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Digital Transformation:

From AI and IoT to Cloud,

Blockchain, and Cybersecurity

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Five technologies are

redefining both the

ways in which we
update our products
and the types of
opportunities that exist
in the market
Dr. Abel Sanchez

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
03 Technology Today

04 Why Elevate your Digital Strategy?

05 The Relevance of The Digital Transformation

06 About this Course

07 Key Takeaways

08 Participant Profile

09 Instructors

13 Course Outline

15 Certificate of Completion

17 About MIT Professional Education

18 Corporate Courses

19 The Beyond Online Methodology

20 Benefits of Joining the Alumni Community

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity

The digital economy is immersed in a To remain at the forefront of this
rapid evolution that affects every aspect change, the leaders of the future must
of our lives, and this is only the focus their projects on two fundamental
beginning of an accelerating pillars:

The situation has carried professionals

to a position with a lack of answers,

1 Staying ahead of the competition
which creates difficulties in maintaining
updates and leading change in

2 Taking advantage of new

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Why Elevate

Your Digital


In 2019, the businesses with
the most digital development
were 64% more likely to
achieve their main

commercial objectives of
Source: Adobe & Econsultancy

of organizations reported a

positive business impact

and a greater profits due to
digital transformation

Source: Deloitte

of executives agree that

organizations need to drastically
redesign the experiences that
unite technology and people in
more human-centered ways.
Source: Accenture

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
The Relevance of

The Digital

Blockchain, the cloud, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and cybersecurity. These
are the five vanguard technologies that are revolutionizing the way business works and
changing key aspects of our society. Understanding and utilizing these technologies allows
professionals from all sectors to not only guide their organizations through these changes,

but to use them to their advantage.

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity

this Course

The course Digital Transformation: From AI Participants will become familiar with the
and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain, and technologies that are currently opening the
Cybersecurity analyzes the history of these doors to the digital transformation, guided
innovative technologies and prepares by two MIT professors and leaders in the
participants to successfully and practically field.
take on the digital transformation.

1 Understanding technologies

2 Implementing them in the

professional sphere

8 weeks 8-10 hours a week Online

rom AI and IoT to loud, lockchain and ybersecurity
Key Takeaways

This course helps participants become leaders in the grand strategic shift that faces

organizations in virtually every industry.

At the end of this course, you will develop the following skills:

01 Familiarize yourself with intelligent
04 Participate in the debate regarding

transactions and contracts via potential uses of the Internet of Things

Ethereum. (IoT) applied to the business field.

02 Understand the architecture of the

05 Discover of the long transformative

cloud and deep knowledge of GitHub in legacy that artificial intelligence is

order to gain the maximum benefits of

leaving on industry and education.

Digital Transformation: F
your platforms and tools.
06 Analyze access to your private

03 Put into practice the acquired

data during web navigation with the

knowledge to create a WebSocket chat

knowledge of detection and defense

application. against the main threats against


nline ourse: C

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Participant Profile
This course is directed toward those who want to become certified professionals in the
grand global phenomenon of digital transformation in business. The careers which will
benefit most from the knowledge and skills gained in this course are:

Technical professionals who want to understand and participate in digital transformation

processes in their departments.

CEOs, managers, and other directors who lead organizations and teams whose
responsibilities lie where business and technology intersect.

Other technical profiles who are interested in the fundamentals and the potential of these
new technologies.

All professionals who want to spearhead new projects and introduce further innovations
within their organizations.

There are no prerequisites to complete this course, however it is recommended to have a

general understanding of the digital technologies entailed.


Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Dr. Sanchez directed simulation of the U.S.
critical infrastructure with the National
Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis
Center (NISAC).ia.

In data science, early work included supply

chain information engineering, analytics,
simulation, and visualization with Wal-Mart,
Kraft, and SAP. Dr. Sanchez extended his
work to global anti-counterfeiting efforts
with Johnson & Johnson, SAP, and Altria.
Helping Altria scale track-and-trace using
the Electronic Product Code Information
Services standard from RFID. The work
produced a global infrastructure used by
industry and government to this day.

