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RBT Exam 2021 study guide

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Measuring each and every instance of behavior

Continuous Measurement
within the entire observation period.

What are the 5 types of Frequency, Rate, Duration, Inter Rate Response
continuous measurement? (IRR), and Latency.

A simple count of the instances of a behavior,

represented by a tally.

Frequency Example; how many times did John hit another

student? You would tally every time John hit
another student and present the count as a
number. John hit another student five times.

A frequency count with a time element. This type

of continuous measurement is an important
measurement when looking at behaviors which
are frequent and short, like hitting, raising hands,
flapping hands, disrupting another student,

Example; if you are measuring how many times

John hit another student, you would report this as
John hits at the rate of five times per hour.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
How long a Behavior occurs. To take this typeStudy
data you start a stopwatch when the behavior
begins and end the stopwatch when the behavior
Duration stops. This data is often reported as an average
over time, and is for behaviors that are long
lasting like tantrums, social play, how long it takes
a child to get dressed.

This is the observed time between responses. To

take this type of data you start the stopwatch
when the behavior ends and stop the stopwatch
when the behavior begins again. This type of data
Inter Rate Response (IRT)
is typically reported as an average.

Example; The time between doing math problems,

the time between prosocial behaviors.

This is the time from prompt to the start of the

behavior. To take this type of data start the
stopwatch when the prompt is given and stop the
stopwatch when the behavior starts. You might
want to take this type of data when there is a
delay between the prompts and when the
behavior occurs.

Example; The time from a prompt to get dressed

to a person getting dressed, the time from the
instruction to begin a math problem to the

These measurement procedures are classified as

samples of the target behavior, but they do not
measure every instance of a behavior within the
Discontinuous Measurement entire observation period. These types of
measurement procedures are used when it is too
time-consuming to take continuous measurement
RBT Exam
What are 2021
the 3 types of study guide
Partial interval, whole interval, and momentary

Discontinuous Measurement? time sampling.

A type of discontinuous measurement that

records the presence or absence of a behavior
during a brief interval of time. Intervals are
marked as positive if the target behavior occurred
at any time during the interval, and negative if the
target behavior did not occur during the entire
Partial Interval interval.

Example; take an interval of 30 seconds and look

for hand flapping behavior. You would mark a
positive if the hand flapping behavior occurred at
any point during the 30 second intervals, and a
negative if it did not.

A discontinuous measurement procedure that

records the presence or absence of a behavior
during the whole interval. Intervals are marked as
a positive if the target behavior occurred during
the entire interval, and a negative if the target
behavior stopped at any time during the interval.
Whole interval
Example; if you are doing a 30 second intervals
and measuring hand flapping behavior, you would
mark it positive if the hand flapping behavior
occurred during the entire 30 seconds, or
negative if the hand flapping behavior stopped at
any point in time during those 30 seconds.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
A discontinuous measurement procedure thatStudy
records the presence or absence of a behavior at
the very end of an interval. Intervals are marked
as a positive if the target behavior occurred at the
end of the interval, or a negative when the target
behavior does not occur at the end of the interval.
This procedure is best to do for many clients at
the same time.

Momentary Time Sampling Example; if a teacher is trying to measure task

engagement for a group of students during a 30
second interval, if the teacher looked up at the
students at the 28 second mark she would mark a
positive for those students who are engaged in
their tasks at that point in time and a negative for
those students who were not engaged in their
task when she looked up. Regardless of if they
were the entire time.

This type of recording is not recording behaviors,

but recording the products that the behavior

Example; you could record how many questions a

Permanent Product
student answered on a worksheet by simply
looking at the worksheet after and counting the
problems completed. Similarly, you could see a
clean room as a result of the child cleaning their
room and you would record their behavior as a
positive because the end result is a clean room.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
1) How many items were placed on a shelf Study

2) how much homework was completed

3) how many bracelets were constructed
Provide examples of 4) how many dishes were clean
permanent product 5) how many scratches a person has.
*this is valid because these are all an after product
of a behavior occurring.

