Motion in A Plane & Projectile - JMS3 (BTH3)

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Motion in a Plane & Projectile - JMS3

All questions have only one option correct. Marking scheme (+4, -1) Time : 1Hour Max.Marks : 120
1. A car is moving towards east with a speed of 4. Two particles are originally placed at P and Q dis-
25kmh-1. To the driver of the car, a bus appears tant d apart. At zero instant they start moving such
to move towards north with a speed of 
that velocity v of P is aimed towards Q and ve-
 
25  kmh-1. What is the actual velocity of the bus? locity u of Q is perpendicular to v . The two pro-
(A) 50 kmh-1, 300 east of north jectiles meet at time T =

(B) 50  kmh-1, 300 east of north

Q 
(C) 50 kmh-1, 300 west of north
(D) 50  kmh-1, 300 west of north 
2. Four person K, L, M and N are initially at rest at
four corners of a square of side d. Each person
now moves with a uniform speed v in such a way
(A) (v2 - u2)d2/v3d (B) (v + u)d/v2
that K always moves directly towards L, L directly
towards M, M directly towards N and N directly (C) v(v - u)/d (D) vd/(v 2 - u2)
towards K. Show that the four persons will meet
at time t = 5. At a given instant two cars are at distances 300 m
and 400 m from the point of intersection O of two
d straight roads crossing at right angles. They are

HERS & DISapproaching O with uniform speeds 20 m/sec and

TRm/sec respectively. At what time, the distance
d d IS between them will be least and what is the value?


d (A) 11 seconds, 40  metres

(A) 4d/v (B) 3d/v (B) 10 seconds, 50 metres

(C) 2d/v (D) d/v
A train is moving along east direction in horizontal P (C) 8 seconds, 30 metres
plane. A person in train rolls a ball in north direction (D) 9 seconds, 60 metres
according to his reference frame. An fixed observer
is having overview of situation (i.e. looking from 6. Rain appears to fall vertically to a man walking at
top). Draw diagram representing top view of given 3 kmh-1 but if he changes his speed to double, the
situation. rain appears to fall at 450. The real velocity of rain
Motion of wall Actual path observed
on train in helicopter view
(A) 3 2 kmh-1, 450 with the vertical
(A) Motion of train

Top view
(B) 2 3 kmh-1, 450 with the vertical

Motion of wall Motion of train (C) 3 2 kmh-1, 300 with the vertical
on train

(B) Actual path observed (D) 2 3 kmh-1, 600 with the vertical
in helicopter view
Top view
7 A person aiming to reach the exactly opposite point
Motion of train
on the bank of a stream is swimming with a speed
Motion of wall
on train of 0.5 m/s at an angle of 120o with the direction of
flow of water. The speed of water in the stream is
(C) Actual path observed
in helicopter view
Top view
(A) 1 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s

(D) None of these (C) 0.25 m/s (D) 0.433 m/s

For more books please contact : B.N. PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS : # 2027 , Sunny Enclave,
Sector - 125 , Kharar , Mohali, Punjab - 140301, M : 93566-14006, 93566-14008.
Motion in a Plane & Projectile - JMS3
8. From point A located on a highway, one has to get 12. A ball is projected towards right from point A at
by car as soon as possible to point B located in an angle  with vertical. The wind blows towards
the field at a distancel from the highway. It is known left along negative x-axis with acceleration g tan
. The ball will return to point
that the car moves in the field  times slower than
on the highway. At what distance from the point D y
one must turn off the highway? g tan

X x
C x D B A C
A v
(A) A (B) B left to point A
(C) C right to point A
B (D) none of the above
13. A boy throws a ball upwards with velocity v0 = 20
(A) x = l (B) x = l   
m/s. The wind imparts a horizontal acceleration of
4 m/s2 to the left. The angle  at which the ball
(C) x = l/ (D) x = l/ 2  1 must be thrown so that the ball returns to the boy’s
9. Lord Krishna is driving the chariot in the battle- hand is (g = 10 m/s2) :
field of Kurukshetra with a velocity of 10m/s in
the north direction. If the wind is blowing with a 
velocity of 10m/s from west to east, in what di-S
rection will the flag on the chariot flutter? wind

(A) North east direction

(B) South east direction (A) tan-1 (1.2) (B) tan-1 (0.2)

(C) North west direction (C) tan-1 (2) (D) tan-1 (0.4)

(D) South west direction
A helicopter is to reach a point 200, 000 m east of
14. The horizontal range of a projectile becomes (R +
2H) from R due to a wind in horizontal direction.
What constant horizontal acceleration is imparted
his existing place. His velocity relative to wind
by the wind (H is maximum height achieved)
blowing at 30kmh-1 form north west taking sched-
uled arrival time duration as 40 minute is (A) g/2 (B) g/4

N (C) g/3 (D) (g/2 2 )


x 15. Figure shows an elevator cabin, which is moving

downwards with constant acceleration a. A particle
S is projected from corner A, directly towards
diagonally opposite corner C. Then :
(A) 21î  279 ĵ (B) 279 î  21 ĵ

