Space Family Robinson 004

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NOTH RM ee a yaar . PED c Ly] CEM) Pay : " SUNS EUS ARC uSiy Ca i ws PICU Ce Ea CTT Cy! a KEYS OF KNOWLEDGE ASTRONOMY NUMBER 3 The SOLAR SYSTEM ong of 2 series of Information features in Gold Key CENTRIFUGAL EARTH & i & conc GeAITATIONAL a tone . With gravity trying to pull a planet toward the sun and centrifugal force pulling it away the balance keeps it in its orbit Completing our solar system are the moons which looping olve around six planets, and comets oval orbits. round the sun in long “ie os Querids ait | \ i jsuereR NN \ ‘ NY 3 \ sATuen\ aa ‘The governing body of our solar system is the sun. Circling this central star, all in the same (© 1965, WESTERN PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. ~ ems eae Also in the solar system about 2,000 minor planets, called asteroids, which revolve in the space between Mars and Jupit In our solar system, only the sun has its own light. The planets are lit by it. Any part of Earth not facing it is in darkness. Bos7 a0 aogier sPac THAT ROCKET WAS | |WE'RE A LONG THEIR GYRO CONTROL DAMAGED. LAUNCHED FROM | | WAYS FROM NHABITANTS EARTH 4S AGO! OUR OWN SHOULDN'T WE HAVE | SOLAR SYSTEM, HEARD BY NOW? | CRA/G/ THEY'RE COMING Published guarterly by XK. Publication, Ine. Poughkeepsie, New nowt tne. wotie. Authorized edition. Designed, produced ane pleted | 1y Kk Publletions, Ine THAT NEW GYRO 1S OUR GMLY HOPE OF EVER GETTING THIS SPACE STATION BACK ON VE GOT TO BRING fF I WE SHALL ROCKET TM P| EXTEND GRAPPLER-RAY! |= WURTLES TOWARD THE. ZA GET SET TOHAULITINE {ih SPACE STATION... “ = Ce 4 POWERFUL RAY FORCE SURROUNDS RETRO ROCKETS SLOW THRONES THE SPACE STATION, “ROEKET APPROACHING 4 INCREASE THE MAGN, IT'S GONE, DAD! VE LOST THE THE CARRIER ROCKET! 17'S BEEN KNOCKED 'RE LOSING | DAD: j IT'S EiTHER ] CRASHED OR LOOK! WE'RE WV ORB/T AROUND THE UNIDENTIFIED PLANET! OPE NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE TALK ABOUT IT, THERE IS ONLY OWE | THING WE CAM Do! WITH THE STATION IN ORBIT, JUNE, WE'LL 8€ ABLE TO RETURN WITH LITTLE TROUBLE! MOBILES! We FACE STATION eae 4 _TO CIRCLE THAT PLi ERS RE'S A POSS/BILITS GYRO 16 UNDAARAGED GOT TO LAND ON TEND TRY TO RECOVER IT, LEAVING THE ORBITING SPACE STATION, THE ROBINSONS HEAD TOWARD THE PLANET BELOW... Spacenauis ONE TO ICL PICK. nn DIN POT, TIM STAY CLOSE BEHIND ME! REES.. EVERYTHING SEEMS ‘TREMENDOUS! FINDING THE ROCKET IN This YUNGLE IGN'T Bs i GOING TO p Be AVE VAKKER w HERE! BUT WE'D BETTER TAKE CLANCY ALONG# | MOMENTS LATER, AFTER TARING AN AIR SAMPLE,. 5 ENTY OF OXYGEN! | THE ATMOSPHERE HERE: IS ALMOST LIKE THAT. ON EARTH! COVERING THE SPACEMOBILES FOR ADDED PROTECTION POSSIBLE INTRUDERS, || ROBINSON'S SET OUT TO THE MISSING ROCKET... f] I'VE PICKED UP Fl| AeeWsroRC cave | MEN SURROUND STRANGE OBYEC: FROM SPACE, A FAINT SIGNAL LET'S ALL STAY CLOSE TOGETHER... WE DON'T | KNOW WHAT KIND OF LIFE MIGHT BE ON THIS PLANET! ACTU-AKLA! SAN-MO-HI! cal OAD! SUDDENLY «| 4g ACCORDING TO THAT THE SIGNALIS j i READING YOU TOOK GETTING FAINT! 7 4. | A MINUTE ASO, WE AN IMPRINT OF THAT ROCKET... IT WAS HERE BUT SOMEONE. LET'S KEEP MOVING! TI. AFIX ON THAT SIGNAL! Wi I TRY THAT TRAIL LOSE THAT ROCKET! UP TO THE RIGHT! WE'LL JUST 60 uP ARGLND THE BEND HERE, TAM! GO IN AND GET HIM . ras CLANCY! CLANCY! WHERE ARE YOU? SOMETHING STRANGE IS UP THERE CLANCY HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING UKE THIS BEFORE! SO THERE YOU ARE! YOU'VE SURE LED ME ON A CHASE | GREAT GALAXIES!) ‘COME ON, CLANCY! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE! YOU KEEP THIS TWO-WAY DIR SIGNAL TURNED ON! WHEN I WE CAN FIND OUR WAY BACK THE ELECTRO-TRACKERE © NOU TWO WAIT HERE! I'M GOING IN AFTER HIM! GOT TO FIND OUR WAY OUT OF HERE! 1 WE... BUT HOW AM I TO CLIMB LP FROM HER WELL, AT LEAST WE KNOW IT. WASN'T THE ONE WHO TOOK THE ROCKET! if \ OUR BEST BET NOW 15.70 RETURN TO |IMf - OUR SPACEMOBILES! MAYBE WE CAN Bq IT'S. WORTH FROM THE Sky! oi A CHANCEL saad s LIKE €/ PREHISTORIC PERIO! APPARENTLY THIS BS PLANET IS IN THE R) EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPEMENT! ROBINSON EADER OF THE a ccna co SKY- ME-COME RAI FROM LAND. Ss ] FAR AWAY! /$ sie our PREHISTORIC AILS BUT THERE'S NO PLACE HE DOESNT UN TO GO, SON! NOPUNTIE STAND A WORD 3 We LOCATE THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO ROCKET WITH OUR GYRO! TELL HIM, % : : THAT'S IT! PICTURES! YOU'VE FOUND WAY TO THEY SEEM TO BUT THAT'S A THEN THEY MUST PICTURE OF A BE THE ONES WHO ROCKET / FOUND IT... AND MOVED ITFROM THE IMPACT SPOT: NOW ALL WE HAVE TO) DO IS CONVINCE THEM IT BELONGS TO US... IN THAT CAVE UP. AHEAD, IT'S NOT EVEN DAMAGED! I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S SAYII BUT IT LOOKS LIKE NOW WE'RE ARIEWOS! COMMUNICATE, TIM, BUT I WASN'T ABLE TO TELL THEM THE ROCKET IS OURS! LW FOLLOWING DAY, THE WHOLE. VALAGE REACTS WITH ANGER AS Two D HUNTERS ARE FROM A I THINK HE'S TRYING TO, TELL ME THAT MONSTER IS THEIR ENEMY! THEIR MAIN CONCERN IS THE CAVERN MONSTER....IF ONLY WE COULO HELP THEM SOME: WAY... THEY MIGHT FIND A Way TO HELP US! IF ONLY WE HAD | THESE PEOPLE BROUGHT ARAY | ARE NOT READY GUN TO GIVE | FOR ANYTHING AS THEM! ADVANCED AS OUR WEAPONS! THEY WOULD ONLY DESTROY THEMSELVES! CANE AND ATTACK THEIR HUNTERS! 1 BUT, DADDY... COULDN'T WE PUSH HISTORY AHEAD JUST A LITTLE.../ AT LEAST BEYOND THE CLUBS THEY USE? WE COULD HELP THEM MAKE SOME KIND OF WEAPON! JUNE! THAT'S IT! BOWS AND ARROWS A. WEAPON BEYOND THEIR WILDEST DRE: 1 KASKA...THAT'S THE SAME Gimm | WORD THEIR LEADER USED WHEN HE POINTED TO THE DRAWING OF THE MONSTER! AE UNDERSTANDS! ee HOURS LATER, CRAIG PERFORMS. THE FIRST DEMONS TRATION... ASEAT Ko T HOPE THEY Ra cRak! BBS ONUNDERSTAND ” NG THIS TE ROBINSONS BEGIN TO ARM THEM IN THE USE OF THE THE CAVE PEOPLE... ‘SAND AR GOOP LUCK ,DAD! | GOOD LUCK, TIM! THAT'S ONE MONSTER WHO WON'T GIVE THE CAVE PEOPLE ANY MORE TROUBLE! AND IF [AG ANY OTHER BEASTS SHOULO f WE'VE HELPED §f THEM, DAD... LETS’ HOPE THEY HELP US! TUE VICTORIOUS MEN ARE WELCOMED BY THE WONEN AND CHILDREN {IE ONLY HELL MF +} UNDERSTAND Wi THEY'RE GRATEFUL TOUS,| | WE'RE FREE TO LEAVE ANY BUT THEY THINK: WE WERE TIME We WANT...BUT WO7- PROTECTED BY THA THE ROCKET! IDOL oF en THEY'LL ‘* u YOU TO"SNEAK THAT 0 TRACKER INTO THE CAVE I THOUGHT THAT SIGNAL WOULD SCARE THEM! HURRY, TIM! WE HAVEN'T AMOMENT TO LOSE! ARE THEY FOLLOWING? y TIS ED! ALL WE'LL THE REST CAN_KEEP! YOU THINK THEY'LL. ADVANCE BEYOND THOSE BOWS AND ARROWS, DAD? WHEN THIS NEW GYRO |S INSTALLED, WE'LL FINALLY BE ON OUR WAY BACK TO OUR OWN SOLAR SYSTEM! SOMEDAY, TIM! AT ANY RATE, |- IT WILL MAKE AN INTERESTING] REPORT TO SEND BACK TO EARTH CONTROL nS By T HOPE So! IT WiLL ALMOST BE LIKE GOING HOME, BEEN AFTER HAVING ST IN SPACE FOR $0 LONG! At 0200, Earth Time, May 10, 2308, Cadet Jack Bell took over the watch in the control room of space liner “Sirius,” out of Freeport, Mars, destination New Chicago, Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter. He checked all controls and indicators,.. made a quick astrogation shot to make sure the ship was on course, then settled back and yawned, four hours of duty ahead of him. His phone buzzed. He said, “Yes, si Captain Gibbs, C.0. of the “Siriu: growled, ‘“Keep a sharp watch, Mister!” “Aye, aye, sir," Jack Bell replied, He yawned again. Eight hundred passen- gers were crammed into ‘Sirius’ ” thousand foot hull, bound for Ganymede to homestead farms. Jack was conscious enough of being responsible for them; but, nothing had hap- pened yet on any watch he had stood on this, his first, deep-space voyage. ‘At 0300, something happened. A sharp ping! came from the three-dimensional warn- ing box which held the equivalent of a thou- sand square miles of space surrounding the “Sirius.” A blue light danced in the box, moving fast. Something had invaded the ared which the liner was traversing, Jack Bell swung a spot-’scope to bear dead ahead, then he sighted and felt his heart jolt. He hit a warning bell and also turned the switch for emergency blast from all tubes. He