World Bank Gold Investing White Paper 2024
World Bank Gold Investing White Paper 2024
World Bank Gold Investing White Paper 2024
Kamol Alimukhamedov
© 2024 The World Bank
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Washington DC 20433
This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank Treasury. The
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Market structure 5
Geopolitical considerations 11
Capital preservation 15
Liquidity considerations 20
Return consideration 24
Standards 39
Trading 40
Custody options 52
Logistics considerations 53
Throughout history, gold has played a vital role as a financial asset in the global financial
system. It has been prevalent as a currency in many civilizations, including Ancient Greece,
Rome, and Egypt. In the modern era, gold continues to play a critical role in the global
financial system, serving as a hedge against inflation, a safe haven asset, and a reserve
asset for central banks.
In the 20th century, how gold was used in financial systems underwent significant changes.
The gold standard, which tied the value of paper currency to the price of gold, prevailed until
the 1930s, when it was abandoned by most major countries due to the Great Depression.
However, the gold standard remained a critical part of the international monetary system until
1971, when the US government ended its convertibility to gold.
In recent years, gold has regained its importance as a financial asset, with many investors
using it as a hedge against inflation and market volatility. In addition, central banks and other
financial institutions continue to hold significant amounts of gold as part of their reserve assets.
The role of gold as a reserve asset for central banks has been a significant driver of demand
for the precious metal. Gold is also considered a safe haven asset during times of economic
uncertainty and geopolitical turmoil, making it a popular among investors looking to hedge
against market volatility.
In addition to its role as a reserve asset, gold is a widely traded commodity in financial
markets. Gold futures and options are actively traded on commodity exchanges, providing
investors with a range of investment opportunities. Gold is also used in the production of
various industrial and consumer products, including electronics, jewelry, and medical devices.
The increasing awareness of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in the
investment community has led to a growing interest in responsible sourcing and use of
gold. Initiatives such as the LBMA’s Responsible Sourcing Program (RSP) and the World Gold
Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMP) aim to promote sustainable and ethical
practices in the gold mining industry.
The role of gold in the global financial system has evolved over time, with changes in
monetary policy, economic conditions, and technological advancements influencing demand
and supply dynamics. Despite these changes, gold remains a crucial component of the global
financial system and is likely to continue to play an essential role in the future.
Central banks’ stance against gold shifted in the period following the GFC, and they have
been the net buyers since then, despite ever-increasing gold prices, after having been net
sellers in preceding periods (Figure 1).
Two main factors may explain recent increase in gold purchases by central banks. First,
gold is viewed as a safe haven and desirable asset during times of economic, financial, and
geopolitical uncertainty as well as a portfolio diversifier. Second, gold is seen as a safe asset
when countries are subject to financial sanctions and asset freezes. Skeptics, however, point
to drawbacks in reliance on gold, including its cost to transport, warehouse, and secure and
its lack of interest. Despite these disadvantages, gold remains a popular asset for central
banks due to its historical track record and the well-regulated markets for trading.
The available empirical evidence suggests that some reserve managers respond to relative
costs and returns by increasing the share of gold in their reserves when the expected return
on financial assets such as US Treasury securities is low, while viewing gold as a hedge
against economic and geopolitical risks. Notably, the proportion of gold held in reserves
This report first discusses the credentials of gold as a strategic asset by analyzing its historical
risk and return characteristics, its correlation with various asset classes, and the historical and
future performance of several stylized institutional portfolios with varying allocations to gold.
The later part of the report addresses practical aspects for reserve managers of investing into
gold and discusses various gold buying practices; gold trading, storing, and accounting; and
gold liquidity management strategies. ESG considerations for gold investments are covered
in the final chapter.
At the top of the structure are the gold mining companies, which extract gold from the
ground and sell it to refiners. Refiners then process the gold and sell it to bullion banks,
which are responsible for trading large volumes of gold on a daily basis. Bullion banks also
act as market makers, providing liquidity to the market and facilitating transactions between
buyers and sellers.
Gold market structure Total annual demand (10-year average, 2013-2022) 4,653 tonnes
Total above-ground 15 %
Source: World Gold Council. stocks (2022)
Jew ellery 46% 95,547 tonnes
17% 46%
Private investment 22% 46,517 tonnes
Investors and institutions are also key players in the gold market, buying and
Off cial Holdings 17% selling
tonnes for
Other 15% 31,096 tonnes
variety of reasons. Retail investors typically buy physical gold in the form of coins or bars,
Total above ground stocks 208,874 tonnes
22 %
w w
while institutional investors use futures contracts or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to gain P.T.O.
exposure to the gold market.
Mine production 3,611.9
Net producer hedging -1.5
Recycled gold 1,144.1
Jewelry fabrication 2,189.8
Technology 308.5
Investment 1,106.8
Total bar and coin 1,217.1
ETFs & similar products -110.4
Central banks & other institutions 1,135.7
Gold demand 4,740.7
OTC and other 13.8
Central banks are significant players in the gold market, holding large reserves of gold as
a store of value and a hedge against currency risk. In addition to buying and selling gold,
central banks also influence the market through their monetary policies, which can affect
interest rates and inflation, both of which can impact the price of gold. The most recent data
from April 2023 reveals that international organizations, including the IMF and the Bank
for International Settlements (BIS), possess approximately 9 percent of the world’s official
gold holdings, as indicated in Table 2. The remaining gold reserves are distributed among
countries, with advanced economies holding around two-thirds and emerging markets and
developing economies accounting for one-third.
The United States and members of the Euro Area are the dominant owners of official gold,
holding more than 50 percent of the total reserves. Meanwhile, the Russian Federation,
World 35,588
After a period of decline that lasted for several decades and in the aftermath of the
Global Financial Crisis, central banks’ gold holdings have been increasing. However, this
trend differs depending on whether a country is an advanced economy or an emerging
market. Advanced economies have been diversifying away from gold reserves, while
Gold makes up around 18 percent (Figure 3) of the total reserves of the central banks, while
the share of the US dollar in total global reserves has declined from 71 percent in 2000 to
56 percent in 2022 (according to the IMF Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)),
reflecting the push among public asset managers to diversify their foreign reserves as
their safety and capital preservation objectives became more difficult to achieve through
investment in traditional assets and currencies, given the negative real yields environment.
Most central banks have been adding gold to their reserves through purchases in over-the-
counter (OTC) markets or local procurement programs (Figure 4). Some central banks have
stocks of inherited gold that may not conform to market standards, and they have been engaging
in gold upgrading programs. Gold ETFs have become a popular instrument among investors.
This allows them to potentially integrate the gold asset class in their tactical asset allocation.
The flexibility of OTC trading allows anonymity, which is a significant advantage for some
market participants. OTC trading also provides more flexibility in terms of price negotiation
and trade execution. However, lack of regulation in OTC trading can sometimes make it
more susceptible to price manipulation and fraud.
In contrast, exchanges and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are more regulated trading
platforms that account for around 43 percent of the trading volume in the gold market.
These platforms provide a centralized location for gold trading and play a crucial role in
establishing benchmark prices for gold. Some well-known gold exchanges include the
COMEX in New York, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, and the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.
ETFs offer investors a way to gain exposure to gold without having to take physical delivery
of the metal. ETFs hold physical gold in their custody and issue shares that can be bought
and sold like stocks on a stock exchange.
Total 182.51
While the US leads in terms of quantity, other countries also make notable contributions
to the gold ETF landscape. The United Kingdom stands out as a significant player, with
iShares Physical Gold ETC, Invesco Physical Gold ETC, and WisdomTree Physical Gold funds
listed. Collectively, these UK-based funds hold 536 tonnes of gold, indicating a significant
presence in the market. The significant holdings of Germany’s Xetra-Gold fund, with
holdings of 230 tonnes, Switzerland’s ZKB Gold ETF, with 154 tonnes, and French Amundi
Fund, with 68 tonnes indicate these countries’ reputations as hubs for financial services,
including gold-related investments.