1) frequency is summarized as rate over sessions.

2) duration is summarized as total duration over
How would summarize one session.
different types of data? 3) IRT is summarized as an average.
(Frequency, duration, IRT, 4)Latency is summarized as a average latency to
latency, and interval data) response
5) interval data is summarized as percent intervals
with occurrence

1) label the horizontal axis (x) with sessions or

2) label the vertical axis (y) with the type of
measurement you are using
List some rules for graphing 3) graph one data point for every session
data? (5?) 4) draw vertical phase line to separate phases of
5) use a legend or written names with arrows to
label the different behaviors if more than one
behavior is depicted on the same graph
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
You should always describe behavior in Study

observable and measurable terms. This should be

thorough enough and complete that any person
could read it and understand what the behavior is
How should you describe and begin collecting data on the behavior even if
behaviors? they weren't there to see it happen.

Example; instead of saying a child was aggressive

or angry, you could say the client was hitting and

A set of procedures used to determine if one or

more stimuli may function to increase the rate of a
specific behavior or behaviors when delivered
Preference assessment
following the occurrence of that behavior. Trying
to determine which reinforcers are the most

This type of preference assessment is a simple

observation procedure with no manipulation that
allows the client to freely choose which items they
Free Operant Preference
play with or use. The therapist observes which
items the client interacts with, records the time
spent with each item, and ranks the items by the
amount of time the client spent with them.

The therapist will present one item at a time to the

client and record whether they consume/interact
Single Item Preference with the item, makes no response to it, or avoids it.
Assessment The therapist should present three items total, and
tally the number of time each item was
consumed/interacted with.

The therapist presents two items to the client for

Paired/Forced Choice
about 30 seconds and records which item the
Preference Assessment
client chooses.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Present multiple items at a time to a client forStudy
Multiple stimulus preference seconds, allow the client to pick an item then
assessment with replacement selected items are returned to the array, and this is
(MSW) done repeatedly.

The therapist presents multiple items at the same

Multiple stimulus preference time to the client for 30 seconds and records
assessment without which item the client chooses to interact with.
replacement (MSWO) Instead of returning the item back to the choices,
the item is then set to the side.

RBTs will help their supervisor assess where their

How will an RBT help their clients ability and social skills, language skills,
supervisor? academics, self help skills, daily living skills, job
skills, coping skills etc.

Baselining is finding out where a clients skills or

behaviors are before beginning therapy.

Example; Present a prompt and record the
learners response. Typically three baseline data
points will be sufficient.

These assessments determine where a clients

skills are.

The most commonly used of this type of

Skill assessments
assessment in ABA is; verbal behavior milestones
assessment and placement program (VB-MAPP),
assessment of basic language and learning skills -
revised (ABLLS-R).
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
This type of assessment or measurement is the

repeated, direct assessment of targeted skills in

basic areas such as math, reading, writing,
Curriculum-Based spelling.
Example; measuring how many words a client
could read in a minute.

These types of skills are used to communicate and

interact with people. They can include both verbal
Define social skills
and nonverbal communication and personal

These skills are those that people use every day to


Define Daily living skills

Example; personal hygiene and grooming,
dressing, toileting, laundry, meal preparation and
eating, safety skills.

This type of assessment is a set of procedures

used to determine why someone is engaging in
Functional Behavior
maladaptive behavior. They are typically done
Assessment (FBA)
prior to beginning ABA therapy and are usually
done by BCBAs.

Indirect functional behavior Part of an FBA may include record reviews,

assessment (FBA) procedures interviews, and rating scales.

Part of an SBA will include direct observations and

Direct Functional behavior
skill assessments. These procedures involve
assessment (FBA) procedures
observing the client and recording what is seen.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
This assessment is when a behavior analyst Study

manipulates the environment to determine the

Analog or functional analysis function of the behavior.
*This is not a job for RBT's but they could be asked
to help.

