PrEP Wulandari

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Preferences for pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV: A

systematic review of discrete choice experiments
Luh Putu Lila Wulandari,a,b,1 Shi Yi He,c,1 Christopher K. Fairley,d,e Benjamin R. Bavinton,a Heather-Marie Schmidt,f,g
Virginia Wiseman,a,h Rebecca Guy,a Weiming Tang,i Lei Zhang,c,d,e,1** and Jason J. Ong c,d,e,j,2*
The Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali Indonesia
China-Australia Joint Research Center for Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Sci-
ence Center, Xi’an, China
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia
Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
UNAIDS Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
Global HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Department of Global Health and Development, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, United States
Department of Clinical Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street London, London, United

Background We aimed to systematically review the health preference literature using discrete choice experiments
(DCEs), an attribute-based stated preference method, to investigate patient preferences for HIV pre-exposure pro- eClinicalMedicine
2022;51: 101507
phylaxis (PrEP).
Published online 9 July
Methods A search in PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, and Embase was conducted on July 1, 2021, and updated on
November 3, 2021. We used two concepts to create our search strategy: (1) discrete choice experiments/conjoint anal- eclinm.2022.101507
ysis/best-worst scaling, and (2) HIV PrEP.The study is registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021267026).

Findings In total, 1060 studies were identified, and 18 were included in the analysis. Various attributes were exam-
ined, including dosing regimen, type of PrEP products, side effects, other side benefits, cost, effectiveness, dispens-
ing venue, and additional support services. Dosing frequency, cost, the effectiveness of PrEP, dispensing venue, and
side effects were the most common attributes examined in DCEs. Despite significant heterogeneity in preferences
across subpopulations, overall, the most important attributes were cost (28%, 5/18), effectiveness (28%, 5/18) fol-
lowed by dosing frequency (17%, 3/18).

Interpretation Notably, in studies where all of these three attributes were examined, some individuals would trade
effectiveness for cost or vice versa. Ensuring PrEP is low cost or free, widely disseminating information of its effec-
tiveness and advancements in reducing dosing frequency could accelerate the uptake of PrEP for those who would
benefit from PrEP the most.

Funding None.

Copyright Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Keywords: Systematic review; Discrete choice experiment; Preferences; HIV; Pre-exposure prophylaxis

*Corresponding author at: 580 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia.
**Corresponding author at: China-Australia Joint Research Center for Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong
University Health Science Center, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710061, China.
E-mail addresses: (L. Zhang), (J.J. Ong).
Equal first co-authors.
Equal senior author. Vol 51 September, 2022 1


