MAPEH 9 MUSIC 3rd Grading 1

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School: Grade Level: 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (Music)

Time Allotment: Quarter: 3rd
I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of instrumental Romantic music.
B. Performance Standards The learner sings and performs themes of selected instrumental pieces.
C. Learning Competencies The learner narrates the life The learner relates Romantic The learner explains the performance The learner listens
/Objectives and works of romantic period music to its historical practice (setting, composition, role of perceptively to selected
composers after video and and cultural background. composers/performers, and audience) Romantic period music .
movie showing. during the Romantic period.
1. Historical and cultural background 2. Program Music
II. LEARNING Music Learner’s Guide
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages P95-116

2. Learner’s Materials pages P104-134

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Downloaded Audio/Music
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Let the learners listen to the Instruct the learners on what to Let the learners listen more on musicLet the learners recall on the
presenting the new lesson. music of the romantic period. do as output of the day. of the romantic period. elements of music and
relate it to the music of the
romantic period.
B. Purpose of the Lesson Let the learner perform some of the music from the romantic period.
C. Presenting examples/instances More sample music of the romantic period.
of the new lesson.

D. Discussing new concepts and Learners’ activity.

practicing new skills #1. , Musical Concept Rapping, Listening Exercise, Musical Story Telling,
E. Discussing new concepts and Enhancement activities: Follow the Music, Paint the Music, Music Match, Identify the Music
practicing new skills #2.
F. Developing mastery Give the learners’ time to master performance.
G. Finding practical applications Allow the learners to relate the role of classical music to a person’s life..
of concepts and skills in daily
H. Making generalizations and Let the learners formulate generalizations.
abstractions about the lesson.
I. Evaluate learning Graded performances/Customized Rubric System
J. Additional activities for Graded Performances/Customized Rubric System
application or remediation.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:
_____________________ ______________________ _______________________
Teacher Head Teacher Principal

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