Life and Works of Rizal - Prelim Module. S.Y. 2022 2023
Life and Works of Rizal - Prelim Module. S.Y. 2022 2023
Life and Works of Rizal - Prelim Module. S.Y. 2022 2023
and Writings of
Jose Rizal
A Course Module for Students
The Life, Works, and
Writings of Jose Rizal
A Course Module for Students
Prepared by
Abegail Marie A. Endiape
Burauen Community College shall emerge as the
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Burauen Community College offers holistic, and
outcomes-based experiential learning to develop the
youth to be responsible individuals with integrity and
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for the development of individuals in the areas of
academics, research, community extension, and
innovative technology.
The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal:
A Course Module for Students
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Copyright Section i
Table of Contents v
Course Outline vi
Preface vii
The Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal
Module 1 Preface
Introduction to the Study of Jose Rizal’s Life
Hey, are you ready? We are going to get to know more about our
National Hero!
Why study this subject? Are you one of those many students who
questions the purpose of studying Rizal? Like it’s enough for you to
know him as our national hero and that’s all?
As BCCinians and a Filipino, your final project for this course is to make
an investigative report on the relevance of the heroism of Dr. Jose Rizal in the
lives of Generation Z students. Your output must contain the rich learning of
Rizal’s life and works as discussed in the module as well as highlighting the
significant events in the light of the socio-political conditions of the time which
led to an enlightened, dynamic, and progressive
leadership, the principles, and ideals for which he lived and died, the drive and
discipline of Rizal in building the Filipino nation, the thoughts, teachings, and
legacies of the martyr which continue to influence not only the ongoing
revolution but also their relevance in our daily life, and the qualities, behavior,
and character of Rizal worthwhile imitating.
Bon voyage!
Introduction to the Study of
Jose Rizal’s Life
Rizal Law and the Teaching of
Rizal Course
1.1 Rizal Law and the
Teaching of Rizal Course
1.2 Rizal as a Symbol
1.3 Rizal’s Birth and
Trace and determine the
roles of the edu-familial
background of Rizal and
related legislative law.
1. Appreciate and articulate
the significance of Life and
Works of Rizal as an
academic subject through
drills and recitations.
2. Demonstrate an under-
standing of Rizal Law and
If you
be able explain the his-
tory of the Rizal Law and have ever wondered why we need to
its important provisions discuss and revisit the life of your Lolo, Jose Rizal
through reflective tests,
drills and document that is because of some certain laws that require
comparative analysis. it mandatorily and not just for the sole reason
that he is popularly known as our national hero.
3. Critically assess the
No matter how uninteresting for you it may seem,
effectiveness of the Rizal
Course through a debate. there is a need for you to understand the
rationale in studying this course and a learner like
you must appreciate it. The mandatory teaching
of Jose Rizal’s with the emphasis on his landmark
novels is inscribed in legislation. Republic No.
1425, more popularly known as the Rizal Law,
was passed in 1956 leaving a colorful narrative of
debate and contestation.
2. Monument of Rizal
writings to open the eyes of the exhibit self-denial and abandon his
Filipinos. He dedicated his life to his interests to place those of his
countrymen without hesitation. country before any other, and
Moreover, the Americans decided whose deeds and actions are
for him to be a national hero at their proudly emulated or imitated by a
time in the country and it was said grateful people that, after his death,
that the American Civil Governor render him singular tribute, honor
William Howard Taft, chose Jose him with public worship, and
Rizal to be the national hero as acknowledge his meritorious
a strategy. Rizal didn't want a services to mankind by
bloody revolution in his time. So, spontaneous national recognition.”
they wanted him to be a "good Moreover, criteria specified,
example" to the Filipinos so that the (3) “a hero must exercise a
people will not revolt against the determinative influence over the
Americans. spiritual life of his people in an
The criteria for heroes based event of great significance.” It
on the book of De Viana et al. further says that to qualify for the
(2018) deliberated that the distinction of a national hero, (4)
“National Historical Institute (NHI; “one must project himself by his
presently the National Historical fortitude effort, and sacrifices to be
Commission of the Philippines), the the beacon light of his oppressed
country’s agency in charge of countrymen to their rightful
historical matters, prescribes the destiny.”
