Section 4.2. Lebesgue Integration of A Bounded Measurable Function Over A Set of Finite Measure
Section 4.2. Lebesgue Integration of A Bounded Measurable Function Over A Set of Finite Measure
Section 4.2. Lebesgue Integration of A Bounded Measurable Function Over A Set of Finite Measure
Note. In Section 4.1 we saw that we could define the Riemann integral of a
bounded function on a closed and bounded interval in terms of lower and upper
Riemann integrals:
Z b Z b
(R) f = sup (R) ϕ | ϕ is a step function and ϕ ≤ f on [a, b]
a a
Z b Z b
(R) f = inf (R) ϕ | ϕ is a step function and ϕ ≥ f on [a, b] ,
a a
respectively. When the upper and lower Riemann integrals are equal, the Riemann
integral is the common value of these two integrals. We now follow a similar pro-
cedure in the development of the Lebesgue integral by replacing the step functions
of Riemann with simple function here. Therefore, simple functions play the same
role in Lebesgue integration as step functions play in Riemann integration.
Z Xn
ψ= ai m(Ei ).
E i=1
Note. We have defined the Lebesgue integral in terms of the canonical represen-
tation. In the next result we give the value of the Lebesgue integral of simple ϕ in
the event that the representation of ϕ may not be the canonical one.
4.2. Lebesgue Integration of a Bounded Measurable Function over a Set of Finite Measure 3
Lemma 4.1. Let {Ei }ni=1 be a finite disjoint collection of measurable subsets of a
set of finite measure E. For 1 ≤ i ≤ n, let ai be a real number. If ϕ = ni=1 ai χEi
Note. The following is the first time (of four times; once for each “Class” of
functions) we’ll see a linearity and monotonicity result.
Note. We are ready to define the lower and upper Lebesgue integrals for Class
1 functions. Notice that the definition is very similar to the definition of the
lower and upper Riemann integral of a bounded function on a closed and bounded
interval, but that simple functions are used here whereas step functions were used
for Riemann integrals.
Note. By monotonicity, since f is bounded, both E f and Ef are finite. Also by
monotonicity E f ≤ E f.
Note. We’ll see below that all Class 1 functions are Lebesgue integrable (see
Theorem 4.4).
Note. Recall from the Riemann-Lebesgue Theorem (Theorem 6-11 in the Riemann-
Lebesgue Theorem supplement) that a bounded function on [a, b] is Riemann in-
tegrable if and only if f is continuous almost everywhere. By Proposition 3.3 a
real-valued function that is continuous on its measurable domain is a measurable
function, and by Proposition 3.5(i) if f is measurable on E and f = g a.e. on
E then g is measurable on E. So a bounded function that is continuous a.e. on
[a, b] is measurable and so both the Riemann integral and the Lebesgue integral
are defined for such a function. We now show that these integrals have the same
values, as expected.
4.2. Lebesgue Integration of a Bounded Measurable Function over a Set of Finite Measure 5
Note. The following result establishes the Lebesgue integrability of the class of
functions studied in this section (the “Class 1” functions).
Note. The converse of Theorem 4.4 is also true. That is, if bounded f on set of
finite measure E is integrable (i.e., E f exists), then f is measurable (see Theorem
5.7 in 5.3. Characterization of Riemann and Lebesgue Integrability).
Note. We now have our second encounter with a linearity and monotonicity result.
Proposition 4.2 addressed linearity and monotonicity for simple functions (i.e.,
Class 0 functions) and the next result addresses bounded functions on sets of finite
measure (i.e., Class 1 functions).
4.2. Lebesgue Integration of a Bounded Measurable Function over a Set of Finite Measure 6
Note. Linearity and and monotonicity on Class 1 can be used to prove the following
two corollaries.
Note. Recall that a sequence {fn } of Riemann integrable functions on [a, b] which
converges uniformly to f on [a, b] satisfies
Z b Z b Z b
lim (R) fn (x) dx = (R) lim fn (x) dx = (R) f (x) dx
n→∞ a a n→∞ a
(see Theorem 8-3 of the Riemann-Lebesgue Theorem handout). The next proposi-
tion shows that a similar result holds for Class 1 functions and Lebesgue integration.
4.2. Lebesgue Integration of a Bounded Measurable Function over a Set of Finite Measure 7
Note. We are interested in general in when Ef = E (lim fn ) = lim( E fn ) for
Note. To deal with the example given in Note 4.2.A, we impose a condition of
“uniform pointwise boundedness” which insures that each function in the sequence
{fn } is bounded by the same constant. Notice that this is not the case for the
example given in Note 4.2.A.
Revised: 11/2/2020