Dream School Homework
Dream School Homework
Dream School Homework
it comes to dream schools. These are schools that students have always dreamed of attending, and the
pressure to excel is at an all-time high. As a result, homework in dream schools can be incredibly
overwhelming and stressful.
One of the main reasons why homework in dream schools is difficult is because of the high
expectations set by both teachers and students. Teachers in dream schools often assign complex and
demanding tasks, expecting students to excel and stand out amongst their peers. This can be a lot of
pressure for students, especially when they are already dealing with the stress of trying to get into
their dream school.
Moreover, the competition in dream schools is fierce, and students feel the need to constantly prove
themselves. This leads to a never-ending cycle of trying to outdo their classmates and constantly
striving for perfection. As a result, homework becomes more of a competition rather than a learning
The workload in dream schools is also significantly higher compared to other schools. Students are
expected to take on multiple advanced courses and extracurricular activities, leaving them with little
time to complete their homework. This can lead to students feeling overwhelmed and burnt out,
affecting their overall academic performance.