passage of 50 years before a The book of Crudo et al.
person is confirmed a hero. (2019) emphasizes that people tend
The NHI also laid down the to misconstrue the title “hero” as an
definition of a hero. According to award given to dead people. Doing
their definition, (1) a hero is defined great things is likewise
as “an admirable leader towering misinterpreted as something only
over his peers, who is serving a heroes, like Rizal, can achieve.
noble cause, possessing exceptional Worse, as the popular Filipino adage
talent, distinguished valor and/or “Mahirap magpakabayani. Ang
hold enterprise, exercising a bayani ay binabaril sa Luneta”
determinative influence over the implies, people become
spiritual life of his people in a individualistic, devoid of care for
particularly remarkable event.” others. Such views, unfortunately,
The criteria also mentioned hinder their sights on the various
that (2) “the hero must, during the possibilities they can do for the
extreme stress and difficulties, country.
project himself by his fortitguts, by In the lesson discussion by
his sacrifices to be the inspiration of Crudo et al. (2019) they
his countrymen in leading them to comprehensively explained the
their rightful destiny. He must
concept of hero in Filipino Culture and History. One may notice the
Instruction: Look for a pair from section. Create a certificate to honor the
contribution of Rizal in our country. The Certificate should contain the elements
or symbol associated to Jose P. Rizal.
Sample Work
Category 4 3 2 1
The certificate The Certificate Most of the A lot of required
contains all the contains all the required elements elements in the
Required necessary necessary are present in the certificate are
Elements elements with elements. certificate. missing.
All of the Most of the Some of the Only symbolism is
symbolisms symbolisms symbolisms are connected to Dr. Jose
Symbolism are connected are connected connected to Dr. P. Rizal.
to Dr. Jose P. to Dr. Jose P. Jose P. Rizal.
Rizal. Rizal.
I. Face-to-Face Class
A. Debate
Instruction: The class will be divided into 4 groups. Two (2) teams will have
one (1) topic to debate.
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
1. Organization Completely Mostly clear Clear in Unclear and
& Clarity clear and and orderly some parts disorganized
Main arguments orderly in all parts but not throughout
and responses presentation overall
are outlined in a
clear and orderly
2. Use of Very strong Many good Some decent Few or no real
Argument and arguments arguments, arguments
Reasons are persuasive given, with but some given, or all
given to support arguments only minor significant arguments
the resolution given problems problems given had
throughout significant
3. Use of cross- Excellent Good cross- Decent Poor cross-
examination cross-exam exam and cross-exam exam or
and rebuttal and defense rebuttals, and/or rebuttals,
Identification of against with only rebuttals, failure to point
weakness in Negative minor slip- but with out problems
Negative team’s team’s ups some in Negative
arguments and objections significant team’s
ability to defend problems position or
itself against failure to
attack. defend itself
against attack.
4. Presentation All style Most style Few style Very few style
Style features features features features were
Tone of voice, were used were used were used used, none of
clarity of convincingly convincingly convincingly them
expression, convincingly
precision of
arguments all
contribute to
attention and
persuading them
of the team’s
Total Score
A. Reflective Essay
Direction: In a 600-word essay, choose one biographer that could discuss the
life of Rizal and how his/her writings of history can change the image of the
Content Clarity and Substance (including citation) – 30 pts.
Organization and Presentation – 10 pts.
Technicality (e.g., grammar) and Creativity – 10 pts.
50 pts.
This fly leaf/blank page is set aside/reserve for your note-taking needs.
De Jesus, M.B A., Garcia, J.U., Pelipada, N.M., Gabriel, U.G., Sagadraca,
T.T., Leonardo, A.M., & Rios, D. T.M. (2017). Rizal (his life, works,
writings) and the other heroes: The freehand modular approach.
Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
De Viana, A., Cabrera H., Samala E., De Vera, M., Atutubo, J. (2018).
