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Cri 198 Precompre Set B

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CRI 198: PRE COMPRE c. Trace and locate the perpetrator a.

Latent image
d. Provide evidence of his guilt b. Clear image
1. It is the number of waves passing in a given point c. Positive image
in one second. 15. Which of the following is not a forensic light d. Negative image
a. Light source?
b. Wavelenght a. Alternative Light source 29. The following are chemical composition of
c. Wavelength Theory b. Laser developer EXCEPT.
d. Frequency c. Infrared rays a. Reducers or developing agents
d. Ultra violet lamp c. Accelerator
2. It refers to the taking of photograph using b. Preservative – sodium sulfite
ultraviolet rays or more specifically radiations having a 16. The character of light to be altered from its d. Reeling
wavelength of 30-40 nanometers of the colorless into visible state. 30.The invisible image left by the action of light on
electromagnetic spectrum. a. Absorption photographic film. When it is processed, the unseen
a. Infrared Photography b. Interference image becomes a visible image, either negative or
b. Ultraviolet Photography c. Filtration positive image
c. Questioned Document Photography d. Polarization a. Unseen image
d. Fingerprint Photography b. Latent image
17. What are the four essential elements of c. Positive image
3. He discovered X-Ray Photography which later photography? a. Light, sensitized materials, camera d. Negative image
became the basis of radiograph used by the doctors in and its accessories and chemical
measuring the heartbeat and to see the other b. Light, sensitive materials, camera and chemical 31..These are the colorants that make up the picture.
structure of the body. process a.Positive
a. Aristotle c. Light, sensitized materials, camera and its b. Convex
b. Edwin H. Land accessories and chemical process c.Image-forming materials
c. Roentgent d.Light, sensitized materials, camera, chemical process d.NOTA
d. Maxill and subject
32.What emission speed indicator is expressed in an
4. What is the lighting condition if the subject in an 18. Which of the following is the inability of the lens to arithmetic form?
open space cast no shadow? bring to focus both vertical and horizontal lines on the a. ISO
a. Bright Sunlight same plane? b. DIN
b. Cloudy Sunlight a. Coma c. ASA
c. Dull Sunlight b. Astigmatism d.GNP
d. Hazy Sunlight c. Spherical Aberration
d. Curvature of field 33.It is known as the process of reduction
5.In order to detect the altered, deleted, over writings a. Development
or secret writings in a document you must apply what 19.Which of the following lens with a focal length of b.Fixation
specific kind of photographic rays? more than twice the diagonal of its negative material? c. Stop bath
a.Infrared rays a. Focal length d. Developing film
b.Visible light Rays b. Normal lens
c. X-ray c. Wide angle lens 34.Is the process by which an invisible latent image in
d. Ultraviolet Rays d. Telephoto lens an emulsion is made visible?
a. Printmaking
6.It is also a means of communication and considered 20.What do you call to the distance measured from b. Contact Printing
as the most universal of all languages. the optical center of the lens to the film plane when c. Enlarging
a.Criminal Photographs the lens is set or focused at infinity position? d. Development
b.Photographs a.Focal length
c. Language b. Normal lens 35.Photograph is made through direct negative and
d.Photography c. Wide angle lens paper contact.
d. Telephoto lens a. Printmaking
7.The combination of the primary color of blue and red b. Contact Printing
is known as 21. The difference between what is seen through the c. Enlarging
a. Cyan viewfinder and what is exactly recorded on the film d. Development
b.Yellow a. View finder
c. Magenta b. Lens 36. This is an overall view from extreme to the other, it
d.Green c. Holder of sensitized material shows where we are, a busy intersection, a far, a
d. Shutter residential area, an airport, a factory, or even at the
8. Which of the following is considered as the primary middle of the jungle.
colors of light? 22. Is used to allow light to enter through the lens and a. Establish shot
a. Cyan, magenta, yellow reach the film for a predetermined interval of time, b. The entrance
b. Blue, red,green which light is again blocked off from the film c. The hallway
c.Green,cyan,magenta a. View finder d. Close up
d. Yellow,blue,red b. Lens
c. Holder of Sensitized material 37.Photography is important especially in investigation
9. There are three kinds of sunlight; these are bright, d. Shutter because…
hazy and dull. A dull sunlight although in open space a. it can provide the family of the victim a souvenir
at daytime cast no ___. 23. It is basically nothing more than a light tight box b. it can record the evidence of a crime
a. Stone with a pinhole or a lens, shutter at the end, and holder c. it can preserve the evidence of the crime
b. Brigthness of sensitized materials at the other d. it can be used by the investigator in his work
c. Shadow a. Camera
d. Dullness b. Pinhole Camera 38.One of the purposes of the overview photograph is
c. Holder of sensitized material to show the scene exactly as it was when you first saw
10.Which of the following does not belong to artificial d. Camera Obscura it. This means that-
light? a. If something was moved before you arrived, you
a. Light stick 24.It determined the field of view of the camera or the should not take its photos because it is useless.