This type of data collection records what

happened before the behavior occurred
Antecedent Behavior
(antecedent), records what the behavior looked
Consequence (ABC) data
like in observable and measurable terms
(behavior), and records what happened
immediately after the behavior (consequence).

Behavior intervention plan This type of plan is a set of procedures used to

(BIP)/behavior reduction plan reduce maladaptive behaviors.

This type of plan is a set of procedures used to

Skill Acquisition Plan increase the skills of a client and will outline the
terminal goals of the client.

1) terminal goals for clients

2) instrumental goals for clients (the steps to
reach the terminal goals)
3) what type of technique should be used to
teach the skill
What are the 7 components 4) what type of prompting should be used
to a skills plan? 5) what is mastery of the goal/how many times
does a client need to perform the scale without
prompting to determine mastery
6) what type of reinforcement strategies will be
7) a plan for generalization and maintenance
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
1) review notes from previous session. Study

2) minimize distractions in the area.

3) gather reinforcers and materials needed
4) read the scale plan as a reminder of the goals

Preparing for a Session and techniques required

* An RBT should take about 15 minutes at the

beginning of a session or before a session to

Any consequence that increases a behavior

Example; if your client is screaming I want a

cookie and you give them a cookie, the client is
more likely to scream in the future to receive a

Any consequence that decreases a behavior.

Punisher/punishment Example; if you reprimand a client for jumping on

the couch, the client is less likely to jump on the
couch in the future.

The effectiveness of the reinforcer IS NOT

dependent on the learning history. Also known as
Unconditioned reinforcement primary reinforcers.

Example; food, water, warmth, pleasure, air.

The effectiveness of the reinforcer IS dependent

on the learning history. Also known as secondary
Conditioned reinforcers reinforcers.

Example; electronics, money, toys, music.

RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Adding something to the environment to increase

the future probability of the behavior occurring.

Example; giving a client a cookie for cleaning up

Positive reinforcement toys is adding a cookie and increases the
probability that the client will clean up toys in the
future in hopes of receiving a cookie. As well as
giving a client a hug for saying thank you, or
giving a client screen time for doing math work.

Removing something from the environment to

increase the future probability of the behavior

Examples; putting on your seatbelt in the car to

Negative reinforcement
stop the seatbelt warning noise in your car OR
when a client cries when he sees math homework
so the homework is removed and the crying
stops, but in the future the crying continues when
the client sees homework.

Introducing something that will increase the future

probability that the behavior will decrease.

Positive punishment
Example; you touch a hot pot and your hand gets
burned so in the future you are less likely to touch
a hot pot.

Taking something away that will increase the

future probability that the behavior will decrease.

Negative punishment
Example; A student yells out in class and the
teacher takes away a token therefore the student
is less likely to yell in the future.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Is a schedule in which the therapist reinforcesStudy
every correct response of the target behavior

continuous reinforcement Example; if the target behavior is having the client

say hello, then every single time they say hello
they will receive a reinforcement.

All other schedules when reinforcement does not

occur after every response. There are four types
of intermittent reinforcement.
intermittent reinforcement
Example; giving reinforcement every third
response or giving reinforcement about every five

Providing reinforcement on a fixed response ratio.

Fixed ratio (FR) Schedule Example; If you were providing reinforcement on

FR2, every two times the client correctly responds
they would be provided with reinforcement.

Providing reinforcement on an interval/average

time ratio. You provide reinforcement on the first
correct after an interval of time.

Example; If you were using FI3, you would

Fixed interval (FI) schedule
provide reinforcement on the first correct
response after 3 minutes had passed. If you were
using FI5, you would provide reinforcement on
the first correct response after 5 minutes had
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Providing reinforcement on a variable response


Examples; If you were providing reinforcement on

Variable Ratio (VR) Schedule VR2, on the average of 2 correct responses the
client correctly responses they would be
provided reinforcement. So you take the average
of the correct responses to find your VR schedule.

Providing reinforcement on a variable/average

time ratio. You provide reinforcement on the first
correct after an average interval of time.