Jose Rizal: social performer and patriot. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Obias, R.W., Mallari, A.A., & Estrella, J.R. (2018). The life and works of
Jose Rizal. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Garcia, C. EdD., De Viana, A. PhD., Cruz, C. PhD. (2015). Rizal and the
development of Filipino Nationalism. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp.
Zaide, G. F. (1995). Jose Rizal: The genius. Philippine Graphic Arts, Inc.
Zaide, G. F. (1999). Jose Rizal: Life, works, and writing of a genius writer,
scientist, and national hero (2nd Edition). All-Nations Publishing Co.,
2.1 Rizal and His
2.2 Criteria for
2.3 Three Paradoxes of
LO1. Trace and
determine the
roles of the edu-
familial background
of Rizal and related
legislative law.
LO2. Examine the
historical and legal-
based criteria in the
W ho is Dr. Jose Rizal? As discussed in
identification of the module 1, Dr. Jose P. Rizal (1861-1896) is one
country’s hero(es).
of the most honored figures in Philippine history.
OBJECTIVES He was a gifted or multifaceted intellectual and
1. Compare and a political activist (who works to bring about
contrast the
experiences of Dr. Jose political and social change), best known for his
P. Rizal as a student in political writings that inspired the Philippine
Biñan, Ateneo Revolution and ultimately to his execution by
Municipal, UST, and in
Madrid. the Spanish colonizers. In addition, Rizal was
also a physician who trained in ophthalmology
2. Explain the under two (2) prominent European
relevance of Dr. Jose
Rizal’s view on ophthalmologists, Louis de Wecker and Otto
education and youth’s Becker. Therefore, Rizal’s success becomes
education today. Filipino’s success also, thus behind those
3. Analyze the
achievements has many unexpected
influence of Dr. Jose occurrences. What had happened during his
Rizal’s heroism based education? Does it affect Rizal’s schooling? Such
on his writings.
questions will be answered for Rizal’s education
and achievements will be discussed in this
Instructions: Read the words in the box below. Find and encircle all of
the given words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be spelled
in any
direction (across, up and down, diagonally, forward and backward).
Justiniano Aquino Cruz, who was Although he was the brightest pupil,
Paciano’s former teacher. he was also punished by the teacher
at various times because he had
How does Rizal describe his fights with other boys.
class in Biñan? What was his routine
before and after class? Rizal Aside from his formal lessons
described his class in Biñan, which through the supervision of Maestro
was in a nipa house, about thirty Justiniano, he also developed his
(30) meters away from his aunt’s painting skills while pursuing
house. Every day, Rizal would wake elementary education through the
up early and either hear mass at guidance of Old Juancho, his
four o’clock in the morning or study teacher’s father-in-law. During his
his lesson first and go to mass after. free time, he spent it in the old
After returning home, he would take man’s studio together with his
breakfast and go to class from classmate Jose Guevarra and was
which he would come out at ten given the chance to have a free
o’clock. He would then again go to lesson in painting and drawing. The
school at two o’clock and come out two boys became the apprentices of
at five. He would pray with his the old painter and they became the
cousin at six and then study for a favorite painters of the class
while before going to sleep. (Castañeda, et al (2007) cited by
Cabautan, 2016).
What learnings did Rizal
acquire in Biñan? Through the After one year and a half in
guidance of Maestro Justiniano in Biñan, he was advised by his
Biñan, he takes care of his Maestro to advance his studies in
knowledge of the basics such as Manila. Also, Rizal’s father was
reading, writing, arithmetic, and informed by his teacher to send him
religion. Also, he mastered the basic to a good college in Manila. “Your
Latin and Spanish courses which son Pepe,” wrote Maestro Justiniano
were required for higher learning. to Rizal’s father, “is the most
Nevertheless, Rizal did not enjoy his intelligent boy I have ever taught.