Overall, the gold market structure is complex and multifaceted, with a variety of players and
components influencing gold’s price and availability. Understanding the dynamics of the
gold market is important for investors and traders looking to participate in this important
asset class.
In their research, Baur and Smales (2018, 2020) make a distinction between expected or
perceived geopolitical risk and actual or realized geopolitical risk, and conclude that the
former is more significant in determining gold prices.
Central banks hold their reserves in a variety of assets, including fixed-income products
(such as government bonds), deposits with commercial banks or money market instruments,
currency deposits with other central banks or multilateral organizations (such as the Bank
for International Settlements or the International Monetary Fund), Special Drawing Rights
(SDRs) with the IMF, and gold. Around 85 percent of their currency reserves are held in
US dollars, euros, or British pounds (IMF COFER 2022Q3). This means that they may not
be able to access these reserves if there are problems with these currencies. Gold differs
from other central bank assets in that it can be stored in the home country and is insulated
from geopolitical risks. However, gold stored locally can only be exchanged for domestic
currency or used to settle obligations with countries that accept it as payment. It cannot be
used as collateral for swaps and loans. Although geopolitical risks are likely to strengthen
gold’s role as a reserve asset, the disadvantages of using physical gold for financial
transactions must be carefully considered.
Recent sanctions against Russia have raised the possibility that other countries’ central
banks may shift their reserves from foreign exchange into gold. This is because gold is a
physical asset that can be stored domestically, unlike foreign exchange reserves, which can
be frozen by sanctions.
The shift to gold could have implications for the global economy. If more countries start to
hold gold, it could boost the price of gold and make it more expensive for countries to use
gold as a reserve asset.
There is an argument that, in the aftermath of Russia’s supply-side crisis and the sanctions
imposed on Russia, the world is transitioning from the Bretton Woods era, which was
backed by gold bullion, to Bretton Woods II, which was backed by inside money (treasuries
with unhedgeable confiscation risks), to Bretton Woods III, which was backed by outside
money (gold bullion and other commodities) (Pozsar 2022). The belief is that the Russian
sanctions create incentives for central banks to abandon the dollar in favor of gold and for
governments to cash in their dollar reserves for stocks of other commodities.
Overall, the recent sanctions against Russia highlight the importance of gold as a reserve
asset. It remains to be seen whether other countries will follow Russia’s lead and increase
their gold holdings.
Increase in Increase
Gold Share in Gold
Country Year Concurrent Events (current or two preceding years)
(in ppt of Volume
reserves) (in percent)
The investment principles of the financial institutions drive their asset allocation decisions.
When it comes to foreign reserves, central banks typically have three main objectives:
safety, liquidity, and return generation. According to the latest World Bank survey, the
majority of central banks—over 94 percent of the respondents—consider safety and liquidity
to be highly relevant principles. On the other hand, only one-third of the banks gave high
relevance to income generation or returns, while 65 percent considered it somewhat
relevant. Although central banks hold foreign reserves that are crucial for their financial
statements, generating returns is not as important to them as maintaining safety and liquidity
(Figure 5).
Source: Third RAMP survey on the Reserve Management Practices of Central Banks.
According to the preliminary results of the fourth RAMP survey (2023), 73 percent of the
central banks allowed investments in gold. Among the eligible investment options, gold
was more commonly allowed than inflation-indexed bonds, which were permitted by only
50 percent of the respondents. Additionally, almost all of the central banks surveyed were
eligible to invest in bonds, bank deposits, SSA securities, and money market instruments,
with percentages ranging from 87 percent to 95 percent (Figure 6).
Source: Fourth RAMP survey on the Reserve Management Practices of Central Banks (preliminary results).
Gold has long been a mainstay in central bank portfolios because it delivers on these
investment principles. Historically, gold has long been the asset of choice, attracting safe
haven inflows during financial crises owing to its better performance as compared to
other traditional reserve assets. However, gold may not be a good asset from a capital
preservation perspective. Indeed, since reserves are valued either in dollars or domestic
currency, gold price can have significant volatility levels.
According to Baur and Lucey (2010), gold serves as an average hedge against equities
while also operating as a safe haven under extreme stock market situations. This safe
haven property is attributed to the positive skewness of gold returns, which contrasts with
the negative skewness observed in other asset classes (Lucey, Tully, and Poti 2006). Erb
and Harvey (2013), on the other hand, reject the safe haven hypothesis, citing data showing
that gold and stocks decrease together in 17 percent of the months, contradicting the notion
of gold as a genuine safe haven.
Van Vliet and Lohre (2023) report that a small allocation to gold can minimize the downside
risk of standard stock-bond portfolios, albeit at the expense of returns. Low-volatility
equities, on the other hand, can more efficiently minimize losses without compromising
returns. As a result, an allocation strategy that includes low-volatility equities in a mix of
stocks, bonds, and gold may benefit significantly by boosting the equity allocation while
decreasing the bond allocation.
Zulaica (2020) suggests that, due to the significant volatility of gold returns, only a modest
fraction of gold is quantitatively justifiable in most cases. However, evidence exists for gold’s
potential insurance value in adverse scenarios, which may support higher gold allocations in
cases where reserve management requires protection against tail risks.
Also, when held in specific form and place, the gold has no credit, default, or political risk,
conditions that no other traditional safe haven asset can offer.
Gold’s liquidity surpasses the major financial assets and government debt markets of many
developed economies. In relative terms, it is more liquid than major sovereign debt markets.
Over the long term, gold provides returns comparable to equities outperforming the high-
grade fixed-income and other commodities. It also performs in periods of both financial
stress and growth. A notable characteristic of gold is its ability to perform during times of
crisis because the safe-haven investment flows it provides help spur gold price rallies.
Furthermore, according to the World Gold Council (2022), gold has performed
advantageously when compared to US treasuries during recoveries subsequent to systemic
market selloffs. This data indicates that gold may serve as a valuable asset to investors
seeking to protect their portfolios against potential financial instability and volatility. Gold’s
ability to maintain positive returns during times of crisis and to outperform traditional
investment vehicles highlights its potential as a diversification tool and hedge against
market risk (Figure 8).
On a stand-alone basis, gold exhibits a high level of risk compared to US bonds and
equities, thereby challenging its role as a portfolio value preservation asset. Nonetheless, it
presents relatively favorable performance compared to US equities based on several critical
metrics, such as maximum drawdown, where gold’s value at -14.6 percent is better than that
of US equities (-18.5 percent) (Table 6).
In addition, the downside volatility, measured by semideviation, is also high for gold,
standing at 2.7 percent, compared to 3.3 percent for equities and 1.1 percent for bonds, with
the Sortino ratio, which gauges the return per unit of downside volatility, at 0.24 for gold,
0.14 for bonds, and 0.09 for equities.
Although gold is generally considered riskier than bonds in terms of metrics such as value
at risk, expected loss, and minimum return, it compares favorably to equities. Notably, bonds
have a higher probability of loss, at 59.8 percent, compared to that of gold (53.3 percent)
but less than that of equities (60.9 percent). The preceding analysis demonstrates the
importance of viewing gold through the lens of its correlation with significant assets when
incorporating it in a reserve portfolio.
This percieved diversification effect can be misleading for the typical central bank portfolio
with predominantly fixed-income assets, since gold’s volatility is several magnitudes higher
compared to broad, high-grade US Treasury or US Aggregate benchmark indices. This
implies that unless the correlation between gold and these indices is negative or zero,
there will be no reduction in total portfolio risk by adding gold. In this scenario, the addition
of gold to a portfolio will lead to the substitution of risk from fixed income to gold and the
performance of the overall portfolio will heavily depend on the performance of the latter.