Example; if you were using VI three, you would

Variable Interval (VI)
provide reinforcement on the first correct
response after an average of three minutes had
passed. The schedules might look like this:
reinforce first correct response after one minute,
three minutes, five minutes. The average of one,
three, and five is three, so it is a VI3.

A teaching method in which learning trials are

presented in quick succession, with a clear
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
beginning and clear into each trial. Immediately
after the first trial a new trial begins.

1.) The instruction is delivered by the technician

2.) The learner responds
3.) the consequence is delivered by the technician

Components of a discrete Example; if the target behavior is to touch the

trial nose the discrete trial could go like this;
1) deliver the SD: "touch your nose"
2) learner response: touches nose
3) consequence: The technician says "Good job!"
and records the data
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Also known as natural environment training, Study

pivotal response training, milieu teaching, and

incidental teaching. This form of client directed
Naturalistic teaching
learning looks natural in it's delivery and is
embedded into play or every day routines. The
reinforcers are related to the teaching.

Breaking a complex skill or series of behaviors

into smaller, teachable units, the product of this is
a series of sequentially ordered steps.

Example; instead of just brushing teeth it would

be broken down into a series of steps like:
1) get out toothbrush and toothpaste
2) wet toothbrush and apply toothpaste
3) brush the outside surfaces of the upper teeth
Task analysis
4) brush the chewing surfaces of the upper teeth
5) brush the inside surfaces of the upper teeth
6) brush the outside surfaces of the lower teeth
7) brush the chewing surfaces of the lower teeth
8) brush the inside surfaces of the lower teeth
9) brush the tongue using small strokes
10) rinse mouth
11) rinse toothbrush
12) put away toothbrush and toothpaste

You can observe a competent individual perform

a task, consult with experts or persons skilled in
To create a task analysis;
performing the task, or perform the task yourself
to create this.

Sequence sequence of behaviors that must be

performed correctly. The steps are tight
Behavior chain
sequentially to a client. It allows the client to learn
complex skills that require many small steps.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
This begins with the first behavior in the sequence

of steps. The client learns to perform the first step

Forward chaining independently, the therapist performs all the other

This training begins with the last behavior in the

sequence of steps. The therapist performs all but
the last step until the client masters that last step.
Backwards Chaining
Then the therapist performs all but the last two
steps until the client masters the last two steps,
and so on.

This training is provided for every behavior in the

sequence or steps during every training session.
Total task chaining
Therapist assistance (prompting) is provided on
every step.

This procedure involves reinforcing one behavior

and extinguishing the behavior in the presence of
other stimuli.

discrimination training
Example; A client would receive a cookie if they
said red in the presence of a red car, however,
they would not receive a cookie if they said red in
the presence of a green car.

A stimulus in the presence of which a particular

response will be reinforced

Example; if a client would receive a cookie if they

Discriminative stimuli (SD)
said read in the presence of a red car the red car
is the SD. If you say "touch nose" and the client
touches their nose, then saying touch nose is the
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
A stimulus in the presence of which a particular

response will not be reinforced.

Example; A client would receive a cookie if they

S-Delta said red in the presence of a red car however they
would not receive a cookie if they said red in the
presence of a green car. The green car would be
an S-Delta.

This occurs when stimuli that share similar physical

characteristics with the controlling stimulus invoke
the same behavior as the controlling stimulus.
Stimulus generalization
Example; A child calling all dogs Bella because
the child's dog is named Bella, a baby calling both
mom and dad dada.

Occurs when new stimuli, similar or not similar, to

the controlling stimulus does not invoke the same
response as the controlling stimulus.

stimulus discrimination
Example; A client would receive a cookie if they
said red in the presence of a red car however they
would not receive a cookie if they said red in the
presence of a green car.

A cue or hint meant to induce a person to

perform a desired behavior.

Full physical, partial physical, model, verbal,

Types of prompts
gestural, proximity, visual.