schooling in the village because of Send him to Manila for higher
being strict. Although Rizal did not studies” (Zaide, 1995). Before he
like his mentor because of his strict left Biñan, he prayed in the town
and sadistic method of teaching, he church, collected pebbles or sand,
considered him an expert in Latin and bade farewell to his teachers
and Spanish grammar. As specified and classmates. Before Christmas
by Zaide (1995), Rizal was the of 1871, Rizal received a letter from
brightest pupil in the school. He his sister, Saturnina, telling him to
surpassed his classmates in Latin, return to Calamba on December 17,
Spanish, and other subjects. 1870, after a one-and-a-half-year
was rigid and its methods less externos students (Obias et al.,
mechanical (Palma (1966) cited by 2018). Also, he spent long hours
Cabauatan, 2016). Moreover, reading; his love for books grew
Jesuit’s pedagogy or teaching was excellently and asked his father to
pauca praecepta (few rules), multa buy him a complete set of the
exempla (many examples), plurima Historia Universal of Cesar Cantu
exercitation (numberless exercise), which he consciously read. For him,
and cura personalis (individualized history fascinated him and
attention) (Badillo, 2011). They broadened his knowledge and the
offered vocational courses in world (Capino et al, 1977). He
agriculture, commerce, mechanics, furnished or provided his Spanish
and surveying. They also have through taking his writings. He
programs in the arts (music, received medals and stampita (a
drawing, and painting) and as a small card or paper printed with a
religious school, they molded the picture of a saint) only in some of
character of their students through his subjects because he was deeply
joining religious fraternities, heard affected by the imprisonment of his
mass before class, and starting and mother. Despite the situation, he
ending their class with a prayer. still received consistent
sobresaliente (excellent) grades in
Academically, Rizal was a all his subjects. He became a
brilliant, diligent, and competent voracious or starved reader, he read
student. To excel, he made himself fiction and non-fiction books and
follow a daily timetable which he even the book he asked from his
never abandoned (Villa Abrille, father that was written by Cesar
2002 cited by Cabauatan, 2016). Cantu. He was accepted as a
This daily program exemplifies his member of the Academy of Spanish
academic progress as a student. Literature and Academy of Natural
Herewith, he become a consistent Sciences which were exclusive
“emperor” in their class even societies given to students who
though he was put in the last row of were exceptional in terms of
the class being a newcomer and was literature and the sciences. He later
grouped in the Carthaginians became the perfect of the Academy
Empire composed of the externos of Spanish Literature.
(non-boarders). Since students in
Ateneo were divided into two groups Furthermore, Rizal also
the Romans and the Carthaginians. developed his artistic skills in
The Roman Empire (red flag) was Ateneo and through the guidance of
composed of students boarding or Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez,
internos at Ateneo while his aptitude or inclination in poetry
Carthaginian Empire (blue flag) was was developed. In his five (5) years
composed of non-boarding or stay in Ateneo, he was able to
step into that world which inspires Law taking the course Philosophia y
me with so much terror she would Letras (Philosophy and Letters) at
protect me”. the age of sixteen (16); the course
was his father wanted him to pursue
at Unibersidad de Santo Tomas
Rizal in the Royal and Pontifical because he wants Rizal to be a
Universidad de Santo Tomas philosopher (De Jesus, 2017 &
(1877-1882) Zaide, 1995).
As a student of Philosophy
and Letters, he obtained
sobresaliente (excellent) grades in
all his subjects. During that year,
Rizal also took vocational courses in
Ateneo – surveying, agriculture,
and topography that gave him the
title perito agrimensor (expert
surveyor) issued on November 25,
1881 (Obias, 2018). Though he was
able to finish the course surveying
Source: Google “An image of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s in Ateneo, the professional license
school in Universidad de Santo Tomas” [Image] as agrimensor y perito tasador de
tierras (land surveyor and assessor)
After his schooling in Ateneo,
was only granted to him after three
Rizal’s mother, Doña Teodora,
years because of his age. He was
objected to his return to Manila for
only seventeen (17) when he
further studies. She insisted that
finished the course. He was still an
her son already knew a lot. She also
active member and officer of
believed that if her son would
exclusive societies and the Marian
become too knowledgeable he
congregation. However, after one
would lose his life. But Don
term in the program, he shifted to
Francisco secretly asked Paciano to
the Preparatory Course of Medicine
accompany him to Manila for a
as advised by Father Pablo Ramon-
college education.
