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February 2023 Examination

Dept. of Electronics and Communication
1a Any 5 Automation process steps or any 5 troubleshooting steps or any 5*2m=10m
5 solution or replacement steps
1b List any 5 components used in Lenovo packaging line + 5m+2.5m*2=10m
Describe/Explain any 2
2a Manual/semimanual procedure +automation procedure OR 5m+5m=10m
explanation of industry 4.0 compared with manual/semimanual
2b Explanation 10m
3a Mention the 3 Factors +details of any 5 communication protocols + 5m+5m=10m
3b Details of any 5 sensors 5m*2=10m
4a Steps+its explanation+Components explanation 2m+4m+4m=10m

4b Explanation+working 5m+5m=10m

5a Working of PLC with any input as sensor+ relevant output at actuator 5m+5m=10m

5b Any 5 differences between PLC and Microcontroller 5*2m=10m

6a Identifying as VFD+ its purpose / working+ working of PLC( optional 4m+6m=10m
block diagram)
6b Identifying control module as PLC+block diagram+Its explanation 3m+3m+4m=10m

7a Naming the parts + Explanation of parts of Robot 5m+5m=10m

7b Explanation of gripper+ any 5 factors in selecting the gripper 5m+5m=10m

8a Identifying as AMV+ Explanation of AMV/AGV/obstacle detection 5m+5m=10m

8b List of any 5 types of Robots+its Explanation 5m+5m=10m

9a Any 3 PC requirements + steps for ROS installation 5m+5m=10m

9b Explanation of comm tools+ mention any 5 ROS libraries 5m+5m=10m

10a Explanation of any 2 uses of ROS 5m*2=10m

10b Explanation on AGV+any 2 path planning methods of AGV 5m+2.5m*2=10m

Government of Karnataka
Directorate of collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations

Dept. of Electronics and Communication

Automation and Robotics Specialization Pathway -20EC53I


Q 1a) The production of an automatic packaging line for Lenovo Laptop has stopped.It needs to be
corrected immediately to prevent further loss for the company.

Identify the possible reasons for the above critical condition and also suggest suitable solution for the
above case. 10 marks

a) After completion of manufacturing of laptops, the following stages/steps are followed at the
packaging line.

➢ out of Buffer line ,laptops are sent for packaging section – Linear actuators and conveyor with VFD
for controlled motor speed
➢ Auto scan of the laptops for its packing purpose – Laser photo detector sensor /RFID(Radio
frequency identification)/any relevant sensors
➢ Install cushion- pick and place robots are used to install cushion on the conveyor
➢ The laptops are packed with covers and made to move on the conveyor to the next stage.
➢ Put into Box- For making boxes , cutters are used to cut into required shape . The actuators pull
and push the boxes to place in required dimension.
➢ linear actuator are used to label on the top of the box.
➢ Pick and place Robot helps in insertion of laptop into the box.
➢ Paste carton label – is done using a Linear actuator
➢ Auto scan of box- is done using Laser photo detector sensor /RFID(Radio frequency
identification)/any relevant sensors
➢ Feeding accessory box – A box containing accessories are picked and placed using pick and place
➢ Feed publications- the guidelines and relevant documents are fed into the box using the above
➢ Auto weight-weighing sensors are used to to check the weight of the box
➢ Sealing box- with all the above contents the box is sealed using tape applied by the cartridges as
the box travels through the machine
➢ Paste security label-automatic labelling is done for the Lenovo brand protection
➢ Auto accumulation- The packed boxes are accumulated and assembled for further delivery and

Reference Link → https://youtu.be/0mPLQEiCf9E

Any of the above stages may not be working. The components and sensors need to be checked ,
troubleshooted and replaced if required to resume the production immediately


1 b) List the various components used for automation in the above industry. Describe any two. 10 marks
Some of the Components used in Lenovo Packaging Line are :-

• Miniature Photoelectric Sensor

• Wireless Limit switch
• Ultrasonic Sensor
• VFD to control the speed of conveyor belt
• Servo motors
• Proximity sensor
• IR sensor

(Describe any 2)

➢ Miniature Photoelectric Sensor- Ideal for mounting in limited mounting space. Used for object
detection /Distance measurement.