Gold has become a popular investment asset due to its perceived ability to serve as a
hedge against economic and geopolitical uncertainties. The gold market is characterized
by a large-scale, liquid, and diverse source of demand, which makes it less volatile as
compared to some other major asset classes.
When we look at the rolling volatility of gold, it is found to be similar to the wider
commodities index, but smaller than major US and Emerging Markets (EM) Equity and Real
Estate indices, as depicted in Figure 10. This indicates that gold is relatively stable in terms
of its price fluctuations.
Moreover, gold tends to exhibit higher volatility compared to the broad spectrum of US
equities during relatively calm market conditions. However, during times of crisis, gold
prices remain stable and do not exhibit high correlation with equities and real estate. This
stability is primarily due the variety of sources of the demand for gold, such as investment,
jewelry, central bank reserves, and industrial applications. Therefore, shocks to one demand
source are less likely to significantly impact gold prices.
Gold (BBG Gold USD Spot), Global Agg Bonds (BBG Agg TR index), US Treasury (BBG US Treasury index),
US Corporate Bonds (BBG US Corp Bonds index), EM Equities (MSCI EM index), US Equities (MSCI US index),
Commodities (BBG Commodities index), REITs (FTSE REITs index).
The latest empirical research establishes various optimal allocations to gold that can help
achieve central banks’ capital preservation objectives.
The distribution of gold allocations that will minimize risk varies for portfolios of SDR
government bonds with different durations. The distribution that minimizes portfolio volatility
in the two-year SDR fixed-income model portfolio is concentrated between 0 percent and 2
percent, but holding gold up to 4.75 percent may help reduce portfolio variation during very
implausible events (Zulaica 2020).
As the duration increases, the distributions become less skewed and tend to support higher
gold weights. The 10-year portfolio shows a more symmetric distribution, with allocations
to gold mostly in positive territory, with a suggested median share of gold in the reserve
portfolio around 22 percent. The results based on the VaR metric are similar, indicating that
gold holdings can help investors face tail-risk events better as the model portfolio becomes
more sensitive to yields. Investors with a higher tolerance for interest rate risk may find
greater diversification benefits in gold than investors with lower duration portfolios, both on
average and during tail events (Figure 11).
According to research by Van Vliet and Lohre (2023), incorporating gold into a portfolio
can dramatically minimize downside risk. The best gold allocation in a portfolio is 10
percent, which, when combined with a 30/70 equity-bond mix, results in a 3.3 percent
downside volatility. This “gilded mix” has lower negative volatility than a 30/70 equity-
bond combination with bonds. A 10 percent gold allocation to a fixed equity-bond portfolio
reduces downside volatility by 0.3 percentage points, or 10 percent. Except for exceptionally
stock-heavy portfolios, when the proportional reduction in downside volatility is
approximately 15 percent, this conclusion holds over the whole range of stock-bond ratios.
As a result, gold has the potential to be a useful capital preservation asset in a portfolio.
Gold is liquid across various investment platforms. According to the latest World Gold
Council data on Q1 2023, the average daily trading volume is spread between over-the-
counter (OTC) markets (US $97bn), open interest through derivatives traded on various
exchanges (US $64bn), and gold ETFs (US $2bn) (Figure 12).
The liquidity of the gold market is comparable to the Treasury bills, US Agency MBS and
ABS, all traded stocks in S&P 500 with the average trading volume at around US$164 billion
per day in 2022 (Figure 13). The liquidity is higher than most of the major financial markets
such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, UK and German bonds, and US corporate
bonds. Physical gold holdings by investors and central banks are estimated to be worth
$4.9 trillion, with an additional $1.2 trillion in open interest through derivatives traded on
exchanges or the (OTC) market.
Compared to other major asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and currencies, the bid-ask
spread for gold is relatively high. This is due to several factors, including the relatively low
liquidity of the gold market compared to other asset classes, as well as the high cost of
storing and transporting physical gold. However, when scaled by price, as suggested by
Choi (1988), the bid-ask spread of the gold is relatively low compared to the major asset
classes (Figure 14).
The bid-ask spread of gold exhibits similarity with highly liquid forex pairs, such as EURUSD,
USDJPY, and GBPUSD, while showing a marginal difference when compared to the bid-ask
spread of the US 2-year and 10-year Treasury bonds. However, when compared to the bid-
ask spread of Oil and S&P 500 Index (ETF), the spreads of gold are notably lower.
Gold trading volumes are sensitive to central banks’ actions to stimulate their financial
markets and economies in times of crisis. Particularly, investment demand for gold,
and hence the trading volumes, have been heavily affected by the Federal Reserve’s
interventions. Gold trade volumes and investment demand have historically increased
during periods when the Federal Reserve undertook their market operations (Figure 15),
with safe haven flows contributing to gold’s liquidity.
Against the backdrop of the banking crisis in the US and Europe, gold is expected to
become the main defensive asset, and its liquidity stands to benefit from the expected
bailout of the banking sector at the cost of an infusion of hundereds of billions of dollars
from the Federal Reserve (MENA Report 2023).
When compared to other major asset classes, such as equities, bonds, and real estate,
gold has shown impressive performance over the long term, outpacing bonds and real
estate. This makes it an attractive investment option for those looking to diversify and
to hedge against economic uncertainty (Figure 16). Over the 5-year and 20-year time
horizons, gold performs similarly to US equities, significantly outperforming against other
major asset classes. Over a 10-year horizon, gold returned on par with US corporate bonds
and significantly lower than US equities, but it still outperformed all other major assets. It is
crucial to acknowledge that the additional return associated with gold investment entails
considerable volatility, necessitating careful consideration when making investment decisions.
Gold offers positive real returns during periods of low, moderate, and high inflation (Figure
17). Notably, aggregate US Treasuries produced positive real returns only during periods of
low inflation, whereas broad US equities, while offering high returns during periods of low
and moderate inflation, typically suffer from large losses when inflation exceeds 3 percent
on a consistent basis.
The low interest rate environment also reduces the opportunity cost of holding gold as
a non-return-generating asset. Under these conditions, investors prefer to increase their
holdings of gold over US Treasuries, as the latter become less appealing due to the lower
carry earned by holding it.
The negative yield environment was also accompanied by quantitative easing (QE)
measures by central banks looking to improve financial conditions and foster economic
growth. This condition, combined with the increasing money supply and low-to-negative
interest rate environment, allowed gold to outperform US Treasuries.
Another important factor to consider when evaluating gold’s potential for return is its
performance over various business cycles. Empirical data show that business cycles
affect gold returns asymmetrically, with these returns responding more strongly during the
recessionary than the booming phases of the cycle (Apergis and Eleftheriou 2016). Business
cycles of the stock markets are countercyclical compared to the business cycles of gold
investments (Chirila and Chirila 2012).
Since Q1 1990, only gold and bonds have consistently generated positive real returns above
the US long-term average inflation target rate of 2 percent (Figure 19).
Equities and real estate are expected to outperform other asset classes during the early
growth cycle but to fall short during the recessionary period. It is worth noting that the
performance of US equities during the recessionary period is skewed by their exceptional
performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, as aggressive rate cutting by the Federal
Excluding the performance during the pandemic, the average annual return on US stocks
during recessionary cycles is -11 percent. Bonds are an asset to invest in throughout the
four economic cycles, particularly during times of financial distress, when they outperform
all other asset classes. However, they tend to lag riskier assets when the economy is
beginning to recover and when it is nearing the end of its cycle.
