Drug Card

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Generic & Trade Name of Drug_ Fleet Enema, Pedia-Lax Enema(sodium phosphate rectal)__

CLASSIFICATION OF DRUG: _________ laxatives_______________________________

–– Indications/ Therapeutic Effects: A laxative used to relieve occasional constipation or as part of a bowel cleansing regime in preparing the colon for surgery, an x-ray
or endoscopic examination
Dosage Range: (19g/7g)/118mL or (19g/7g)/197mL

Routes of Administration: gently insert the enema tip into the rectum with a slight side-to-side movement, pointing the tip toward the navel.

Pharmacokinetics: Increasing water in the intestines to hydrate and soften stool to help produce a bowel movement

Nursing Implications/
Assessments: Last bowel movement, abdominal assessment

Side/ Adverse Effects: Mild abdominal discomfort/cramps. Dehydration. Rectal bleeding. No bowel movement within 30 mins. Rectal discomfort.
Do not use it if you have kidney disease, heart problems, or constipation with vomiting, cramps, or nausea. Avoid using other
laxatives. Prescriptions or over-the-counter medications, vitamins/herbal products.
Client Teaching:

Do not use more than once in 24

hour period.
inform doctor if enema causes
rectal bleeding/pain.
Inform doctor if enema does not
produce bowel movement
Consume clear liquids for 24 hrs
Do not use more than once in 24
hour period.
inform doctor if enema causes
rectal bleeding/pain.
Inform doctor if enema does not
produce bowel movement
Consume clear liquids for 24 hrs
Do not use more than once in 24
hour period.
inform doctor if enema causes
rectal bleeding/pain.
Inform doctor if enema does not
produce bowel movement
Consume clear liquids for 24 hrs
Do not use more than once in 24
hour period.
inform doctor if enema causes
rectal bleeding/pain.
Inform doctor if enema does not
produce bowel movement
Consume clear liquids for 24 hrs
Please do not use it more than once in 24 hours.
inform the doctor if the enema causes rectal bleeding/pain.
Inform the doctor if the enema does not produce bowel movement.
Consume clear liquids for 24 hrs
Keep outreach to the children
Generic & Trade Name of Drug_______Glycerin suppositories___

CLASSIFICATION OF DRUG: _________ Laxative, osmotic________________________________

–– Indications/ Therapeutic Effects: Clotrimazole topical is an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus. Clotrimazole topical (for the skin) is used to
treat skin infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and yeast infections.
 1g
 1.5g
Dosage Range:  2g
 2.1g
 2.8g
Routes of Administration: Rectally

Hyperosmotic dehydrating agent draws fluid into the colon, increase osmotic pressure, and stimulates evacuation.
15-20 mins onset
Nursing Implications/
Assessments: Constipation, abdominal assessment

Side/ Adverse Effects: Excessive bowel activity, cramping pain, rectal irritation, tenesmus
GI obstruction, severe impaction
Abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting
Solid, bullet-shaped – insert in the rectum.
Client Teaching:
Dissolves and lines lower bowel

Lubricate stool and makes it easier to pass

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