Rector of the Ateneo to took up this
Having finished his Bachelor so that he could cure his mother’s
of Arts in Ateneo, Rizal was qualified failing eyesight. He was granted by
to enter the Royal and Pontifical the university the rare chance or
Universidad de Santo Tomas, a privilege of studying simultaneously
school supervised by the the Preparatory Course of Medicine
Dominicans. Uncertain to what and the First Year of Medicine (De
course to take, he enrolled in the Viana et al, 2011 cited by
Preparatory Course of Theology and Cabauatan, 2016).
In medicine, Rizal did not views that Filipinos are not inferior
shine as he has done at the Ateneo to any race and they should refine
(Bantug, 2002 cited by Cabauatan their talents and skills for God and
2016). In the twenty-one (21) country.
subjects taken in the university,
Rizal obtained six (6) sobresaliente, In another contest sponsored
six (6) aprovechado (very good), by the Liceo Literario- Artistico, he
eight (8) Bueno (good), and one “unfortunately” won the contest and
aprobado (passing) grades. was awarded a gold ring his entry El
Perhaps, Rizal was not gifted from Consejos de Los Dioses (The Council
medicine as he was in letters and of the Gods). This was labeled as
arts (Villaroel, 1984 cited by unfortunate because the cheers
Cabauatan 2016). Three (3) factors turned into jeers. He wrote in his
that could explain his below-par article Llantos y Risas (Tears and
academic performance at UST Laughter). These events did not
were: first, Medicine was not Rizal’s dampen his literary ability or skills.
real vocation; second, his He still wrote poems on patriotism,
dissatisfaction with the Dominican triumphs, and admiration to people
system education; third, the who influenced his being a sonnet (a
exciting distractions of youths; and, poetic form) and a zarzuela
an additional factor would perhaps (musical comedy) which was
be the founding of Compañerismo. performed in the Literary Academy
Nevertheless, among twenty-four of Ateneo. He also attended classes
(24) students enrolled in Medicine, at the Academy of Fine Arts to
he was one among the seven (7) perfect his technique in painting and
who reached the beginning of the took lessons in fencing (Bernard
fifth year course until he decided to 1998 cited by Cabauatan 2016).
continue his studies abroad. As discussed by Bantug
Though somewhat (2008) cited by Cabauatan (2016),
disappointed with his performance after four years in the university,
in medicine, Rizal excelled in Rizal decided to finish his studies
literature and developed his abroad. Though Rizal was not able
nationalist sentiments on it. Father to finish his course in the university,
Evaristo Arias helped him cultivate he earned a lot of meaningful
his craft in poetry. In 1879, he experiences as well as the proper
joined the poetry contest sponsored values he needed for his next
by Liceo Literario-Artistico (Artistic challenge in life- to study abroad.
Literary Lyceum). He won the prize, His travel abroad was only known to
a silver pen in his entry A la few- his brother Paciano, his uncle
Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Antonio and his brother-in-law,
Youth) in which he expressed his Manuel Hidalgo. Rizal did not wish
the rest of his family to know of it and at the same time in the Faculty
(including Leonor) until he had of Philosophy and Letters. Aside
already departed. from these formal courses he
enrolled, he also took lessons in
languages in Ateneo de Madrid and
Rizal in Universidad Central de studied painting and sculpture in
Madrid (1882-1885) the Academia de Bellas Artes de San
Fernando (Academy of Fine Arts of
San Fernando). He received prizes,
scholarships, and good grades in his
academics that moved his
compatriots or fellow citizen to
become serious too in their studies.
Moreover, knowing the very
purpose of his stay abroad, he took
full advantage of his time. He visited
museums and galleries and visited
Paris to observe their way of life. He
spent most of his time purchasing
Source: Google “An image of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s
and reading books in medicine,
school in Universidad Central de Madrid”
philosophy, languages, arts,
As discussed by Coates history, and many others.
