AXIS S3008 Recorder: Installation Guide
AXIS S3008 Recorder: Installation Guide
AXIS S3008 Recorder: Installation Guide
Installation Guide
Read this first Apple, Apache, Bonjour, Ethernet, Internet
Read through this Installation Guide carefully Explorer, Linux, Microsoft, Mozilla, Real, SMPTE,
before installing the product. Keep the QuickTime, UNIX, Windows, and WWW are
Installation Guide for future reference. registered trademarks of the respective holders.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos
Legal considerations are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Video and audio surveillance can be regulated Oracle and/or its affiliates. The UPnP Word
by laws that vary from country to country. Mark and UPnP Logo are trademarks of Open
Check the laws in your local region before using Connectivity Foundation, Inc. in the United
this product for surveillance purposes. States or other countries.
Liability Regulatory information
Every care has been taken in the preparation of Europe
this document. Please inform your local Axis
office of any inaccuracies or omissions. Axis
Communications AB cannot be held responsible
for any technical or typographical errors and This product complies with the applicable
reserves the right to make changes to the CE marking directives and harmonized
product and manuals without prior notice. Axis standards:
Communications AB makes no warranty of any • Electromagnetic Compatibility
kind with regard to the material contained (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU. See
within this document, including, but not limited Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) on
to, the implied warranties of merchantability page 2 .
and fitness for a particular purpose. Axis • Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU.
Communications AB shall not be liable nor See Safety on page 3 .
responsible for incidental or consequential • Restriction of Hazardous Substances
damages in connection with the furnishing, (RoHS) Directive 2011/65/EU and
performance or use of this material. This 2015/863, including any amendments,
product is only to be used for its intended updates or replacements. See Disposal
purpose. and recycling on page 3 .
Intellectual property rights A copy of the original declaration of conformity
may be obtained from Axis Communications AB.
Axis AB has intellectual property rights See Contact information on page 3 .
relating to technology embodied in the product
described in this document. In particular, Electromagnetic compatibility
and without limitation, these intellectual
property rights may include one or more of (EMC)
the patents listed at and one This equipment has been designed and tested to
or more additional patents or pending patent fulfill applicable standards for:
applications in the US and other countries. • Radio frequency emission when installed
This product contains source code copyright according to the instructions and used in
Apple Computer, Inc., under the terms its intended environment.
of Apple Public Source License 2.0 (see • Immunity to electrical and The source code is electromagnetic phenomena when
available from installed according to the instructions
and used in its intended environment.
Equipment modifications USA
This equipment must be installed and used This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
in strict accordance with the instructions Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
given in the user documentation. This conditions:
equipment contains no user-serviceable 1. This device may not cause harmful
components. Unauthorized equipment changes interference, and
or modifications will invalidate all applicable 2. this device must accept any interference
regulatory certifications and approvals. received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Trademark acknowledgements This equipment has been tested using an
AXIS COMMUNICATIONS, AXIS and VAPIX are unshielded network cable (UTP) and found to
registered trademarks or trademark applications comply with the limits for a Class A digital
of Axis AB in various jurisdictions. All other device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.
company names and products are trademarks This equipment has also been tested using a
or registered trademarks of their respective shielded network cable (STP) and found to
companies. comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. 場合は、必ずルータ等を経由し接続して
These limits are designed to provide reasonable ください。
protection against harmful interference when Korea
the equipment is operated in a commercial 이 기기는 업무용 환경에서 사용할 목적
environment. This equipment generates, 으로 적합성평가를 받은 기기로서 가정용
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy 환경에서 사용하는 경우 전파간섭의 우려
and, if not installed and used in accordance 가 있습니다. 적절히 접지된 STP (shielded
with the instruction manual, may cause twisted pair) 케이블을 사용하여 제품을
harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential 연결 하십시오.
area is likely to cause harmful interference in Safety
which case the user will be required to correct
the interference at his own expense. Disposal and recycling
Contact information When this product has reached the end of its
Axis Communications Inc. useful life, dispose of it according to local laws
300 Apollo Drive and regulations. For information about your
Chelmsford, MA 01824 nearest designated collection point, contact
United States of America your local authority responsible for waste
Tel: +1 978 614 2000 disposal. In accordance with local legislation,
penalties may be applicable for incorrect
Canada disposal of this waste.