Dr. Abel Sanchez

In enterprise computing, Dr. Sanchez led

the design of a global data infrastructure
Executive Director of MIT’s Geospatial Data Center, simulator, modeling follow-the-sun
Research Scientist; Center for Complex Engineering
Systems, Sociotechnical Systems Research Center, under
engineering, to evaluate the impact of
the Schwarzman School of Computer Science. competing architectures on the
performance, availability and reliability of
the system for Ford Motor Company. The
Dr. Sanchez holds a Ph.D. from the simulator modeled user actions,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). applications, background processes,
He is the Executive Director of MIT's network load, servers, storage, and global
Geospatial Data Center (GDC). His areas of data centers. The work identified data
specialty include the Internet of Things (IOT), center reductions opportunities estimated
Big Data, Cybersecurity, and Digital at a billion dollars in savings.

Innovation. He teaches graduate courses in

Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Innovation. In cyber security, Dr. Sanchez directed
For the past eight years his research has impact analysis of large-scale cyber-attacks
focused on architecting large-scale designing Cyber Ranges for the Department
of Defense (DOD). Conducting repeatable
experiments in impact analysis and the
In IOT, Dr. Sanchez led the global network ability to model the cyber environment in a
architecture for the Internet of Things at MIT. highly portable fashion. Looking at the
The design addresses large-scale insider threat Dr. Sanchez led the DOD
computation. Compared to the largest security study on Enterprise Resource
numbers in the world, 2 billion computers, 7 Planning systems across the United States
billion phones, and 7 billion people, IOT is Armed Forces.

orders of magnitude bigger. In similar work,

In password security, Dr. Sanchez led the design of a password firewall (negative
authentication) for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) agency.

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
The Negative Filtering or Negative Authentication (NA) approach utilizes a form of
complement profiles which resembles the censoring and maturation process of T- cells in
the immune system.

In machine learning, addressing financial fraud, Dr. Sanchez designed a situational

awareness framework that exploits different perspectives of the same financial data and
assigns risk scores to entities (e.g. payment documents) to improve false positive ratios and
assist the identification of fraudulent activity in huge and unlabeled financial data in
collaboration with Accenture.

In physical security, Dr. Sanchez is developing algorithms to assess risk in the integration of
information technology (IT) and operations technology (OT).

Dr. Sanchez is the founder and Chief Software Architect of the Open Source RFID platform
project. Dr. Sanchez' software systems are used by Samsung, NEC, NTT, Hitachi, Motorola,
SAP, IBM, and Microsoft. Other software initiatives are in use by Sandia National
Laboratories, MIT, and by several organizations in East Asia and Europe.

Dr. Sanchez advises companies in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

“We cannot bet on the artificial intelligence, or the human being

separate. We must get the fusion of both.”

c MIT Geospatial Data Center (GDCW
c MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRCW
c MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSSW
c MIT Center for Complex Engineering Systems (CCESW
c MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSEW
c MIT Consortium for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (IC3W
c MIT Schwarzman School of Computer Science\
c MIT AutoID Laboratory

Areas of Interest and Expertise]

c Machine Learninœ
c Cyber/Physical Securitš
c Enterprise Computinœ
c Data Sciencƒ

Courses Taught with MIT Professional Education ]

c Applied Generative AI for Digital Transformatioç
c Blockchain: Disruptive Technologš
c Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformatioç
c Data Leadership: Transforming the Corporation´s Operations, Management, and
Mindset to Leverage Data, AI, and Cloud Computinœ
c Digital Transformation: From AI and IOT to Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
He contributed to the 2013 report for the
UK Office for Science Foresight Project- The
Future of Manufacturing. Alongside Bill
Gates and Larry Ellison, he was named as
one of the 50 most powerful people in
Computer Networks. He consults to
companies including Accenture,
Schlumberger, Shell, Total, Exxon, SAP
Research, Microsoft Research, Kajima Corp,
US Lincoln Laboratory, Sandia National
Laboratories, US Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity, Motorola, Phillip-
Morris Inc., Ford Motor Company, Exxon-
Mobil, Shell, Total, and ARAMCO.  

