Data Driven Framework

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Data-Driven Framework

Que.—Explain the about your framework ?

We are using the data driven framework with the help of Selenium tool & TestNG

- Data Driven means we dragging the data from external source like excel, csv files to
the test script by using mediator classes.

- For that we are using maven framework which contains different types of folders
like a configuration i.e , base class , drivers i.e all exe files of
drivers,..exe , test output folder , pom.xml , suites, dependencies & screenshot etc.

- so, first folder will be the src/main/java means we have only java code which will
support our framework so src/main/java which is contains all the POM classes.POM
means Page Object Model (object repositors) where we are declaring, initializing &
utilizing all the webelements inside the POM classs. We are storing all the
webelements and makes ready in the utilization with the help of methods like a
initelements, sendKeys, click, isDisplyed, clear etc.

- Next will be the src/test/java means we have only test script which will execute
through either TestNG or Junit so which is having all the test classes i.e use data
provider, Excel reader.

-Next will be src resources which is having configuration file i.e
which contain username, password, URL & chromepath.exe file.

- After that there is a utility folder contains all the utility classes like Excel Reader,
Screenshot which is known as Property File Reader.

- Onward will be Browser factory contains baseclass. In baseclass we mention code

for our opening 7 closing browser i.e basic functionality mention in the baseclass.

- after that there will be the Drivers folder in that we are putting exe file of drivers.

- Next will be Test Data folder contain excel, csv file related to the test data i.e

- Then Test output file with showing output of our test cases.

Folder for screenshot store all the screenshot file.

- TestNG dependencies, we can add the dependencies like TestNG dependencies,

maven dependencies.
- Next will be the POM.xml (Project Object Model) used to add the dependencies
related to the project. Contains suite related to testing like regression testing suite,
frontend suite, backend suite as per our requirement

- Finally we are using Jenkins for particular task scheduling purpose which is using to
be my team leader.

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