A prompt in which you provide some amount of

physical assistance in order to help the learner do
Physical prompts
the expected behavior. These can either be full
physical or a partial physical.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
These prompts are where you give the learner full

physical guidance.

Example; when teaching a child to follow in

Full physical prompts instruction to put a doll and it's cradle you might
deliver the instruction, immediately followed by a
full physical prompt to help the learner respond

This prompt is a physical prompt in which less than

the full amount of physical assistance is provided.

Example; when teaching a child to follow in

Partial physical prompt
instruction to put a doll and it's cradle, you might
deliver the instruction, and assist the learner in
picking up the doll and guiding their arm toward
the cradle then letting go of the learner.

A prompt in which you demonstrate the desired

response. Can be a physical (clapping) or vocal
(saying thank you) demonstration of the desired
Model prompt

Example; when teaching a client how to clap you

may show them how to do this skill by doing it
your self.

Supplementary words, instructions, or questions

to assist a learner and demonstrating a correct

Verbal prompt
Example; when teaching an individual with autism
to brush his teeth, you may provide verbal
prompts for each step (remember to spit the
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
A prompt where you indicate the correct Study

response by gesturing in someway.

Gestural prompt
Example; when asking a learner to pass a fork
during a meal, you may point to the requested
utensil among those on the table.

A prompt where the stimulus that corresponds to

the correct response is place closer to the learner
than other stimuli.

Proximity prompt
Example; if there are three cards on the table and
you want the learner to point to a duck you might
slide the duck card closer to the learner and keep
the other two cards farther away.

Often used to help clients with transitions and


Visual prompt
Example; your supervising BCBA might create a
visual schedule that depicts the sequence of
events to take place during a therapy session.

Includes procedures were fewer prompts are

provided at the beginning of a teaching
interaction and gradually more intrusive prompts
Least-to-Most Prompt Fading are faded in when the learner needs help.

Example; visual prompts gradually increased to a

full physical prompt.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
You begin the teaching interaction by providing a

prompt that you are sure will help the loan or

make the correct response, then you fade the
Most-to-Least prompt fading prompts out.

Example; going from a partial physical prompt to

a vocal prompt then to no prompts needed.

A time delay that occurs after instruction before

before the prompt.

Example; A child my reach for a teddy bear, you

Time Delay Prompt Fading
would withhold the teddy bear until the child
made a vocalization. You would wait three
seconds between withholding the bear and giving
a prompt for the vocalization.

Spreading the effects of training to other trainings

in settings critical to ensure the ABA effects do
not only take place during ABA training.

* The two types of generalization are stimulus

generalization and response generalization

Probing the client to ensure that they are still able

to do mastered skills.

Example; if the client mastered labeling the color
red, you would check that the client could still say
read through sessions.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Defined as differentially reinforcing successive

approximations toward a terminal behavior. The

general rule is that you are reinforcing any
behavior that is a closer approximation of the
target behavior than the behavior you reinforced

Example; if you wanted a client to say ball you

would first reinforce the sound "B", once the client
had mastered "B" you would reinforce "BA", and
finally reinforce "ball".

These are reinforcement systems that employ a

monetary system (token reinforcers) and a back
Token economies
up reinforcer. They employ widespread use of
tokens within groups of individuals.

1) operational definition
2) Function of Behavior
3) antecedent strategies
7 Components of a behavior
4) replacement behavior
reduction plan
5) consequence strategies
6) people responsible
7 emergency measures

Tangible, escape, attention, and sensory

4 Functions of behavior

This refers to instances when something is made

more valuable by deprivation.
operations Example; if you are hungry you are more likely to
engage in food seeking behavior. The hunger is
the establishing operation.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
This is when something is made less valuable Study

Abolishing operation Example; if you are full you are less likely to
engage in food seeking behavior. The feeling of
fullness is the abolishing operation.

This is providing reinforcement to a client

regardless of Behavior.

Example; providing a client five minutes of
attention every hour, this will make it less likely for
the client to engage in maladaptive behaviors for

This is a technique where you increase the

demand over time; used to decrease behaviors
with the function of escape.