His international collaborations include

Prof. John R. Williams

Oxford and Cambridge Universities, HKUST,

KACST, Alfaisal University, PolyU Hong
Professor of Information Engineering, Civil and Kong, Imperial College of Science and
Environmental Engineering and Director of MIT Geospatial Technology UK, Malaysia University of
Data Center, and a faculty member in the Center for Science and Technology (MUST), and
Computational Science and Engineering part of the
Schwarzman School of Computer Science.
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
Abu Dhabi. He organized the first Cyber-
Physical Security Conference in the UK
John Williams holds a BA in Physics from (2011) and along with Dr. Sanchez, he runs
Oxford University, a MS in Physics from the MIT Applied Cyber Security Professional
UCLA, and a Ph.D. in Numerical Methods Education summer course. At MIT he
from University of Wales, Swansea. His teaches courses Architecting Software
research focuses on the application of Systems (MIT 1.125) and Engineering
Exascale computation to problems in cyber- Computation and Data Science (MIT
physical systems, security and energy. His 1.00/1.001). 

work on fault-tolerant computing using

container migration won the IEEE, High In data engineering and data science, early
Performance Extreme Computing work included simulation of Ford's global
Conference award for Best Innovation in network, analysis of SAP smart grid billing
2019. He is director of MIT’s Geospatial Data system. For Altria, he analyzed the
Center and from 2006-2012, was Director of performance of item level tagging and also
the MIT Auto-ID Laboratory, where the their implementation of an anti-
Internet of Things was invented.
counterfeiting system using the Electronic
Product Code (EPC).
He is author or co-author of over 250 journal
and conference papers, as well as the books
on Rock Mechanics and RFID Technology.

In password security, Dr Williams was PI that developed the algorithms for a negative

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
password authentication system for the Intelligence Advanced esearch Pro ects Activity
R j

(IA PA agency
R ) .

Dr Williams advises companies in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia
. .

“Once you climb that first mountain of knowledge, you will be able
to teach yourself many things.”

p MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerinr
p MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSEj
p MIT Schwarzman School of Computer Sciencee
p MIT Geospatial Data Center (GDCj
p MIT Auto-ID LaboratorK
p MIT Center for Complex Engineering Systems (CCESj
p MIT Consortium for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (IC3j
p MIT System Design and Management Program

Areas of Interest and Expertisec

p Information Technology
p Cyber/Physical SecuritK
p Web-Based Education TechnologK
p Large Scale Network Simulatio˜
p GeoNumerics of Granular and Powder Systemš
p Modern Software Architecting and Cyber SecuritK
p Web Services and Distributed Computinr
p Discrete Element Simulation and Analysis of Discontinua

Courses Taught with MIT Professional Education c

p Applied Generative AI for Digital Transformatio˜
p Blockchain: Disruptive TechnologK
p Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformatio˜
p Data Leadership: Transforming the Corporation´s Operations, Management, and
Mindset to Leverage Data, AI, and Cloud Computinr
p Digital Transformation: From AI and IOT to Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity

Module 1
Module 3

Blockchain: Introduction and Cloud


D ,0 Introduction to Cloud F
,0 Introduction to Blockchain F "0 Introduction to Cloud Services F
"0 The Evolution of the Internet and the 0 Everything as a Service (XaaS) F
Emergence of Blockchain F $0 Programmable Virtual Machines F
0 Key Concepts of Blockchain F 0 Containers F
$0 Smart Contracts: Introduction and 0 Microservices F
Evolution F 0 Serverless Models
0 Blockchain and the Challenge of
Poverty F Module 4

0 Identity F
DArtificial Intelligence

0 Initial Coin Offering (ICO) F

,0 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence F
0 Decentralized Autonomous
"0 Artificial Intelligence F
Organizations F
0 Language Translation F
0 Autonomous Cities F
$0 Machine Evolution F
,0 Blockchain Applications: Architecture F
0 Disruptions in the Business World F
,,0 Digital Cats and Analog Cows F
0 Augmented Reality F
,"0 Conclusions
0 Managing Data with Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning F
Module 2

0 Machine Learning F
D Concepts of Blockchain
0 Building Capabilities: Data and the
,0 History of Money and Transactions F Data Science Team
"0 Technological Context and Drivers of
Change F
0 Challenges: System Coordination and
Security F
$0 The Architecture of Blockchain F
0 Blockchain Operations F
0 Smart Contracts F
0 New Horizons

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Module 5
Module 6

The Internet of Thing, Cybesecurity

%2 Introduction to the Internet of Things %2 Cybersecurity Today !
(IoT) ! 2 The Professionalization of
2 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ! Cyberattacks !
2 Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, 2 Passwords and Cybersecurity !
Alphabet, and Google (FAANG) ! 2 Browser Privacy !
2 Cybersecurity ! 2 Visualize the Threat !
2 Web 4.0 ! 2 IoT and Cybersecurity !
2 Protocols ! 2 Common Security Failures !
2 The Attack on Ukraine’s Power Grid @2 Finding People Trained in
and the IoT ! Cybersecurity !
@2 Conclusions M2 Some Final Comments About


Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Certificate of Completion
All participants who successfully complete In order to obtain CEUs, participants must

Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to complete a required CEU accreditation

Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity will form. CEUs are calculated based on the

receive an MIT Professional Education number of learning hours in each course.