*All data from Q1 1990–Q4 2022. The economic cycles are based on internal formula-based model developed by
World Bank Treasury considering the level, trend, and behavior of other indices and macroeconomic data. The
performance of the asset classes in the different cycles is calculated as the annualized mean quarterly return of
each asset in the identified cycles.
Gold’s consistent performance across all four business cycles suggests that it can be
viewed as both a defensive and a growth asset, performing well during both market stress
and economic growth.
However, the optimal gold allocation that maximizes a portfolio’s return to volatility ratio
differs for investors with longer-duration portfolios. As the willingness to bear interest rate
risk gets higher, the optimal share of gold in the portfolio increases (Figure 20). For instance,
the estimated optimal allocation to gold for the investor with a portfolio duration of 10 years
is around 13 percent.
For investors who possess a higher risk appetite and maintain a longer investment horizon,
such as pension funds, sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), endowments, and certain central
banks with multi-asset portfolios, gold may serve as a highly effective diversification tool.
The optimal allocation of gold that maximizes the Sharpe ratio for these investors may vary
within the range of 7 to 10 percent, depending on the chosen allocation of portfolio assets,
including equities, bonds, and alternatives, and based on the asset’s returns over the last
two decades (as depicted in Figure 21). However, an analysis based on a lower expected
average annual gold return of 4.5 percent reveals that the optimal proportion of gold across
portfolios may range from 2 to 4 percent. The same conclusion is applicable to investors
who possess inflation-hedging assets, such as inflation-linked bonds, as well as those who
hold alternative assets like real estate, private equity, and hedge funds.
The historical performance of the portfolios will be backtested by adding 10 percent and 20
percent gold into each portfolio with the objective of analyzing whether the gold allocation
would have improved the risk/return characteristics of the portfolio and its drawdowns
during the periods of financial distress to help achieve institutional goals of holding
The performance of Portfolio 1 with 10 percent and 20 percent gold allocations (Table 7)
was backtested using the historical asset returns for Q1 2000 to Q1 2023, with the particular
interest paid to how the respective portfolios would have performed during some of the
crises that occurred during this period.
Gold Allocation
Asset Base
10% 20%
Gold - 10% 20%
Cash 5% 5% 5%
US Treasuries 95% 85% 75%
The addition of gold to the base portfolio would have resulted in a deterioration in most of
the performance metrics aside from Sortino and diversification ratio, and the percent of the
positive return periods. The portfolios with higher gold allocations experienced larger losses
and higher volatility. Risk-adjusted measures such as the Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio also
worsened with higher gold allocations. While gold improved diversification to some extent,
it resulted in lower returns and increased downside risk (Table 8). Also, the falling VaR and
conditional VaR (CVaR) values are a clear indication that a central bank primarily concerned
with safety irrespective of returns should be cautious when adding gold into the asset mix.
Portfolio 1 Portfolio 1
Metric Portfolio 1
(10% gold) (20% gold)
Annualized return -3.9% -7.7% -11.5%
Annualized standard deviation 4.3% 4.7% 5.5%
Max. drawdown -5.5% -6.6% -7.7%
Lastly, the percentage of positive periods, representing the proportion of periods in which
the portfolios generated positive returns, shows a slight improvement with increasing gold
Incorporating gold into the portfolio would not have provided substantial protection during
recent crises (Table 9). In fact, it would have resulted in larger drawdowns, indicating that
gold’s historical role as a safe haven asset may not hold true in all market downturns.
Investors should carefully assess the effectiveness of gold as a hedge and consider its
potential impact on portfolio performance during specific crisis periods.
Gold Allocation
Asset Base
10% 20%
Subprime crisis -7.9% -8.9% -10.1%
Brexit -2.4% -3.0% -3.6%
COVID-19 pandemic -5.9% -6.4% -6.9%
The Markowitz optimization framework can be used to determine the best gold allocations
to fulfill the given goals that public institutions frequently pursue. The study is carried out
Central banks with more advanced investment capabilities typically focus on generating
returns and invest more in riskier fixed-income products, such as global or corporate bonds
and SSAs, while maintaining a high allocation in US Treasuries (Table 11).
Gold Allocation
Asset Base
10% 20%
Gold - 10% 20%
Cash 5% 5% 5%
US Treasuries 70% 70% 70%
Global bonds 15% 10% 5%
US corporate bonds 5% 5% -
US credit bonds 5% - -
Portfolio 2 Portfolio 2
Metric Portfolio 2
(10% gold) (20% gold)
Annualized return -2.0% -6.7% -11.1%
Annualized standard deviation 4.2% 4.7% 5.5%
Max. drawdown -4.8% -6.2% -7.5%
Similar to Portfolio 1, the inclusion of gold did not effectively mitigate drawdowns in portfolio
value across all three periods. In fact, portfolios with higher gold allocations experienced
worse performance during the crises (Table 13).
Gold Allocation
Asset Base
10% 20%
Subprime crisis -7.2% -8.6% -10.0%
Brexit -2.7% -3.2% -3.7%
COVID-19 pandemic -6.9% -7.0% -7.1%
The investors with higher risk tolerance and longer investment horizons, such as pension
funds and SWFs that can afford to have risky assets in their portfolio, would typically invest
more into domestic and foreign equities and various types of alternative asset classes
(Table 15).
Gold Allocation
Asset Base
10% 20%
Gold - 10% 20%
US Aggregate bonds 30% 30% 30%
US stocks 50% 45% 40%
EM stocks 15% 10% 10%
REITs 5% 5% -
The addition of gold to such investors’ portfolios is more advantageous than the addition of
gold to the portfolios of investors with shorter investment horizons and lower risk tolerance.
The portfolios with higher gold allocations demonstrate mixed results. While the 10 percent
gold allocation leads to a slightly better annualized return compared to the base portfolio,
the 20 percent gold allocation shows a further decline. Risk-adjusted measures, such
as the Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio, also exhibit mixed outcomes, with the 10 percent
gold allocation showing a slightly better Sharpe and Sortino ratio. The diversification
ratio improves with higher gold allocations, suggesting increased diversification benefits.
However, the historical and conditional value-at-risk values rise with higher gold allocations
(Table 16).
Portfolio 3 Portfolio 3
Metric Portfolio 3
(10% gold) (20% gold)
Annualized return -6.9% -4.7% -10.1%
The inclusion of gold resulted in mixed outcomes for the portfolio drawdowns during the
periods of recent market distress. During the Subprime Crisis, the portfolio with a 10 percent
gold allocation experienced a significant decline of -20.3 percent, while the portfolio with a
20 percent gold allocation saw a slightly smaller decline of -18.7 percent. However, during
Brexit, 20 percent gold allocation performed slightly better than the base portfolio, with
smaller losses recorded. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, neither gold allocation provided
the desired level of protection, resulting in greater losses compared to the base portfolio.
Overall, gold demonstrated very small potential as a risk mitigator during crises, although its
effectiveness varied depending on the specific event and allocation (Table 17).
Gold Allocation
Asset Base
10% 20%
Subprime crisis -10.0% -20.3% -18.7%
Brexit -2.3% -2.5% -1.9%
COVID-19 pandemic -9.0% -13.5% -12.6%
1. H
ousing market crash: Rising interest rates and unemployment cause a sharp
drop in house prices, leading to a severe global recession. Residential investment
and consumer spending decline as credit conditions tighten and investor sentiment
worsens. Initially, central banks remain cautious with policy rates, resulting in minimal
economic growth in 2023. The recovery in 2024 is slow but improves later due to
looser monetary policy and some revival in housing and financial markets.
2. H
igh inflation regime: The credibility of central banks is at risk due to high inflation.
Despite efforts to raise interest rates, inflation expectations remain unanchored, leading
to continued high costs and prices. Financial markets experience turmoil, with global
monetary policy tightening, government bond yields rising, and stock prices falling.
