Retail Management s9m
Retail Management s9m
Retail Management s9m
Retail Location
• Taking Jewelers as an example their location would be ideally
close to their target market
• Security is a high concern which is why jewelers hire their own
security and now prefer to be located in malls as malls feature
their own security and although have high rents can be
balanced by the lower need of security over heads
• This also provides Parking facility which is a crucial concern for
some buyers
• Competition is also welcome as jewelers like to be placed
amidst either their completion or their logical grouping of
retailers, i. e Watch stores, lets take Zaibunisa Street and
Sadder as our local market example
• Besides learning that Parking in fact does
matter, lets talk competition
• Notice how similar restaurants open in a area (
Do Daria), (E street)
• Car Show rooms ( Khalid Bin Waleed Road)
Auto Parts Market and Accessories (Plaza)
• Furniture and Interiors ( Nursery, 26th Street
after the Mazaar)
The importance of Location
• Most spaces for Rent ask you for a few months deposit, some are flexible
( like kiosk) that allow for a month to month basis, but over all it’s a long
term commitment so if you are commitment shy , perhaps Brick and
Mortar is not the way for you
• Decision where to locate is complex, the costs are high, and once a site is
chosen, flexibility is limited.
• Depending on your location, even a mediocre offering can fly successfully.
Lets take hospital gift shops as an example
• Due to their proximity , they can charge a premium and still have limited
• South City Flower Shop
• Zerrita (PC)
• Airport Duty Free
• Bateel (PC)
Let’s keep it Real
• Lucky for all of us there are software's to make
those calculations
• Unfortunately basing your data on population is
not a winning combination (Lucky Mall)
• Lets revisit one of our earlier discussions, If
sporting stores like Reebok had taken not just
income and population but how much disposable
income is spent on fitness into the equation,
perhaps their decision to open a branch in Lucky
Mall may have been different
• A trading area is a geographic area containing customers of a
particular firm or group for specific goods or services ( seen the
groupings of Courier services on Shahrefaisal?)
• Consumer demographics and socio economic characteristics are
• The focus on promotional activities is ascertained
• A retailer learns whether new customers in the new locations will be
attracted or will it take away from current customers (Dolmen Mall
Clifton and Ocean Mall)
• Chains can determine whether competitors want to open nearby
• The best number for a chain to operate is determined ( Khaadi at The
Place, Ocean Mall , Dolmen Mall and a stand alone on Zamzamma)
Shopping Centers
Advantages of a shopping mall location
• Because of many different retail stores,
merchandise available within, opportunity to
combine shopping with entertainment, shopping
malls are the main street for todays shoppers
• Customers can have a one stop shopping experience
based on the tenant mix. Need to loose weight and
join a gym, Clothing and accessories can be found in
Dolman Mall Clifton from sneakers to gym wear,
gym bags , water bottles and even yoga mats from
different brands ranging from lifestyle and durability
Advantages continued
• The third advantage is that retailers do not need to worry
about their external environment. The malls management
takes care of maintenance, uniform hours of operation,
security, and even signage regulations.
• In the event of shop lifting, security personnel can be
called to take care of the perpetrator, also easing the
responsibility of the retail staff of an outlet. *real example
of a brand
• Also when fights between customers break out (has been
known to involve yelling and even physical violence)
security can be called to ease tensions
• One disadvantage is that with all the facilities mentioned
above there comes a price. Mall rent is relatively higher than
one would pay say on Zamzamma. Furniture stores that
require a lot of space would hesitate before making the shift.
Habbit in fact joined Dolmen Mall Clifton years after its launch
when traffic to their Gizri brand had in fact declined. JB Saeed
showcases their wares at their stand alone in Bukharai.
• Some tenants may not like the mall administrations rules and
regulations * This includes store hours and window displays
• Competition in a mall can be intense. Small specialty stores go
head to head with bigger brands and departmental stores
Disadvantages of a Mall
• Regional Center: This type of center provides general
merchandise and services in full (CSD)
• Superregional Centers: similar to a regional center, but draws
from a larger population base and is enclosed with levels
(Rabi Center, Ghul Plaza)
• Fashion Specialty Centers : Although Tariq road still has a
close collection of medium to low range bridals on the strip
across Rabi Center, Mohsins, and Jabeens stretch, Mehboob
Buksh in Saddar, high end designers prefer E street and
Bukharai for their show rooms ( see String)
• Outlet Centers : Found in Saddar, North Nazmabad (although
prices say otherwise), manufacturers mostly sell their wares
of the brand at discounted rates. From the shift in of the mix,
these are now referred to as value centers
• The business park or
office building may be
another option for a
retailer, especially when
they cater to other
businesses. Tenants
share maintenance costs
and the image of the
building is usually
upscale and professional.
• Example: Gyms, Salons,
located in office buildings
Office Building
• More and more retail
businesses are getting a start at
home. Some may eventually
move to a commercial store
location: The cakery or Caramel
for example, while many remain
in the business owner's spare
room. This type of location is an
inexpensive option, but growth
may be limited. It is harder to
separate business and personal
life in this setup and the retailer
may run into problems if there
isn't a different address and/or
phone number for the business.
• • Kiosks are a popular location within malls or
located adjacent to gas stations and even
Restaurants (yes the pan walla at BBQ
tonight would be a kiosk)
• In malls, frequently between 40 to 500 sq ft
they can be found in prime locations (
Maybelline Kiosk at DMC) is located on the
walkway to the atrium escalator .