Introduction or vaginal rings27), it is critical to understand and

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is the use of anti- account for the values and preferences of people who
retroviral medications by people without HIV and offers would benefit from PrEP. In recent years, studies
up to 99% protection against HIV infection when taken have been conducted to evaluate the preferences for
as prescribed.1 HIV PrEP is of benefit at an individual PrEP using DCEs, however, there has not been a sys-
level and, by reducing HIV transmission, potentially at tematic review to synthesize the overall health prefer-
the population level as well.2-5 Due to its proven bene- ence evidence on this topic. These data could help
fits, PrEP was recommended by the World Health Orga- inform guideline development, program planning,
nization (WHO) in 2015 as an additional prevention and implementation.28 Thus, we aimed to review the
choice for people at substantial risk of HIV as part of existing health preference data for PrEP as elicited
combination HIV prevention approaches.6-9 This was from DCEs.
updated in 2019 to include the recommendation on
event-driven or on-demand PrEP,10 and in 2021 on vagi-
nal ring PrEP.11 Methods
Current levels of PrEP access are not sufficient to sig- We conducted a systematic review following guidance
nificantly affect the course of the HIV pandemic.12 from the Cochrane Handbook 5.1.29 The study was reg-
Despite strong evidence on the benefits of PrEP, and a istered in the international prospective register of sys-
commitment by the United Nations to have 3 million tematic reviews (PROSPERO, CRD42021267026).
people at high risk of HIV infection accessing PrEP by
2020,13 it is estimated that 927,277 were using PrEP at
the end of 2020.14 In Q3 of 2021, the figure had Inclusion criteria
increased to 1,544,777,14 with the majority of users We included studies if they met the following criteria: (i)
located in the Americas (42%) and Africa (34%).12,15,16 reported participant preferences for PrEP; and (ii) pre-
sented primary data using a DCE. No restrictions were
Further, while the intention is for PrEP to be used
dynamically in accordance with risk (i.e., particularly to placed on the publication date. We excluded qualitative
be used during periods of risk), a systematic review studies, studies without primary data, duplicates, stud-
reported that at least one-third of PrEP users had dis- ies not in English, studies with no full text, conference
continued PrEP within six months.17 Several barriers papers, study protocols, and commentaries.
were noted at the individual and structural levels, such
as internalized stigma about risk behaviours (including Search strategy
stigma towards key populations and personal feelings A literature search was conducted on July 1, 2021, and
of shame about having condomless sex), inaccurate per- updated on November 3, 2021. We searched PubMed,
ception of risk, financial or language barriers, and seg- Scopus, CINAHL, and Embase using two concepts to
mented health systems.18,19 create our search strategy, combining the Mesh terms
The design of a successful PrEP program, including and free text words and synonyms of: (1) discrete choice
the type of products being used and how products are experiments/conjoint analysis/best-worst scaling, and
delivered through the program, should involve affected (2) HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. Further details are
communities from inception to implementation. This provided in Supp.1.
includes eliciting individuals’ preferences so that pro-
grams can be tailored to meet their needs and preferen-
ces, consequently improving the appeal and uptake of Data screening and extraction
PrEP. One method increasingly used to quantitatively Two reviewers (LW, SH) independently screened the
measure preferences is discrete choice experiments titles and abstracts for inclusion and identified eligible
(DCEs).20 Government bodies increasingly utilize DCE studies using the software, Covidence (Veritas Health
surveys in their decision-making.21,22 In a DCE survey, Innovation, Australia). Subsequently, full texts were
participants are asked to choose their preferred option read independently by two reviewers (LW, SH) to deter-
among two or more alternatives describing a product or mine their inclusion. All discrepancies were resolved
service as a combination of attribute levels. These choice by a third reviewer (JO). Full texts of the eligible stud-
data provide information about the strength of preferen- ies were then independently extracted by two authors
ces for attributes and how individuals trade off one attri- (LW, SH), and again checked by the third reviewer (JO)
bute against another. In HIV research, DCEs have been who resolved any discrepancies. We extracted the fol-
used to elicit preferences towards several aspects of HIV lowing data: author, country, year of publication, study
care, including HIV testing and self-testing23,24 and year, the aim of the study, sampling strategy, inclusion
HIV treatment services.25 criteria, recruitment site, number of participants, par-
As PrEP programs continue to be scaled up glob- ticipants’ risk group, experience with the PrEP prod-
ally, using different service delivery approaches and a uct, and type of PrEP. We also extracted data related to
range of new PrEP products (including injections26 the conduct of the DCE (survey administration,

2 Vol 51 September, 2022


attribute selection strategies, whether the DCE was Role of the funding source
piloted, experimental design, attributes and attribute No specific funding was received for this study. All
levels used in the DCE, number of choice tasks per per- authors took the decision to submit for publication.
son, statistical models, and results). The quality of the LPLW and HSY had access to the data.
study was evaluated using the PREFS checklist, a pub-
lished tool used to assess the quality of studies examining
preferences.30 Results
Study characteristics
Data synthesis In total, 1060 studies were found, and 18 studies were
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the study included in the analyses (Figure 1). Table 1 summarizes
characteristics (i.e. frequencies and percentages). We the major characteristics of the studies. Briefly, most
used narrative synthesis to provide an overview of studies (83%, 15/18) were published in or after 2018.
included studies, focusing on how DCEs were con- Most focused on preferences of men who have sex with
ducted and their main results. We report our findings men (MSM) (ten studies), followed by female sex work-
following The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic ers (FSW) (five studies), four among youth or adoles-
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.31 cents, and two included injecting drug users (IDUs).