This digital apparatus complies with
CAN ICES-3 (Class A). The product shall Europe
be connected using a shielded network
cable (STP) that is properly grounded. Cet
appareil numérique est conforme à la norme
CAN NMB-3 (classe A). Le produit doit être This symbol means that the product shall
connecté à l'aide d'un câble réseau blindé (STP) not be disposed of together with household
qui est correctement mis à la terre. or commercial waste. Directive 2012/19/EU
Europe on waste electrical and electronic equipment
This digital equipment fulfills the requirements (WEEE) is applicable in the European Union
for RF emission according to the Class A limit of member states. To prevent potential harm
EN 55032. The product shall be connected using to human health and the environment, the
a shielded network cable (STP) that is properly product must be disposed of in an approved
grounded. Notice! This is a Class A product. In and environmentally safe recycling process.
a domestic environment this product may cause For information about your nearest designated
RF interference, in which case the user may be collection point, contact your local authority
required to take adequate measures. responsible for waste disposal. Businesses
should contact the product supplier for
Australia/New Zealand information about how to dispose of this
This digital equipment fulfills the requirements product correctly.
for RF emission according to the Class A limit
of AS/NZS CISPR 32. The product shall be This product complies with the requirements
connected using a shielded network cable (STP) of Directive 2011/65/EU and 2015/863 on the
that is properly grounded. Notice! This is a restriction of the use of certain hazardous
Class A product. In a domestic environment this substances in electrical and electronic
product may cause RF interference, in which equipment (RoHS).
case the user may be required to take adequate Contact information
Axis Communications AB
Japan Emdalavägen 14
この装置は、クラスA機器です。この装 223 69 Lund
置を住宅環境で使⽤すると電波妨害を引 Sweden
使⽤者が適切な対策を講ずるよう要求さ Tel: +46 46 272 18 00
れることがあります。 VCCI ‒ A Fax: +46 46 13 61 30
た適切に接地してください。 Warranty information
本製品は電気通信事業者(移動通信会 For information about Axis’ product warranty
社、固定通信会社、インターネットプロ and thereto related information, go to
バイダ等)の通信回線(公衆無線 LAN を
Should you require any technical assistance,
please contact your Axis reseller. If your
questions cannot be answered immediately,
your reseller will forward your queries through
the appropriate channels to ensure a rapid
response. If you are connected to the Internet,
you can:
• download user documentation and
software updates
• find answers to resolved problems in
the FAQ database, search by product,
category, or phrase
• report problems to Axis support staff by
logging in to your private support area
• chat with Axis support staff
• visit Axis Support at
Learn more!
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AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
AXIS S3008 Recorder
English Transportation
Safety information • When transporting the Axis product, use
Hazard levels the original packaging or equivalent to
prevent damage to the product.
DANGER Battery
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not Lithium coin cell 3.0 V batteries contain
avoided, will result in death or serious injury. 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl
ether (EGDME), CAS no. 110-71-4.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate Informations sur la sécurité
injury. Niveaux de risques
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided,
could result in damage to property. Indique une situation dangereuse qui, si elle
n'est pas évitée, entraînera le décès ou des
Other message levels blessures graves.
Indicates significant information which is Indique une situation dangereuse qui, si elle
essential for the product to function correctly. n'est pas évitée, pourrait entraîner le décès ou
des blessures graves.
Indicates useful information which helps in
getting the most out of the product. Indique une situation dangereuse qui, si elle
n'est pas évitée, pourrait entraîner des blessures
Safety instructions légères ou modérées.
• The Axis product shall be used in compliance Indique une situation qui, si elle n'est pas évitée,
with local laws and regulations. pourrait endommager l'appareil.
• Use only applicable tools when installing
the Axis product. Using excessive force Autres niveaux de message
with power tools could cause damage to
the product. Important
• Do not use chemicals, caustic agents, or Indique les informations importantes,
aerosol cleaners. nécessaires pour assurer le bon fonctionnement
• Use a clean cloth dampened with pure de l’appareil.
water for cleaning.