shouted, ‘Red alert! Meteorite collision course! It’s a big one!” A shitt of a dial before him altered course five degrees to starboard, then five more degrees. This, plus the sudden blest from all tubes, heeled the "'Sirius” over hard. Another ping! came from the box, and another, and then they came too fast to be counted. Jack shouted, “It's a swarm!" ‘An eye to the spot-'scope, hands moving by feel, he made quick changes of the liner's course, trying to weave through the rush of meteorites. The first of them hurtled past, missing by less than a mile, @ jagged mass of rock that would have obli ithe “Sirius.” The liner Was rocking violently as Jack tilted it this way and that. He was lifting her, trying to climb out of this deadly dangerous area. A nearby door opened and Captain Gibbs came plunging in. But he stopped, lips pinched tight, and did not speak. Other meteorites flashed past, on both sides. Jack twisted and turned the big liner between them. The pings in the fading. Maybe he would A siren wailed. He taken a hit. Jack flipped ordered, “'Report!” The reply came promptly, “Sector Five breached, glancingly. Estimate...not serious, Repair unit will close within one hour. That is all!” Captain Gibbs stirred. “Make your log report, Mister! Rogue meteorite viously uncharted, with a warning fo all craft to avoid this area, And be sure coordinates!"” “Aye, aye, sir,” Jack The C.0. started out, bi want something more from head, maybe?" he demanc “Er—no—" Jack began, “It was your job, your mnsibility. You handled it. Take your iction from that. ‘A man doesn't need praise when he has done what is required of him?” “aye, aye, sir,”” Jack said. “Continue the watch,” Captain Gibbs told him, “And stay alert!’ Then he smiled. “When you become captain, you'll behave as 1 have—I hope!"* ‘And ten years later, when Jack Bell had become Captain, he still remembered and was passing on to other cadets what the skipper of the “Sirius” had told him that night of May 10, 2308, =a pat on the REACHING FOR THE SKY ‘Anthropologists say fe ia | that ever since man este Sa it observed birds . in flight. he has | dreamed of being able to fly tury, Leonardo da Vinci made many drawings of crude flying apparatus But it was almost three hundred years jater before anyone | actually figured a way to get up into throughout the world | | continued to build \| and experiment with | many types of flying Lesa) powered model flew three-quarters of a ‘Then, in December of 1903, at Kitty Hawk, By the Second World || War, the exploits of famed aircraft were | ‘known to everyone. Mejor Charles Yeager ‘was the first man to fly faster than sound in the Bell X-1. into space. The first experiments were with animals then came manned ro as cosmo- nauts and astronauts pioneered the first flights into outer space. e scien- tists prepare for the man to the moon and f distant stars. From the flight of the Wright Brothers fo the manned flight of outer space in sixty years seems a miraculous f ‘years fro1 knows what miracles will have come about ne vast beyond, as never-ending knowledge 8 him farther and farther into the aky? 'S OF KNOWLEDGE ASTRONOMY NuMBER 4 GRAVITY This is one of a series.of information features in Gold xe Comics: Collect the whole series for useful knowledge. ‘This pull is measured in weight, If a person weighs pounds, it takes eighty pounds of the earth’s force to hold him down. Years later, Sir Isaac Newton explained this when he saw an apple fall and concluded that a force from the earth had pulled ic down The earth pulls everything toward it. That is why nothing ever falls up. Without the force of gravity, we would float in space. By dropping large and small objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Galileo discovered that they all fell at the same speed. VETTE ize ff Ca: gh ( (ite Sravity can be defied. When a rocket travels forward with @ force stronger than the pull of gravity, it can reach outer space Ora acy ee aN Be i]

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