➢ Wireless Limit switch

o Used to tally the items or materials to a pre-determined limit.
o Used as interlocks to prevent machine parts from moving further
o Used to activate or de-activate a device to prevent malfunctioning /emergencies

➢ Ultrasonic Sensors- detects both distance and proximity. It’s very useful in anti-collision detection or
presence detection.

➢ VFD- Variable frequency drive that can be used to control the speed and movement of motors in

➢ Servo motors- used in actuators for its movements in different dimensions for various purposes.

Q2 a) Implementation of Industry 4.0 in any Semi-Manual Corrugation Box Industry: 10marks

Before implementing the Industry 4.0 in Semi-Manual of Corrugation box manufacturing process:

• Raw materials like paper, gum ,stapler pin etc. are purchased.
• The Role of paper are lifted by hand manually and then taken towards the first step.
• In First step the Role of paper are cut manually as per the width of the blade settings in the Paper
Cutting machine.
• The cut Paper are stored in the tray.
• Then the tray is carried manually to the second step.
• In Second step the paper sent to the gumming the paper boards as per the requirement
maually/using machines
• Next it is carried to the Rotary section.
• The Third step is Rotary, in the rotary step the paper boards are bended as per the shape
required using the sides bending machines.
• Next it is carried manually to the Sorting section.
• In sorting section the bended part of the paper board is cut using the machine.
• After sorting they are carried to the stapling machine, where the paper board is stapled using the
• After stapling they are exposed to sunlight to dry the glue.

After implementing the Industry 4.0 in Semi-Manual of Corrugation box manufacturing process:

• The Role of paper are lifted by fork lifter and fixed to the machine.
• The machine takes the paper in as per the input from the HMI and cuts the paper
• It is moved to the second stage on the conveyor.
• If the Photodetector sensor detects the object the conveyor is started.
• The machinery folds the paper to the required shape
• Next the paper is gummed/glued as per the requirement using glue machine.
• By using the preheater in the machine the paper board are dried.
• Next it is carried to the Rotary and sorting section by the conveyor.
• The paper boards are bended as per the shape required using the sides bending machine and by
the blades attached in the same machine the paper board are cut.
• The stapling machine staples the paper board using pins.
• The conveyors are controlled by the HMI and PLC using suitable networking protocols.
• At every stage the Visual camera systems are used for verifying the product.

REFERENCE Link: https://natrajmachinery.co.in/how-to-set-up-a-corrugated-box-manufacturing-



2 b) Explain permanent automation system in industry. 10 marks

• Permanent /Fixed automation is a type of automation where the manufacturing process is a fixed
sequence of automated processes.
• It is suitable for flow/continuous production, where the products are continuously made.
• It can be expensive to set up initially due to the equipment requirement , but provides high
production rates.
• This type of automation is best suited for high demand and generic products that require no
• Examples- coca cola use fixed automation for production of large quantities of soft drinks to meet
high demands
• Advantages
o High levels of production
o Consistent quality in production
o Low cost per unit produced
• Disadvantages
o High initial cost
o Difficult to accommodate changes



Q 3 a) On what factors the communication protocols used in automation industries depends on ?

Mention the specificationof any 5 standard communication protocol/cable used with PLC modules
connected over network 10marks

The communication protocols are dependent upon three fundamental parts/factors

1.baud rate

2.network length

3.number of nodes

The different types of standard communication protocols support different speeds (baud rate), distances
(network length), and the number of connecting devices (nodes).

# Protocol/Cable Baud Rate Length Node

01 Ethernet 100 Mb/s (Few Km) 255

02 Profibus 5-12 Mb/s 15 Km 127

03 MPI 19.2- 38.4 Kb/s 50 m 32

04 PPI 187.5 Kb/s 500 m 1

05 DH 230.4 Kb/s 3.048 Km 64

06 Control Net 5 Mb/s 30 Km

07 Device Net 500 Kb/s 0.487 64

08 USB Adapter 57.6 Kb/s 10 m 1

09 PC Adapter 9600 Kb/s 15 m 1

10 RS-232 19.2 Kb/s 10 m 1

11 RS-485 10 Kb/s 1.2 Km 32

Link- https://dipslab.com/plc-communication-protocols-used-industry

3 b.) List any five possible sensors used in potato manufacturing industry.Explain the purpose of using
them 10marks

The following main machines for potato chips line are used in potato manufacturing industry.