Figure 1. Schematic flowchart demonstrating the identification, screening and inclusion of studies, based on the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Vol 51 September, 2022 3


Authors Year of study Country Population Inclusion Criteria
Browne et al 2016-2017 Zimbabwe and Women Aged 18-31 years,
South Africa Female,
Sexually active,
Microbicide and PrEP naïve,
Not pregnant.
Chakrapani et al58 2016-2017 India MSM Aged 18 years or more,
Self-identified as kothi, gay, bisexual, versatile, panthi or MSM,
Sexually active with another man in the previous month,
Willing to provide consent for participation,
Willing to invite peers.
Dubov et al39 2016 Ukraine MSM Aged 18 years or more,
Self-reported HIV-negative,
Any sexual contact with another man in the past six months,
No previous history of using Truvada for PrEP.
Dubov et al61 2015 U.S. MSM Aged 18 years or more,
Self-identifying as MSM,
Self-reported HIV-negative,
No previous PrEP experience.
Eisingerich et al62 2010-2011 Peru, Ukraine, India, FSW, MSM, IDU, SDC and young women Aged 18 (16 for young women in Botswana) years or more,
Kenya, Botswana, Self-reporting a negative or unknown HIV serostatus,
Uganda and Sexually active,
South Africa. Not participating in a market research study in the past 12 months.
Galea et al42 - Peru FSW, male-to-female TG, MSM Self-reported HIV-negative
Gutierrez et al50 2020 U.S. U.S. military MSM and trans-individuals Self-reported HIV-negative
Kuteesa et al63 2016-2017 Uganda Residents of the fishing community Aged 18 years or more,
Residence in the fishing community for over three months.
Lancaster et al57 2016-2017 Malawi FSW Aged 18 years or more, Vol 51 September, 2022

Be able to speak English or Chichewa, the predominant local language,

Minnis et al51 2017-2019 South Africa Youth Aged 18 to 24 years,
Female and male youth,
Had not participated in a biomedical HIV prevention trial of a PrEP product.
Minnis et al38 2015-2017 South Africa and Kenya Young women Aged 18 to 30 years,
Young women,
Had participated in a biomedical prevention trial of PrEP product (TRIO Study),
Women from the same communities who had not used the three PrEP products in the same study.
Montgomery et al52 2017-2019 South Africa Youth including MSM Aged 18−24 years,
Residing in the sampled residential plot,
Had not participated in a biomedical HIV prevention trial of a PrEP product.

Table 1 (Continued) Vol 51 September, 2022

Authors Year of study Country Population Inclusion Criteria

Pines et al 2016-2017 Mexico FSW Aged 18 years or more,
Cisgender female,
Reported exchanging sex for money, drugs, or goods (past month),
Reported condom-unprotected vaginal/anal sex with a client (past month),
Agreed to accept free treatment if they tested STI-positive,
Owned a cell phone.
Quaife et al65 2015 South Africa Adult males and females, Adult men and women, and adolescent girls,
adolescent girls, FSW Adolescent girls did not require to be sexually active.
Salinas-Rodriguez 2018-2019 Mexico MSW Aged 18 years or more,
et al66 Assigned male sex at birth,
Be able to read and speak Spanish fluently,
Had tested negative for HIV at least once in the past six months,
self-reported sexual penetration or oral sex in the last six months with at least eight men,
having exchanged money, drugs, alcohol or gifts for sex a minimum of 8 times in the last month,
Be able to provide written informed consent for study participation.
Shrestha et al41 2016 U.S. IDUs Aged 18 years or more,
Drug- or sex-related HIV risk behaviours in the past six months.
Tan et al40 2019 Singapore MSM Aged 18 years or more,
Identify as a cisgender or transgender male,
Identify as non-heterosexual,
Being a Singapore citizen, resident, or a foreign national residing in Singapore for more than a year
at the point of the survey,
Wheelock et al67 2011 Thailand MSM, TGW Aged 18 years or more,
Self-identifying as MSM,
Self-reporting a negative or unknown HIV serostatus,
Being sexually active,
Not participating in a market research study in the past 12 months.

Table 1: Characteristics of 18 included discrete choice experiment studies on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.
PrEP = HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis; MSM = Men who have sex with men; kothi = feminine gender expression, mostly receptive sexual role; versatile = insertive and receptive sexual roles, self-identified as “double-decker” in
Chennai; panthi = masculine gender expression, primarily insertive sexual role; FSW = female sex workers; IDU = injecting drug users; SDC = serodiscordant couples; male-to-female TG = male-to-female transgender; PrEP
product = i.e. vaginal gel, vaginal ring, oral tablet or injection; TRIO study = the Tablet, Ring, Injection as Options Study; Adult = aged 18 to 49 years; adolescent = age 16 to 17 years; STI = Sexually transmitted infections;
MSW = male sex workers; IDUs = injecting drug users; TGW= transgender women.


