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In the field of human resources, we often hear about the role of Human Resource

Management. It helps you perceive and evaluate people, companies, and

organizations in a different way. Human Resource Management is a combination
of many different skills, giving you an insight into the business as well as an
understanding of the inner workings of a company that is unique to everyone
within the company also have the ability to see.

Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic and coherent approach
to the effective and efficient management of people in a company or organization
such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to
maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives.
Human resource management is primarily concerned with the management of
people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. HR departments are
responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment,
training and development, performance appraisal, and reward management, such as
managing pay and employee benefits systems.HR also concerns itself with
organizational change and industrial relations, or the balancing of organizational
practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and governmental

Human resource management brings people together in an organisation. Why? To

make sure both individual and organisation goals are fulfilled! The nature of the
human resource management has been highlighted in its following features :

1. Inherent Part of Management: Human resource management is

inherent in the process of management. This function is performed by
all the managers throughout the organisation rather that by the personnel
department only. If a manager is to get the best of his people, he must
undertake the basic responsibility of selecting people who will work
under him.

2. Pervasive Function: Human Resource Management is a pervasive

function of management. It is performed by all managers at various
levels in the organisation. It is not a responsibility that a manager can
leave completely to someone else. However, he may secure advice and
help in managing people from experts who have special competence in
personnel management and industrial relations.
3. Basic to all Functional Areas: Human Resource Management
permeates all the functional area of management such as production
management, financial management, and marketing management. That
is every manager from top to bottom, working in any department has to
perform the personnel functions.

4. People Centered: Human Resource Management is people centered

and is relevant in all types of organisations. It is concerned with all
categories of personnel from top to the bottom of the organisation. The
broad classification of personnel in an industrial enterprise may be as
follows : (i) Blue-collar workers (i.e. those working on machines and
engaged in loading, unloading etc.) and white-collar workers (i.e.
clerical employees), (ii) Managerial and non-managerial personnel, (iii)
Professionals (such as Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary,
Lawyer, etc.) and non- professional personnel.

5. Personnel Activities or Functions: Human Resource Management

involves several functions concerned with the management of people at
work. It includes manpower planning, employment, placement, training,
appraisal and compensation of employees. For the performance of these
activities efficiently, a separate department known as Personnel
Department is created in most of the organisations.

6. Continuous Process: Human Resource Management is not a ‗one shot‘

function. It must be performed continuously if the organisational
objectives are to be achieved smoothly.

7. Based on Human Relations: Human Resource Management is

concerned with the motivation of human resources in the organisation.
The human beings can‘t be dealt with like physical factors of
production. Every person has different needs, perceptions and
expectations. The managers should give due attention to these factors.
They require human relations skills to deal with the people at work.
Human relations skills are also required in training performance
appraisal, transfer and promotion of subordinates.

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