1.Potato sorting machine

Defect sorter-it detects defective potatoes

components-color sensors/camera sensors (to detect dark green/black spots)

are used

2.Potato washing and peeling machine

It integrates the function of washing and peeling.It is equipped with a spiral discharge and
spraying device.
Components- moisture sensors,vibration sensors, camera sensors (to detect residual peels)

3. Potato slicing machine

It is used for cutting the potatoes into slices.

Components- Cutter with motor and VFD can be used for slicing the potatoes into required
sizes with necessary speed of cutting

4. Potato blanching machine

It is used to blanch the chips to protect chips from changing color and protect the natural
Components – color sensors can be used

5. Vibration de-watering machine

It is used to remove extra water of potato chips by high frequency vibration. Its bottom is with
discharging plates. Also prevents the potato slices sticking together.
Components- vibration sensors, moisture sensor

6. Air blowing potato slices dewatering machine

The machine can remove water from the surface potato slices by blowing strong air at
normal temperature
Components- pressure sensors can be used

7. Continuous potato chips frying machine – adopts oil-water mixing technology.also equipped with mesh-
lifting system
Components- temperature sensors,color sensors can be used.

8. Vibration potato chips de-oiling machine

By high frequency vibration ,it can remove extra oil on fried potato chips in an effective and
efficient way.It also prevents potato chips sticking together.
Components- vibration sensors

9. Potato chips de-oiling cooling machine

Removes extra oil with cooling the chips to prevent from clogging
Components- temperature sensors, vibration sensors

10. Potato chips flavouring machine

• Weigh Guard- ensures accurate dosing of salt and other flavouring to the potato flakes-
Pressure sensors/weight sensors
• Vibrator sensor-is used while transferring to flavour drum uniformly
• Flavour drum- Flavouring is introduced at the same time as potato chips/pellets enter the
drum-IR/ultra sonic sensors are used

11. Automatic potato chips packing machine

Complete process of feeding, measuring and weighing, nitrogen filling and sealing is done.

Components- Weighing sensor/load cell, pressure sensor , level sensor can be used

REFERENCE Link- https://www.potatochipsmachinery.com/potato-chips-making-line/full-automatic-


NOTE: Explanation of any 5 sensors that may be used in potato manufacturing industry

Q4 a) Illustrate the PLC based automatic car washing system 10 marks

Problem Description
When a Car enters the hall, a certain sequence is to be followed automatically. Steps are 1) Soaping 2)
Washing 3) Rinsing and 4) Drying

Problem Solution
• To detect the car automatically, load cells can be used, or any other sensor such as Infrared
Sensor can also be used.
• Soaping, Washing, Rinsing and Drying are performed for a particular time, hence to generate
time delay for these outputs become mandatory.
• To operate this process, for soaping, washing, and drying, four different timers are used.
• IR sensor detects everything whatever restricts the signal but in load cell, particular Low Level
and High Level can be set to detect heavily weighted cars only. Load Cell can be here more
effective here than IR sensors.

Reference Link - https://www.sanfoundry.com/plc-program-implement-automatic-car-wash-process/

4b.) Analyse Firewall control over network access and its restrictions 10marks

A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or
blocks data packets based on a set of security rules. Its purpose is to establish a barrier between your
internal network and incoming traffic from external sources (such as the internet) in order to block malicious
traffic like viruses and hackers.


Firewalls carefully analyze incoming traffic based on pre-established rules and filter traffic coming from
unsecured or suspicious sources to prevent attacks. Firewalls guard traffic at a computer’s entry point, called
ports, which is where information is exchanged with external devices. For example, “Source address is allowed to reach destination over port 22."