• Use only accessories that comply with the Note
technical specification of your product. Indique les informations utiles qui permettront
These can be provided by Axis or a third d’obtenir le fonctionnement optimal de
party. Axis recommends using Axis power l’appareil.
source equipment compatible with your
product. Consignes de sécurité
• Use only spare parts provided by or
recommended by Axis. A VIS
• Do not attempt to repair the product
• Le produit Axis doit être utilisé
yourself. Contact Axis support or your Axis
reseller for service matters. conformément aux lois et règlements
• Use a yellow/green colored grounding cable locaux.
of at least 0.5 mm2 or 20 AWG. • Utiliser uniquement des outils recommandés
pour l'installation de l'appareil Axis.
L'application d'une force excessive sur
l'appareil avec des outils puissants pourrait Weist auf eine gefährliche Situation hin, welche,
l'endommager. falls nicht verhindert, zu Sachschäden führen
• Ne pas utiliser de produits chimiques, de kann.
substances caustiques ou de nettoyants
pressurisés. Andere Meldeebenen
• Utiliser un chiffon propre imbibé d'eau pure
pour le nettoyage.
• Utiliser uniquement des accessoires Weist auf wichtige Informationen hin, die den
conformes aux caractéristiques techniques richtigen Betrieb des Produkts gewährleisten.
de votre produit. Ils peuvent être fournis
par Axis ou un tiers. Axis recommande Beachten
d'utiliser un équipement d'alimentation Weist auf nützliche Informationen hin, die
Axis compatible avec votre produit. die optimale Verwendung des Produkts
• Utiliser uniquement les pièces de rechange unterstützen.
fournies ou recommandées par Axis.
• Ne pas essayer de réparer vous-même ce Sicherheitsanweisungen
produit. Contacter l'assistance technique
d'Axis ou votre revendeur Axis pour des HINWEIS
problèmes liés à l'entretien. • Das Axis-Produkt muss unter Beachtung
• Utilisez un câble de mise à la terre de der geltenden Gesetze und Bestimmungen
couleur jaune/vert d'au moins 0,5 mm2 ou betrieben werden.
20 AWG. • Verwenden Sie bei der Installation des
Transport Axis Produkts ausschließlich passende
Werkzeuge. Ein zu großer Kraftaufwand mit
A VIS elektrischen Werkzeugen kann das Produkt
• Lors du transport du produit Axis, utilisez beschädigen.
l'emballage d'origine ou un équivalent pour • Verwenden Sie keine chemischen, ätzenden
éviter d'endommager le produit. oder aerosolhaltigen Reinigungsmittel.
Batterie • Verwenden Sie zum Reinigen ein sauberes,
Les piles boutons 3,0 V au lithium contiennent mit destilliertem Wasser angefeuchtetes
du 1,2-diméthoxyéthane, éthylène glycol Tuch.
diméthyl éther (EGDME), CAS n° 110-71-4. • Verwenden Sie nur Zubehör, das den
technischen Vorgaben Ihres Produkts
entspricht. Dieses ist von Axis oder
Drittanbietern erhältlich. Axis empfiehlt
die mit Ihrem Produkt kompatible
Deutsch •
Stromversorgung von Axis.
Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Ersatzteile
die von Axis angeboten oder empfohlen
Sicherheitsinformationen werden.
• Versuchen Sie nicht, dieses Produkt
Gefährdungsstufen selbsttätig zu reparieren. Wenden Sie sich
bezüglich Reparatur und Wartung an den
GEFAHR Axis Support oder Ihren Axis Händler.
Weist auf eine gefährliche Situation hin, welche, • Verwenden Sie ein gelb/grün
falls nicht verhindert, zu Tod oder schweren gekennzeichnetes Erdungskabel mit
Verletzungen führen kann. einem Querschnitt von mindestens
0,5 mm2.