Figure 2. Geographical location of 18 included studies in 13 countries.

The studies were conducted in 13 countries. Three studies (17%) were conducted in multiple countries, four (22%) were from
high-income countries, ten (56%) were from middle-income countries, and two (11%) were from low-income countries.

The studies were conducted in 13 countries. Three stud- (28%, 5/18) followed by dosing frequency (17%, 3/18).
ies (17%) were conducted in multiple countries, four Notably, in studies where all these three attributes were
(22%) were from high-income countries, ten (56%) examined, some individuals would trade effectiveness
were from middle-income countries, and two (11%) for cost or vice versa (Table 3).
were from low-income countries (Figure 2).

Assessment of the study quality

The implementation of the DCE The overall reporting quality was acceptable but left
Among these 18 studies, 13 (72.2%) were conducted some room for improvement. Fifteen studies met four
face-to-face. Fifteen (83%) explicitly mentioned the use of the five PREFS criteria and three met only three. The
of formative research before the conduct of the DCE, mean score was 3.83 (standard deviation [SD] 0.38), and
including through focus group discussions or inter- the scores ranged from 3 to 4 (Supp. 2). None of the
views with target groups or communities, academics, or studies reported on differences between responders and
policymakers. Twelve (67%) studies reported conduct- non-responders, which might lead to non-response
ing a pilot DCE survey before the main study. The num- bias. Also, three studies excluded some responders
ber of choice tasks per person ranged from 4 to 14, with from the analysis but did not investigate the impact of
a median of 8. Among those studies that provided the these exclusions on study results. The most commonly
information, two recruited product naÿve participants, noted reasons for exclusion were that responders failed
and three involved both product naÿve and experienced the comprehension test or did not answer enough
participants. (Table 2). choice tasks.

Attributes included in DCE studies Discussion

Various attributes were examined, including dosing reg- This systematic review synthesizes the existing health
imen, type of PrEP products, side effects, other side preference data for PrEP as elicited from published
benefits, cost, effectiveness, dispensing venue, and addi- DCEs. Our study adds to the literature by highlighting
tional support services. Dosing frequency, cost, the the values and preferences of populations that would
effectiveness of PrEP, dispensing venue, and side effects benefit from PrEP. We found 18 studies that were con-
were the most common attributes examined in DCEs. ducted in 13 countries. These studies revealed that dos-
Despite variations in preferences across subpopulations, ing frequency, cost, the effectiveness of PrEP,
overall, important attributes most frequently preferred dispensing venue, and side effects were the most com-
by the participants were cost (28%, 5/18), effectiveness mon attributes included in DCEs. Notwithstanding

6 Vol 51 September, 2022 Vol 51 September, 2022

Authors Type of participants Survey administration Attributes Selection Pilot Experimental study Number of Statistical models
(experience with the tested design choice tasks
product) DCE per person

Browne et al45 Product-experienced and Face-to-face, using a tab- Literature review Yes D-efficient design 8 Random-parameters
product-naïve let device logit (RPL) model