Demand fading
Example; first presenting a small amount of
vegetable and increasing it over time or first
presenting one math problem and increasing the
amount of problems over time.

This technique is changing how the client does

work, making it more preferred by the client.

Task Modification Example; using your favorite character for

counting, allowing the learner to use a favorite
pencil, and identifying real objects rather than
pictures of objects.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Providing 3 to 4 demands with high compliance (a

demand where you are sure the client can do it)

and presenting the demand with low compliance
at the end of the sequence. Must be done quickly
High probability
while keeping demands simple.

Example; bite of pasta, bite of pasta, bite of pasta,
then bite of vegetables. OR; several easy math
problems followed by hard math problem, putting
on several pieces of clothing which are easy and
then putting on the one harder piece of clothing.

Giving the client a choice during therapy, choice

increases compliance and provides the learner a
sense of control.
Example; which color should we use? Which
game should we play? Which animal do you

When a therapist reinforces a prosocial behavior

Differential reinforcement
that can take the place of the maladaptive

Differential reinforcement of other

behavior(DRO), differential reinforcement of
4 Differential reinforcement incompatible behavior(DRI), differential
procedures reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA),
differential reinforcing lower rates of behavior

Reinforcing another behavior other than the

maladaptive behavior. The other behavior to be
Differential reinforcement of
reinforced can be anything and is reinforced if the
other behavior (DRO)
maladaptive did not occur for a specific amount
of time.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Reinforcing behavior that cannot physically be

engaged in at the same time as the maladaptive

Differential reinforcement of
Incompatible Behavior (DRI)
Example; reinforcing hugging instead of hitting,
reinforcing hands in pocket instead of pinching, or
reinforcing singing instead of yelling.

This is reinforcing a behavior that meets the same

function of the maladaptive behavior

Differential reinforcement of
Example; if the client is tantruming for attention
alternative behavior (DRA)
you could reinforce asking to play a game. Both
tantruming and asking to play a game will gain

This is typically reserved for behaviors that are

socially acceptable but make her too often. Using
this procedure, reinforcement is delivered if a
behavior occurs below a predetermined criterion.

Example; James uses socially appropriate

Differential reinforcing lower behavior to greet peers but does so up to 10 times
rates of behavior (DRL) in one class. His teacher decides to use DRL to
lower the rate of his behavior but she does not
want to eliminate it completely. She decides to
deliver reinforcement (computer time) to James if
he greets peers five or fewer times during the
class. If he greets peers more than five times, he
does not receive reinforcement.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Removing whatever was reinforcing the Study

maladaptive behavior. Extinction procedures are

always used with differential reinforcement. If you
Extinction are going to reduce the maladaptive behavior
must increase in adaptive behavior. This can be
applied to attention extinction, tangible extinction,
and escape extinction.

Ignore the behavior and provide no attention for

Attention extinction (Planned the behavior. Immediately provide attention once
Ignoring) the behaviors over and praise them for calming
down, using words etc.

Do not provide access to the item during the

maladaptive behavior. Keep the item out of sight
and stay strong, behaviors can escalate when a
client knows they will not get the item.
Tangible extinction

Example; when a child cries for a candy bar in the

supermarket do not give the candy bar to the

Do not allow the client to escape. Physically

prompt the client into compliance.

Escape extinction Example; says to the client "clean your room",

client throws a tantrum, therapist physically
prompts child to pick up the toys on the floor until
they stop the tantrum.

Examples of emergency Restraints, protective equipment, moving the

procedures learner to another environment.
RBT Exam 2021 study guide
Actively seeking clinical direction from supervisor

in a timely manner, reporting other variables that

might affect the client in a timely manner,

Effective communication generating objective session notes for service

verification, complying with applicable legal,
regulatory, and workplace data collection,
storage, transportation, and documentation

The most research-based technique, BCBAs are

trained to use this method to train staff. Includes
Behavioral skills training
the instruction, modeling, role-play, then

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