b.Light bulb extent of the coverage of the lens. b. If something was moved before you arrived, don’t
c. Firefly a.View finder try to reconstruct the scene as it was.
d. Flashlight b.Lens c. The photograph should show the scene as you
c.Holder of sensitized materials found it.
11.It deals with the identity and location of the d. Shutter d. B & C
offender and provides evidence of his guilt through
criminal proceedings. 25..A kind of reflex camera that has a detachable lens 39.It should show the location of the other rooms or
a. Photography and mostly used in police photography doors through which we must pass to get to the room
b.Polive Photography a. Press Camera in which the crime was committed.
c. Criminal Investigation b. View Camera a.Establish shot
d. Crime detection c. Single lens reflex Camera b. The entrance
d. Twin Lens Reflex Camera c. The hallway
12.Among the six cardinal points of criminal d. Close up
investigation which determines the modus operandi of 26.The following are factors that affect the developing
the perpetrator? time EXCEPT. 40.A dye coating on the back of the film base which
a. What a.Characteristics of negative material helps prevent light rays from reflecting back through
b. How b. Characteristics of positive material the emulsion.
c. Why c. agitation and stirring during the development a. Halation
d. When d. temperature of the developing solution b.Anti halation backing
c. Fog
13.A camera lucida allows you to _______? 27. The main purpose of using stop bath is for d. Contrast
a. See the image from the box a. separating the chemicals (developer and fixer).
b. Trace images from the wall b. prevent the contamination of two chemicals. 41. It is the degree of difference between the darkest
c. Trace what you see c. halting the developer while it is in the process of tone and the lightest tone in a negative, print, or slide.
d. Project the image developing. a. Halation
d. all of these b. Anti Halation backing
14. All of the following are objectives of criminal c. fog
investigation, except 28. If the result of the chemical processing of film is d. contrast
a. To identify the perpetrator negative, the result of photo paper processing is
b. Discover the offense committed ______. 42.It shows relationships between evidence
a. Long range view d. Fish eye lens 70. The nearest distance at which a lens is focused
b. Medium view with a given particular diaphragm opening
c. Close up view 55. It is a stage of the chemical process in which it is which will give the maximum depth of field.
d. Extreme Close up view being done to reduce the silver halides to form a. Focal length
the image. b. Depth of field
43. The purpose of surveillance photography is to a. Development c. Hyper focal distance
gather pertinent facts or information, or evidence of b. Stop Bath d. Relative Aperture
illegal acts of persons or if a place is being used for c. Fixation
illegal activities. d. Dodging 71. A source of light which is produced by electrical
a.True means and divided into continuous radiation
b. Partially true 56. It is the main fixing agent that dissolves and short duration.
c. False unexposed silver halides. a. Natural Light
d. Partially false a. Acetic Acid b. Electrical Light
44.Have the investigator or a irrelevant expert testify b. Sodium Sulfate c. Sunlight
in court about the surveillance process, the c. Potassium Bromide d. Artificial Light
authenticity of the photographs, and the accuracy of d. Sodium Thiosulfate
the information presented. This statement is: 72. It is usually made of metallic leaves and
a. True 57. It is the process of eliminating unwanted portion located near the lens.
b. Partially true of the negative during the enlarging process. a. Focal Plane shutter
c. False a. Cropping b. Shutter curtain
d. Partially false b. Dodging c. Central shutter
c. Vignette d. Shutter
45.A kind of photo where we use laser beam radiation d. Dye Toning
using laser beam film 73. The distance measured from the nearest to the
a. Surveillance Photography 58. The word Photography was coined by_________? farthest object in apparent sharp focus when
b. Thermo Photography a. John F. W. Herschel the lens is set or focused at a particular
c. Crime Scene Photography b. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre distance.