Chakrapani et al58 Not clear Face-to-face, using a tab- Literature review and qualitative research Yes D-efficient design 8 RPL
let device with MSM
Dubov et al39 Product-naïve Online survey Literature review, in-depth discussions with Yes Sawtooth Software’s 14 Latent class analysis
multiple stakeholders, including public experimental design (LCA)
health researchers, PrEP community acti- module
vists, and MSM
Dubov et al61 Product-naïve Online survey Literature review, and in-depth discussions Yes Sawtooth Software’s 14 LCA
with experimental design
multiple stakeholders module
Eisingerich et al62 Not clear Face-to-face Literature review, discussions with academic, Yes ‘Efficient’ design using 10 Hierarchical Bayes
policy, and industry experts SAS 9.3 software (HB)
Galea et al Not clear Face to face Literature review, focus group discussions Yes Fractional factorial 8 One-way analysis of
orthogonal design variance (ANOVA)
Gutierrez et al50 Product-experienced and Online survey Literature review, in-depth qualitative inter- Yes Sawtooth Software’s 8 HB
product-naïve views among PrEP experts and military experimental design
MSM module
Kuteesa et al63 Not clear Face to face Scoping review, focus group discussions and Yes D-efficient design 10 Multinomial logit
individual interviews (MNL) + LCA
Lancaster et al Not clear Face to face, interviewer- Literature review, focus group discussions Not clear Sawtooth Software’s 8 RPL
administered experimental design
Minnis et al51 Not clear Face-to-face, interviewer In-depth interviews, focus group discussions, Yes D-efficient design 9 RPL
assisted expert consultations, feedback, and
Minnis et al38 Product-experienced and Face-to-face In-depth interviews Yes D-efficient design 8 RPL
Montgomery et al 52
Not clear Face to face, tablet-device ‘Formative research’ Yes Not clear 9 LCA
Pines et al64 Not clear Interviewer-administered, Literature review Not clear D-efficient design 12 MNL
face to face survey
Quaife et al65 Not clear Interviewer administered, Literature review and focus-group Yes D-efficient design 10 MNL + LCA
face to face, tablet- discussions
Shrestha et al41 Not clear Audio computer-assisted Literature review and discussions with Not clear Fractional factorial 8 ‘Conjoint analysis’
self-interview experts orthogonal design
Tan et al Not clear Online Literature review Yes Sawtooth Software’s 4 MNL, generalized
experimental design multinomial logit
module model (GMNL),
Wheelock et al67 Not clear Interviewer-administered, Literature review and discussions with Not clear Orthogonal fractional fac- 10 HB
face to face survey experts torial design
Salinas-Rodriguez Not clear Face to face, via com- Literature review Yes Not clear 8 MNL, RPL and rank-
et al66 puter tablets. ordered logit

Table 2: Conduct of the discrete choice experiments.


Authors Dosing Type of PrEP Benefits Extra services Additional benefits Barriers Access Most important

Browne et al45 Timing Mode of insertion Effectiveness of HIV Pregnancy prevention, Side effects Effectiveness of HIV prevention
prevention Use in secret
Chakrapani et al Timing Effectiveness of HIV Cost, Side effects Dispensing location Effectiveness of HIV prevention
Dubov et al Timing Monitoring, Adherence Cost Dispensing location Cost
Dubov et al Timing Monitoring, Adherence Cost Dispensing location Cost
Eisingerich et al Timing Product form Monitoring Time spent obtaining PrEP Dispensing location, Frequency Timing
of pick up
Galea et al Timing, Effectiveness of HIV Cost, Side effects Dispensing location, Provider Cost
Duration prevention type
of use
Gutierrez50 Product form Monitoring Dispensing location, Provider Product form
Kuteesa Product form Effectiveness of HIV Pregnancy/STI preven- Waiting time Effectiveness of HIV prevention
prevention tion, Use in secret
Lancaster Additional preventive Waiting time Dispensing location, Provider Dispensing location
services type, Frequency of pick up
Minnis et al Timing Product form, Delivery Side effects Dispensing location Timing
location on the
Minnis et al38 Timing Effectiveness of HIV Side effects; Impact on Effectiveness of HIV prevention
prevention menstruation
Montgomery Timing Product form, Delivery Side effects Dispensing location Timing
et al52 location on the
Pines et al64 Timing Product form Effectiveness of HIV STI prevention Cost, Side effects Dispensing location Product form
Quaife et al Timing Product form Effectiveness of HIV Pregnancy/STI Side effects Effectiveness of HIV prevention
prevention prevention
Salinas-Rodriguez Incentives (amount, Incentives type
et al66 format, type),
Adherence test Vol 51 September, 2022

Shrestha et al41 Timing Effectiveness of HIV Monitoring Cost, side effects Dispensing location Cost
Tan et al Effectiveness of HIV Monitoring STI prevention Cost Dispensing location Cost
Wheelock et al Timing Monitoring Waiting time Dispensing location, Frequency Monitoring
of dispensing medication

Table 3: Attributes included in the discrete choice experiment studies.


