The document provides a schedule for semester exams including the exam dates, subjects, exam times and assigned exam rooms for each class. It also includes a table assigning exam rooms and the classes that will use each room.
The document provides a schedule for semester exams including the exam dates, subjects, exam times and assigned exam rooms for each class. It also includes a table assigning exam rooms and the classes that will use each room.
The document provides a schedule for semester exams including the exam dates, subjects, exam times and assigned exam rooms for each class. It also includes a table assigning exam rooms and the classes that will use each room.
The document provides a schedule for semester exams including the exam dates, subjects, exam times and assigned exam rooms for each class. It also includes a table assigning exam rooms and the classes that will use each room.
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Jadwal Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil
Hari Bid Waktu Ruang Beruji/Pengawas
Tanggal Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Senin IPS 08.00-09.30 MT AS ML AL MD DS SL ES DE RB RS VS BR DA DO AD IR DM HS RT 4 Des 2023 09.30-10.00 Istrahat Agama 10.00-11.00 MK FP JH VR MS MT AS ML AL MD DS SL ES DE RB RS VS BR DA DO Selasa Matematika 08.00-09.30 AD IR DM HS RT MK FP JH VR MS MT AS ML AL MD DS SL ES DE RB 5 Des 2023 09.30-10.00 Istrahat Seni Budaya 10.00-11.00 RS VS BR DA DO AD IR DM HS RT MK FP JH VR MS MT AS ML AL MD Rabu IPA 08.00-09.30 DS SL ES DE RB RS VS BR DA KS AD IR DM HS RT MK FP JH VR MS 6 Des 2023 09.30-10.00 Istrahat PJOK 10.00-11.00 MT AS ML AL MD DS SL ES DE RB RS VS BR DA KS AD IR DM HS RT Kamis B.Indonesia 08.00-09.30 MK FP JH VR MS MT AS ML AL MD DS SL ES DE RB RS VS BR DA KS 7 Des 2023 09.30-10.00 Istrahat PKN 10.00-11.00 AD IR DM HS RT MK FP JH VR MS MT AS ML AL MD DS SL ES DE RB Jumat B.Inggris 08.00-09.30 RS VS BR DA KS AD IR DM HS RT MK FP JH VR MS MT AS ML AL MD 8 Des 2023 09.30-10.00 Istrahat TIK/Prky 10.00-11.00 DS SL ES DE RB RS VS BR DA KS AD IR DM HS RT MK FP JH VR MS Pembagian Ruang Beruji