Optional-(Think of IP addresses as houses, and port numbers as rooms within the house. Only trusted people
(source addresses) are allowed to enter the house (destination address) at all—then it’s further filtered so
that people within the house are only allowed to access certain rooms (destination ports), depending on if
they're the owner, a child, or a guest. The owner is allowed to any room (any port), while children and guests
are allowed into a certain set of rooms (specific ports))

Reference Link-. https://www.forcepoint.com/cyber-edu/firewall


Q 5 a) With reference to your visit to any automation industry, explain a sensors application given to the
PLC and its relevant output obtained at the actuators 10 marks

Any sensor inputs and the respective action on the actuator can be explained as observed in the industry

For Ex: In ITC Tobacco manufacturing company at Devanahalli , Bengaluru

The raw materials ie containers of lamina and the stem are sensed using IR sensors. If the container
containing the lamina is sensed then the PLC is programmed to lift the container by the SCARA robot
and shifted to the different processing line , where as the container with stems is allowed to go
straight to the next processing line without any disturbance.
5 b ) Why is PLC preferred over Microcontroller in industries 10marks
Specific industrial conditions
1. Shock and vibration- PLC is capable of withstanding strong amount of both shock and vibration
common to warehouse environment.
Microcontroller requires special mounting and connection considerations designed to hold the
2. Corrosion- In some environments, equipment is around vapour/fumes that corrode wiring and other
components. PLC has coatings that cut down on the bare/exposed metal on their boards. Also their
wires include corrosion resistant materials
3. Noise- PLC has better level of protection against standard electronic noise or magnetic fields without
issues , whereas microcontroller could go into fault mode or lose its program if the noise interference
is significant.
4. Temperature levels-PLC can withstand extreme temperatures even when installed in outdoor
enclosure, whereas microcontroller can work well only in temperature controlled environment.
5. Industry standards for testing- International electrotechnical commission (IEC) and Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) include standards . as per it, each PLC system will include documentation that lists
tests completed and methodologies used.
Most microcontrollers does not undergo such extensive testing, which becomes difficult to know
their capabalities.

NOTE: Refer to the link to consider other relevant points

Reference Link- https://www.c3controls.com/white-paper/microcontrollers-versus-plcs-detailed-


Q 6a) An Energy audit was made in New paint shop at BMW Group plant and reported immense loss
due to the use of energy in the pumps. Discuss how energy can be saved using suitable motor/drive (10m)

The company installed the VFDs(Variable Frequency Drive)

Variable speed drives achieve these energy savings by driving the motor at the speed needed by the process.
This contrasts with the wasteful practice of running the motor at full speed and then choking off the output,
air or water in the case of fans and pumps, with some kind of mechanical device, such as a baffle or valve.

“The main benefits we get are the flexibility to increase and decrease speed at will, compared to the
previous method based on adjusting the pump valves,” says Steve Edmunds, maintenance shift manager at
BMW Group Plant Oxford. “We have now found the optimum speed for the pumps and are saving about
480,000 kWhrs a year on this facility.”

Link- https://joliettech.com/information/variable-frequency-drive-vfd-case-studies/vfd-case-studies-abb-
Q 6b) The company also wants to control the above modified system remotely . Describe suitable
controlling module and technique 10marks


The company installed the VFDs and also implemented a communication network that would enable BMW
to control the drives from remote PLCs

A PLC is used in assembly lines for any function that requires high reliability control or process fault
diagnosis. PLC accepts information from connected sensors and input devices. Then, it processes that data
and creates outputs based on preset parameters. Depending on the exact setup, a PLC can even monitor and
record run-time data, analyzing machine line productivity .

Q 7a) It is required to cut a wooden object by bringing the object to the cutter. Explain the various parts
and functions of a Robot to perform the above task 10marks

Parts of the Robot are

• Body – Robot are mounted on a Base. The body is attached to the base.
• Arm - The arm is assembled to the body
• Wrist - At the end of the arm is wrist which holds the gripper or end effector that performs
the work .

Arm and Body motion:-

Arm and Body moment include 3 motions like
• Verticle motion- this motion includes up and down movements of the arm.
• Radial motion-Radial motion includes in & out moments i.e front and back.
• Rotational motion – This includes rotation of the arm .