This leads to a stronger US dollar and a slowdown in the global economy, affecting
households’ disposable income. Economic growth is weak, with prolonged high
inflation, inflation expectations, and policy rates.
3. E
nd of supply chain crisis: Inflation eases and supply chains normalize faster than
expected. China shifts away from a zero-COVID policy, aiding the process. Commodity
market disruption is limited. Producer prices decrease, boosting sentiment. Equities
During a high inflation regime, USD cash may provide some protection against inflation, but
gold tends to be considered a safe-haven investment. Gold’s value often increases during
inflationary periods, making it an attractive option. The US Treasury Aggregate, representing
a portfolio of US government bonds, may offer a lower return compared to cash and gold in
this scenario as increasing interest rates negatively impact most fixed-income assets (Figure
When a supply chain crisis ends, interest rates for all three investments decrease. USD
cash remains relatively stable, while gold retains its appeal as a stable investment during
recovery periods. The US Treasury Agg may become more favorable as the crisis resolves,
potentially offering higher returns.
In the case of a housing market crash, USD cash tends to hold its value and can be seen as
a reliable option during market downturns. However, gold’s value may decline during such
crises, making it less favorable. The US Treasury Agg may become an attractive investment
during a housing market crash, potentially offering higher returns compared to cash and
It’s important to note that these general behaviors are based on the hypothetical scenarios
provided and may not necessarily reflect actual market conditions.
Source: Authors’ calculations using World Bank Treasury’s in-house developed software, Asset Allocation
Workbench (AAWB), based on OE and WGC scenarios.
High Inflation Regime End of Supply Chain Crisis Housing Market Crash
Portfolio 1 9.2% 4.3% 0.5% 1.7% 14.5% 4.8% 4.9% 0.1% 16.8% 5.0% 6.8% 0.1%
Portfolio 1 11.2% 4.8% 1.8% 0.7% 15.7% 5.2% 5.5% 0.1% 14.3% 5.2% 4.1% 0.3%
(10% gold)
Portfolio 1 13.3% 6.7% 0.0% 1.8% 16.9% 7.1% 3.0% 0.5% 11.8% 6.8% -1.6% 4.0%
(20% gold)
Source: Authors’ calculations using World Bank Treasury’s in-house developed software, Asset Allocation
Workbench (AAWB), based on OE and WGC scenarios.
During the end of a supply chain crisis, portfolios with varying gold allocations demonstrate
higher expected returns compared to the base portfolio. However, the higher gold
allocations also lead to increased volatility and risk, albeit with a low probability of negative
In the housing market crash scenario, the base portfolio without gold allocation shows
a high expected return and low probability of negative returns. However, portfolios with
higher gold allocations experience lower expected returns, increased volatility, and higher
CVaR values. The probability of negative returns also varies across portfolios.
Overall, adding gold to the portfolio has the potential to enhance returns in specific
scenarios, but it comes with increased volatility and risk. The trade-off between returns, risk,
and the probability of negative returns should be carefully considered based on individual
investment goals and risk tolerance.
Investors in the London OTC market trade 400 troy ounce “Good Delivery” bars (LGD)
housed in the vaults of London Precious Metals Clearing Limited (LPMCL) members and
the Bank of England. The London OTC market, being the world’s largest trading center,
establishes the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) Gold Price twice daily as the
global reference standard for gold (see Table 20).
COMEX Futures
Contract London OTC Market SGE and SHFE
50 g, 100 g, 1 kg, 3
400 oz gold bar; 100 oz gold bars; 1
Deliverable Product kg, or 12.5 kg gold
1 kg bar kg bar; 400 oz bar
99.5%, 99.9%,
Mininum fineness 99.5% 99.5%, 99.99%
99.95% and 99.99%
Bars from LGD Exchange approved
Brands “Standard bars”
brands brands
Facilities location London New York, Delaware Shanghai
As a trading commodity, gold can be traded through various channels, including exchanges,
physical dealers, and over-the-counter (OTC) markets. On exchanges such as the COMEX and
the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), gold futures contracts and spot contracts are traded by
investors and industry players. Physical dealers, such as jewelry shops and bullion dealers,
offer physical gold in the form of bars, coins, and jewelry for purchase by retail customers.
OTC markets, on the other hand, are decentralized and allow for customized transactions
between buyers and sellers, with prices negotiated based on current market conditions.
In the London OTC market, the largest gold market by volume, gold is traded via bilateral
agreements with bullion banks for Loco London Unallocated gold (Loco London refers to
gold bullion that is physically held in London vaults to underpin the trading activity in this
market). Spot trades are typically priced in USD/oz on a T+2 settlement basis. This price is
commonly used as a benchmark for the gold price and gold prices in other markets, which
are typically quoted on a discount/premium over the Loco London gold spot price.
Trading is typically conducted via electronic platforms provided by bullion banks or trading
platforms such as Bloomberg, Refinitiv, and others. For example, trading on Bloomberg
or Refinitiv is executed via chat, where traders interact directly with the bullion bank (see
“Example of an unallocated gold buying deal with a bullion bank on spot basis”); through the
dealer-to-client automated electronic trading system (FXTG, FXall), where gold trading takes
place in standardized sizes (usually 1,000 oz) based on automatic quotes from the bullion
banks; or in semi-automated trade execution systems (RFQ), where traders ask for quotes
via a specialized interface from one or more bullion banks.
The most common ways of buying gold are through purchases in OTC market, from local
production, or through ETFs. Gold is traded in the OTC market in standard bars produced
by refiners on the London Gold Delivery (LGD) list. Gold can be purchased through the
bullion bank in allocated or unallocated form.
An allocated account is backed by a specific bar of the precious metal, so that the investor
would not see a simple credit on their account but instead a weight list of bars, plates, or ingots
showing the unique characteristics of the metal. This form is analogous to a safe deposit box,
with the account operator simply acting as custodian.
Owners of the accounts must pay a maintenance fee for their unallocated account or a storage
fee for their allocated account. Charges vary between account operators.
In both allocated and unallocated accounts, the metal itself is traded, with the designations
allocated and unallocated referring only to the post-trading settlement mechanism.
An important consideration for unallocated gold is that the account owner is exposed
to the custodian’s creditworthiness, while allocated accounts are free from credit risk.
Nevertheless, neither form is free from political risk unless the allocated gold is held in the
domicile country.
After the custodian accounts are set up, gold can be purchased from a bullion bank in the
OTC market. Like a foreign exchange transaction, the procedure for purchasing gold does
not require signing or conducting any special legal agreement. The buyer simply requests
the bullion bank to quote to sell the desired amount of gold against the currency of choice
(usually USD or EUR) on a spot basis (T+2). The gold is usually traded in smaller lots (e.g.,
1,000 oz, 5,000 oz, or 10,000 oz), as larger orders can affect the spot price of the gold and
delay efficient execution of the order by the bullion bank, depending on the liquidity at the
time of trade.
Historically, LGD bars were ineligible for COMEX futures settlement; however, following
logistics disruptions caused by COVID-19, Gold (Enhanced Delivery) (4GC) contracts were
introduced in 2020 to accommodate gold from London vaults. The gold must be stored in
one of the accredited warehouses, and the beneficiary owner is provided with the receipt
(warrant), which can be converted into Accumulated Certificates of Exchanges (ACEs) at the
rate of a 400 oz bar warrant equaling 4 ACEs. The ACEs are then used to settle the futures
trades when they are physically settled (Figure 24). It takes three business days to complete
the delivery process.
This gives the participants—the seller, the buyer, their respective clearing firms, and the
CME Clearing—time to make the necessary notifications and arrangements.