Certificate of Completion.

*The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as 10 contact hours of ongoing learning to indicate the
amount of time they have devoted to a non-credit/non-degree professional development program. To
understand whether or not these CEUs may be applied toward professional certification, licensing
requirements, or other required training or continuing education hours, please consult your training
department or licensing authority directly.

Welcome to

the gateway
to MIT knowledge

and expertise for


around the world.

Participants from

155 countries

More than 1,600

online activities

92% of Professional

Alumni rated

their experience

as outstanding
About MIT

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
MIT Professional Education
fosters the development of
Professional innovative leaders
Education equipped to address
complex problems globally

MIT Professional Education provides MIT Professional Education is central to

continuing education courses and lifelong MIT’s vision. It fulfills the mandate to
learning opportunities for science, connect practitioner-oriented education with
engineering, and technology professionals at industry and incorporate industry feedback
all levels, from around the world. Worthy of and knowledge into MIT education and
note is that MIT professors and lecturers research.

lead and teach all MIT Professional

Education offerings. Some of our programs The Institute is committed to generating,
have a long history. Others are relatively disseminating, and preserving knowledge

while working with others to apply this

knowledge for the benefit of humankind.
Our Digital Plus Programs go beyond
online, blending innovative content delivered
using the best of online technology and
traditional classroom instruction in a flexible,
collaborative learning environment.

Bhaskar Pant
Executive Director of MIT Professional Education

“MIT Professional Education's goal is to make

education accessible to everyone everywhere. We
welcome everyone who wants to advance in their
career or grow their business to unite and be part of
the MIT Professional Education all-inclusive


Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
At MIT Professional Education, we are committed to accompanying organizations as they
aspire to provide their professionals with the ongoing education critical for success in
today’s competitive environment. That’s why we offer plans for companies who wish to
train their professionals with us.

Which program
best suits your
1 Standard Program:

Teams or groups of at least 10 people will

obtain special conditions in their registration
for any of our programs.

2 Custom Programs:

Custom-made to meet the specific needs of

each organization and its professionals.

3 Private Cohorts:

Available in Open Enrollment courses with a

minimum of participants.

For more information on our Programs for Organizations,

please contact us at:

The Beyond Online

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
MIT Professional Education is You will have access to one of the most
revolutionizing the digital learning innovative e-learning platforms that utilizes
experience. In fact, we are no longer talking the latest technology.You will also have an
about online-only, but rather an interactive opportunity to meet and work with some of
and collaborative learning experience that’s the world’s leading subject matter experts in
digitally powered: a Beyond Online their respective fields.

With MIT Professional Education, you’ll have an opportunity to:

Í Attend select live webinars Í Fulfill your reskilling and

with MIT InstructorsÈ upskilling needs in this fast-
changing environmentÈ
Í Collaborate and engage with
world-renowned MIT Í Master the technical and
InstructorsÈ human skills necessary for
effective leadershipÈ
Í Learn from expert learning
facilitators, guest speakers, Í Meet and network with other
and subject matter experts program participants from all
from industriesÈ around the world.

Í Weekly live webinars from

learning facilitators.

Clara Piloto
Director of Global Programs at MIT Professional Education

“We are currently amid Digital Transformation and

Industry 4.0. It is now necessary to understand AI, IoT,

cloud, blockchain, and cybersecurity to maintain a

competitive edge professionally. Leverage the digital

transformation to spark innovation and growth in your

organization and in your profession.”

Benefits of Joining the

Online Course: Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Alumni Community
MIT Professional Education offers a number of benefits for
participants who successfully complete our courses:

1 15% discount for MIT Professional

Education online courses and short-
duration, in-person programs.

2 Continued access to the virtual campus for

six months after completion of the course.

3 Exclusive announcements of new courses,

programs, and events through our virtual
Alumni Campus: Professional Network.

4 Invitation to the MIT Professional Education

Alumni LinkedIn group.

5 Networking opportunities with other MIT

Professional Education Alumni.


Are you ready

to take charge

of the latest


Frequently Asked Questions For more information, please contact us:

USA: +1 617 982 1343
Europe: +34 660 558 464

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