• These spaces are seen as a opportunity by a
mall operator to fill vacant positions
Mobile Retail or Trucks
• The new age of Retail has dawned and so has the new age of Retail
Locations.. A location on wheels!
• Already food trucks have shaken up the restaurant world, with
ambitious cooks no longer confined to kitchens and committed to
crippling rents and problematic locations.
• Now the mobile phenomenon is entering its second phase: Fashion
Retail American companies have been sending their wares out on wheels.
Designer Cynthia Rowley has a "mobile fashion unit" traveling the
country, stocked with her latest styles and equipped with a changing
room. Armani Exchange has sold jeans from trucks in Los Angeles, and
the Olsen Twins did a similar stunt for their line for JCPenney last fall.
• Does it make sense to skip the Brick and Mortar?
It's not hard to see why vendors would want to hit the streets; the "for
rent" signs plastered everywhere are testament to how hard it is to
keep a traditional business afloat. Consider the rent . Just the rent.
• A truck can get rolling for much less and is an owned asset.
• Add in texting plus social media like Facebook and Twitter to keep
the clientele posted on whereabouts, and the marketing plan and
the cool factor are both covered.
• Trucks, whether selling food or fashion, offer "uniqueness and
urgency," says Patricia Norins, a specialty retail expert "There's an
immediacy factor," she says. "The customer is not sure you're going
to be back. And there's a certain level of uniqueness that's
• More important, Norins notes, is that "it feels trendy, like the hip
new thing--people are interested in different types of shopping
experiences and are looking for new venues. Maybe they don't
want to go inside, maybe they don't think they're going shopping
until they see something that creates an impulse buy."
Location Selection
• Business Climate : a high level of employment means
high purchasing power, so its crucial to evaluate the
markets employment trends. Also which areas are
growing quickly and why
• Competition: The level of competition in a area can
also effect a retailers merchandise. A saturated trade
area offers customers a good selection of goods and
services while allowing competing retailers to make
good profit. A under saturated trade area has few
stores so less competition and not enough goods or
services to meet customers demand.
Factors affecting the attractiveness of a site
Types of Design
Grocery Store Layout
• Race Track : One problem with the grid is that customers are
not drawn into the store. The race track, also known as the
loop, is a type of store that allows a major aisle to facilitate
customer traffic. This encourages impulse buys as the store
provides access to boutiques ( departments designed as self
contained stores) . As customers go down the loop their eyes
are forced to take different angles. An example of this is JC
Penny and Macys.
• Free Form: A free form layout ( also known as boutique layout)
arranges fixtures and items asymmetrically. It is successfully
used in small specialty stores or sections of department stores.
In this relaxed environment customers feel free to browse.
• Disadvantages: Since customers are not forced in a direction,
personal selling is paramount here. Theft is also higher as sales
associates cannot always watch. Lastly the store also sacrifices
major storage and display space to create a more spacious
environment ( heartfelt heck yeah!)
• Feature Area: Feature areas are areas
designed to get the customers attention
• Free standing fixtures and mannequins on
aisles are designed primarily to get the
customers attention and bring them into the
• Point of sales area ( also known as point of purchase or POP
AREA) can be the most valuable piece of real estate in the store,
because the customer is almost held captive in the spot.
• Bulk of Stock Area: The Bulk of stock area contains
the total assortment of merchandise. It is usually
on gondolas in grocery stores or discount centers.
• When a customer looks at a department , if they cannot
figure out what is going on in about five seconds, they wont
• Learn to look at your retail space like a customer, a 12 year
old customer in a hurry, under a lot of pressure, and
unfamiliar with your store. If your layout and visuals pass
the test, your good
• The only people who stand and look at the store are from
the head office or waiting to meet someone. Customers are
on the move all the time. Test your layout and visuals by
walking past quickly
Basic Principles
• The store is a theater, the layout is the stage, the décor is the
scenery and the product is the show. Remember that mantra
• Standards are making sure everyone knows what to do. Discipline is
doing is all day, every day
• If a sign talks to a customer about a product it should be close to
the product
• Use the space on the sign to tell something about the customer
about the product. Simply Men’s jackets would be a waste of
communication space. Tell something like Boski Linen Summer
breathable fabric
• Categories should be clearly defined by aisles, walls, high gondolas,
and signage
• All categories should be easy for the customer to find and identify
as they walk through the store
• The customers should be able to easily access every product
Basic Principles
Multi Level Stores
• Retailers spend literally millions building and stocking
stores with great products only to fail when it comes
to telling customers whats upstairs
• Lets take JB Saeed (Bukhari) as a example
• From Staff to signage next to the elevator every level
has the department and product line it features
• Rule: If customers cannot see it they do not know it
is there unless you tell them
• Reason One : Best Seller and trying to sell more
• Reason Two: Testing to see if something new sells
Possible Use of Prime Result for the Customer Result for Retailer
Sell more of something Customer exposed to Sell more of good products and be
good best product attractive to customers
Trying to find out if Customer exposed to Can find out quickly if new product
something new is good new product worth repeating
Don’t pay attention to Random effect Potential asset not utilized
anything that goes in depending on chance
Use prime space to Customer exposed to Product does not sell anyway and
push something that is product that has customers are turned off
not selling already been rejected