Staph - 2020 Nov - P

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Common Pathogenic Cocci


Gram Gram
positive negative

Staphylococci Streptococci
(tụ cầu) (liên cầu)

Pneumococcus Gonococcus Meningococcus

(phế cầu) (lậu cầu) (não mô cầu)

1/ Differentiate two genera of the most important Gram-

positive cocci.
2/ Recognize the differences between Staphyloccus aureus
and other staphylococci.
3/ Describe the microscopic aspect and the bacterial
characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus.
4/ Name the virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus and
their related clinical pictures.
5/ Discuss the antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus
Common Pathogenic Cocci
Gram-positive Cocci


+ -

Coagulase Streptococci
- Enterococci
Non-coagulase Staphylococci
Staphylococcus aureus
Common pathogenic Staphylococci

◼ Coagulase positive: Staphylococcus aureus

◼ Non-coagulase: Staphylococcus epidermidis

& other staphylococci
Staphylococcus aureus

◼ Bacterial characteristics:
▪ Gram + cocci, forms cluster (bunch of grapes)
▪ facultative anaerobic, not mobile, spore absent.
▪ catalase +, coagulase +, ferments glucose, mannitol.
▪ tolerant of high-salt concentration.
▪ yellow colonies, complete hemolytic on sheep blood agar.
▪ ubiquitous organisms on skin, in nares, mucous
Microscopic & macroscopic shape
Staphylococcus aureus - pathogenicity

- Food poisoning (ngộ độc thức ăn)

- Suppurative infections: folliculitis, impetigo, furuncle, carbuncle
(mưng mủ: viêm nang long, chốc, nhọt, cụm nhọt)
- Surgical site infection (nhiễm khuẩn vết mổ)
- Pneumonia, empyema (viêm phổi, mủ màng phổi)
- Bacteremia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis (nhiễm khuẩn huyết,
viêm nội tâm mạc, viêm xương-tủy xương)
- Septic arthritis (viêm khớp nhiễm độc máu)
- Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (hội chứng tróc da)
- Shock due to toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (sốc do độc tố)
Virulence factors (structural components)

- Capsule: inhibits chemotaxis & phagocytosis.

- Slime: falicitates adherence to foreign bodies.
- Peptidoglycan: provides osmotic stability; attracts
leucocyte (abscess formation); inhibits phagocytosis.
- Teichoic acid: binds to fibronectin.
Virulence factors (exotoxins)

- Cytotoxins: toxic for erythrocytes, leucocytes, platelets,

macrophages, & fibroblasts.
- Exfoliative toxin: causes staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome (SSSS).
- Enterotoxin: increases intestinal peristalsis & fluid loss.
- Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1: produces cellular
destruction of endothelial cells.
Virulence factors (enzymes)

- Coagulase: converts fibrinogen to fibrin.

- Hyaluronidase: hydrolyses hyaluronic acid in connective
tissue; promotes spread of staphylococci.
- Fibrinolysin: dissolves fibrin clots.
- Lipases: hydrolyse lipids.
- Nucleases: hydrolyse DNA.

Mụn đầu đen

Áp xe da Viêm da mủ
Viêm mô tế bào

Hội chứng tróc da (SSSS)

Ngộ độc thức ăn (food poisoning)
(methicillin-resistant Staph aureus)

◼ Resistant to: penicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin,

methicillin, & other β-lactams
◼ HA-MRSA (health-care-associated MRSA)
◼ CA-MRSA (community-associated MRSA)

• Staphylococcus aureus are the Gram-positive cocci

that cause various infections due to their extracellular
toxins and enzymes.
• Important pathogens in healthcare-associated
• Tedious pathogens due to their resistance against

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