Wrist Motion :-
• Wrist rotation movement –It is the rotation of the wrist perpendicular to the end of the arm .
• Wrist bend :-It is the movement of the wrist in up and down direction .

Degrees Of Freedom :-
A typical robot arm will have 6 DOF. Only 3 DOF are necessary to get it anywhere in space, but 6 gives it
more versatility.
Each of the following is one degree of freedom:
1.moving up and down(heaving)
2.moving left and right(swaying)
3.moving forward and back(surging)
4.tilting up and down(pitching)
5.turning left and right(yawing)
6.tilting side to side(rolling)

Q 7 b) Explain the role of gripper in the above case and the factors considered in selecting suitable
gripper. 10marks

The most common purpose of gripper is to grasp or enclose parts for transfer, insertion, or assembly in
automated manufacturing and processing systems.

Vacuum grippers are most ideal to handle wooden objects.

Vacuum Grippers - Vacuum Grippers can handle a wide range of applications and are ideal for picking up
uneven and even workpieces made of different materials, such as cardboard, glass, sheet metal (dry) and
plastic. Because of the customizable bracket and unique air nodes.

Note: Other types of grippers that can be considered are Hydraulic grippers, pneumatic grippers, servo-
electric grippers


Part to be handled Weight,size,shape

Actuation method Mechanical grasping,vacuum cup,


Power and signal transmission Pneumatic,electrical,hydraulic,mechanical

Gripper force Weight of the object,method of handling,co-

efficient of friction between fingures and object,
speed and acceleration during movement

Positioning problem Length of the fingures, tolerance of the part size

Operating environment Humidity , moisture , dirt

Q8 a) A product has to be moved from point A to point B in the same floor of an industry having heavy
traffic environment. Discuss an anti-collision Robot for this application 10 marks

The product can be transported from point A to point B of an Industry with heavy traffic which are on the
same floor by using Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs).

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) - AMRs use a sophisticated set of sensors, artificial intelligence, machine
learning and compute for path planning to interpret and navigate through their environment, untethered
from wired power. Because AMRs are equipped with cameras and sensors, if they experience an unexpected
obstacle while navigating their environments, such as a fallen box or a crowd of people, they will use a
navigation technique like collision avoidance to slow, stop or reroute their path around the object and then
continue with their task.

Note: AGV also can be considered for the same

8 b)what are the five different types of Robots that are used in any automation industry. Justify its
purpose 10marks
Common Types of Robots.
1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)
2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
3. Articulated Robots
4. Humanoids
5. Cobots
6. Hybrids

1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) can choose different routes to travel to their destination. If
one pathway is blocked, the AMR can choose a different one, because the robot has a map of the
facility stored in its memory. Their onboard sensors enable AMRs to detect obstacles and
automatically navigate around them.
2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)- While AMRs traverse environments freely, AGVs rely on
tracks or predefined paths and often require operator oversight. These are commonly used to
deliver materials and move items in controlled environments such as warehouses and factory
3. Articulated Robots - Articulated robots (also known as robotic arms) are meant to emulate the
functions of a human arm. Typically, these can feature anywhere from 2 to 10 rotary joints. Each
additional joint or axis allows for a greater degree of motion—making these ideal for arc welding,
material handling, machine tending, and packaging.
4. Humanoids- While many mobile humanoid robots may technically fall under the domain of an
AMR, the term is used to identify robots that perform human-centric functions and often take
human-like forms. They use many of the same technology components as AMRs to sense, plan,
and act as they carry out tasks such as providing directions or offering concierge services.
5. Cobots- Cobots are designed to function alongside or directly with humans. While most other
types of robots perform their tasks independently, or in strictly isolated work areas, Cobots can
share spaces with workers to help them accomplish more. They’re often used to eliminate
manual, dangerous, or strenuous tasks from day-to-day workflows. In some cases, Cobots can
operate by responding to and learning from human movements.
6. Hybrids-The various types of robots are often combined to create hybrid solutions that are
capable of more complex tasks. For example, an AMR might be combined with a robotic arm to
create a robot for handling packages inside of a warehouse. As more functionality is combined
into single solutions, compute capabilities are also consolidated
Note: all other different robots can be considered if mentioned
Classification of Robots:

1. Based on Robot Arm configuration:

a. Spherical or Polar co-ordinate robot.
b. Cylindrical co-ordinate robot
c. Rectangular or Cartesian co-ordinate robot.
d. Revolute or Jointed co-ordinate/Jointed arm robot

2. Based on Power Source:

a. Hydraulic
b. Pneumatic
c. Electric

3. Based on Path control:

a. Limited Sequence Robot
b. Point-to-point control
c. Continuous path control (Straight line and Contoured paths)

4. Other types:
a. Gantry or Frame robot
b. SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm)
c. PUMA Robot
d. Delta Robo

Q 9a) What are recommended PC requirements for installing ROS. Explain the procedure to install ROS

The minimum memory requirement for ROS is 1 GB of RAM installed in your computer. In terms of game file
size, you will need at least 15 MB of free disk space available. The cheapest graphics card you can play it on
is an NVIDIA GeForce 7200 GS. To play ROS you will need a minimum CPU equivalent to an Intel Core 2 Duo
Q6867. However, the developers recommend a CPU greater or equal to an Intel Core i3-2340UE to play the

ROS will run on PC system with Windows XP, Vista, 7,8,10 and upwards.
ROS recommended PC requirements
▪ Memory: 1 GB
▪ Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7200 GS
▪ CPU: Intel Core i3-2340UE/Intel Core 2 Duo Q6867
▪ File Size: 15 MB
▪ OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7,8,10

Link- https://www.pcgamebenchmark.com/ros-system-requirements

Procedure to Install ROS.

1. Step 1: Install VirtualBox. Go to www.virtualbox.org and download the newest version of VirtualBox
for OS you're using
2. Step 2: Configurating the VirtualMachine like VMware.
3. Step 3: Booting and Installing Ubuntu on VirtualBox.
4. Step 4: Install ROS Kinetic Kame.
5. Step 5: Install Arduino IDE.
6. Step 6: Including ROS Library.

Reference Link - https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Install-ROS/

9 b) i) Explain ROS communication tools 5 marks

ROS comes with 3 main communication tools:

Topics-Those will be used mainly for sending data streams between nodes

Ex. When monitoring the temperature of a motor on the Robot,the node monitoring this motor will
send a data stream with temperature.Any other node can subscribe to this topic and get the data.
• Services- They will allow you to create a simple synchronous client/server communication between
Its very useful for changing setting on the Robot or ask for a specific action like enable free drive
mode,ask for specific data etc.
• Actions- They will allow you to create a complex asynchronous client/server communication
architecture,where a client can send a request (ex. Asking to move the Robot to a new location).The
client can asynchronously monitor the state of the server , and cancel the request anytime.
ii) Mention the ROS libraries and its uses 5 marks

Some of ROS client library are

• ros_control – ROS main control loop

• URDF-represent a 3D model of your robot, simply describe it using XML
• Moveit – For path and motion planning
• Navigate stack-to move mobile Robot
• Rviz- For 3D visualisation
• Gazebo - powerful simulation tool, with physical constraints
• Rosbridge – To communicate between a ROS and a non-ROS environment
• roscpp
• rospy
• roslisp

packages containing application-related code uses one or more ROS client libraries

Reference link - https://roboticsbackend.com/what-is-ros/

Q10 a) Discuss the importance of ROS for the development of Robots. Give any 2 examples 10marks

1. ROS is general

The same base code and knowledge can be applied to many different kinds of robots : robotic arms, drones,
mobile bases, … Once learned about how communication is done between all the nodes of the program, we
can setup new parts of an application very easily

2. ROS packages for everything

If we need to compute a trajectory for your robot ,there is a package for that.
If we use joystick to control the robot,there is also a package for that.
If we want to map out a room with a drone,there are many packages to do that.
There are many ROS packages for almost any robotic application.

