V Tétel
V Tétel
V Tétel
TASK 1: Protecting our local environment
TASK 2: Services - At the dry cleaner’s
CLERK: Hello. Nice day, isn't it?
MANSOUREH: Yes, but it a little chilly.
CLERK: How help you?
MANSOUREH: I'd like my dry cleaning, please. I brought it in last night.
CLERK: Do you a claim check?
MANSOUREH: Yes, here it is. The name Ran, Mansoureh Ran.
CLERK: You one suit and two pairs of pants?
MANSOUREH: That's right. Well, the suit my husband's.
CLERK: I'll if they're ready.
MANSOUREH: Oh, I have these dresses that I'd like cleaned, too. Do you take
these coupons?
CLERK: "Special offer-two dresses cleaned for the price of one." I'm sorry,
you use this before yesterday.
MANSOUREH: Before yesterday?
CLERK: Yes, they're good till Thursday and yesterday Thursday.
MANSOUREH: Oh, I thought I it before next Thursday.
CLERK: No, I'm sorry. It was this Thursday. Do you the dresses cleaned
MANSOUREH: Yes. They do need cleaning. How much that be?
CLERK: It's $5 (five dollars) for each dress, that's $10 (ten dollars), plus tax.
MANSOUREH: Okay. That's fine.
CLERK: Could you your name, please?
MANSOUREH: Yes. My last name is Ran. That's R-a-n. And my first name is
Mansoureh. That's M-a-n-s-o-u-r-e-h.
CLERK: Could I your phone number, please?
MANSOUREH: My phone number is 742-1131.
CLERK: When you like to pick them up?
MANSOUREH: When will they ready?
CLERK: They ready tomorrow afternoon.
MANSOUREH: That great.
CLERK: No problem.
TASK 3: Important stages of your life
My name’s Tóth Tamás, and I’m 19 years old. I live in the
outskirt of the capital city, Budapest called Monor. I was born on
the 12 of February 2005 in Budapest. I live with my parents in a
comfy house.
I’m a 19-year-old average height boy. However, I do not exercise
too much, but I’m trying to keep fit. For this reason I’m not
overweight. I run on the dirt road in front of my house almost
every day. I like to talk, but only with people I feel
comfortable with. I don’t know yet what I would like to do when
I leave school. One thing is sure; I would like to improve myslef
in life.