of spontaneous uprighting in the criteria.
greater Nolla stage and those that erupted faster. The panoramic radiographs at T1 and T2 were
There are few studies regarding horizontal move- digitized by a single operator (Dr Kang). Panoramic
ment of third molars after second molar protraction. In radiographs were imported and analyzed using V-ceph
most cases, impacted third molars show spontaneous software (version 6.0, Osstem, Seoul, Korea). To
mesialization as they erupt to the level of posterior calibrate linear measurements, magnification of the
plane of occlusion after second molar protraction panoramic radiograph was calculated by measuring
(Figure 1). However, in some cases, the impacted the mesiodistal width of the mandibular second molar
third molars erupt but show limited mesial movement, on the diagnostic model and panoramic radiograph of
thus requiring active protraction after eruption (Figure each patient. Figure 3 and Table 1 show the landmarks
2). The purpose of this study was to investigate factors and linear and angular measurements used in this
related to the spontaneous mesialization of impacted study. The vertical reference line, the J line, was
third molars after mandibular second molar protraction defined as the line perpendicular to the occlusal plane
to close the space caused by missing L-6 and L-E by that passes through point J, the intersection point
using TADs. between the occlusal plane and the anterior ramus of
the mandible. Horizontal movement of the mandibular
second and third molars measured at the crown and
This retrospective clinical study was approved by the the root furcation, vertical eruption of third molars, and
institutional review board of Korea University Anam angular changes of the third molars were also
Hospital (IRB 2018AN1657), and the requirement for analyzed.
informed consent from patients was waived. The Nolla’s developmental stage of the third molar was
treatment records of patients who underwent mandib- assessed at T1 and T2 (Table 2).15 Radiographs were
ular second molar protraction to close the space due to reexamined by the same investigator (Dr Kang) 4
missing L-6 or L-E at a dental clinic were collected for weeks after the first examination, and the intraclass
analysis. The inclusion criteria for this study were as coefficient ranged from 0.91 to 0.96. There was no

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 00, 0000


Table 2. Nolla’s Stages of Tooth Development

Stage Description
0 Absence of crypt
1 Presence of crypt
2 Initial calcification
3 1/3 of crown completed
4 2/3 of crown completed
5 Crown almost completed
6 Crown completed
7 1/3 of root completed
8 2/3 of root completed
9 Root completed, apex open
10 Apical end of root completed, apical foramen closed

amount of third molar mesialization. The level of

statistical significance was set at P , .05.

Figure 3. Study variables and their definitions. JC7 (mm), the RESULTS
shortest distance between the J line and C7; JF7 (mm), the shortest
distance between the J line and F7; JC8 (mm), the shortest distance Patient characteristics such as age, Nolla’s stage of
between the J line and C8, JF8 (mm); the shortest distance between third molars at T1 (Nolla_T1) and T2 (Nolla_T2), and
the J line and F8; C8OP (mm), the shortest distance between C8 and
the second molar protraction time for males and
OP; 8MP (8), angle between 8 axis and MP; 7MP (8), angle between 7
axis and MP. females are shown in Table 3. There were 31 patients
who had missing L-6 and 19 patients who had missing
L-E. The distribution of males and females according to
systematic error. Random error ranged from 0.07 mm missing tooth (L-6 or L-E) showed a significant
to 0.28 mm. difference (P ¼ .025; Table 3).
Statistical evaluations were performed using SPSS Mandibular second molars were protracted by 5.1 6
software for Windows (version 20.0, IBM Corp, 2.1 mm and 5.8 6 2.7 mm, measured at the crown and
Armonk, NY). The Mann-Whitney U test was used to root furcation, respectively (Table 4). After second
evaluate the difference in characteristics between male molar protraction, third molars showed spontaneous
and female patients. The Fisher’s exact test was used mesialization by 4.3 6 1.6 mm and 3.8 6 2.6 mm,
to determine the difference in distribution of the missing measured at the crown and root furcation, respectively
tooth (L-6 or L-E) according to sex. The paired t-test (Table 4). Third molars erupted 1.8 6 2.1 mm
was used to assess differences in the study variables vertically, and third molar angulation changes were
between T1 and T2. Linear regression analysis was not significant from T1 to T2 (P ¼ .346; Table 4).
performed to investigate factors associated with the Factors associated with the amount of third molar
mesialization were Nolla_T1, second molar protraction
time, vertical position of the third molar at T1
Table 1. Definitions of the Landmarks Used in This Study
Landmark Definition
Table 3. Patient Characteristicsa
OP Occlusal plane: line passing through the cusp of the
first premolar and mesial cusp of the mandibular Male Female
second molar Variables (n ¼ 14) (n ¼ 36) Total P
MP Mandibular plane: line passing through Go and Mn
Age (y) 17 6 3.3 19.3 6 4.7 18.6 6 4.4 .098b
Nolla’s stage at T1 (n) 6.6 6 2.1 7.2 6 2.2 7.0 6 2.2 .417b
J point Intersection between the occlusal plane line and the
Nolla’s stage at T2 (n) 8.4 6 2.0 8.6 6 1.6 8.6 6 1.7 .865b
anterior ramus
Protraction time 2.0 6 0.8 2.0 6 0.7 2.0 6 0.7 .778b
J line Vertical reference line perpendicular to the occlusal
(T1-T2, y)
plane and passing the J point
Missing tooth (n) .025c
C7 Central fossa of the mandibular second molar
L-6 5 26 31
C8 Central fossa of the mandibular third molar
L-E 9 10 19
F7 Root furcation of the mandibular second molar
F8 Root furcation of the mandibular third molar a
L-6 indicates mandibular first molar; L-E, retained deciduous
7 axis Long axis of the second molar passing through C7 and molar with missing mandibular second premolar.
Difference between male and female participants.
Difference in patient distribution between male and female
8 axis Long axis of the third molar passing through C8 and F8

