Reports - 8584896936267490403PT1
Reports - 8584896936267490403PT1
Reports - 8584896936267490403PT1
Name of the owner with (Share*) Father's Name /Husband's Name Share, if any CNIC
Mazhar Ul Haq s/o Muhammad Rafique -
Muhammad Ahmad s/o Muhammad Rafique -
Mazhar Ul Haq s/o Muhammad Rafique -
Muhammad Ahmad s/o Muhammad Rafique -
Occupier's Information:
Self /
Portion *Type of building use C.A.(Sq.ft) Name,Father's/Husband's name & CNIC No. of the occupiers
Total Land Area of propertyin Sq.yds. 242 Gross Annual Rent Assessed(GARV): 334346
Total Covered Area in Sq.ft: 3050
Reductions allowed U/S 5 of the Act:
No of Storey's 2
Clause(a) 0
Accommodation: GF-4ST-2B-2R-1K;F1-2R-1VR-1B
Clause(b) 33435
Category assigined to Locality :
Clause(c) 0
Residential Old : G
Total Reduction: 0
Commercial Old : G
Annual Rent Assessed(ARV): 300912
Residential New : G
Annual value fixed in pursuance of objection, 0
Commercial New : G if any:
The information recorded in this Form is not valid proof of title or ownership of the property. The above
information is meant only for assessment and collection or property tax.