Double Ppr3 2017

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BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL. Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE ] CANDIDATE NUMBER NUMBER SCIENCE: DOUBLE AWARD 0569/03 Paper3 OctoberiNovember 2017 2 hours: Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required, READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ‘Write your candidate neme, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided at the top of this page. ‘Write in dark blue or black pen. ‘You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working, Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES, 1 ‘Answer all questions. ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Question Paper. 2 ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or 3 ] part question. | You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use 4 appropriate units You may use a calculator. 6 A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 20. 6 7 8 9 10 “4 12 13 14 15 Total 2 This document consists of 20 printed pages. eee 2017 ee 4 2 Fig. 1.1 shows the scales of the beams of a triple beam balance that is used to measure the mass of an aluminium block. 90 19 2 30 40 80 eb g ° 100 200 300 400g (a) Define the term mass. {tl {b) (i) What is the mass of the aluminium block as shown by the scales in Fig. 1.1? mas oft] (ji) Calculate the weight of the block. (g = 10N/kg) weight =... 2] © BEC 2017 os69/03/01N/7 For [Examiner's Use 3 {c) (i) Fig. 1.2 shows two identical cylinders, G and H, placed on top of a bench. G H force F, >| force Fa top of bench Fig. 1.2 F; is the minimum force needed to topple over cylinder G. F; is the minimum force needed to topple over cylinder H. Explain why force F; is larger than Fo. [1] (ii) Cylinder G in Fig. 1.2 topples over. What name is given to the equilibrium state of the cylinder after toppling? [1 Examiners Use © BEC 2017 0s68/03/01N/A7 [Turn over 4 2. Fig. 2.1 shows two identical laboratory thermometers, P and Q, placed at equal distances from a beaker filled with hot water. One side of the beaker is painted black, while the other side is painted white, P Q thermometer ‘thermometer | | | white painted surface ——— black painted surface Fig. 2.4 (a) Name the main method of heat transfer by which heat reaches the bulbs of the thermometers. (] (b) The readings of the thermometers eventually become constant at 60°C. Explain why thermometer Q would reach 60°C first. (2) (c) Suggest a suitable temperature for the water in the beaker at the start of the experiment. Explain your answer. suggestion. explanation. {d) The distance between the lower fixed point and upper fixed point of the thermometers is 100m. Calculate the distance moved by the liquid column when the temperature changes by 35°C. gE distance = om [2] © BEC 2017 0s68/02/01N/17 Examiners Use For ¢ |Exerminer’s ise 3 Fig, 3.1 shows a thin convex lens L, used to form an image I, of an object. The image and the principal focus F are shown in the diagram. u Fig. 3.4 (a) What name is given to the distance between point C and point F? iu] {b) On Fig. 3.1, (i) draw two light rays to locate the position of the object, (2) ) draw and label object O. ia) (c) State two characteristics of the image formed by a convex lens in a projector. es ia) © BEC 2017 0589/09/01N/17 [Tum over 6 For [Examiners Use Fig. 4.1 (a) Name two components of the electromagnetic spectrum that are given out by the bulb when it is switched on. Aca (b) State the name of the electrical quantity represented by: 24OV wsrerene 100W .. (2) (c) Fig. 4.2 (a) and Fig. 4.2 (b) show the prepaid electricity meter readings of a household, before and after energy was bought. Fig. 4.2 (a) before recharging Fig. 4.2 (b) after recharging (i) Calculate the amount of electrical energy that was bought. energy bought kWh [1] © BEC 2017 0569109/0N/17 ror 4 | Examiner's Use (ii) An amount of P61.60 was used to buy the electrical energy. Calculate the cost of 1 kWh of electrical energy. cost 12) Ee) BEC 2017 056903017 [Turn over 5 Fig. 5.1 shows a circuit diagram. 