Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Understand what entrepreneurship is.
Classify the types of environment.
Understand the relationship between entrepreneurship and environment.
Appreciate the importance of entrepreneurial environment.
Learn about and appreciate the factors affecting entrepreneurial growth like economic,
noneconomic, governmental, social and other factors.
What is Environment?
Environment literally means the surroundings, external objects, influences or circumstances
under which someone or something exists.
Business environment refers to a set of external factors which are uncontrollable in nature and
affects business decisions of an enterprise.
Examples of external factors:
political and legal factors
social factors
demographic factors
OR Business environment is the total surroundings, which have a direct or indirect bearing on
the functioning of business.
Note: The success of every business depends on adapting itself to the environment within which
it functions. There are external factors that are beyond the control of the business. So the
business units must have to adapt themselves to these changes in order to survive and succeed in
Features of business environment
• Business environment is the sum total of all factors external to the business firm and that
greatly influences their functioning.
• It covers factors and forces like customers, competitors, suppliers, government, and the
social, cultural, political, technological and legal conditions.
• The business environment is dynamic in nature that means it keeps on changing.
• The changes in business environment are unpredictable. It is very difficult to predict the
exact nature of future happenings and the changes in economic and social environment.
• Business Environment differs from place to place, region to region and country to country.
Political conditions in India differ from those in Pakistan. Taste and values cherished by
people in India and China vary considerably.
Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Environment
There is a close and continuous interaction between the business and its environment. This
interaction helps in strengthening the business firm and using its resources more effectively
Therefore understanding the business environment helps the business in the following ways:
Determining Opportunities and Threats: The interaction between the business and its
environment would identify opportunities for and threats to the business. It helps the business
enterprises for meeting the challenges successfully.
Giving Direction for Growth: The interaction with the environment leads to opening up new
frontiers of growth for the business firms. It enables the business to identify the areas for growth
and expansion of their activities.
Continuous Learning: Environmental analysis makes the task of managers easier in dealing
with business challenges. The managers are motivated to continuously update their knowledge,
understanding and skills to meet the predicted changes in realm of business.
• Meeting Competition: It helps the firms to analyse the competitors’ strategies and formulate
their own strategies accordingly.
• Identifying Firm’s Strength and Weakness: Business environment helps to identify the
individual strengths and weaknesses in view of the technological and global developments
• Deregulation and Privatization: Now companies have to deal with fewer licenses and
government controls. Many state owned- enterprises have also been privatized leading to a
greater role for the private sector in general and entrepreneurs in particular.
Social Conditions: The norms and values within a socio-cultural setting have relevance for the
emergence of entrepreneurship in a particular society.
Social Mobility: Social mobility involves the degree of mobility, both social and geographical,
and the nature of mobility channels within a system. Some hold the view that a high degree of
mobility is conducive to entrepreneurship.
Psychological and Individual Factors: Many of the entrepreneurial researchers and theorists have
propounded theories of entrepreneurship that concentrate specifically psychological and individual
• Need Achievement: Need for achievement means the drive to achieve a goal
• Withdrawal of Status Respect
• Desire to do Something New
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth
Government factors.
The government keeps formulating policies and programmes to promote entrepreneurs in different
Demand-side Intervention: This is intervention influences the accessibility of markets, which
includes reducing the market power of large firms or reducing barriers to entry. It also includes
bankruptcy laws, protection of property rights and the regulatory environment of product and
labour markets.
Input-related Interventions: This type of intervention impacts on the resources and abilities of
potential entrepreneurs. Governments can overcome finance and knowledge gaps through
increasing the availability of financial and informational resources.
• Decision-making Intervention: This is directed at the decision-making processes of
individual who are considering the entrepreneurial option. Relevant policies are taxation,
business earnings, social security and labour-market legislation. This affects the risk-reward
profile such as bankruptcy.
• The Economic Rationale for Intervention: This intervention channel that is concerned with
the economic and political concerns for government intervention, and which shape the
determinants of entrepreneurial equilibrium.
• Preferential Intervention: This type of intervention deals directly with the individual
attitudes and preferences of potential entrepreneurs, and attributed to their values and culture.
Preferences are often shaped by cultural background, therefore are difficult to modify but the
government can attempt to shape these by instilling an entrepreneurial culture through the
education system and the media.
Support organizations for entrepreneurs and their role