Because deliveries take place between clearing firms acting as agents for those having
accounts with them, clearing firms play an important role in the delivery process. Contract
deliveries are not made directly between account holders.
In addition to these primary trading centers, the global gold market is supported by a
number of secondary markets: China (SGE & SHFE), Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Japan, and
Singapore. These markets provide a variety of spot trading options or listed contracts, but
they do not attract the same level of liquidity that the primary trading centers do.
Despite their lower liquidity, these secondary markets are critical to the global gold market.
They meet local needs and serve as regional trading hubs.
BORROWER: Sure. 50bp. Basis Price 2015 At maturity, the depositor receives 10,000 oz
USD/oz. gold plus Interest $50,375 ((10,000z*US$2015*
GOLD LENDER: Done 0.0050*180)/360).
Deposits can be made in the form of unallocated or allocated (physical) gold; however,
there is an additional procedure for weighing the physical gold because the depositor
may receive other LGD gold that differs in weight. Unless otherwise agreed upon during
the transaction, interest is paid in US dollars. Investing gold into deposit introduces credit
risk against the gold deposit holder which must be taken into account. Gold deposit rates
(proxied by taking the difference between the USD Libor rate and the USD gold swap rate)
float around zero during periods when the market is calm as the borrowing bank typically
swaps the gold deposits into US dollars and loans out the US dollars to earn the spread
between the rate on USD deposits/loan and the USD gold swap rate (Figure 25).
Demand for gold swaps is especially strong during times of financial stress in markets, when
institutions try to leverage their relatively illiquid gold holdings to obtain liquid cash to cover
their positions, pushing swap rates higher (Figure 26). Gold swaps, like derivative products,
are governed by conventional derivatives master agreements and require participants to
sign the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) agreement.
Gold can be hedged using forward contracts in the OTC market through the bullion banks.
Being a fully tailor-made product, forwards allow customization of the hedge parameters
to meet investors’ preference. One drawback of using the forward contract to hedge gold
exposure is that it requires counterparties in the OTC transaction to sign a ISDA agreement.
Example of the Loco London unallocated gold—USD swap deal with the bullion bank.
BORROWER: Sure. 180bp at basis price 2015 The lender of the gold thus receives
USD/oz please. US$20,150,000 to use for one month. In one
GOLD LENDER: Done month, the lender must reverse the transaction
by buying the gold back for US$20,180,200
GOLD LENDER: to confirm I swap XAU USD
(implied USD lending cost is US$30,200).
10,000 oz at 180bp (bp - 2015 USD/oz).
Tenor - Feb 5, 2022 - March 5, 2022. The confirmation of the swap trades are sent
At maturity my XAU to our account with using form MT399 or MT699 (free format) SWIFT
"XXX". messages at T+0.
BORROWER: All agreed. Thank you. The settlement of the trade is the same as for
the unallocated gold settlement procedure.
Gold futures are traded on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange
(NYMEX), with a standard contract size of 100 troy ounces and two smaller contracts of 50
and 10 troy ounces. The exchange specifies the delivery of gold to exchange-approved
vaults, although these terms are subject to change by the exchange. It is imperative to have
an approved futures trading account to partake in gold futures trading.
Options hedging comes at a substantial cost depending on the implied volatility of the gold
price; however, it provides the right, but not the obligation, to sell/buy gold at the agreed
price to the long side of the deal. Divergences exist between the two primary gold options,
which are based on the most liquid gold futures contracts globally at the Shanghai Futures
Exchange (SHFE) and the COMEX. Although sharing some similarities, the SHFE’s gold
option is classified as European style, while the gold options offered at the COMEX are
classified as American style (Table 23).
Investors cannot trade Exchange-traded futures or options contracts directly with the
exchange; trades are conducted through the accredited broker providing the investors’ with
market access.
Hedging gold exposure is especially attractive during financial crises, as by entering the
gold forward, the institution allows the counterparty to use the liquidity for additional time
based on the tenor of the contract. Gold forward rates closely follow the gold-USD swap
rate, as essentially the institution entering the forward agreement is similar to the party on
the short side of a swap contract (Figure 26).
For example, a central bank selling gold at the spot price of 2015 USD/oz could have
entered a one-month forward contract with a forward premium of approximately 5 percent.
This means that the central bank must deliver the gold to the buyer in one month, and the
buyer must purchase the gold at the forward price of 2023.4 USD/oz for a premium of 8.4
USD/oz. Although the seller of gold is fixing its downside at a forward price, entering this
forward contract foregoes the upside potential.
The central bank can retain the upside potential and hedge the dowside risk of the
gold price by buying the one-month put option with the strike price of 2023.4 USD/oz.
Put options can be purchased in the OTC market from bullion banks (under customized
contracts) or exchanges such as COMEX (using standardized contracts) via brokers. Each
option contract is worth 100 ounces of gold. If an option costs US$15, the amount paid for
the option is US$15 x 100 = US$1500. Purchasing a gold futures contract that allows the
purchaser to buy 100 ounces of gold requires a maintanance margin of US$8,300, while
purchasing physical gold necessitates a full cash outlay for each ounce purchased.
For example, on March 31, 2023, the LBMA PM Fixing for gold was 1979.70 USD/oz. If the
central bank wants to hedge its downside, it can buy a put option at the closing price of
22.40 USD/oz per troy ounce of gold. This means that the total cost of the put option to
hedge the position on 10,000 oz will be US$224,000 (10,000*$22.40).
Several option strategies, such as zero cost collars, barrier options, binary options, and
others, involve combining a long/short position in puts/calls and lowering the cost of
hedging by changing the risk profile.
Central banks can set up local gold buying programs in several ways. The most common
procedure is to give the country’s central bank a “priority right” or “right of first refusal”
to purchase local production. (Some countries like Ethiopia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, the
Kyrgyz Republic, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan use this approach.) An alternative method is for
the central bank to set up a special gold buying program or form direct agreements to
purchase the metal from local artisanal and small-scale miners (e.g., the ASGM program) or
commercial banks (as in Bolivia, Ecuador, Mongolia, the Philippines, the Russian Federation,
and Zambia).
The central banks publish the official gold purchase prices and usually include a discount
for logistics costs, trading (bid-ask spread), and quality, if the metal is not of LGD standard.
Since most locally produced gold comes in nonstandardized form, the central banks
engage in quality swap programs to upgrade their holdings to LGD standard. This is
accomplished with the help of LGD refiners, with both the Bank for International Settlements
(BIS) and bullion banks providing intermediary services.
The Central Bank of Philippines is uniquely positioned, as it has run its own LGD refiner
since 1974, allowing the bank to upgrade the gold it purchases from local small-scale
miners to international standards. A decision to set up the LBMA-accredited refiner must be
considered carefully, as the association imposes strict requirements related to gold quality
and production levels on potential candidates.
Notably, the absence of LBMA compliance does not mean that the gold owned by a central
bank will be untradable in international markets, since some bullion banks can purchase
gold of certain minimum fineness, albeit on discount. The LBMA accreditation merely
ensures the liquidity of the gold holdings by deeming them acceptable for settlement in
world’s biggest trading venues, such as the London Bullion Market, COMEX, and SGE.
The program aims to formalize and support small-scale mining operations while bolstering
the country's international reserves. By establishing collection centers in strategic locations,
the central bank facilitates direct gold sales from artisanal miners.
By cutting out intermediaries, the program ensures that miners receive fair prices for their
gold. This has had a positive impact on their livelihoods. Individuals or entities interested in
trading gold must meet specific requirements, including having a registered mining license,
remaining up-to-date with their tax obligations, and avoiding involvement in crimes such as
money laundering or narcotics trafficking. They must also register and obtain authorization
as an Economic Agent with the BCE. The gold purchase procedure involves determining
the fine gold content through the density method, receiving molten bars meeting certain
criteria, and making payment through direct transfer to the seller's registered bank account.
