He FBS J-SHS Q2 Las5 Final

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TLE/TVL – HE (Food &

Beverage Services)
Activity Sheet – Quarter 2 – MELC 5
Provide Food and Beverage Service
to Guest


TLE/TVL – HE (Food and Beverage Services)
Activity Sheet No. 5
First Edition,2020

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may

be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE/TVL – HE (Food and Beverage Services)

Activity Sheet
Writer: Amarey A. Constantino
Editors: Jo Anne M. Ledesma
Fe N. Bayona

Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:

Jojery V. Dionaldo
Salvacion D. Enso
Marlon C. Dublin

Division of Sagay City Management Team:

Arlene G. Bermejo
Nenita P. Gamao
Jojery V. Dionaldo
Marlon C. Dublin
Regional Management Team:
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga
Mr. Donald T. Genine
April C. Velez
Remia D.Manejero
Introductory Message
Welcome to TLE/TVL – HE (Food and Beverage Services)!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Sagay City and DepEd Regional Office VI–Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is a self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time
using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the
learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for
productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The TLE/TVL – HE (Food and Beverage Services) Activity Sheet will
help you facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most
Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face
encounter between you and the learner. This will be made available to the
learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE/TVL – HE (Food and Beverage Services) Activity Sheet is

developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This
learning material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for
independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and understand
the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule
Quarter 2 – Week 5

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 5

Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________

Year & Section: ______________________ Date: _________________________


Provide Food and Beverage Service to Guest

I. Learning Competency
Provide Food and Beverage Service to GuestTVL_HEFBS9-12SG-IIId-5

L.O.5 Process payments and receipts

L.O.6 Conclude food service and close down dining area
L.O.7 Manage intoxicated persons

II. Background information for learners

The methods by which bills are prepared and processed range from
handwritten dockets to highly computerized systems. The two purposes of a
guest’s bill are to inform the guest of the amount to be paid (giving details of what
is charged for) and to act as a control system for establishment.

Presenting the Bill/Check

Before presenting the check, look it over to make sure all items ordered and
served have been included and charged to the guest’s bill correctly.

 Ensure that it is presentable and legible. Be alert of signs that guest may want their bill.
 Do not present the bills until they are asked for.
 Bill should be presented in a booklet to a host or placed in the center of the table.
 After presenting the bill leave them alone on their own table, take a few steps and glance
back at the table. If the guest already has cash or credit card ready, it may mean he or
she is in a hurry to leave. If this is the case, try to close the transaction immediately as
soon as possible.
 Always be discreet, tactful and gracious.

Accepting Payment

Common payment methods include cash, credit cards. The Electronic Funds
Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) system, vouchers and charge accounts. Be
familiar with the procedures for these various methods of payment and know
which methods of payment are acceptable to the establishment.
 If the guest is paying by credit card, follow company guidelines.
 If the guest is paying with cash, ensure that you receive the correct
amount, and return any change with a selection of bills to ensure
flexibility in leaving a tip. DO NOT make change right at the table. Take
the check and cash at the back of the house, and make change.
 In handling cash, make sure you count the change twice, and make sure no
bills dropped as you take the change back to the table.
 Return the check and change on either a tip tray or booklet, along with
the receipt.
 Do not pick up tips while guests are still in the restaurant, unless handed to
you by the guest or you are summoned by the guest.

Close Down Dining Area

1. Remove the plates in front of the customer with the right hand so that the
stack of plates is on the left hand behind the customer’s chair. In this way
if an accident happen the plates held on the left hand will go onto the floor
rather than over the customer.
2. For the side plates, which are on the left hand side of the cover, clear
them from the left, avoid stretching in front of the customer.
3. Remove all unused food first.
4. Remove soiled glasses and napkins.
5. Remove all the condiments.
6. In a separate tray remove all unused silver items.
7. Never mix unused silver items with soiled ones.
8. When the guests have left, clear the used and soiled items on the tables
and service areas prepared for use again.
9. Turn off electrical equipment when appropriate.
10. Reset the tables and work areas.

Intoxication is the term used to describe a change in perception, mood, thinking process, and
motor skills that results from high levels of alcohol on the central nervous system.