209 4.00 3.02 Fig. 5.4 (a) The voltage drop across the 2.09 resistor is 2.0. Calculate the current through the 2.00 resistor. Show your working. current (b) Calculate (i) the combined resistance of the 2.09 and 4.02 resistors, combined resistance = (ii) the total resistance of the circuit. total resistance = 6 Aradioactive source emits three different types of emission. (a) Name the three types of emission {b) Name one instrument which can be used to detect the types of emission. © BEC 2017 0569/03/01N/I7 (2) at of] (2 {11 For Examiner's ue 9 7 Table 7.1 shows some properties of the elements in group IV of the Periodic Table. Table 7.1 density element g/cm® meting point/*C | type of oxide carbon 2.25 3700 silicon 2.33 1683 acidic germanium 5.35 937 amphoteric tin 7.28 505 amphoteric lead 11.35 601 amphoteric (a) Explain why these elements are placed in group IV. (b) Complete Table 7.1 by stating the type of oxide formed by carbon. (c) Describe the trends of the elements in terms of (i) density, (ii) metting point. (d) Tin, (Sn) reacts with oxygen to form an amphoteric oxide. (i) Which two substances will be formed when the oxide of tin reacts with an acid? 1 (ii) All the elements in Table 7.1 form compounds with hydrogen called hydrides. ‘The saturated hydrides of carbon are alkanes. Predict the formula for the hydride of germanium, (Ge) which contains three atoms of germanium, © BEC 2017 0s6103/01N17 {1 Examiner's Use (1) iu) [2] a [Turn over 10 8 Excess copper(I!) carbonate is added to 25.0cm* of 1.0mol/dm* hydrochloric acid. The equation for the reaction is: CuCO,(s) + 2HChaq) ——> CuCh(aq) + CO.(g) + H,0(!) (a) Explain why the carbonate should be in excess. (b) Calculate the number of moles in 25.0 cm’ of 1.0mol/dm® hydrochloric acid, moles =..... {c) Use the equation and the answer in (b) to calculate the number of moles of copper(II) carbonate that will react with the acid. moles = .. (a) Calculate (i) the relative molecular mass of copper(1I) carbonate, mass = (ii) the mass of copper(II) carbonate that will react with the acid. mass =... © BEC 2017 os69102/01N17 2 (2) {1} [2] For [Examiners Use “1 {e) Hydrochloric acid is formed by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water. Use a ‘dot and cross’ diagram to draw the structure of the ions in hydrochloric acid. ‘Show all the shells in each of the ions. (f) Describe a positive chemical test for water. test... result. © BEC 2017 osesi0a/0ni7 For Examiners (3) (2) [urn over 12 9 Ethanol and pentanol are members of the same homologous series. (a) State the name of the homologous series to which ethanol and pentanol belong. (11 (b) State two characteristics of the homologous series to which ethanol and pentanol belong. 1 2 oa (2) {c) Draw the structural formula of butanol, (2) (d) Ethanol can be produced from the addition reaction of steam with ethene. (i) Write the equation for the reaction of ethene with steam. include state symbols. 2] (li) State two conditions for the reaction in (a)(i). 2a eae ae (2) {e) Name another method that can be used to prepare ethanol, (1 be © BEC 2017 0569703101117 JExeminor's Use For id | Examiner's se 410 Fig. 10.1 shows the electrolysis of aqueous copper(II) sulphate using carbon electrodes. {+--4 carbon electrodes —|—— copper(I) sulphate Fig. 10.4 (a) Write the equation for the reaction occurring at the anode. a (b) State two observations made during the electrolysis. (2) © BEC 2017 0569/03/01N/I7 [Turn over = exenters eo 44. Fig. 11.1(a) shows an animal cell and Fig. 11.1(b) shows a plant cell Fig. 14.4(a) Fig. 11.1(b) (a) Name the parts labelled P and Q Pp Qa (2) {b) A red blood cell is an example of a cell in the mammalian circulatory system. (i) State one way in which a red blood cell is different from other animal cells. [1] (ii) Give an example of one tissue and one organ in the mammalian circulatory system. tissue .... organ ... 