(1968) cited Cabauatan (2016),
Additionally, he wrote articles
after forty-four (44) days of the
and poems on patriotism and
voyage (May 3-June 16, 1882),
nationalism as well as his
Rizal reached his destination-
melancholy and romance. He
Barcelona, Spain. He spent three
delivered speeches requested by his
months in this place because the
association and also during the
scholastic year in Europe was
triumph of his compatriots, Luna
different from that of the
and Hidalgo in the National
Philippines. For those idle or
Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid. He
unsuccessful months, he spent his
also joined different associations
time observing the customs of the
namely: The Circulo Hispano-
people, spends his time in the
Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle)
library, corresponded with friends,
and the Brotherhood of Masons. The
and wrote articles published in the
two associations presented to him
bilingual newspaper in the
the contrary of scenario in the
Philippines- Diaryong Tagalog.
Philippines which were the
In the fall of 1882, Rizal possibility of indios and mestizos to
moved to Madrid, Spain, and be together and the freedom to
enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine
calmly walked to his death for his and their large families
convictions. Before his execution, persecuted like
his pulse rate was reputedly normal. criminals. I prefer to
How many people do you know who face death and gladly
would die for their convictions if give my life to free so
they could avoid it? many innocent
In June 1892, Rizal left two persons from this
sealed letters with a Portuguese unjust persecution.
friend “to be opened and published I know that, at
after my death.” In these letters, present, the future of
Rizal explained to his family and his my country gravitates
countrymen that he was returning in part around me;
to the Philippines to show by that with my death,
example that Filipinos knew how to many would rejoice,
die for principles. and that consequently,
More importantly, Rizal many are longing for
addressed his countrymen, mostly my end. But what am I
“natives” or indios like you and me, to do? I have duties of
as “Filipinos”at a time when the conscience above all
term was reserved for Spaniards else; I have moral
born in the Philippines. obligations toward the
Guided by the belief from families who suffer,
childhood that he would not reach toward my aged
the age of 30, Rizal decided to parents whose sighs
return home against all odds. He pierce my heart; I
probably thought he would be know that I alone,
executed in 1892; he miscalculated even my death, can
and died in 1896 at the age of 35. make them happy by
This is the letter he wanted returning them to their
us to read, a letter that will illustrate country and the
to anti-Rizal advocates why Rizal is tranquillity of their
our national hero cited by Ocampo home. My parents are
(2012): all that I have, but my
The step that I country has many sons
have taken, or arm still who can take it to
about to take, is advantage.
undoubtedly very Moreover, I
risky, and it is wish to show those
unnecessary to say who deny us
that I have pondered patriotism that we
on it a great deal. I know how to die for
know that everyone is our duty and for our
opposed to it but I convictions. What
realize also that no one matters death if one
knows what goes on in dies for what one
because of me; I loves, for one’s
cannot live seeing my country and for those
brothers [hermanos] whom he loves?
owned by his sister Saturnina just to not actually a title of the novel but
pay for his exams. only a single chapter of the
3. Rizal was only five feet and unfinished novel. He began writing
three inches tall but had a waistline it in Tagalog but gave up and
of 25-26 inches. He also had a big continued writing in Spanish
head. His hats were 6 1/2 inches 7. Rizal made humorous
across and the interior measures comics in Germany entitled “The
eight inches from front to back Baptism of Two Brothers.” He made
4. Rizal stuffed unknown the comic strip to entertain the
papers in his pockets and shoes on children of his landlord. He used
the eve of his execution. He did this cuss in that comic strip.
because he presumed that his 8. While in Dapitan, Rizal
corpse would be turned over to his wrote an extensive written
family after his execution. But as we discourse on witchcraft with
all know; his body was dumped by translation entitled the “Treatment
Spanish officials in an unmarked and Cure of the Bewitched.” A part
grave in Paco cemetery. The papers of it explained that witches are not
have since deteriorated and the always old and ugly.