The BCE has an antibribery policy in place, prohibiting actions such as offering gifts to
gain undue advantage or accepting gifts that could create conflicts of interest (World Gold
Council 2021).
The central bank's commitment to environmental and social responsibility is evident in the
program's design. It adheres to stringent standards, ensuring that gold purchases comply
with sustainability practices. Additionally, the bank provides technical assistance and training
programs to improve mining practices, enhancing the sector's long-term sustainability.
Although the initiative only benefits individual miners, it also has macroeconomic
implications. The acquisition program has contributed to Ecuador's international reserves,
increasing their value by approximately $1.4 billion. The gold purchase program has helped
the BCE obtain around eight tonnes of nonmonetary gold over the past decade. This
enabled the central bank to add around 2.5 tonnes of internationally certified gold bars
to its international reserves last year, boosting its coffers by $158 million. The addition
of monetary gold helped Ecuador’s international reserves to grow to $9.35 billion as of
January 20, 2023 (Jeffery et al. 2023).
Furthermore, the program has successfully formalized the artisanal mining sector.
Previously operating in the informal economy, these miners are now part of a regulated
and transparent market, bringing them under the purview of government regulations and
improving overall industry transparency.
Gold holdings can be custodied in allocated form at home or in many official institutions
offering the service—such as the Bank of England (BOE), the BIS, Banque de France (BdF),
and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY)—or in unallocated form with the bullion
banks and logistics companies offering vaulting service (Tables 24 and 25). Some bullion
banks in the London Bullion Market offer unallocated accounts (HSBC Bank Plc, ICBC
Standard Bank Plc, UBS, and JP Morgan Chase); these banks are clearing members of
London Precious Metals Clearing Limited (LPMCL).
The important consideration in choosing the type of gold custody is the fee. The bullion
banks usually have no charges for unallocated accounts, while the allocated storage fees
can be at least 1.5 percent per annum. However, there are handling fees to move the
physical gold into both types of custody accounts, usually charged on a per bar basis.
Notably, gold custody in an unallocated account with a bullion bank exposes the owner to
the account provider’s credit risk, whereas allocated accounts are not exposed to credit
risk because they are typically held with central banks of developed countries. Political risks
must be considered in either case, because gold accounts can be frozen.
Physical gold is transported and insured in accordance with the international terms of sale
(Incoterms) agreed upon with the logistics company. Free on board (FOB) or delivery at place
(DAP) are common terms of sale. The former implies that, once the gold is loaded onto the
transport vehicle at the point of departure, the seller’s right to the gold is transferred to the
buyer and insured by the logistics company during the journey to the buyer’s vault.
An alternative way to organize the transport of the gold is through bullion banks, which act
as buyers of the physical gold and organize the logistics and insurance. The benefit of this
approach for the gold seller is that bullion banks sometimes offer premiums on top of the
spot price to buy physical LGD-quality gold. The size of the premium is determined by the
demand for physical gold in major gold-buying countries, such as India and China.
For example, the spot price of gold on February 20, 2023, was around $1,841/oz, $2,069/
oz on the MCI India, and $1,862/oz on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE). This allows the
bullion bank that purchased the LGD gold to earn a premium by refining it into kilobars
accepted in the India and China exchanges and selling it in those markets.
Example of the physical gold shipment deal with the bullion bank on FOB basis.
Therefore most central banks refer to IMF’s BOP and IIP manual (BPM6) for guidance
(Sullivan 2022). According to IFRS, gold bullion is treated as a commodity rather than a
financial asset, and all foreign exchange revaluation gains and losses on monetary items
must be reported through profit and loss. As a result, the IFRS 9 and IAS 32 rules do not
apply to gold because financial loss arises from a contractual arrangement, which gold
does not have. Gold does not qualify as an investment property under IAS 40 because
investment property is either land or a building or its components. According to the World
Gold Council, this treatment is appropriate for jewelers and manufacturers, but central banks
use their gold to raise foreign exchange liquidity (for example, during times of national crisis)
and require a fair value assessment of the resources at their disposal (World Gold Council
2021b). Central banks within the Eurosystem receive guidance on the treatment of gold from
the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
Accounting practices vary considerably among public institutions. The most common
approach to reporting returns on gold has been to account for unrealized gains and
losses as reserves, either in equity or a nonequity account (43 percent). For 36 percent
of institutions, the mark-to-market valuation of gold affected the profit and loss account.
Notably, few institutions (18 percent) include unrealized gains and losses on gold when
calculating distributions to their governments (Figure 27).
In the absence of clear guidance, seven accounting treatments for gold have emerged
(World Gold Council 2016). This fragmentation has led central banks to devise creative ways
to use their vast gold reserves to manipulate earnings (Box 2).
Source: Third RAMP survey on the Reserve Management Practices of Central Banks.
In 2018, at the request of several central banks, the WGC issued guidance on accounting for
gold for monetary authorities; this guidance, which also covers other forms of gold, aims to
achieve consistency across various institutions in accounting for all forms of gold holdings.
The framework, already adopted by some WGC member central banks, treats gold as a
financial instrument denominated in local currency.
Prepared with reference to the IASB’s accounting frameworks, the guidance provides a
framework for accounting for gold consistent with current financial reporting standards and
IMF’s BoP reporting. The WGC considers both presentation in the balance sheet and the
income statement, as well as the treatment of unrealized revaluations.
The guidance divides gold into three categories: monetary gold, nonmonetary gold, and
antique gold. Monetary gold is initially measured at fair value, with subsequent measurements
based on the cost of delivering gold to market. Nonmonetary gold is measured as a
commodity under IFRS rules. Antique gold can be measured using the monetary authority’s art
accounting policy.
The gold is revalued in a way similar that applied to currency. The unrealized gains are
disclosed through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) or equivalent and allocated to special
gold unrealized revaluation reserve in equity. The unrealized losses are losses reported in
OCI and deplete the revaluation reserve until it reaches zero. Losses in excess of this amount
are reported through Profit and Loss (P&L). Realized gains and losses are reported directly
through P&L and help to reverse realized gains and losses from the revaluation reserve.
Other monetary gold transactions involving derivatives and other gold instruments, such as
swaps, location swaps, deposits, and others, are treated in accordance with the IFRS.
The guidance is simply a best practice recommendation with no legal mandate attached. It
only applies to monetary gold and cannot be used by monetary authorities who employ fully
historic cost accounting.
Box 2: Revaluation Account to Cover Losses: Curaçao and Saint Martin
The central bank of Curaçao and Saint Martin (CBCS) used its gold revaluation account
(GRA) to offset losses in 2021. The CBCS sold and immediately bought back some of its
gold reserves. A GRA is an account that records unrealized gains (or losses) of gold assets
and usually part of the equity. The CBCS started making losses in 2020 and 2021. They
held 420,395 fine troy ounces of gold and equity of Netherlands Antillean guilder (NAf) 1,341
million, of which NAf 1,275 million was GRA. This made it tempting to use some of the GRA
to cover losses.
In CBCS’s 2021 transaction, the bank sold and immediately bought back 2,945 ounces of
gold to turn an unrealized gain into a realized gain. The value of the gold traded was NAf
9.55 million, and CBCS’s total gold holdings did not change. CBCS dampened losses by
using a small portion of its GRA, thus keeping a healthy capital position.
One reason GRAs are prohibited from being used to absorb losses is because, once fully
run down, a declining gold price will cause GRAs to become negative, damaging the central
bank’s equity. For central banks that bought their gold during Bretton Woods at $35 dollars
an ounce, this risk is immaterial. Central banks may also choose to support the gold price to
avoid seeing it fall.