d .Investigative Photography c. Henry Fox Talbot a. Focal length
d. Leonardo Da Vinci b. Depth of field
46. Photographing the willful and malicious burning of c. Hyper focal distance
property, usually a building or dwelling unit 59. He was the first person to apply the now well- d. Relative Aperture
a. Arson and Questionable fire Photography known terms positive and negative to
b. Aerial Photography photographic images. 74. It is a form of energy that travels at the speed
c. Crime Scene Photography a. John F. W. Herschel of about 186,000 miles per second in air but
d Mugshot Photography b. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre they differ in wavelength and frequency.
c. Henry Fox Talbot a. Heat
47It deals with the study of photographing individual d. Leonardo Da Vinci b. Wavelength
for identification purposes. c. Light
a. Arson and Questionable fire Photography 60. Literally, photograph is defined as drawing with d. Rays
b. Aerial Photography what particular element?
c. Crime Scene Photography a. Light 75. In robbery case involving force upon things,
d Mugshot Photography b. Film which should be closely photographed?
c. Camera a. Weapons used
48. It refers to the application of macro-photography d. Developer b. Victims wounds
so as to produces an enlargement of finger print for c. Entrance and exit
comparison purposes. 61. This film is sensitive to all colors, except red. d. Things stolen
a.Fingerprint Photography a. Orthochromatic film
b. X-ray photography b. Panchromatic film 76. The following are elements of photography
c. Microphotography c. Chromatic film EXCEPT one.
d. Negative Photography d. Apochromatic film a. light
b. camera
49.If the result of the chemical processing of film is 62. Combination of red, green and blue colors? c. action
negative, the result of photo paper processing is a. Magenta d. sensitized material and chemicals
______. b. White
a. Latent image c. Black 77. The following are factors that affecting
b. Clear Image d. Cyan developing time EXCEPT.
c. Positive Image c. characteristics of negative material
d. Negative image 63. What is the average speed of light? d. agitation and stirring during the development
a. 186, 000 ml/s e. characteristic of the positive material
50. The following are factors that affect the developing b. 299, 792, 458 m/s f. temperature of the developing solution
time EXCEPT. c. 186, 000 m/s
a. characteristics of negative material d. 299, 792, 458 ml/s 78. If the result of the chemical processing of film
b. characteristic of the positive material is negative, the result of photo paper
c. agitation and stirring during the development 64. What is the exact speed of light? processing is ______.
d. temperature of the developing solution a. 186, 000 ml/s a. Latent image
b. 299, 792, 458 m/s b. Positive image
51. The distance between the nearest and the farthest c. 186, 000 m/s c. Clear image
object in apparent sharp focus when the lens is d. 299, 792, 458 ml/s d. Negative image
focused at a given point.
a. Angle of view 65. In 1839, Talbot fitted microscope lenses, the best 79. These are the defects of lens except:
b. Focal Length made lenses of the time, to little cameras. His a. Coma
c. Depth of Field wife called them ________ This camera is b. Spherical Aberration
d. Focus measuring only 2.5 inches each side? c. Astigmatism
a. Little cam d. Focal points
52. It is a focal lens not longer than the diagonal b. Spy or miniature camera
half of the negative which is useful in taking c. Mousetraps 80. The higher the F-number, the smaller the
photograph at short distance with wider area d. None of the above _________.
coverage. a. Shutter
a. Normal or Medium Focus b. Film
b. Wide Angle or Short Focus 66. This is expressed in the combined arithmetical c. Aperture
c. Long or Telephoto Lens and logarithmic value. d. Focal length
d. Zoom Lens a. ASA c. DIN
b. ISO d. All of the above
53. The photographer in crime scene investigation
has to get as many photographs as he can. The 67. Chloride Paper has a slow speed and is suited
first shot that he should make just after reaching for contact printing. This statement is:
the crime scene is the house where the crime of A. True c. Partially True
murder was committed to one of its ten rooms. In B. False d. Partially False
getting the façade of the house, what lens should
he utilize? 68. Numbers 3 to ___ are used in under-exposed or
a. Telephoto lens high contrast negatives.
b. Macro lens a. 2 c. 4
c. Normal lens b. 3 d. 5
d. Wide angle lens
69. The invisible image left by the action of light on
54. Plt. Rigor Dimagiba with his team conducted a photographic film. When it processed, the
thorough stakeout of a certain building in Hotel unseen image becomes a visible image, either
Sogo. In order to document all the movements of negative or positive image.
their subjects, they applied the principles of a. Unseen image
photography with the aid of what particular lens b. Positive Image
mechanism? c. Latent Image
a. Wide angle lens d. Negative Image
b. Zoom lens
c. Telephoto lens

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