DK BG Scholarships
DK BG Scholarships
DK BG Scholarships
Danish Government Scholarships for Foreign Nationals for the academic year 20082009
In accordance with the Cultural Agreement Programme between Denmark and Bulgaria the Danish Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation offers the following scholarships to nationals from Bulgaria:
24 months for advanced students and scientific workers.
4 scholarships for participation in summer courses in Danish language of 3 weeks' duration.
The scholarships are designed for advanced students, graduates and specialists to enable them to study or carry out research at a
Danish university or a similar institution of higher education in Denmark.
Danish Government Scholarships are not intended for parttime studies or open education programmes, nor are they granted for
elementary studies of the Danish language.
The scholarships are not intended for a full course of study. Normally, an academic degree or a diploma cannot be obtained during
the tenure of the scholarship.
Applicants must be nominated by their own authorities. Please contact the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science,
International Relations Department for further information.
The final decision on the award rests with CIRIUS. It is a condition for the scholarship that an appropriate study programme in
Denmark can be arranged. It is therefore of essential importance that the applicant in his/her application gives a detailed description
of the intended project of studies/research in Denmark.
Danish is the usual language of instruction at institutions of higher education in Denmark, but more and more institutions offer
regular courses in English or another foreign language or have special arrangements for nonDanish students. Further information
about courses in other languages is available from the individual institutions.
The scholarship covers free tuition plus a monthly allowance of DKK 5,000. Scholarships for more than 3 months cover health
insurance. The scholarship is tax free in Denmark if the total stay does not exceed 365 days within a 2yearperiod.
The scholarship is meant to cover the living expenses of one person only, and additional amounts for accompanying members of
the family are not available.
Method of application
Applications should be prepared on special application forms issued by CIRIUS, and must be forwarded through the relevant
ministry in the applicant's home country. The application forms are available at the Cultural Agreements' page. Applicants must
enquire about the national application deadline from their national authorities.
Nominations for the Danish Government Scholarships must reach CIRIUS not later than March 1, 2008.
Nominations for the summer courses in Danish language must reach CIRIUS not later than May 1, 2008.
General information
The scholarships are tenable during the academic year. The autumn term begins on September 1, and the spring term on
February 1.
Well in advance of their entry into Denmark foreign nationals who have been accepted for a Danish Government Scholarship
should submit an application for a residence permit/visa to the Danish diplomatic representation in their home countries.
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