variations in preferences across subpopulations, cost, main barriers to accessing PrEP, as PrEP remains
PrEP effectiveness and dosing frequency were the main unsubsidized by the government.40 In the United
drivers for PrEP use across the studies. States, IDUs reported higher acceptability of PrEP if the
Despite there being at least 84 countries with PrEP cost was covered by insurance.41 Furthermore, a study
programs32 and 120 countries adopting PrEP recom- from Peru found that people were significantly more
mendations in their national guidelines,16 our system- likely to use PrEP with a low out-of-pocket cost or when
atic review found only 18 studies from 13 countries with it was supplied free of charge.42 Key populations and
data on PrEP preferences elicited from DCEs. These their sexual partners accounted for 65% of new HIV
were mostly conducted in countries such as the U.S., infections globally in 202043; they are also underserved
South Africa, and Thailand, with relatively larger num- by HIV prevention programs,12 highlighting major gaps
bers of PrEP initiations.32 In contrast, we did not find in access to effective biomedical prevention methods
choice data from countries with lower rates of PreP ini- like PrEP. Together, this reinforces the importance of
tiatives but with higher rates of HIV incidence among the need for free or subsidized PrEP to reach popula-
key populations, such as the Philippines. This high- tions who would benefit most from PrEP. Increasing
lights gaps in the current literature and the importance efforts by countries to integrate WHO PrEP recommen-
of focusing efforts on deriving preference data to dations into national guidelines16 should also be sup-
improve program acceptability and efficiency. As has ported through technical assistance to design financial
been seen in the case of contraceptives, methods involv- subsidies for national PrEP programs, including the
ing different attributes whereby individuals could integration of PrEP into the national health insurance
choose and trade one characteristic for another, have coverage schemes.
the potential to play a significant role in promoting The perceived effectiveness of PrEP was another
uptake and coverage.33 important driver of the choice to use PrEP. Evidence of
The methods used to elicit preferences under the the effectiveness of oral PrEP is well-established and
DCE approach are important when involving respond- closely linked with adherence.44 For example, in a study
ents from marginalized populations.34 We found that of young women in South Africa and Kenya, HIV pre-
the majority of DCE surveys were conducted using face- vention effectiveness was the most important factor
to-face interviews. This method may enable respondents influencing the choice to use PrEP.38 Interestingly,
to ask questions or receive assistance with the DCE sur- although women continue to have high rates of HIV
vey if required but could lead to social desirability bias acquisition in Sub-Saharan Africa, the majority were
(i.e., the tendency to provide a socially desirable willing to exchange higher effectiveness for other
response35). This must be balanced against the conve- desired attributes (such as the impact on vaginal wet-
nience and confidentiality of an online DCE survey, ness, pregnancy prevention and dosing regimen),
which may overrepresent those with better education according to a study of women in South Africa and Zim-
and higher income.36 Some studies did not conduct a babwe.45 Research has shown that the perceptions of
pilot test before the DCE survey. This may impact the effectiveness among target populations influence the
comprehensibility of the survey, particularly when par- acceptance and in turn, the uptake of biomedical inter-
ticipants have lower education levels, or are from a dif- ventions.46 Therefore, wider promotion of PrEP’s high
ferent cultural background.37 It is also worth noting that effectiveness may attract people to consider PrEP. The
some studies included experienced PrEP users while potential use of dating apps to promote PreP informa-
others only recruited PrEP-naÿve participants. Although tion may be considered, as it has been shown elsewhere
we did not find significant differences in preferences to positively affect beliefs about PrEP effectiveness.47
across these two groups, it should be acknowledged that For example, Grindr (one of the most popular dating
preferences may change depending on experience and apps) users are more likely to be interested in taking48
contact with the products.38 This might also be impor- and initiating PrEP.49
tant for countries newly introducing PrEP or those with Dosing frequency was another important driver of
limited availability and low awareness of PrEP versus choices around the use of PrEP. This is particularly
countries with well-established programs with good important as new PrEP products come onto the market.
community awareness. Therefore, we recommend that Notably, we found this attribute differed significantly
future DCEs include both PrEP-experienced and PrEP- across populations, emphasizing the need to obtain con-
naÿve respondents where possible, to assess whether text-specific values and preferences data, particularly in
preferences differ between the two groups. regards to the dosing frequency of PrEP. For example,
The cost was a significant driver in the choice to use one US study reported that daily oral PrEP was the
PrEP across a range of settings and populations. For most desired option for US military MSM and trans-
example, in Ukraine, the high cost of PrEP played a individuals, whereas bi-monthly PrEP injection was
prominent role in the choice of MSM to use PrEP and most preferred by those who had never used PrEP
making PrEP on demand more attractive.39 Similarly, before.50 Another study showed that youth in South
in a study from Singapore, cost-related issues were the Africa favoured long-acting options: females and MSM Vol 51 September, 2022 9