How to Watch For Signs of Intoxication

To help identify potentially intoxicated patrons, the following are the most
common signs of intoxications:
 Volume of speech becomes louder
 Eyes seems glassy
 Slurred Speech
 Stumbling or tripping over things
 Spilling drinks or even missing their own mouth when drinking
 Aggressive behavior
Quiet customer who just sit and drink may sometimes be the most

dangerous ones as they usually do not exhibit the common signs of
intoxication, and yet may explode anytime once they have too much to drink.
The following are tips in refusing service to an intoxicated customer

1. Do not cut anyone off in front of others. The manager should invite the
person to the office or pull him aside to break the news. Remember to keep
everything factual, not accusatory; “I think you had enough, call it a night.”
2. Discreetly give the person’s friends the same information. Tell the person
who is with the guest that you are not serving him/her anymore. Don’t get into
any negotiation about it.
3. Offer food and beverage that can lower blood alcohol content.
4. Make sure that the guest has a safe ride back home.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Cristita M.Arcos ,Evangeline V. Yu,Jelly M. flores

Technical –Vocational – Livelihood Home Economics Food and beverage services
manual page 268- 269.
Marian A. Brodith, Food and Beverage Services – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode Module 4 Provide Food and Beverage Service to Guest

IV.Activity Proper

1. General Direction: Read and follow carefully the directions for each activity. When you
finish proceed to the next until you have completed answering the entire activity. Use
separate sheet of paper in answering the activities.

Activity 1

Below are ways in presenting a bill to the guest. Number the items in chronological order.
Use numbers 1-5.

______Wait for signs that the guests may want their bill.

______Present the bills until they are asked for.

______Place the bill in front of the host on a small plate from the right.

______Leave them alone in their own table.

______Don’t make necessary delay when they are kept waiting.

Below are ways in removing the different items on the table. Number the items in
chronological order. Use numbers 1-5.

_____Remove all unused food first butter, bread rolls any platters of uneaten food.

_____Remove soiled glasses and napkins. Never allow linen to be soaked.

_____Remove all condiments, sauce, salt, pepper.

_____In a separate tray or plates remove all unused silver items.

_____Never mix unused silver items with soiled ones.

Activity 2

Role play the following situations, using your cellphone ask a member of your family to
video your performance and send it to my account indicated in your weekly home learning

Bill Please…
Mr. and Mrs. Flores dined in your restaurant after attending a Sunday mass.
You are the assigned waiter to serve them in their lunch. Their bill amounted to
one thousand five hundred fifty pesos (Php.1,550.00).

Process and present bill.

Lets Call it a Night

Make your own script and role play on how you will manage an intoxicated

Mr. Santos entered the restaurant prim and proper. He ordered alcoholic
drinks and later exhibited aggressiveness toward other guests and personnel.

Activity 3

Directions: List down four tips on refusing service to an intoxicated customer.




V. Rubric for Scoring

Criteria for Assessment (Bill Please…)

Indicators 10 7 4 1

The bill should be presented as

soon as the guests finished dining
following all the appropriate
procedures to be observed by any
food attendant.

The bill should be presented as

soon as the guests ask for it
following most of the appropriate
procedures to be observed by any
food attendant.

The bill should be presented after

the guests ask for it and keep them
waiting for a short while following
some of the appropriate
procedures to be observed by any
food attendant

The bill should be presented after

the guests ask for it and keep them
waiting for a little longer following
some of the appropriate
procedures to be observed by any
food attendant


Legend: 30-40 Outstanding 20-29 Very Satisfactory

10-28 Satisfactory 10 below – Needs Improvement
Criteria for Assessment (Lets Call it a Night)

Indicators 10 7 4 1

Identify immediately an intoxicated

guest and handle him properly
following all the protocols in
handling intoxicated guest.

Identify after a short while an

intoxicated guest and handle him
properly following most the
protocols in handling intoxicated

Identify after a little longer an

intoxicated guest and handle him
following some the protocols in
handling intoxicated guest.

Late in identifying an intoxicated

guest and was not able to handle
him properly thereby causing
commotion in the restaurant.


Legend: 30 - 40 Outstanding 20 - 29 Very Satisfactory

10 - 28 Satisfactory 10 below – Needs Improvement

Guide Question/s:

What is the importance of bill?

1. How should you deal with an intoxicated customer?

VI. Reflection
Does the attitude of food servers towards customers affect establishments/business?
VII. Key Answer:

Activity 1

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5

Activity 3

1. Do not cut anyone off in front of others. The manager

should invite the person to the office or pull him aside to break
the news. Remember to keep everything factual, not
accusatory; “I think you had enough, call it a night.”
2. Discreetly give the person’s friends the same information.
Tell the person who is the guest that you are not serving
him/her anymore. Don’t get into any negotiation about it.
3. Offer food and beverage that can lower blood alcohol
4. Make sure that PRESENTING
the guest has aBILL
ride back home.

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