3. ROS is language-agnostic(sub-programs can be written in any language)

we can easily communicate between a Python node and a C++ node. It means a lot of reusability and
possibilities of coworking. Many libraries also allow to use other languages (because ROS has mainly
targeted C++ and Python).

we can also get a websocket server running on your robot (rosbridge_suite) or an HTTP server, and thus use
any language to communicate with it.

4. ROS has great simulation tools

we always get your robot running for real, so you need simulation tools. ROS has many great tools, such
as Rviz and Gazebo. With Gazebo we can even add some physical constraints to the environment, so when
we run the simulation and the real robot, the outcome is pretty much the same. Imagine mapping a room in
3D with a drone directly on your computer, that could save you a huge amount of time.

The simulation tools also allow you to see and use other robots that you don’t possess, for educational
purposes or to test in a specific environment.

5. You can control multiple robots with ROS

ROS can work with multiple ROS masters. It means that you can have many independent robots, each with
its own ROS system, and all robots can communicate between each other.

6. ROS is light

The core base of ROS doesn’t take much space and resources. You can quickly install the core packages and
get started in a few minutes. Plus, you can also use ROS on embedded computers, such as Raspberry Pi 3
boards. Thus we can easily start a new project without much trouble.

7. More compatible ROS products

When you build a robot, you don’t necessarily want to reinvent or recreate every part of it. You might want
to focus on some development points, and integrate the rest from other manufacturers. The good news
here is you can find many robotics products – such as grippers, controller boards etc. – that already have a
ROS package. So, in addition to the physical tool, the software that goes with it is directly compatible with
your ROS system.

8. ROS is an open source project with a permissive license

One of the greatest strength of ROS is that it’s open source. Most of the core packages are released under a
BSD license. A BSD license allows you to modify and use the code for commercial purposes, without having
to release your code with an open source license. This can be a good point when a company decides to
integrate an open source software. But, hey, don’t forget about the open source spirit

Link - https://service.niryo.com/en/blog/8-reasons-use-ros-robotics-projects

10 b.) Analyse Robot path planning for AGV 10 marks

Automated guidance vehicles are actually mobile robots that are electrically powered
and run on their own. They are guided by a computerized system that determines their movement with
software applications. AGVs are powered by a battery or electric motor that enables the complete operation
of warehouse loading, manufacturing, and other operations.
AGV guidance or navigation system - Every industry has its own requirements and uses for AGV and it is
therefore important to consider the navigation or guidance system needed before AGV is implemented in
the warehouse. The requirement dictates the functions and routes the AGV.

There are a wide variety of navigation systems that are used to guide these robots.
The navigation system will be determined by the path and is classified in:
• A fixed path
• free-ranging

The way an AGV calculates its current position (It has to know where it is and where to go) is classified as:
• Absolute: Vehicle knows it position at all times for example laser systems
• Relative: The vehicle does not always know its location, a calculation from the previous position
determines its position for example iodometric systems

Magnetic tape - This is a fixed relative system where the AGV is fitted with a magnetic reader in the front
that detects magnetic field fluctuation. Tape embedded on the ground creates a magnetic field to guide the
path. The magnetic reader, wheel turning, scanners are all connected to a control unit that guides the
vehicle into performing complex manoeuvres.
RFID cards are used in conjunction with the magnetic strip and are read at the same time.
This enables the vehicle to:
• Execute stops
• Changes of trajectory
• Take different paths, make stops
• Charge battery.