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 0, 0000


Table 4. Position and Angulation Changes of the Second and Third Table 5. Factors Associated With the Amount of Spontaneous
Molars From Pretreatment (T1) to the End of the Second Molar Mesialization in the Mandibular Third Molars After the Second Molar
Protraction (T2)a Protraction (Dependent Variable: DJC8)a
Variables T2-T1 Pb Standard Observed
Variable Bb Error P Power
DJC7 (mm) 5.1 6 2.1 ,.001
DJF7 (mm) 5.8 6 2.7 ,.001 Nolla_T1 .195 .085 .026 2.298
D7MP (8) 6.0 6 14.3 .005 Protraction time .044 .021 .042 2.090
DJC8 (mm) 4.3 6 1.6 ,.001 C8OP_T1 .156 .092 .097 1.693
DJF8 (mm) 3.8 6 2.6 ,.001 DJF7 .445 .070 ,.001 6.397
D8MP (8) 1.9 6 14.1 .346 a
Nolla_T1 indicates Nolla’s stage of third molar at pretreatment;
DC8OP (mm) 1.8 6 2.1 ,.001 C8OP_T1, vertical position of third molar at pretreatment; DJF7,
DJC7 indicates amount of second molar protraction measured at amount of second molar protraction measured at the root furcation.
the crown; JF7, amount of second molar protraction measured at the
Regression coefficients.
root furcation; D7MP, angulation changes of the second molar; DJC8,
amount of the third molar mesialization measured at the crown; DJF8:
amount of the third molar mesialization measured at the root
furcation; D8MP, angulation changes of the third molar; DC8OP, molars in patients showing complete mesialization at
amount of third molar eruption. T1 was 7.2 6 2.0; in those who showed incomplete
Significance of changes from T1 to T2. mesialization, it was 5.4 6 3.2. As teeth erupt with root
development,16 third molars located close to the
occlusal plane showed a tendency for a greater
(C8OP_T1), and amount of second molar protraction amount of mesialization. As has been reported
measured at the furcation (DJF7; Table 5). According previously, these occlusally located third molars also
to the regression coefficients (B), third molar mesial- show greater eruption speed.7 Thus, the developmen-
ization increased proportionately with the amount of tal stage of third molars should be considered when
second molar protraction (DJF7; B ¼ 0.45). Greater determining the treatment timing for molar protraction.
Nolla_T1 was associated with increased third molar Higher eruption speed is associated with increased
mesialization (B ¼ 0.20). Additionally, an increase in age and higher Nolla’s stage.17,18
second molar protraction time was related to greater Based on clinical experience, the mesially angulated
third molar mesialization (B ¼ 0.04). Impacted third
third molars were expected to show decreased
molars close to the occlusal plane led to greater third
mesialization. However, third molar angulation was
molar mesialization (B ¼ –0.16), but this association
not associated with the amount of third molar mesial-
was not statistically significant (P ¼ .097).
ization. The mean third molar angulation (8 MP)
showed no significant changes from T1 to T2, but the
change in third molar angulation from T1 to T2 (D8MP)
Eruption and spontaneous mesialization of third showed a high range from –36.88 to 32.7, indicating
molars after second molar protraction is favorable, great variability in angulation changes during eruption
leading to proper posterior occlusion by replacing the and mesialization. Third molars that showed mesial
missing molar.12 It also eliminates or decreases the tipping as a result of second molar protraction mainly
need for additional third molar protraction after second exhibited crown mesialization only and lacked true
molar protraction. However, the amount of third molar bodily mesial movement; orthodontic uprighting was
mesialization varied among the participants, indicated required after second molar protraction using fixed
by the mean ratio of third molar mesialization to second appliances.
molar protraction of 0.8 6 0.3. A majority of patients (n Only patients who underwent second molar protrac-
¼ 43, 86%) showed full spontaneous mesialization, and tion to close the space caused by L-6 or L-E were
contact between the proximal surfaces of the third included, and those patients had minimal incisor
molar and the second molar was established. Others (n crowding. Presence of third molars causes incisor
¼ 7, 14%) showed limited or almost no mesial crowding by exerting force on the mandibular teeth in
movement. These third molars were not ankylosed as the mesial direction.19,20 In patients with missing
they showed vertical eruption but lacked spontaneous mandibular molars, the third molars would not cause
mesial movement and required active protraction using incisor crowding in this way. Space due to L-6 or L-E
a fixed appliance. Therefore, factors associated with was used for decrowding during the initial stages of
the amount of third molar mesialization were investi- leveling and alignment, with the rest of the space being
gated to guide treatment decisions for ensuring closed through molar protraction using TADs.
predictable results in cases requiring molar protraction. A limitation of this study was that panoramic
More developed third molars showed greater spon- radiographs were used. Although linear and angular
taneous mesialization. The mean Nolla’s stage of third measurements acquired from panoramic radiographs

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 00, 0000


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