Vlsi Paper
Vlsi Paper
Vlsi Paper
using both rising and falling edges, another topology utilizes only
rising or falling edges. Since this topology can remove the limitation
of implementation, it expands the application of the proposed
Fig. 12 shows the conceptual image of another topology of the
proposed CMOS PWM transceiver using self-referenced edge detection. It is well
known that the timing jitter can be expressed as the
accumulation of the period jitter [11]. By applying this characteristic
to the PWM, PWM edges can be expressed by the accumulation of
the period. For instance, when the previous bit is 0 and the period,
M−M+, is 00, the current data become 1, as shown in the bottom
part of Fig. 12.
B. Compatibility With Spread Spectrum Clocking
Since the proposed technique detects edge within the same clock
cycle, it has good compatibility with the spread spectrum clocking
technique [12]. The conventional techniques with PLL or DLL
[1]–[3] have difficulty in recovering clock signal when the both
rising and falling edges are modulated. On the other hand, the
proposed technique can achieve edge detection because it utilizes
intracycle clock edges. Therefore, the proposed technique has better
compatibility with the spread spectrum clocking technique by
comparing with the conventional techniques.
C. Dynamic Range of the Proposed Transceiver
This section provides analysis on dynamic range of the proposed
CMOS PWM transceiver using self-referenced edge detection. In this
brief, we implemented 3.2-μm on-chip interconnect as a communication channel and
employed 1.6-ps jitter carrier clock to check
the function of the proposed transceiver. By measuring the test
chip fabricated in 65-nm CMOS technology, the proposed technique
found to be feasible under 3.2-μm on-chip interconnect with 1.6-ps
carrier clock. However, more realistic communication channel and
carrier clock signal have to be considered for making the proposed
transceiver practical for commercial applications.
At first, dynamic range for length of communication channel is
analyzed. The dynamic range for jitter measurement is determined
by combination of T and T in Fig. 4. To measure the timing
jitter for guaranteeing BER of less than 10−12, probability density
function in 3σ of the timing jitter has to be measured [6]. Thus,
2T (jitter measurement range is from −2T to 2T ) must be
designed to be greater than 3σ . The literature of the communication
channel model [13] indicates that the additional jitter is approximately
8 ps when considering 12-in interconnect. Thus, jitter is increased
from 1.6 to 9.6 ps by enlarging interconnect. Since BER of less
than 10−12 requires that T must be greater than approximately
1.5σ , T must be 14.4 ps. In the 2-bit PWM, maximum clock
frequency is determined by inverse of 8T . Therefore, the proposed technique can
maintain the data rate of 8.68 Gb/s for guaranteeing BER of less than 10−12 even
when considering 12-in
Second, the dynamic range for data rate is analyzed. The proposed
technique exploits the fixed T , as shown in Fig. 3. The test
chip embedded T of 15 ps for 2-bit PWM. The maximum clock
frequency is 8.33 GHz, and the maximum data rate is 16.66 Gb/s.
In this brief, we have implemented the fixed T and T to check
the function of the proposed technique. However, if the redundancy
in T and T in Fig. 4 is implemented, the proposed technique can
apply to various data rate and communication channel. For example,
when implementing M kinds of the T , M kinds of the data rate can
be feasible.
A CMOS PWM transceiver circuit using the self-referenced
edge detection technique has been demonstrated for the first time.
By comparing the self-delayed rising edge and modulated falling
edge, edge detection was realized. This edge detection enables
area-efficient and high-robustness for PWM communication without
exploiting PLLs. The data-rate optimization and ECC with interstage edge detection
was introduced. Test chip was fabricated in
65-nm CMOS. The measured results have demonstrated 2-bit PWM
communication, high data rate (3.2 Gb/s), and high reliability
(BER < 10−12) with small area occupation (540 μm2).