17) ke © BEC 2017 0569103101N/17 48 For Examiners Use 12 Fig. 12.1 shows part of the human digestive system. stomach large intestine Fig. 12.4 {a) State the function of the part labelled X. {b) Fig. 12.2 shows a diagrammatic representation of the digestion of starch, OOOO OL OOD OOD + + enzyme U enzyme U Fig 12.2 (i) State the name of enzyme U. {1} (il) What property of enzymes is illustrated in Fig. 12.27 (1) (iii) On Fig. 12.1, identify a region where the process shown in Fig. 12.2 occurs and label it V (1) (c) State one function of the stomach. (1) @BEC 2017 os68/03/01N7 [Turn over 16 (d) Pectinase is an enzyme used to extract juice from fruits. Fig. 12.3 is a graph showing the rate of reaction against temperature for pectinase. rate of reaction J arbitrary units 0 o mM N ° P temperature / °C. Fig 12.3, Table 12.1 shows the volume of juice extracted at different temperatures from equal amounts of fruit. Table 12.4 volume of juice extracted /om? temperature / 10 30 50 60 (i) Use the temperatures M, N, O and P, from the graph, to complete Table 12.1. [2] (ii) Explain why the volume of juice extracted from the fruits was different for the four temperatures M,N, O and P. BEC 2017 0569/03/07 For Examiners Use 47 43. Fig. 13.1 shows the development of a zygote into a foetus. o—8— F zygote Fig. 13.1 (a) (i) Name the process that results in the formation of a zygote. (ii) In which part of the female reproductive system is structure F found? (b) (i) State the name of the structure labelled J. (ii) A pregnant woman was found to have her foetus not growing well and the foetus moving less than expected ‘Suggest how the matfunctioning of structure J may have led to this. BEC 2017 os6s/o0N/17 Examiner's Use ui] [3] [Turn over 18 14 Fig. 14.1 shows a food web for a lake large fish ‘an water beetles | \oa fish f fogs Nwatérfleas tadpoles | insect larvae water plants microscopic plants Fig. 14.1 (a) (i) What is the major source of energy for the food web? tt) Use the food web in Fig. 14.1 to construct a food chain with four trophic levels. (1 (b) Fig. 14.2 shows the changes in population size of some organisms in the lake. } I \ bacteria \ population i size ! plants 1 water animals od 1 ° time Fig. 14.2 (i) A liquid was spilt into the lake at time A. ‘Suggest what might have been contained in this liquid to cause the changes in population size. (1) (ii) Explain the shape of the graphs for the organisms from point A. seve (4 © BEC 2017 0569/03/0)NI17 For Examiner's Use 19 48 (a) (i) Define biotechnology. iO} (ii) State the micro-organisms used in the production of CHIDUKU. .......ssecscccssseescnsssesersnsateesenseseesenneesencaneeerennaessessnassseessnscessanesscanunescenseanesensannees tes madila. (2) (b) Biotechnology is used in the manufacturing of drugs such as antibiotics. State two differences between antibiotics and non-medicinal drugs. 2 sesuvsnevuesesrerretseeeesuterseeuuuenenarsuneeanmmastnentmnseesoneneronsnontesusnsuunetosednesspsndessananersrsinenesomsssnia ‘2 For Examiner's Use FPaxmienion wo reprodoc Vers whee Ta pany owned Male protected by copyright js induded as been sought and deed where possBle Every feasonable alot has Bean mace bythe publisher (BEC) Wo Wace Sopyrgnt rode, but any fers requring clearance have uvithgly been included, the pubiaher wl be pleased to make amonds athe earlest possi opprtunty BEC 2017 0568/09/01N/17 20 “(d71) eunssaud pue eunjeaduray woo! 7e gtup yz 81 SEB Aue yo af0w BuO Jo auINjOA YL, mea | ee | ste | and | amen? | aes? | epee? | anne | nent | mend” | man” | crue” | umenait | ena? | atime mere word = 9 « yo) 4a | wo | uy | ng a uu veauteouceex| x | kei amas 7 =| senuauoyanmn

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