As the energy transition starts to pick up pace, decarbonization is quickly becoming a key
focus for many institutional investors. Reserve managers, in particular, are participating in
this trend, although the rate of adoption of ESG investing is still low (fourth RAMP Survey
2023): twenty-four percent of respondents consider ESG to be part of their reserve
management mandate. The low rate of ESG adoption in reserve portfolios is due to central
banks’ focus on high-quality, fixed-income assets, where the availability of ESG instruments
and strategies is limited (see Bouyé, Klingebiel, and Ruiz Gil 2021). Notably, environmental
factors dominate governance and social factors as more reserve managers implement or
consider implementing ESG into their investment policy (Figure 28).
Source: Fourth RAMP survey on the Reserve Management Practices of Central Banks (preliminary results).
Note: N=119.
It is important to note that physical gold extraction, by definition, cannot have a positive
environmental impact. Furthermore, there is no internationally accepted method for
assessing the carbon footprint of gold.
Gold mining is known to have a significant impact on anthropogenic climate change due to
the use of fossil fuels, primarily diesel, resulting in considerable greenhouse gas emissions
(Mudd 2007). Various studies have confirmed that the greenhouse gas emission (GHG)
intensity associated with gold production is substantially higher compared to that of other
metals (Baur and Oll 2019). However, when considering global production on an aggregate
level, gold proves to be more environmentally friendly than other metals.
The gold industry’s annual carbon footprint is roughly 0.3 percent of global emissions (World
Gold Council 2022). Some empirical estimates put the median level of GHG associated with
the extraction of one metric tonne of gold at 20.3 tons (Ghia, Lindeman, and Zhang 2021),
16.9 tons (Hagelüken and Meskers 2010), 17.6 tons (Norgate and Haque 2012), and 15.4 tons
(Baur and Oll 2019). The estimates show that gold holdings lead to 36 percent less CO2
emissions than S&P500 holdings (Baur and Oll 2019).
According to Baur and Oll (2019), adding gold to a diversified equity portfolio not only
improves the risk-return relationship but also contributes to the portfolio’s sustainability by
reducing carbon emissions over time. This applies to both the S&P500 and carbon-efficient
versions of it. Even if carbon emissions are attributed to physical gold holdings, the impact
on carbon performance is positive, since emissions from companies are continuous, while
gold mining is a one-time event with nonrecurring emissions.
To regulate production processes at the level of mining and refining, the gold industry
adheres to a number of stringent standards and frameworks with the goal reducing the
environmental impacts and risks associated with gold production.
On the mining side, the World Gold Council (WGC) launched Responsible Gold Mining
Principles (RGMP) in 2019, which includes all WGC members, who currently account for
nearly 60 percent of annual large-scale gold production. RGMP consists of 51 principles
that examine all material ESG factors related to gold mining. It covers topics such as water
management, climate change, gender diversity, anti-bribery, and community engagement,
among others, to provide a comprehensive picture of the material risks and opportunities
shaping modern gold mining and its broader impacts.
On the refinery side, the LBMA’s Responsible Gold Guidance (RGG) was developed in close
compliance with OECD Due Diligence Guidance and introduced in 2012 (and updated in
2019 and 2021). The guidance includes global measures to combat money laundering,
terrorist financing, and human rights violations.
Furthermore, the RGG was designed to recognize the growing importance of strong
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities. Because most GHG emissions
in gold production come primarily from generating and consuming electricity, once these
energy sources are switched from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, emission
levels decrease. According to a Wood Mackenzie study of 31 major gold mining companies
published by the World Gold Council, the emissions intensity of power used in gold
production is estimated to fall by 35 percent by 2030. Given the rate of the energy transition
and the nature of industry decarbonization opportunities, gold mining could reach net-zero
emissions by 2050, in line with Paris Agreement targets (World Gold Council and Urgentem
No further emissions are associated with gold once it is in the hands of investors in the
form of refined bars. The debate over refined gold is that old (pre-2012) gold bars of
unknown origin that may have a criminal or violent history may be remelted into new ones.
Those remelted bars may end up in the vaults of gold-backed investment product issuers
who claim to be ESG compliant, a practice known as “greenwashing.” According to Bates
(2021), unlike other recycling practices, gold recycling does not contribute to reducing
waste and does not support responsible mining that enhances livelihoods. Human rights
groups caution that unverified recycled gold can be susceptible to mislabeling and money
Various programs are in place to certify the origin and/or ESG characteristics of gold,
resulting in a premium between 1.7 percent and 10 percent over the market price of gold.
Expert interviews reveal unanimous agreement among industry professionals regarding the
significant value of provenance data for gold. There is a demand for such data, with market
participants indicating their willingness to pay a provenance premium estimated to be
between 0 percent and 2 percent (Gruber and Montemurro 2021).
Gold is not a natural draw for ESG investors due to the high environmental cost of extracting
gold from the ground, but the metal is a valuable financial asset, and producers are large
employers in developing countries, supporting long-term socioeconomic development
through job creation, tax revenue, and investment in local communities. In 2020, the WGC
estimated that its members contributed nearly US$38 billion to the GDP of the countries in
which they operate.
ETFs and similar products that issue shares backed by bullion are one of the most popular
ways to invest in ESG compliant gold. According to the most recent Reuters survey, the
majority of the largest gold ETFs prefer bars made after 2012, when LBMA RGG rules went
into effect, and some even prefer bars produced after 2019, when rules became even
stricter (Table 26). Some smaller funds, such as the Swiss banking group Raiffeisen and the
Swiss wealth management firm de Pury Pictet Turrettini, hold traceable metal from large and
artisanal mines. The industry is shifting toward holding more gold, which is known to appeal
to ESG-driven investors.
Source: Hobson 2022 (Reuters), World Gold Council, 2023, ETF prospectus data.
The increased allocations to gold have led to notable corresponding reductions on the
carbon footprint and emissions intensity of the market value of the overall portfolio. A long-
term perspective is also required to determine how portfolio holdings of gold will contribute
to long-term climate scenarios and targets.
Additionally, carbon emissions associated with holding physical gold are minimal, and even
the concept of “embedded” emissions becomes less challenging given gold’s promising
pathway to decarbonization. This means that holding gold over the long term will likely
lower the carbon footprint of an investment portfolio over time.
Analysis of different portfolio compositions (bonds and equities) and of how increased
allocations to gold can positively impact efforts to more closely align a portfolio’s carbon
trajectory with the global goal of net zero shows that no portfolio comprised of these assets,
given what is known about their current or projected future carbon profiles, wholly aligns
to a Net Zero 2050 carbon target. Nonetheless, allocations to gold might have a positive
impact on future alignment (Figure 30).
Urgentem findings suggest that gold may be useful in mitigating the climate impacts of
investment holdings. The estimated temperature increase implied by portfolio holdings falls
by more than 1°C when compared to portfolios without gold; a 20 percent gold weighting
results in a temperature fall of 0.44°C (Figure 31).
Decarbonization costs, expressed as a value per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e),
can help investors analyze the potential impact of climate-focused policies and associated
Gold can be a climate-risk mitigating asset in an investment portfolio. Gold’s role as a safe
haven asset, risk hedge, and store of value during periods of market stress lends credence
to analysis suggesting that gold’s long-term returns may be more robust than those of
many mainstream asset classes in the context of a range of climate scenarios and possible
It should be emphasized that the analysis presented here assumes that the gold mining
industry will take substantial actions to decarbonize. If that does not happen, and little
progress is made in reducing the use of fossil fuels in on-site operations or in lowering
emissions from high-emission mines, the potential of gold holdings to reduce an investment
portfolio’s carbon footprint would be significantly reduced.
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