WARNUNG Transport
Weist auf eine gefährliche Situation hin, welche,
falls nicht verhindert, zu Tod oder schweren HINWEIS
Verletzungen führen kann. • Bei Bedarf transportieren Sie das Axis
Produkt in der Originalverpackung oder
VORSICHT einer entsprechenden Verpackung, so dass
Weist auf eine gefährliche Situation hin, welche, Schäden vermieden werden.
falls nicht verhindert, zu geringfügiger oder Batterie
mäßiger Verletzung führen kann. Lithium-Knopfzellen (3,0 V) enthalten 1,2-
Dimethoxyethan; Ethylenglycoldimethylether
HINWEIS (EGDME), CAS-Nr. 110-71-4.
Italiano Trasporto
Informazioni di sicurezza • Durante il trasporto del dispositivo
Livelli di pericolo Axis, utilizzare l'imballaggio originale o
equivalente per evitare danni al dispositivo.
Indica una situazione pericolosa che, se non Le batterie a bottone al litio da 3 V contengono
evitata, provoca morte o lesioni gravi. 1,2-dimetossietano; etere dimetilico di glicole
etilenico (EGDME), CAS n. 110-71-4.
Indica una situazione pericolosa che, se non
evitata, potrebbe provocare la morte o lesioni
gravi. Español
Indica una situazione pericolosa che, se non Información de seguridad
evitata, potrebbe provocare lesioni medie o
minori. Niveles de peligro
Indica una situazione che, se non evitata, Indica una situación peligrosa que, si no se
potrebbe danneggiare la proprietà. evita, provocará lesiones graves o la muerte.
危险 한국어
害的危险情况。 안전 정보
警告 위험 수준
表示如果不避免则可能导致死亡或严重 위험
伤害的危险情况。 피하지 못한 경우 사망이나 심각한 부상
이 발생하는 위험한 상황을 나타냅니다.
表示如果不避免则可能导致轻微或中度 경고
伤害的危险情况。 피하지 못한 경우 사망이나 심각한 부상이
발생할 수 있는 위험한 상황을 나타냅니다.
表示如果不避免则可能导致财产损失的 주의
情况。 피하지 못한 경우 경미하거나 심하지 않
은 부상이 발생할 수 있는 위험한 상황
을 나타냅니다.
주의 사항
피하지 못한 경우 재산상 손해가 발생할
수 있는 상황을 나타냅니다.
기타 메시지 수준
제품이 올바르게 작동하는 데 필수적인
중요 정보를 나타냅니다.
제품을 최대한으로 활용하는 데 도움이
되는 유용한 정보를 나타냅니다.
안전 지침
주의 사항
• Axis 제품은 해당 지역 법률 및 규정을
준수하여 사용해야 합니다.
• Axis 제품을 설치할 경우 해당 도구만
사용하십시오. 전동 공구로 과도한 힘
을 사용하면 제품에 손상을 줄 수 있
• 화학 물질, 부식제, 에어로졸 세척제를
사용하지 마십시오.
• 깨끗한 물에 적신 깨끗한 천을 사용
하여 닦으십시오.
• 제품의 기술적 사양을 준수하는 액세
서리만 사용하십시오. 이러한 액세서
리는 Axis 또는 제3자가 제공할 수 있
습니다. Axis는 귀하의 제품과 호환되
는 Axis 전원 장비 사용을 권합니다.
• Axis가 공급하거나 추천하는 예비 부
품만 사용하십시오.
• 제품을 직접 수리하려고 하지 마십시
오. 서비스 문제에 대해 Axis 지원 부
서 또는 Axis 리셀러에 문의하십시오.
• 최소 0.5mm2 또는 20AWG의 노란색/
녹색 접지 케이블을 사용하십시오.
주의 사항
• Axis 제품을 운반할 때는 원래 포장이
나 이에 준하는 포장을 사용해 제품이
손상되지 않도록 하십시오.
리튬 코인 셀 3.0V 배터리는 1,2-디메톡
시에탄, EGDME(ethylene glycol dimethyl
ether), CAS no. 110-71-4를 포함하고 있
Installation Guide Ver. M1.6
AXIS S3008 Recorder Date: April 2020
© Axis Communications AB, 2020 Part No. 2145171