preferred an injection, which could indicate a strong and summarized the range of attributes that may be
concern for discreteness in HIV product selection, helpful in the formative stage of attribute selection in
whereas MSW preferred an implant.51,52 Confidentiality future DCE surveys examining PrEP preferences. Simi-
was a prominent issue that influenced dosing fre- larly, due to unknown differences in the scale of the
quency, particularly among key populations. The stigma part-worth utilities from each study, we were not able to
associated with PrEP also remains a barrier to its perform a statistical assessment of this variation. Sec-
uptake, use, and maintenance.53 In addition, dosing fre- ond, this review was limited only to studies published
quency is related to adherence to medication. A meta- in English, which may lead to language bias.59 While
analysis reported that reducing the dosage frequency we intentionally focused on studies in peer-reviewed
from multiple dosing to one daily dose increases the journals - excluding the grey literature to ensure the
likelihood of better adherence to therapies across acute quality of studies selected - we may have missed other
and chronic diseases.54 This could also apply to PrEP relevant literature.60 Finally, most DCE studies have
use, where evidence shows a preference among users focused on product attributes and used simplistic attrib-
for injectable or implantable PrEP with long-acting utes related to service delivery (such as dispensing
characteristics compared with oral PrEP55; and better venue or additional support services). It would be bene-
adherence to less frequently dosed injectable PrEP than ficial for future research to provide greater detail regard-
daily oral PrEP.26 This may also support the WHO’s rec- ing how PrEP services should be designed to optimize
ommendation on event-driven (as an alternative to daily uptake.
PrEP),10 to allow users to have PrEP interruptions dur- In conclusion, this systematic review synthesized the
ing periods of low risk, as a way to improve sustainable global evidence on preferences for PrEP elicited using
PreP uptake.56 Therefore, programs should effectively the DCE approach. Cost, PrEP effectiveness and dosing
support users to adjust their dosing frequency according frequency were the main drivers of choice for PrEP use
to fluctuations in their risk level. across the studies. We also found significant variation
Finally, as different service delivery models are con- in preferences across subpopulations. This underscores
sidered for scaling up PrEP, it is important to under- the importance of conducting context-specific health
stand the preferences of those who would benefit from preference research to optimize PrEP use among people
PrEP. In general, we found that most participants were who would benefit from PrEP the most.
willing to receive PrEP in a healthcare setting, but there
was some variation in preferences for services. For
example, a study in Malawi reported that dispensing Conributors
location was most important for female sex workers, LPLW and HSY: identification of papers and data extrac-
who preferred accessing PrEP from a family planning tion, formal analysis, validation, visualisation, writing −
clinic or non-government organization (NGO)-run original draft, and writing − review & editing, contrib-
drop-in centre, compared with HIV clinics, STI clinics uted equally. JJO: conceptualisation, identification of
or NGO-run mobile outreach facilities.57 A DCE of papers and data extraction, formal analysis, investiga-
MSM in India found that participants preferred to tion, resources, software, supervision, validation, writ-
acquire PrEP from a government hospital rather than a ing − original draft, and writing − review & editing. LZ:
private one.58 This may be because participants believe contribute to the supervision of the study. All other
that government-funded PrEP programs are only avail- authors: conceptualisation, writing − review & editing.
able through public hospitals.58 A study from Peru All authors took the decision to submit for publication.
among MSM, transgender individuals and sex workers
reported that even though participants shared concerns
about stigma and discrimination among health care Data sharing statement
professionals, they suggested that these professionals Datasets of this study are available upon reasonable
were more qualified to distribute PrEP than request to the corresponding author (JJO).
A key strength of this systematic review is that it pro-
vides an overview of PrEP preferences from a range of Declaration of interests
geographical settings, population target groups, product Dr. Bavinton reports grants from ViiV Healthcare,
attributes, and survey approaches. We specifically grants from Gilead Sciences, personal fees from Gilead
focused on studies that used a DCE methodology, as Sciences, personal fees from Gilead Sciences, outside
this is one of the recommended methods to elicit prefer- the submitted work. All other authors have nothing to
ences for new medical products or services that do not declare.
currently exist. Our study should also be read in light of
some limitations. First, due to the differences in study
attributes, performing a meta-analysis was unlikely to Funding
be meaningful. Instead, we qualitatively synthesized There was no funding source for this study.

10 Vol 51 September, 2022


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