(C) 729 î  12ˆj (D) 12 î  729ˆj

11. A glass wind screen whose inclination with the
vertical can be changed is mounted on a car. The D
car moves horizontally with a speed of 2m/s. At
what angle  with the vertical should the wind (A) particle will hit C only when a = g
screen be placed so that the rain drops falling ver-
tically downwards with velocity 6 m/s strike the (B) particle will hit the wall CD if a > g
wind screen perpendicularly. (C) particle will hit the roof BC if a < g
-1 -1
(A) tan (3) (B) tan (1/3) (D) Nothing can be said because numerical
(C) -1
cos (3) (D) -1
sin (1/3) data is not given
For more books please contact : B.N. PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS : # 2027 , Sunny Enclave,
Sector - 125 , Kharar , Mohali, Punjab - 140301, M : 93566-14006, 93566-14008.
Motion in a Plane & Projectile - JMS3
16. A particle is projected from point A on the ground 20. A bullet is fired with a velocity of 200 m/s at an
at an angle  with horizontal. Another particle is angle 300 upwards with horizontal from a tower.
projected from point B simultaneously from height At the same time a stone is fired with a velocity of
4H above point A with same speed. A and B are 150 m/s at an angle 450 upwards with horizontal
in the same vertical plane, where H is the maximum from the same tower. Then :
height attained by the particle A. Both the particles
(A) The bullet and the stone will reach the
collide at the same time on the ground. Find the
angle at which particle B is projected with horizontal: ground simultaneously
(B) The stone will reach earlier
(A) upwards (B) downwards
(C) The bullet will reach earlier
(C) zero (D) 2 upwards
(D) Nothing can be predicted
17. A particle is projected vertically upwards from O
with velocity ‘v’ and a second particle is projected
at the same instant from P (at a height h above O) Integer Based Question : Marking scheme (+4, -0)
with velocity ‘v’ at an angle of projection . The 21. A swimmer swims in still water at a speed = 5 km/
time when the distance between them is minimum hr. He enters a 200 m wide river, having river flow
is : speed = 4 km/hr at point A and proceeds to swim
at an angle of 127° with the river flow direction.
h h
(A) (B) Another point B is located directly across A on
2 v sin  2 v cos  the other side. The swimmer lands on the other
(C) h/v (D) h/2v bank at a point C, from which he walks the distance
18. Point A is on the ground and points A and B ERin
are S & DISCB with a speed = 3 km/hr. Find the total time (in
same vertical plane. From these points, IS two minutes) in which he reaches from A to B.

Person A walking along a road at 3ms-1 sees an-

particles are projected at different angles with same 22.

velocity so that their ranges on the horizontal planes other person B walking on another road at right
are same. If particle from point A is projected at angles to his road. Velocity of B is 4ms-1 when he
an angle  with horizontal and its range is equal to

is 10m off. They are nearest to each other when

T1T2g/2 where T1 and T2 are the time of flights of
the particles projected from A and B respectively,
find the difference in the angles of projections:
P person A has covered a distance of
meter. Find
the value of n in nearest integer.
23. Two cars are moving in the same direction with
the same speed 30 km/hr. They are separated by
C a distance of 5 km, find the speed (in km/hr) of a
car moving in the opposite direction if it meets these
A 
C two cars at an interval of 4 minutes.
24. A thief is running away on a straight road on a
(A) 90° -  (B) 90° - 2 jeep moving with a sped of 9 m/s. A police man
(C) 90° (D) (1/2) (90° - ) chases him on a motor cycle moving at a speed of
10 m/s. If the instantaneous separation of jeep
19. Two particles are projected simultaneously in the
from the motor cycle is 100 m, how long (in sec-
same vertical plane from the same point, with
ond) will it take for the policeman to catch the
different speeds u1 and u2 making angles 1 and 2
respectively with the horizontal, such that u1 cos1
= u2 cos 2. The path followed by one, as seen by 25. The particles A and B moves from rest and from
the other (as long as both are in flight), is the origin along x and y-axes respectively. After
time t, their velocities are same, say v. At the same
(A) a horizontal straight line
time t, the velocity of a particle C on line joining A
(B) a vertical straight line and B is v/4 along x-axis. The magnitude of velocity
(C) a parabola of particle C relative to particle A, at the time t is

(D) a straight line making an angle |1 -2| with nv

given by . Find the value of n.
the horizontal 2 2
For more books please contact : B.N. PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS : # 2027 , Sunny Enclave,
Sector - 125 , Kharar , Mohali, Punjab - 140301, M : 93566-14006, 93566-14008.
Motion in a Plane & Projectile - JMS3
26. A tram moves with a velocity u. A particle moving 29. A box ABCD of size 1.5m × 2m is moving on a
horizontally with a speed v enters through corner smooth surface with velocity 10m/sec. A bullet
E with velocity u perpendicular to v. This particle
entering at corner A at an angle tan-1 (2/3) comes
strikes the diagonally opposite corner O. If the
dimensions of tram are 16 × 2.4 × 3.2 m3, find the out of it at corner C while the box is moving. The
value of u in m/s. 20 
velocity of the bullet is given by m/s. Find
E 3
the value of .

27. A boy is running along positive x-axis with 8m/s. 2m

While running he manages to throw a stone in a V
plane perpendicular to his direction of running with 1.5m
velocity 12m/s at an angle 30° with vertical. Find
the speed (in m/s) of the stone at the highest point 30. A car is travelling at a velocity of 10 kmh–1 on a
of the trajectory. straight road. The driver of car throws a parcel
28. For an observer on trolly direction of particle as
shown in figure. While for the observer on ground, with a velocity of 10  kmh–1 when car is passing
ball rise vertically. Find the maximum height (in by a man standing on the side of a road. If parcel
metre) reached by ball from trolley.
just reaches the man, the direction of throw makes
v (w.r.t. trolley)
TRangle with the direction of car is given by n ×

600 10m/s 0
15 . Find the value of n in nearest integer.


For more books please contact : B.N. PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS : # 2027 , Sunny Enclave,
Sector - 125 , Kharar , Mohali, Punjab - 140301, M : 93566-14006, 93566-14008.

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