Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
Managerial Economics
MBS First Semester
Tribhuvan University
2021 MBS First Semester
Managerial Economics
Tribhuvan University
Course Contents:
1. Introduction to Managerial Economics and Theories of Firm
2. Demand analysis and forecasting
3. Production and cost analysis
4. Pricing theory and practice
5. Risk Analysis
6. Market efficiency and role of the government
Unit 1:
Introduction to Managerial Economics and Theories of firm
Concept of Managerial Economics.
The concept of managerial economics was initiated after 1950’s by Prof. Dean Joel and
Practicability of managerial economics in real practice was proved by Warren E. Buffet.
Managerial economics in its simplest form may be defined as the application of economic theory
to the problems of management.
Managerial economics is that part of economic theory which deals with the application of
economic tools and concepts to the solution of business problems or the problems of resource
allocation among the competing ends.
Managerial economics is the discipline which deals with the application of economic theory to
business management.
Managerial economics refers to the application of economic theory and decision science tools to
find the optimal solution to business decision problems.
Managerial economics prescribes rules for improving managerial decision
It tells managers how action should be undertaken to achieve organizational goals efficiently.
Managerial economics also helps managers recognize how economic forces affect organizations
and describes the economic consequences of management behavior.
Managerial Economics can be defined as amalgamation of economic theory with business
practices so as to ease decision-making and future planning by management.
A. External/Environmental Issues:
(macroeconomic theories and tools are applied)
What is the nature and trend of domestic business environment?
What is the nature and trend of international business environment?
What is the nature and impact of social costs and government policy measures?
Trend in the Economy
International Economic Conditions
Environmental issues
Prediction of aggregate economic variables
Policy issues
Note: Managerial economics differs with traditional economic issues in various aspects such as
practicability, character, scope, assumptions, hypothesis etc.
What is the Difference between Traditional Economics and Managerial
The upcoming discussion will help you to differentiate between traditional and managerial
General Tasks:
1. Organizing the resources and uses.
Constrained Optimisation
i. Legal constrained
ii. ii. Inputs constrained
iii. iii. Financial constrained