Data Driven Framework
Data Driven Framework
Data Driven Framework
- Data Driven means we dragging the data from external source like excel, csv files to
the test script by using mediator classes.
- For that we are using maven framework which contains different types of folders
like a configuration i.e , base class , drivers i.e all exe files of
drivers,..exe , test output folder , pom.xml , suites, dependencies & screenshot etc.
- so, first folder will be the src/main/java means we have only java code which will
support our framework so src/main/java which is contains all the POM classes.POM
means Page Object Model (object repositors) where we are declaring, initializing &
utilizing all the webelements inside the POM classs. We are storing all the
webelements and makes ready in the utilization with the help of methods like a
initelements, sendKeys, click, isDisplyed, clear etc.
- Next will be the src/test/java means we have only test script which will execute
through either TestNG or Junit so which is having all the test classes i.e use data
provider, Excel reader.
-Next will be src resources which is having configuration file i.e
which contain username, password, URL & chromepath.exe file.
- After that there is a utility folder contains all the utility classes like Excel Reader,
Screenshot which is known as Property File Reader.
- after that there will be the Drivers folder in that we are putting exe file of drivers.
- Next will be Test Data folder contain excel, csv file related to the test data i.e
- Then Test output file with showing output of our test cases.
- Finally we are using Jenkins for particular task scheduling purpose which is using to
be my team leader.