Optical vision
This system is a fixed relative system that is an optical vision-based. Through the use of cameras and sensors,
the AGV acquires information about its environment and makes decisions.
There are various types of optical systems, such as:
• QR code recognition: Codes and reference points are arranged on the ground in advance with great
precision. The AGV recognizes them and knows where it is and how far to move and the right
detection or path to get to the next reference.
• Ground guidance: The AGVs path is painted on the ground in a contrasting colour to the ground. It is
similar to the magnetic strip scenario.
• 3D cameras: This system provides the AGV with images of its surrounding environment in real-time.
It adds values like distance intensity and confidence thresholds, allowing detection of landmarks and
recognizing obstacles and relating it to a pre-loaded map.
• Laser systems:
These systems operate freely and are absolute. AGVs with laser navigation are also called Laser
Guided Vehicles (LGVs). These vehicles are fitted with a device that emits thousands of light beams
per second. These light beams bounce off reflectors (catadioptric) that are captured by a receiver. The
system calculates the time that the beam takes to go and come in order to navigate distance. By being able to
detect up to 3 reflectors the vehicle can calculate its position in a triangle and then compare it to a map stored
in its memory. This is a very accurate and reliable system that lends to great flexibility and when changes are
made to the management software, it does not affect the production environment. This allows the AGV to
follow multiple paths.
• Slam system:
This is a free and absolute system and the name is derived from the acronym “Simultaneous Localization and
Mapping.” This navigation technique is quite natural as it allows the AGV to build a map of the environment
and navigate through at the same time. This system can also use a laser to detect the environment but with
SLAM it is not necessary to install reflectors. The navigation system has a preloaded map with a series of
reference points. The secret is that SLAM uses complex algorithms.

REFERENCE : Resource from industry- ITC LTD


This is to certify that the above model answers is prepared by me which are within the syllabus prescribed
by DTE, and have given relevant solutions whose reference is taken from genuine websites / Industry /
Real time exposure

Selection Grade Lecturer
Dept of E&C
S J (Govt) Polytechnic
Code: lOE<::
7673 R egister l1

v semester Dlploma Ex•mln.tton, February/Marc b-lO'll

Time : 3 Hours I I Mu. Marks: 100
Instruction: Answer one full question from each Sectio n.


1. (a) The production of an Au_tomati~ Packaging Line for Lenovo Laptop has stopped
It needs to be corrected 1mmed1ately to prevent further loss for the company. ·
Identify the possible reasons for the above critical condition and al
suitable solution for the above case. so suggest
(b) List the various components used for automation in the above industry.
Describe any two.

2. (a) Illustrate with an example the implementation of Industry 4.0 in any

m~ual/semi manual industry.
(b) Explain permanent automation system in Industry. 10


J. (a) On what factors the communication protocols used in Automation Industries

depends on ? \()
Mention the specification of any five standard communication protocol/cable
used with PLC modules connected over network.
(b) List any five possible sensors used in Potato Manufacturing Industry. Explain
the purpose of using them. 10

(a) I11ustrate the PLC based Automatic Car Washing System. 10

(b) Analyse Firewa11 control over network access and its restrictions. 10

1 of2 [Turn over

2 of%

SECTION -Ill 7673

s. (a)
. ercnce to Your visil •~ ony nutomotion industry .
With ~f 1•ven 10 the PLC and its relevant output obtained' explain a sen~
0 plicallon 8 . at the actuators
p . PLC preferred over Microcontroller in Industries. · 10
(b) Why IS 1()

Audit w~s made in New Paint Shop at BMW Group Plant

6. (a) An Enede~rnrnense loss due to the use of ener!,,y in the pumps. Discus hand
repo rt t . eel . . bl
usmg smta e motor / drive.
be sav
s ow
energy can , 10
mpanY also Wants to control the atiove modified system rernot
(b) The ~be suitable controlling module,& technique. e1y.
oescn · 10


7. (a) It is required to cut a woo~en obje.ct by bringing the object to the .cutter. Explain
the various parts and functions of a Robot to perform the a1love task.
- (b) Explain the role of Gripper in the above case and tJle factors considered in
selecting suitable gripper. / 1

~ ~a)- A product has to be moved--fro~ .,.p o~A- to. point-==& in~the same,-fioof' of--an
Industry having heavy traffic enVIronment. Discuss an anti-collision Robot for
this application. 10
(b) What are the five different types of Robots that are used in any Automation
industry. Justify its purpose. · 10


9. (a) What are recommended PC requirements for installing ROS. ~xplain the
procedure to install ROS. 10
(b) (i) Explain ROS communication Tools. 10
(ii) Mention the ROS Libraries and its uses.

10. (a) Discuss the importance of ROS for the development of Robots. Give any two
examples. 10
(b) Analyse the Robot path planning for AGV. 10

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