contents of which were never 9. Rizal established a school
identified. while in Dapitan with 21 pupils who
5. Rizal’s favorite fruits were were never asked to pay but was
lanzones and mango. On account of required by Rizal to work for the
his former cook in Dapitan, his community.
meals consisted of three viands. His 10. As a polyglot, Rizal had
breakfast comprised of hot the habit of switching from one
chocolate, rice and tuyo. language to another. His
6. Rizal had his third biographers faced difficulty in
unfinished work or novel. Known by translating his works because of his
historians as “Maka-misa,” this habit of switching languages. He
unfinished work was started by Rizal was conversant in 22 languages.
in 1892 in Hongkong. Maka-misa is
In this module we discover Dr. Jose P. Rizal is a genius of his kind who
was molded by his parents and his teachers. Endowed by God with versatile
gifts, he truly ranked with the world’s geniuses, and became the greatest
The childhood of Dr. Jose Rizal can be characterized by his desire to
learn, even frequenting the church nearby his home to watch and observe
people but not to be religiously inclined. Dr. Jose Rizal was not physically
blessed or strong child however, he had a strong will guided and taught by
his mother, his first teacher. He learned almost without the use of books.
His mother was the one who laid the foundation of his great knowledge
achieved in such a short time.
It helps us understand how Dr. Jose P. Rizal becomes a symbol of
independence, and known as the national hero. And how Dr. Jose P. Rizal
contributes to Philippine art, literature, and medicine, which continues to
fascinate his countrymen today.
Check For Understanding/Case Discussion
On the space provided in this module (fly leaf section) write a three-
paragraph essay about the injustices and discrimination during the time
of Rizal which are still happening in the present time. Suggest ways on how
to break these toxic and negative “culture” in our country. Lastly, justify
your answer.
Category 4 3 2 1
Impact of The writer includes The writer The writer The writer
Childhood and more than 5 includes 4 includes 3 includes only 2
Early Education impacts. impacts. impacts. impacts.
of Rizal’s Early
Education to his
Content All the contents are Most of the Some of the Most of the
correct. contents are contents are contents are not
correct. correct. correct.
Cohesiveness All the sentences are Most of the Some of the Few of the
cohesive. sentences are sentences are sentences are
cohesive. cohesive. cohesive.
Grammar There are no There are few There are There are few
grammatical errors. grammatical some sentences which
errors grammatical are correct in
errors terms of
I. Face-to-Face Class
A. Venn Diagram
Direction: Identify at least 1 person who has made some remarkable
contributions to your community. List down his/her qualities nad major
contributions. In a Venn Diagram, plot the qualities of Dr. Jose Rizal and the
person you have identified. On the non-intersecting circles plot his/her unique
qualities and the plot the qualities they have in common with Rizal on the
middle. (For 50 points)
I. Online Class
A. Venn Diagram
Direction: Fill up the fish bone diagram to show the effect of the childhood,
family and early education of Rizal to his personality. (For 50
This fly leaf/blank page is set aside/reserve for your note-taking needs.
De Jesus, M.B A., Garcia, J.U., Pelipada, N.M., Gabriel, U.G., Sagadraca,
T.T., Leonardo, A.M., & Rios, D. T.M. (2017). Rizal (his life, works,
writings) and the other heroes: The freehand modular approach.
Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
De Viana, A., Cabrera H., Samala E., De Vera, M., Atutubo, J. (2018).
Jose Rizal: social performer and patriot. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Obias, R.W., Mallari, A.A., & Estrella, J.R. (2018). The life and works of
Jose Rizal. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Garcia, C. EdD., De Viana, A. PhD., Cruz, C. PhD. (2015). Rizal and the
development of Filipino Nationalism. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp.
Zaide, G. F. (1995). Jose Rizal: The genius. Philippine Graphic Arts, Inc.
Zaide, G. F. (1999). Jose Rizal: Life, works, and writing of a genius writer,
scientist, and national hero (2nd Edition). All-Nations Publishing Co.,
Morato, M.L. (1980). Jose Rizal: Filipino doctor and patriot (1st Edition).
Rex Printing Co., Inc.